All updates and news on the Atari Web pages goes in here. Previews of whats
to come soon are included and new items or updates to the pages are listed
according to date with the most recent being first. Most updates contain links
to the new material for instant access.
Other things to be found in here are the number of accesses to the Atari pages.
At the moment this is not supported.
This now concludes the Miscellaneous section. Now onto the Other Pages. These
pages are specific to a particular machine, or collection of machines. These
are going to go through some major changes and you can expect a fair number of
changes to be made to these in the next month or so.
Falcon Page
~~~~~~ ~~~~
This will contain information and files relevant to the Atari Falcon, currently
this page is divided into the following areas:
News and Previews
~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~
In here expect to see any news or previews that come my way, whether they be
small descriptions or full features with pictures. At the moment there is:
- Pinball Dreams and Llama Zap News.
- Apex News. This contains some information I got on Apex Media for the Falcon
when I spoke to Douglas Little on the phone a few weeks back. Not very
detailed unfortunately, but I'm waiting on my copy of Apex to give a full
review so expect that to be rectified soon.
- Dextrous News. Small description of some of the features of Dextrous with a
picture. Only at an early stage of development, if I hear more it will go in
- Towers II : Plight of the Stargazer. Pictures and description of this great
looking Falcon only sequel to Towers. Expect the demo soon.
- Towers II : Plight of the Stargazer Update! The latest news on developments.
U Newsletters from HENSA on Falcon section of archive.
Miscellaneous information on the Falcon, including:
U Falcon Demo FAQ. List of Demos for the Falcon, including some form of
information on each.
- Compatibility list of games with Falcon.
- Compatibility list of applications with Falcon.
- Falcon Specifications and Information compiled by Rod McCall.
New Software
~~~ ~~~~~~~~
The latest Falcon/enhanced software available for download. Major revisions to
be done with updates here. All files now list there size so you can see how large they are before downloading. At the moment the following software is
included, with more to come:
**Apex Media Demo (Demo version of the animation and art package for the Falcon)
**Towers II (Shareware game)
- Super Bomber Man (freeware)
- Play MPEG v0.70 by M.D.Griffths (shareware)
U Speed of Light v3.8 (shareware picture viewer)
- Scape a planetary landsacpe generator.
- Digital Tracker demo of commercial version.
- Obsession 1 level demo.
U FOG issue 8 diskmagazine for Falcon.
Other software worth having
~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~
Software worth using on the Falcon.
- Backward v2.52. For compatibility with the ST. Please send any versions
which are newer than this.
- MultiBlow. Configurable overscan utility.
- Starball. Excellent pinball game (Falcon enhanced).
- Berzerk. Excellent version of Berzerk (Faster on Falcon).
- FOG issue 7 diskmagazine for Falcon.
- FOG issue 6 diskmagazine for Falcon.
Atari ST/STE/TT/Mega STE Page
~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
This will contain information and files relevant to all the above mentioned
Atari formats, currently this page is divided into the following areas:
In here expect to see any news or previews that come my way, whether they are
small descriptions or full features with pictures. At the moment there is:
U Newsletters from HENSA on TOS section of archive.
New Software
~~~ ~~~~~~~~
The latest (most recent versions) software available for download. Major
revisions to be done with updates. All files now list there size so you can see
how large they are before downloading. At the moment the following software is
included, with lots more to come:
U Speed of Light v3.8 (shareware picture viewer).
- ST Zip v2.6. Latest version of ST Zip.
- Obsession demo. 1 level of this great pinball game.
Other Software worth having
~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~
Software worth having on the Atari.
- Utopus. Two player shootem' up (STE only).
- Ozone. Good platform/puzzler.
- Starball. Excellent pinball game.
- Berzerk. Excellent version of Berzerk.
Lynx Page
~~~~ ~~~~
All the latest news and reviews on the lynx, along with cheats, etc. This page
is divided in to the following areas:
News on the Lynx and related material. At the moment there is:
- Lynx Summer Steal Deal Extended to the Fall. News of price reductions for a
limited period.
Reviews for just about every Lynx game ever released will appear in here. All
reviews are by Robert Jung. At the moment the following reviews are included:
APB Awesome Golf Baseball Heroes
Batman Returns Basket Brawl Bill and Ted's
BlockOut BattleWheels Blue Lightning
California Games Checkered Flag Chip's Challenge
Crystal Mines II Dino Olympics Dirty Larry:Renegade Cop
Dracula the Undead Double Dragon Desert Strike
Electro Cop European Soccer Chal. Ultimate Chess Chal.
Gauntlet:3rd Encounter Gordo 106 Hard Driven'
Hockey Hydra Ishido : Way of Stones
Jimmy Conners' Tennis Joust Klax
Kungfood Lemmings Lynx Casino
Malibu Bikini Volleyball Ms.Pac-Man
NFL Football Ninja Gaiden
Ninja Gaiden III : The Ancient Shop of Doom
Other Lynx Stuff
~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~
Other items of interest to Lynx owners. At the moment there is the following:
U Lynx FAQ
- Lynx Tips and Tricks
New Software Anouncement
~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Currently empty.
Jaguar Page
~~~~~~ ~~~~
All the latest news and reviews on the lynx, along with cheats, etc. This page
is divided in to the following areas:
News and Previews
~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~
All the latest news and preview information I can find related to the Jaguar.
**ECTS News
**Hyper Image page linked to (Makers of Jaguar game Hover Hunter).
- Jaguar CD Specifications
- Rebellion Development News
- Sinister Developments News
- Sensible Soccer News
U Coming Soon!
- Hand Made Software News
A collection of reviews from different sources, hopefully I will be contributing
more to this section myself. This page has been re-formatted thanks to
Holger Kipp. Reviews so far include:
Aliens vs Predator - by Eric S.Boltz
Aliens vs Predator - by Robert Jung
Brutal Sports Football - by Randy
** Bubsy Bobcat (in
Fractured Furry Tales) - by Robert Jung
Checkered Flag - by Robert Jung
** Cannon Fodder - by Holger Kipp
Cybermorph - by Robert Jung
** Doom - by Robert Jung
Dragon: The Bruce Lee
Story - by ?????
** Iron Soldier - by Robert Jung
** Iron Soldier - by Holger Kipp
Raiden - by Robert Jung
** Syndicate - by Holger Kipp
Tempest 2000 - by Robert Jung
** Theme Park - by Holger Kipp
** Theme Park - by Robert Jung
Trevor McFur in Cresent
Galaxy - Jer Howitz
** Val d'Isere Skiing and
Snowboarding - by Robert Jung
Wolfenstein 3D - by Robert Jung
** Wolfenstein 3D - by ?????
There are many more reviews to come.
Other Jaguar Stuff
~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Miscellaneous information on the Jaguar. Information included presently is:
U Jaguar FAQ
- Raiden Tips
- Jaguar Game Cheats
- Kasumi Ninja FAQ
- Ultra Vortex FAQ update for Jaguar
**50/60 Hz, games adjusting to resolutions list
**Jaguar Game Cheats
**More Raiden Tips
**Kasumi Ninja Moves List
Other Jaguar Pages
~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~
Other pages specific to the Jaguar included in here. Currently there is:
- Atari Jaguar Homepage by Christian Svensson
There are others that will be included, some containing more recent news, but
the one above is the most organised and intuitive one I've came across.
8 Bit Atari Page by Ivo van Poorten
~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~
Not maintained by me these pages cover the 8 bit formats of Atari machines and
are very comprehensive. Nearly everything you could hope to find is contained
within these pages.
What to expect in the future
~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~
Some structural changes are likely to appear in the next months. I have
introduced an announcements page where you can tell the World of anything you
have to announce. Please send news of updates to your programs, Atari stuff
for sale, and any other Atari announcements here (NOTE : Commercial companies
should send information on products to be included in here and in the news
Also coming soon will be a monthly editorial. In this I will try and sum up the
month past and to give my opinions on how I saw things for Atari at that time.
Hopefully I will be able to look back over many good developments in my pages
and summarise them as they happened.
There is an outside possibility of starting a programmers and/or MIDI section in
these pages but this is as yet undecided. I will judge whether or not to do
this based on the kind of response I have. I do not want to repeat any of the
good work done in these fields however by other Web page writers such as
Christer Gustavsson (Where is the response for these pages?)
More support is needed for the questions and answers pages, although initially
successfull people just stopped posting their questions. Although the odd one
is still coming and answers are still forthcoming. Please support this, it is
of benefit to anyone who uses it.
The Jaguar section should have a lot more news, pictures and reviews in the
future. I have tracked down a fair bit of news and am in contact with a few
companies now and hope to get news from them on there products.
Both the ST and Falcon sections should contain much more news in the future,
along with more of the best PD/Shareware, and PD/Shareware reviews. I should
have several demos hopefully in the near future for games coming out on these
The Lynx section is to continue to get reviews and I will update the news as and
when I get it. Sorry about the lack of updates recently, more to come.
Expect more links to Atari related pages in the future. There will be more
newsletters, documents, updates to the FAQ's.
Expect further reviews from Andy and Frank, along with myself (watch out for
the Apex Media review). Hopefully I can include more screenshots, and do a few
program tutorials. Nick Peers of ST Format and Holger Kipp have offered to
support these pages with contributions in the future.
Please write with your ideas, critisms, comments, submissions (software, news, reviews, questions, etc), to me and don't forget that I am now the official main
tainer of the Atari FTP list originally by Hallvard Tangeraas. All updates to this list should now be sent to me.
Thank you and see you with the updates to these pages next month!