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What magazines are available for the Atari ST?
The information here is preliminary. If you've got updates, mini-reviews,
or more information on other magazines, please send them to me via e-mail.
As always, WRITE to a company before sending them money for a subscription.
US mags:
AtariUser, published by Quill Publishing Company
Cover Price: US $1.00 Canada $1.45 UK 1.50 (AtariUser is available for free
[$8.00/50 magazine shipping charge] from participating computer dealers,
bookstores & user groups!)
Subcription Rate: $21.30 US Bulkrate, $41.30 US First Class.
Address: AtariUser, 113 W. College Street, Covina, CA 91723 USA
Current Notes, published by Current Notes Inc.
Cover Price: US $3.95
Subscription Rate: $27.00/year (Atari clubs registered with Current Notes may
subscribe at $23.00/year) US, $35.00/year (Canadian club members at $31/year)
Canadian, Foreign rate $44/year.
Address: Current Notes Inc., 122 N. Johnson Rd., Sterling, VA 22170 USA
Atari Interface:
Write for a free sample copy of the Atari Interface magazine
(Unicorn Publications, 3487 Braeburn Circle, Ann Arbor, MI 48108)
AIM is soon to be available in Canada, Europe and Mexico, and should be in
all local WaldenSoftware stores and many bookstores. If your "local"
Atari dealer doesn't have it, he should be able to get it for you...
UK Mags:
ST Applications:
formerly the ST Club Newsletter, this is now the only
non-games mag in the UK (although see ST World below). Approx. 4,500
copies per issue sold. News, reviews, interviews, tech tips, general
forum, programmers' forum, PD catalogue. DTP'd on an ST. Retains a
'user-driven' feel. Recommended. The associated ST Club runs a PD
distribution service and distributes a couple of commercial programs too
(Fontkit Plus, UIS III, Molgraph, CRL Virus Killer, etc.).
Subscription costs: UK - 15 pounds; Europe - 18 pounds (Air Mail);
worldwide - 28 pounds (Air Mail)
Address: ST Club, 49 Stoney Street, Nottingham, NG1 1LX ENGLAND
ST World:
formerly the leading UK non-games mag. Became a quarterly
'buyer's guide' in Autumn 90. Now, allegedly, about to be revived as a
monthly (under the stewardship of Jean Gollner, mother of ex-editor
Hugh) in the wake of Atari UK's new push into the 'serious' market.
ST Format:
all-purpose 150-page monthly, mainly aimed at young people.
Lively, but of uneven quality. Big leisure section, but other areas
covered too. Includes cover disk - mix of games demos and (usually out
of date) PD utilities. Probably the biggest-selling UK ST mag. Has had
several public rows with Atari UK.
Atari ST User:
like ST Format. Generally (amongst online users) thought
to be not quite as good.
ST Action:
games, games and more games. And games.
There are ST sections in New Computer Express (weekly), Computer Shopper
(monthly) and some general-purpose games mags whose names I forget.
There are also, I think, some MIDI mags with strong ST content. I don't
have their names.
German Mags:
Atari PD Journal:
Reviewed in the May '91 issue of Current Notes [from which I'm cribbing this
information, DP-Z]. Hardware and Software reviews, some commercial software
reviewed. Typical issue runs around 90 pages. Special "Katalog" section.
Subscription: DM 70 (normal mail), DM 100 (air mail). Prices may be for
domestic distribution -- write first!
Address: Heim Verlag, PD Abonnement, Heidleberger Landstrasse 194, 6100
Darmstadt 13 GERMANY
ST-Magazin (formerly 68000er):
(monthly) Typical issue: around 150 pages. Includes DTP-magazine CICERO.
Subscription: DM 77 (domestic distribution); foreign - write for information
Address: ST-Magazin, Markt & Technik Verlag AG, Hans-Pinsel-Strasse 2,
D-8013 Haar bei Muenchen GERMANY
ST Computer:
11 issues/year, typical around 180 pages
Subscription: DM 80 (domestic), DM 100 (normal mail), DM 130 (air mail)
Address: Heim Verlag, Heidelberger Landstr. 194, D-6100 Darmstadt 13 GERMANY
French mags:
The November issue ('91?) contains technical articles about hardware and
software ("La norme XBRA", "Les interfaces serie du TT (part 2)",
"Les objets "USERDEF"", etc.), reviews ("NeoDesk v3.02", etc.) and
interviews ("Le petite monde de Dave Small", "Paris pour Les Jeunes").
The issue also contained le dossier musique describing the various
soundtracker programs available. There is also a disk available with the
[info from a posting by Dennis Armstrong dated 27 Nov 1991]