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:: Volume 3 - Issue 10 ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE 2 July 1994 ::
:: ::
:: ATARI .............. News, reviews, & solutions ............ ATARI ::
:: EXPLORER ............ for the online Atari .......... EXPLORER ::
:: ONLINE ................. Community .............. ONLINE ::
:: ::
:: Published and Copyright (c) 1993-1994 by Subspace Publishers ::
:: All Rights Reserved ::
:: """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ::
:: Publisher ........................... Michael Lindsay EXPLORER ::
:: Editor .................................. Travis Guy AEO.MAG ::
:: Assistant Editor GEnie................ Ron Robinson EXPLORER.1 ::
:: Assistant Editor CompuServe.......... Albert Dayes AEO.1 ::
:: Assistant Editor Delphi......... Andreas Barbiero AEO.2 ::
:: Assistant Editor Internet........ Timothy Wilson AEO.8 ::
:: Atari Asylum ... [Closed] ...... Gregg Anderson AEO.7 ::
:: Unabashed Atariophile ..... Michael R. Burkley AEO.4 ::
:: Atari Artist ................... Peter Donoso EXPLORER.2 ::
:: Jaguar Junkie ............... Tal Funke-Bilu EXPLORER.5 ::
:: User Group Coordinator ........ Ron Whittam EXPLORER.4 ::
:: UK Correspondent ............. Lea Anthony ::
:: ::
:: Contributors: ::
:: """"""""""""" ::
:: David A. Wright ::
:: ::
:: Telecommunicated to you via: ::
:: """""""""""""""""""""""""""" ::
:: GEnie: AEO.MAG ::
:: CompuServe: 70007,3615 ::
:: Delphi: AEO_MAG ::
:: Fnet: AEO Conference, Node 319 ::
:: AtariNet: AEO Conference, Node 51:1/10 ::
:: ::
:: Internet mailing address: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com ::
:: FTP recent AEO issues from: rahul.net:pub/wilsont/AEO ::
:: Search gopherspace under "aeo" for back issues ::
:: ::
:: Internet subscription service: stzmagazine-request@virginia.edu ::
:: (Internet subscription requests ONLY!) ::
:: ::
Table of Contents
* From the Editors ................................. Stranger Than Fiction.
* Rare Gems ......................................... Quotes worth quoting.
* AEO Interview: Atari's James Grunke ........ Tal talks with Atari Corp's
Music Man Extra Ordinem!
* Jaguar Tackboard .............. IAJD - Jaguar mailing list - Lots of new
developers! - SCES PRs - Jag-Ware
catalog listing - 4Play & ICD PRs
"AEO at SCES 94" video.
* Atari Shareholders' Meeting .................. A report on Atari's plans
for the Jaguar.
* OTP ............................... AEO's newest, Lea Anthony, scores an
Sinister interview & reports on
Jaguar news from Over The Pond.
* Internal Flames ................ AEO's resident Jaguar programmer clears
the air on Jaguar misconceptions.
* Andreas' Den ........................... Andreas looks at speed boosters
for the Falcon030 & TT030.
* "From a Saved Backup" ................ How to set up a Disk of the Month
system for your users group.
* AEO RTC Transcript ............. For over two hours, anarchy reigned, as
AEO staffers met and answered GEnie
users' questions. Bob, where are
you when we need you?
* The Unabashed Atariophile ................... PD and Shareware files for
_your_ Atari computer.
* GEnie News ........................... New files & happenings on Atari's
Official Online Resource.
* Developing News .................... Fourth Annual Connecticut AtariFest
Compo Announces SpeedoGDOS 5.0
Compo's Fontpacks
D.A. Brumleve's MathArt
Telegames' Lynx Offer!
CodeHead BBS's new numbers
* Shutdown ............................ Around the world and up your block.
||| From the Editors ....... Atari Explorer Online: The Next Generation
||| Travis Guy
/ | \ GEnie: AEO.MAG Delphi: AEO_MAG Internet: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com
Well, it's been two weeks longer than I had initially planned before
we've met again. SCES has come and gone, with a expansive showing
from Atari of many new titles under development for Jaguar, yet Atari
didn't gain much media exposure. ATC took a major hit when a
television stock pundit -blasted- Atari for "obsolete product". And
let's not forget the lessons we in America are learning about
California judicial proceedings.
What a weird, wonderful world. Rumors started flowing, one such nasty
tale held that Atari had delayed all new Jaguar games until 1995.
POPPYCOCK! Several titles are due out this summer, with two (Wolf &
BSF) already in production. Expect to see at least 25-30 titles out
by this Christmas. Veronica will be sadly disappointed. (And if all
comes off, expect Jaguar owners to be served some Earth-Quaking events
in the year to come.)
Welcome to this issue of Atari Explorer Online, your window on events
in the World Atari. First, let's dispense with the SCES news. It's
5am Saturday morning, and Tal and I are working on putting together
the SCES Special Edition of AEO, which we plan to have out by midnight
Sunday. (Then, on to SCES video editing!) Atari's PRs are included
here, as is our custom, but for Tal's first-hand report on show goings
on, come back in less than 48 hours. (Barring any ill effects that the
first tropical storm of the Atlantic season may have here at AEO
Ask for the SCES Special Edition wherever you normally find regular
issues of AEO!
This issue's packed, you've already passed the table of contents, so
you know what's inside. The only MIA AEOer is Albert Dayes who was
bitten by the moving bug, and therefore wasn't able to concoct a
Digital Briefs. Maybe he'll be settled in for next time.
Have a safe and happy Fourth. Don't drink and drive, y'all.
||| Rare Gems
||| Compiled by: David A. Wright
/ | \ GEnie: DAVE.WRIGHT
The following are the "Rare Gems (sm)" selections for May 29 to June
4, 1994. "Rare Gems" is a service mark (sm) of Rare Breed Noninc. and
David Alan Wright. (Internet: DAVE.WRIGHT@MAGIC.ORG) Compilation
copyright 1994 by same. All Wright's rights reserved. Each weekly or
monthly collection may be distributed freely as long as this notice is
retained. Multiple collections, such as CD-ROM, print, electronic, and
other publications, may not be distributed without further
authorization. All quotes covered by "fair use" of copyright law. In
stereo where available. --:Dave
In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an
invincible summer. --Albert Camus
History may not repeat itself, but it sure as heck rhymes a lot.
I must study politics and war, that my sons may have the liberty
to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history,
and naval architecture, navigation, commerce, and agriculture, in
order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry,
music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain.
--John Adams
If you do not understand the past, you cannot expect to fully
comprehend the future. --Brian Henderson
There is not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light
of even one small candle. --Robert Alden
Don't limit a child to your own learning, for he was born in
another time. --Rabbinical saying
Three Spaniards, four opinions. --Spanish proverb
The following are the "Rare Gems (sm)" selections for June 5 to 11,
1994. "Rare Gems" is a service mark (sm) of Rare Breed Noninc. and
David Alan Wright. (Internet: DAVE.WRIGHT@MAGIC.ORG) Compilation
copyright 1994 by same. All Wright's rights reserved. Each weekly or
monthly collection may be distributed freely as long as this notice is
retained. Multiple collections, such as CD-ROM, print, electronic, and
other publications, may not be distributed without further
authorization. All quotes covered by "fair use" of copyright law.
Clothing optional. --:Dave
Knowledge is power - especially if you know about the right people.
If Galileo had said in verse that the world moved, the Inquisition
might have let him alone. --Thomas Hardy
Always remember that the soundest way to progress in any
organization is to help the man ahead of you get promoted.
--L. S. Hamaker
When fire and water are at war, it is the fire that loses.
--Spanish proverb
Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward. They may be beaten,
but they may start a winning game. --Goethe
To believe with certainty, we must begin with doubting.
--King Stanislaus of Poland
The best cure for hypochondria is to forget about your own body and
get interested in someone else's. --Goodman Ace
The following are the "Rare Gems (sm)" selections for June 12 to 18,
1994. "Rare Gems" is a service mark (sm) of Rare Breed Noninc. and
David Alan Wright. (Internet: DAVE.WRIGHT@MAGIC.ORG) Compilation
copyright 1994 by same. All Wright's rights reserved. Each weekly or
monthly collection may be distributed freely as long as this notice is
retained. Multiple collections, such as CD-ROM, print, electronic, and
other publications, may not be distributed without further
authorization. All quotes covered by "fair use" of copyright law.
Portions have been pre-recorded. --:Dave
He that knows little often repeats it. --Thomas Fuller
I cannot and will not cut my conscience to fit this year's
fashions. --Lillian Hellman
I'd worship the ground you walked on if only you walked in a better
neighborhood. --Billy Wilder
Depression is the inability to construct a future. --Rollo May
In baiting a mousetrap with cheese, always leave room for the
mouse. --Saki
Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will
ever regret. --Ambrose Bierce
Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket.
--George Orwell
The following are the "Rare Gems (sm)" selections for June 19 to 25,
1994. "Rare Gems" is a service mark (sm) of Rare Breed Noninc. and
David Alan Wright. (Internet: DAVE.WRIGHT@MAGIC.ORG) Compilation
copyright 1994 by same. All Wright's rights reserved. Each weekly or
monthly collection may be distributed freely as long as this notice is
retained. Multiple collections, such as CD-ROM, print, electronic, and
other publications, may not be distributed without further
authorization. All quotes covered by "fair use" of copyright law. MAX
A thick skin is a gift from God. --Konrad Adenauer
Don't quote me; that's what you heard, not what I said.
--Lawrence K. Frank
If anything is poisoning our lives and weakening our society, it is
reality - and not the fabrication of television writers and
producers. --Martin Maloney
Man stands in his own shadow and wonders why it is dark.
--Zen proverb
The simplest schoolboy is now familiar with truths for which
Archimedes would have sacrificed his life. --Ernest Renan
To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle.
--George Orwell
Don't think of retiring from the world until the world will be
sorry that you retire. --Samuel Johnson
||| AEO Interview - Atari's James Grunke
||| Conducted by: Tal Funke-Bilu
/ | \ GEnie: EXPLORER.5 Delphi: AEXPLORER
AEO - James, you are one man at Atari that I hear works hard behind
the scenes. For our readers who may not be familiar with you and
your talents, would you share with us what you do at Atari and
how long have you held that position? What is your background?
JG - Currently, I am the music director for the Jaguar project which
involves composing, licensing, and marketing follow-through in regards
to the music and audio aspects of video games and multimedia titles.
I also handle the North American Falcon030 sales and marketing which,
due to its inherent audio features, is focused heavily on the music
industry. We are taking a hard look at the future of this technology
and how it might be developed towards a dedicated music/audio
workstation type product.
I started at Atari in December 1990 as director of specialty markets
for the computer line. Before that I worked for Brother Records, which
is the parent corporation of the Beach Boys, where I was a studio
sound programmer and touring keyboard tech with the band.
Historically, I started in the musical instrument retail industry,
moved to recording and touring, then to computers and now video games.
I have a degree in keyboard performance from the University of
Wisconsin and a sound design degree from the Grove School of Music in
Los Angeles, California.
AEO - Do you mainly concentrate on soundtracks, or are you involved in
sound effects also?
JG - I mainly focus on producing the overall audio concept of a
title, then the music, whether I write it or commission it out. I have
two wizards that work in our studio, M. Stevens and Wiley Evans, who
do their magic with sound FX and voicing the music files.
AEO - What do you like most about your job?
JG - I am very fortunate to be in a creative position, but I have to
say that working with the people inside Atari as well as third party
developers and the long-time dealers is the most rewarding. We are
lucky to have such talent within the community.
AEO - Your most favorite project over the years?
JG - Without a doubt, my favorite product/project is the Falcon030.
The box rocks!
AEO - I've heard your name mentioned in conjunction with the Tempest
2000 Music CD... what can you tell us about that? Did you do the
Tempest music?
JG - The folks at Imagitec Design Inc. in England wrote and produced
the award winning Tempest music. General response has been nothing
short of phenomenal. I WISH I wrote that music....
I personally feel, as do many people at Atari, that the Tempest music
has value as a stand alone product. We have just made an announcement
at the Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago that we will be making the
Soundtrack available on compact disc.
AEO - What steps do you go through when composing a piece? Is it a
long and drawn out process, or do you just sit down and start
JG - Usually I get the idea just before I fall asleep and end up
writing in my home studio well into the early morning. When I get to
work, my time is spent mostly on production and managerial aspects.
The music is the easy part, the long drawn out process is designing
the sounds so they fit into memory and still sound good. That is where
craftsmanship comes into play.
AEO - Is there any truth to the rumor that Atari has their own blues
band with John Skruch on bass?
JG - OK, so we do get a little loud on Thursday nights. John Skruch is
a pro musician who sings, plays guitar, and is nice enough to play
bass for us because I'm too lazy to play left hand keyboard bass. Our
CFO and lead guitarist, Augie Ligouri just bought a Mesa Boogie Mark
IV and tears people's heads off with our rendition of Comfortably
Numb. Tom Gillen, Test Department Manager, is a great drummer with a
full cage set, taking up a large portion of the back room (look for
him on electronic drums in some upcoming titles). Our cash manager,
Loriann Wilson and VP Leonard Tramiel round out the vocals. (I have
been unsuccessful in convincing LT to wear bright orange spandex but
I'm working on that.) It's a big help for me to have access to these
musicians to work out the game tunes live.
AEO - Are you a game player yourself? What types of games do you enjoy
JG - I'm a game addict. Cybermorph is great, with Tempest I crank my
stereo and play for hours. I love Warbirds and Klax on the Lynx. A
long long time ago back in my bar-band days I hit a million on
AEO - Do you have to do anything differently to create music for CD
games? (i.e. higher quality samples, etc.)
JG - CD-ROM is a different world, with memory problems less of a
constraint. You can use red book audio which is often the easy way
out. People want music to be interactive within the game which
requires more forethought and careful implementation from the design
and programming standpoint.
AEO - Jeff Minter describes himself as a tea drinking, Pink Floyd
loving, root beer hating, psychadelic YaK. Who is the James
Grunke that has fun on the weekends away from Atari?
JG - Volleyball playing, snow skiing, and Pink Floyd loving, pea soup
and Karaoke hating - regular guy.
AEO - Honestly, are you an AEO reader yourself?
JG - Yep, I read AEO as well as lurk on various BBS's regularly.
AEO - James, thank you very much for your time. We look forward to
"hearing" you soon! Again, thank you!
||| Jaguar Tackboard
||| Confirmed information about Atari's Jaguar
/ | \ Compiled from online and official sources
//// Independent Association of Jaguar Developers
The IAJD (Independent Association of Jaguar Developers) has started
accepting members on GEnie. The IAJD is a private group where
confidential discussions can be freely held. (Category 64 of the ST
RoundTable is the IAJD meeting place.) Consequently, membership in the
IAJD is limited to Jaguar developers who are registered with Atari
Corp. To apply for membership, send EMail to ENTRY$ on GEnie (or
<entry$@genie.geis.com> if you're not on GEnie). Regular EMail
correspondence with the IAJD should be sent to IAJD$ (again, or
<iajd$@genie.geis.com> if you're not on GEnie).
//// Internet Jaguar Mailing List
Anyone with Internet EMail access can join the discussions on the
Jaguar mailing list. To "subscribe" to the list, send an EMail to
the following address: <listserv@ctrc.fs.saci.org>
Leave the subject line blank. In the body of the EMail, include this
subscribe jaguar-l FirstName LastName
(Where "FirstName" is your first name and "LastName" is your last
To send mail to be read on the Jaguar list, address your letter to:
<jaguar-l@ctrc.fs.saci.org>. It will go to the list server and be
sent to the 200+ readers of the list.
IMPORTANT: If your mail server charges you by the character or by the
letter, please be aware that the Jaguar list can generate dozens, and
up to a hundred EMails in a day.
//// Developer / Game List 1.13
//// Editor: The following developers, licensees and game titles have
been confirmed to the best of AEO's ability as of July 1, 1994. Entries
in the "S"tatus column reflects any "e"rrors, "u"pdates, "n"ew titles,
new "d"evelopers, or "?"uestionable listings since the last AEO list.
Titles in brackets (e.g. [Cybermorph]) have been completed and are
available in the US.
Expected dates are dates that have been provided by the developer.
Expected Date
or Titles
S Developer/Licensee Rating under development
" """""""""""""""""" """""" """""""""""""""""
d 20th Centrury Fox
21st Century Software 9/94 Pinball Dreams
3D Games - Rainbow Warrior
u 4Play (ICD & Phalanx) Star Battle
Accent Media Productions - Varuna's Forces CD-ROM
Accolade - Al Michaels Announces Hardball
- Brett Hull Hockey
- Charles Barkley's Shut Up and Jam
e Q4/94 Jack Nicholas Cyber Golf CD-ROM
d Acid Software
Activision - Return to Zork CD-ROM
d Alfaro Corporation
All Systems Go Q1/95 Hosenose and Booger CD-ROM
Q1/95 Video Jukebox (cart multiplexer)
- (IR controller station)
American Laser Games - Mad Dog McCree
Anco Software Ltd. - Kick Off 3 (for Imagineer)
- World Cup
Anthill Industries
Argonaut Software - Creature Shock CD-ROM (For Virgin)
Atari Corp. - Battlezone 2000
- Chaos Agenda CD-ROM
- Club Drive
*5* [Crescent Galaxy]
n - Highlander
- MPEG 1 and 2 carts
u - Space War (was Star Raiders 2000)
- Tiny Toons Adventures
- VR Helmet
Atari Games Corp. - Arcade Games Using Jaguar
Attention to Detail - Battlemorph: Cybermorph 2 CD-ROM
- Blue Lightning CD-ROM
*7* [Cybermorph]
(For Atari)
Audio-Visual Magic
d B.S.A.
d Bando Svenska AB
d Beris
Bethesda Softworks
Beyond Games Inc. 12/94 Battlewheels
Q3/94 Ultra Vortex
d BitMotion Software
d Bizzare Computing
Black Scorpion Software
Borta & Associates
Brainstorm - [x86 Jaguar Development System]
d Brandlewood Computers
Bullfrog Productions Ltd. Q3/94 Syndicate (For Ocean)
Q3/94 Theme Park (For Ocean)
d Cannonball Software
d Celebrity Systems Inc.
Clearwater Software
Computer Music Consulting
d Condor Software
d Cross Products Ltd. - [Jaguar Development System]
d Data Design
n Delta Music Systems Inc. - Nanoterror
n - Droppings
d Denton Designs Ltd.
Dimension Technologies
d Diskimage
Domark Group Ltd. - F1 Racer
DTMC - Lester the Unlikely
- Mountain Sports
- (Miniature Golf)
Eclipse - Iron Soldier (For Atari)
d Electro Brain Corp.
d Electrom
d Extreme
EZ Score Software Inc.
d Factor 5
d Flair Software Ltd.
d Frankenstein Software
d Funcom Productions a/s
GameTek Inc.
Genus Microprogramming -
Gremlin Graphics Ltd. 10/94 Zool 2
- UNKNOWN TITLE (racing) - MORE?
H2O Design Corp.
Hand Made Software - Kasumi Ninja (For Atari)
High Voltage Software 10/94 White Men Can't Jump (for Trimark)
n - Ruiner (pinball)
d Human Soft Ltd.
ICD Inc. - Cat Box (AV & comm expansion box)
id Software - Doom: Evil Unleashed
- Wolfenstein 3D
d i-Space
iThink - (3D simulation)
Imagineer Company Ltd.
Imagitec Design Inc. *6* [Evolution Dino-Dudes]
*6* [Raiden]
- Freelancer 2120 CD-ROM
- Bubsy in Clawed Encounters
of the Furried Kind (For Accolade)
- Dino Dudes 2
Interplay - BattleChess CD-ROM - MORE?
Jaleco - Cisco Heat
- Bases Loaded
d JVC Musical Industries - Valus Force
Krisalis Software Ltd. 6/94 Soccer Kid
d Kungariket Multimedia
Limelight Media Inc.
LlamaSoft *10* [Tempest 2000] (For Atari)
Loricel S.A.
d Lost in Time Software
d Malibu Interactive
Manley & Associates Inc.
Maxis Software
d Media Technology Scandinavia
d Merit Industries Inc.
d Michton Inc.
Microids 1995 Evidence
12/94 Commando
Microprose - Gunship 2000
MidNite Entertainment 10/94 Air Cars
10/94 Dungeon Depths
Q1/95 Assault
Millenium/Teque 7/94 Brutal Sports Football (For Telegames)
d Miracle Designs
d Nebulous Games
d Neon-Buttner
d Network 23 Software
NMS Software Ltd.
Ocean Software Ltd. 12/94 Apeshi- (working title)
1995 Lobo CD-ROM
d Odyssey Software Inc.
-unnamed- - -unnamed-
Photosurrealism - Galactic Gladiators
d Phobyx
Pixel Satori
PIXIS Interactive - Neurodancer CD-ROM
u Rage Software Ltd. - Rally
d Rainmaker Software Inc.
ReadySoft Incorporated - Dragon's Lair CD-ROM
- Dragon's Lair II CD-ROM
- Space Ace CD-ROM
Rebellion Software Ltd. Su/94 Alien vs. Predator (For Atari)
Su/94 Checkered Flag II (For Atari)
- Legions of the Undead (For Atari)
- Hammerhead
Rest Energy
d Riedel Software Prod.
d Scangames Interactive
Sculptured Software Inc.
d Selgus Limited
d Shadowsoft Inc.
Sigma Designs Q4/94 "Jaguar on a PC" PC card
Silmarils 9/94 Robinson's Requiem CD-ROM
n Sinister Developments - Twin Crystals
d Soft Enterprises
d Softgold Gmbh
d Software 2000
Software Creations
d Software Development Systems
d Spaceball Technologies Inc.
d Steinberg Soft-und Hardware Gmbh
d Tantalus Entertainment
d Tantalus Incorporated
Team Infinity
Team 17 Software Ltd.
Tecnation Digital World
Telegames - Casino Royale
- European Soccer Challenge
9/94 Ultimate Brain Games
- Super Off-Road
n - World Class Cricket
Teque London Ltd.
Tiertex Ltd. - Flashback (for U.S. Gold)
d Time-Warner Interactive - Rise of the Robots
Trimark Interactive
d Twlight
U.S. Gold Ltd.
UBI Soft International - RayMan
- MORE (American Football)
V-Reel Productions - Arena Football
- Horrorscope
Virgin Interactive
n Entertainment Ltd. - Cannon Fodder
- Dragon
- Demolition Man
d Virtual Artistry, Inc.
Virtual Xperience - Indiana Jags (platform)
- Zzyorxx II (vertical shooter)
- Burn Out (m/c racing)
Visual Concepts
u Visual Impact
(was Bjorn Joos/
Kris Van Lier)
d Wave Quest Inc.
Williams Brothers
u Williams Entertainment 10/94 Troy Aikman NFL Football
(was Tradewest) Q4/94 Double Dragon 5: The Shadow Falls
WMS Industries
Zeppelin Games - Center Court Tennis
Pts Stars AEO Ratings
""" """"" """""""""""
10 ***** GAMING NIRVANA!!! - You have left reality behind... for good.
9 ****+ Unbelieveable GAME!! - Your family notices you're often absent.
8 **** Fantastic Game!! - You can't get enough playtime in on this.
7 ***+ Great Game! - Something to show off to friends or 3DOers.
6 *** Good game - You find yourself playing this from time to time.
5 **+ Ho-hum - If there's nothing else to do, you play this.
4 ** Waste of time - Better to play this than play in traffic.
3 *+ Sucks - Playing in traffic sounds like more fun.
2 * Sucks Badly - You'd rather face an IRS audit than play this.
1 + Forget it - ... but you can't; it's so badly done, it haunts you.
0 - Burn it - Disallow programmer from ever writing games again.
//// Atari's SCES 94 Press Releases
For more information, contact:
Bill Rehbock, Atari Corporation (408)745-2000
Expanded List Includes Prominent New Names
CHICAGO, Il. -- June 23, 1994 -- Consumer Electronics Show -- Atari
Corporation (ASE:ATC) announced today that the number of signed
licensed developers for the Atari Jaguar has surpassed 150. According
to Mr. William Rehbock, Vice President of Third Party Development for
Atari Corporation, "Each signature represents another developer that
is serious about the desire to develop Jaguar compatible peripherals
or software. Although a few may be focused on highly specialized
applications, the majority are in the business of dazzling video game
"The newest list," adds Mr. Rehbock, "includes names such as 20th
Century Fox Interactive, JVC Musical Industries, Inc., Time-Warner
Interactive and Electro Brain Corp. These are exciting names to have
shown support in the way that they have. We welcome them and look
forward to accommodating their needs as they intensify their Jaguar
development interests with us."
Names found among the recently inked pages include:
20th Centrury Fox Interactive Acid Software
Alfaro Corporation Limited B.S.A.
Bando Svenska AB Beris
BitMotion Software Bizzare Computing
Brandlewood Computers Ltd. Cannonball Software
Celebrity Systems Inc. Condor Software
Cross Products Ltd. DAP Developments
Data Design Denton Designs Ltd.
Diskimage Electro Brain Corp.
Electrom Extreme
Factor 5 Flair Software Ltd.
Frankenstein Software Funcom Productions a/s
Human Soft Ltd. i-SPACE
iTHINK Inc. JVC Musical Industries Inc.
Kungariket Multimedia Lost in Time Software
Malibu Interactive Media Technology Scandinavia
Merit Industries Inc. Michton Inc.
Miracle Designs Nebulous Games
Neon-Buttner Network 23 Software
NMS Software Ltd. Odyssey Software Inc.
Orion Technologies Inc. Phoyx
Rage Software Ltd. Rainmaker Software Inc.
Riedel Software Prod. Scangames Interactive
Selgus Limited Shadowsoft Inc.
Sigma Designs Silmarils
Sinister Development Soft Enterprises
Softgold Gmbh Software 2000
Software Development Systems Spaceball Technologies Inc.
Steinberg Soft-und Hardware Gmbh
Tantalus Entertainment Tantalus Incorporated
Twilight Time-Warner Interactive
Visual Sciences Ltd. Wave Quest Inc.
"Once again," observes Mr. Sam Tramiel, President and CEO of Atari
Corporation, "as I check with our developer support people I find that
they are assembling more batches of Jaguar development packages. It is
an extremely promising sight because these systems represent a lot
more consumer products in the months ahead. All of these people are
working hard and they sure are busy...
"...as they should be," adds a smiling Mr. Tramiel.
The Atari Jaguar is the world's first 64-bit interactive multimedia
home entertainment system. The Atari Jaguar and compatible software
titles have been awarded multiple awards for technical achievement,
design and innovation.
# # # #
Jaguar is a trademark of Atari Corporation. Atari is a registered
trademark of Atari Corporation. Other products named may be trademarks
or registered trademarks of their owning companies.
For more information, contact:
Bill Rehbock, Atari Corporation (408) 745-2000
CHICAGO, Il. -- June 23, 1994 -- Consumer Electronics Show -- Atari
Corporation (ASE:ATC) announced today plans to ship CD-ROM to stores
in ample time for Christmas shopping. The CD-ROM is a hardware
peripheral compatible with any Jaguar 64-bit system and will sell for
$199.95 (MSRP). It enables the Jaguar to play a new generation of
impeccable CD-based video games and play audio compact discs. The
module includes CD+G technology and it provides its own cartridge port
for applications that may use both cartridge and CD at the same time.
Look for the CD titles; Blue Lightning(TM), Battlemorph(TM), Jack
Nicklaus Cyber Golf(TM), Highlander(TM), Creature Shock(TM),
Demolition Man(TM) and more that will begin shipping fourth quarter
Atari's new CD-ROM includes the Virtual Light Machine(TM) (VLM). VLM
literally looks at audio compact discs as they are played and
spontanteously produces a spectrum analysis of every incoming sound.
The result is a stunning light show. An optional MPEG video cartridge
will allow access to MPEG full motion video.
"We have packed the CD-ROM full of technologies that our developers
can grow into while keeping the platform affordable for the consumer,"
affirms Mr. Sam Tramiel, President and CEO of Atari Corporation. "It
was important to remain faithful to our 'Made In America ' foundation
too. The CD-ROM will be manufactured in the United States by Philips.
"Based on feedback we have had so far, consumers want to support an
advanced gaming company that makes what it sells at home," concludes
Mr. Tramiel. "We're going to give them what they want."
# # # #
Jaguar is a trademark of Atari Corporation. Atari is a registered
trademark of Atari Corporation. Other products named may be trademarks
or registered trademarks of their owning companies.
For more information, contact:
Bill Rehbock, Atari Corporation (408) 745-2000
Atari(R) reveals CD-ROM and outstanding CD software
CHICAGO, Il. -- June 23, 1994 -- Consumer Electronics Show -- Atari
Corporation (ASE:ATC) announced today plans to ship the anticipated
CD-ROM to stores in ample time for Christmas shopping. The CD-ROM is a
hardware peripheral compatible with any Jaguar 64-bit system and will
sell for $199.95 (MSRP). It enables the Jaguar to play a new
generation of impeccable CD-based video games and play audio compact
discs. ROM-based software in the CD-ROM allows the user to easily
manipulate audio tracks and numerous custom selections when playing
audio compact discs. The module includes state-of-the-art technology
to play the audio and video portions of CD+G encoded discs. It also
provides its own cartridge port so some applications may use the
cartridge and CD at the same time.
Mr. Richard Miller, Vice President of Engineering for Atari
Corporation, observed, "Compact Discs offer well over 700 Megabytes of
raw data storage and many times that number when the data is
compressed. The massive storage capacity of a CD provides enough data
space to incorporate complex digitized images, full motion video
sequences and CD-quality audio soundtracks into games. These things
are far from being fully utilized on home platforms and the Jaguar is
the perfect system to do just that."
Such complex images, sound and color are integrated parts of the
numerous CD software projects currently underway. Blue Lightning(TM),
scheduled for Christmas release, is a realistic high speed aerial
combat experience aboard your own fighter jet. It features high
quality sequenced graphics of landscapes and enemies within 36
separate levels. Using an optional cartridge, game players may save
and retrieve statistics such as mission status, high scores and
character information for their Blue Lightning missions. Similar
information for other CD software titles may also be saved on the same
Another of the planned CD releases for Christmas is Battlemorph(TM); a
true 3-dimensional experience in over 50 all-new virtual worlds.
Player chooses at will between fighter, tank or submarine with
complete 3D movement. The many features include texture mapped enemies
and structures. Play inside caves, underwater, on land and in the sky.
Work with the resistance to bring down the Pernitia Empire.
Anyone who enjoys a round of golf will love Jack Nicklaus Cyber
Golf(TM). This CD package includes True Color photos of Murfield Golf
Course with access to CD quality voice to help with each hole. Study
Jack Nicklaus' golf swing to improve your own game with full motion
video of him and other golfers. Also look for the CD titles;
Highlander(TM), Creature Shock(TM), Demolition Man(TM) and an
assortment of third party products that will begin shipping fourth
quarter 1994.
Thanks to the many talents of Mr. Jeff Minter; author of the
award-winning Tempest 2000(TM), Atari's new CD-ROM includes the Virtual
Light Machine(TM) (VLM). No other game system has VLM. VLM literally
looks at audio compact discs as they are played and spontanteously
produces a spectrum analysis of every incoming sound. This information
is assembled in a frequency map of the music and assigned complex
visual equivalents. Advanced 64-bit data processing makes it possible
for the translation to take place almost faster than the ear can hear
it so images are in perfect tune with the sound as it is played. The
result is a stunning light show. VLM is perfect for parties and every
other listening environment where audio compact discs are enjoyed.
Jaguar owners will enjoy VideoCD full-motion movies with an optional
MPEG video cartridge. No other home system offers simultaneous access
to cartridges, compact discs and a 64-bit multimedia platform.
The ability to do so much more is another key reason major developers
are turning to the Jaguar. Mr. William Rehbock, Vice President of
Third Party Development, states, "Our success to attract more than 150
Jaguar licensees is due, in large part, to the tools we are able to
provide them. There are basic development tools and there are
peripheral options. Developers are drawn to these elements. CD is
another option for them that enables them to choose the best media to
distribute each product. Ultimately this gives the consumer more
choices too."
"We have spent a lot of time to make certain we have packed the CD-ROM
full of technologies that our developers can grow into while keeping
the platform affordable for the consumer," affirms Mr. Sam Tramiel,
President and CEO of Atari Corporation. "It was important to keep the
price as low as possible. It was important to include all the features
of CD-ROM that developers need most to please their customers.
Finally, it was important to remain faithful to our 'Made In America '
foundation. The Jaguar is manufactured by IBM in the U.S. The CD-ROM
will be manufactured in the United States by Philips.
"Based on feedback we have had so far, consumers want to support an
advanced gaming company that makes what it sells at home, " concludes
Mr. Tramiel. "We're going to give them what they want."
The Atari Jaguar is the world's first 64-bit interactive multimedia
home entertainment system. The Atari Jaguar and compatible software
titles have been awarded multiple awards for technical achievement,
design and innovation.
# # # #
Jaguar is a trademark of Atari Corporation. Atari is a registered
trademark of Atari Corporation. Other products named may be trademarks
or registered trademarks of their owning companies.
For more information, contact:
Sandy LaBrec, Atari Corporation (408) 745-2000
Atari(R) Announces Networking Games Available 3rd Quarter '94
CHICAGO, Il. -- June 23, 1994 -- Consumer Electronics Show -- Atari
Corporation (ASE:ATC) announced today that Jaguar owners will be
connecting their systems together and playing networked games within
the next 4 months. The network technology on the Jaguar can support up
to 32 simultaneous game players depending on the software. Networking
and Atari's new Voice/Modem for the Jaguar are two innovative ways
Jaguar owners can play complex games against each other with multiple
systems by Christmas '94.
"We are extremely excited about all of this," said Mr. Richard Miller,
Vice President of Engineering for Atari Corporation. "Now 64-bit
gaming can be an exciting multi-player experience as well as an
individual pleasure."
The Jaguar networking package enables network compatible Jaguar games
to be played on different systems up to 300 feet apart from each
other. The system uses standard RJ11 phone line cable and implements
reliable differential-pair technology. The first network game
published by Atari will be Doom(TM). Many other titles will be
announced soon thereafter.
The Atari Jaguar is the world's first and only 64-bit interactive
multimedia home entertainment system. The Atari Jaguar and compatible
software titles have been awarded multiple awards for technical
achievement, design and innovation worldwide.
# # # #
Jaguar is a trademark of Atari Corporation. Atari is a registered
trademark of Atari Corporation. Other products named may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their owning companies.
For more information, contact:
Sandy LaBrec, Atari Corporation (408) 745-2000
Bill Nicholson, Phylon Communications, Inc. (510) 656-2606
New System Based on Simultaneous
Voice & Data Communications Technology
CHICAGO, Il. -- June 23, 1994 -- Consumer Electronics Show -- Atari
Corporation (ASE:ATC) announced today that playing Jaguar games with
opponents over a single telephone line will be a reality in the 4th
quarter of 1994. New technology, developed by Phylon Communications,
Inc.; leaders in advanced fax/modem/voice technology, permits two
users to play Atari Jaguar video games against each other. Utilizing
the same phone line, they may speak to each other as they play. The
game experience is truely shared by the two gamers although they may
be miles apart from each other.
The Jaguar Voice/Data Communicator uses headsets for the players to
hear each other speak as well as listen to the stereo benefits of the
game being played. Users will also have call waiting indications, both
at local and remote ends, to pause and resume a game due to an
interrupting call in the middle of a game. Thus, this product can be
enjoyed by the players without being a nuisance to others in the home.
"By offering our voice-plus-data technology to leading OEMs and
systems manufacturers, like Atari, Phylon is pioneering multimedia
communications technology on the dial-up network," noted Dr. Hamdi
El-Sassi, President and CEO of Phylon.
The first games planned to exploit the features of the Jaguar
Voice/Data Communicator are Doom(TM), Club Drive(TM) and Iron
"Reports I have been receiving from Jaguar owners is that they are
ready for this technology. We have it and we are going to offer it
this Christmas," announced Mr. Sam Tramiel, President and CEO of Atari
Corporation. "By reviewing each game we have in development, we have
been able to make certain each one integrates every bit of power we
can put into it."
The Jaguar Voice/Data Communicator is compatible with Atari Jaguar;
the world's first and only 64-bit interactive multimedia home
entertainment system. The Atari Jaguar and compatible software titles
have been awarded multiple awards for technical achievement, design
and innovation worldwide. The Jaguar Voice/Data Communicator is packed
complete with stereo headset and is engineered for user friendly, plug
'n' go operation. Future software options will enable the Jaguar
Voice/Data Communicator to access existing and upcoming online
services on the Information SuperHighway.
# # # #
Jaguar is a trademark of Atari Corporation. Atari is a registered
trademark of Atari Corporation. Other products named may be trademarks
or registered trademarks of their owning companies.
For more information, contact:
James Grunke, Atari Corporation (408) 745-2000
Atari(R) Announces Audio Compact Disc of Cartridge Soundtrack
CHICAGO, Il. -- June 23, 1994 -- Consumer Electronics Show -- Atari
Corporation (ASE:ATC) announced today that the popular soundtrack of
Tempest 2000 has been remastered for a new special edition audio
compact disc to be made available in the third quarter of 1994.
"A lot of people ask if Atari would ever consider releasing the
incredible soundtrack from Tempest 2000," states Mr. James Grunke,
Director of Music and Audio for Atari Corporation. "The music has wide
appeal to the large dance and rave audiences who love the techno style
of the Tempest 2000 music."
Although some of the specifications are being retained for the formal
release in a few months, Tempest 2000 Soundtrack will include new
versions of the music used in the actual game cartridge PLUS bonus
tracks of previously unreleased material. Tempest 2000 is Atari's
blockbuster 64-bit video game title compatible with the Atari Jaguar
game system.
Tempest 2000 Soundtrack will be available through Atari retailers,
select music stores, or directly from Atari's own Customer Service
Department. For more information, contact Atari by writing: Tempest
2000 Soundtrack, Atari Corporation, P.O. Box 61657, Sunnyvale, CA
94089-1657. Tempest 2000 Soundtrack will be priced under $15.
The Atari Jaguar is the world's first 64-bit interactive multimedia
home entertainment system. The Jaguar and compatible game titles have
been awarded multiple awards for technical achievement, design and
# # # #
Jaguar is a trademark of Atari Corporation. Atari is a registered
trademark of Atari Corporation. Other products named may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their owning companies.
For more information, contact:
Greg LaBrec, Atari Corporation (408) 745-2015
Scott Stern, Norscot Group, Inc. (414) 241-3313
Norscot Group, Inc. releases Atari(R) Jaguar(TM) specialty catalog.
CHICAGO, Il. -- June 23, 1994 -- Consumer Electronics Show -- Atari
Corporation (ASE:ATC) announced today a new full-line gift catalog
especially for Atari Jaguar gamers. The catalog, shown publicly for
the first time at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Chicago,
features nearly 20 popular consumer items fashionably adorned with the
licensed Jaguar logo. The Atari Jaguar is the world's first 64-bit
interactive multimedia home entertainment system and is the only
system of its kind manufactured in the United States. The Jaguar has
been awarded multiple awards for technical achievement, design and
Effective July 1, 1994, consumers throughout the world may order
products exclusive to the new Jag-Ware collection. Items range in
price as low as $2.95, but no item is more than $100 and include
watches, T-Shirts, waist packs, caps and more.
"We have been bombarded by Jaguar users asking for items they can wear
or give as gifts with the Jaguar logo on it," explains Mr. Greg
LaBrec, Director of Creative Services for Atari Corporation. "The
traditional and new Atari consumer has fallen in love with the Jaguar
and wants to show everyone that they've already moved up to the world
of 64-bit entertainment technology."
Offering apparel and gift items is new for Atari and is a reflection
of the growing popularity of the Jaguar system and Atari's commitment
behind it. The items selected in the 8-page, full-color catalog have
been carefully chosen by Atari with the advice of Norscot Group, Inc.;
suppliers of Corporate namesake specialty catalogs for nearly a
quarter century. Each item was chosen on merits of popularity,
durability and practical application. All items are protected by a
100% satisfaction guarantee and typically shipped within 48 hours as
long as they are in stock.
The Jag-Ware catalog will be mailed to existing Jaguar owners
registered with Atari Corporation within the next 120 days. Those
wishing to obtain a copy sooner may request one by mail by writing:
"JAG-WARE Catalog", Atari Corporation, P.O. Box 61657, Sunnyvale, CA
94089-1657. Catalogs will also be supplied with new Jaguar systems.
Additionally, modem users will find text based copies of the catalog
distributed in publications such as Atari Explorer Online and Silicon
Times Report.
Those wishing to place orders may call 1(800) 653-3313 toll free.
International orders accepted by calling (414) 241-3313. Faxed orders
accepted by dialing (414) 241-4904. Orders may be mailed to: Norscot
Group, Inc., 10510 North Port Washington Road, Mequon, WI 53092.
Money Orders, MasterCard, Visa and American Express accepted. Dealers
and Distributors should place their fall orders now.
# # # #
Jaguar and Jag-Ware are trademarks of Atari Corporation. Atari is a
registered trademark of Atari Corporation.
//// EDITOR: The ASCII text from the Jag-Ware
//// catalog follows the press releases
Bill Rehbock
Atari Corporation
(408) 745-2000
9700 South Cass Avenue/Bldg. 900
Argonne, Illinois 60439-4832
Office: (708) 252-5765
FAX: (708) 252-5128
For Immediate Release
Argonne National Laboratory, a Laboratory funded by the Department of
Energy (DOE), is evaluating the use of Atari's 64-bit multimedia
Jaguar technology as part of its work in the AMTEX program's Demand
Activated Manufacturing Architecture (DAMA) project. The AMTEX
program, the American Textile Partnership, brings together the entire
industry involved in textile products, from fiber to retail, with the
National Laboratory system. It is a technology transfer program
intended to increase industrial competitiveness. Argonne is tasked
with evaluating technologies in the broad area of Information Access
Argonne's exploratory studies of multimedia technology are a direct
response to the need to provide better and broader access to computer
generated information. Manufacturers such as Atari have been
particularly successful in providing visual interfaces to computer
interactions. These interface technologies can provide alternative
methods for accessing the information highway, even displacing the
traditional computer keyboard. Retailers and small manufacturers have
little time to learn complex computer systems. The DAMA project needs
to find new ways for these companies to take advantage of the
electronic market information being generated by the larger companies.
Using this information American companies' can use agile manufacturing
and fast response as the key to regaining a competitive edge in the
The Jaguar technology's ability to recreate realistic visual images
combined with its price performance make it a natural vehicle to
explore new interfacing concepts. The same 64-bit technology that
renders images at high speed can display high-fidelity renderings of
fashion lines at slower speeds. One application area is business
product marketing, where small retailers can view the work of American
designers, accessing it via home entertainment equipment. Another area
being explored is a FAX-based interface to DAMA for small businesses.
The goal is to eliminate the keyboard interface.
Technology transfer is very active at Argonne, "we are looking for
ways to utilize the research performed at Argonne by combining it with
the work done by industry" said Peter Korp, Assistant Scientist at
For more information, contact:
Greg LaBrec, Atari Corporation (408) 745-2000
Atari(R) Wows Serious Gamers With 64-Bit Energy!
CHICAGO, Il. -- June 23, 1994 -- Consumer Electronics Show -- Atari
Corporation (ASE:ATC) announced today that it has hit the road with a
summer long exhibition of the Atari Jaguar in many popular shopping
malls across America. The SuperTour '94 is the second annual tour
co-sponsored by Electronic Gaming Monthly (E.G.M.); an excellent
source of information covering the explosive world of video games. The
show tour is also sponsored by Hero Illustrated; the number one name
in comic guides.
SuperTour '94 offers an opportunity for merchants and enthusastic game
players to see, feel and hear the newest innovations in gaming
entertainment including the Atari Jaguar; the world's first and only
64-bit interactive multimedia home entertainment system. The Jaguar
and compatible game titles have been awarded multiple awards for
technical achievement, design and innovation worldwide.
"We want gamers to compare our system with others," states Mr. Sam
Tramiel, President and CEO of Atari Corporation. "The E.G.M. SuperTour
encourages those comparisons with side-by-side competitions and
demonstrations. Comparisons always sell more machines for Atari."
The E.G.M. SuperTour '94 is scheduled through September in shopping
malls from Charlotte and Orlando to Los Angeles and Seattle; with
cities like Chicago and Denver along the way. The show attracts gamers
and comic collectors with a wide variety of contests, games and prizes
including a full-size professional pinball machine.
"We are getting flooded with calls," notes Mr. Donald Thomas, Director
of Customer Service for Atari Corporation. "Gamers want us to know
that they saw the Jaguar at some of the preseason shows and their
nearest store sold out already. They want to know where to find more."
The SuperTour '94 show schedule may be found in the most current issue
of Electronic Gaming Monthly. The announced tour stops include the
following cities:
June 24 - 26 Lincolnwood Town Center Lincolnwood, IL
July 1 - 3 Rosemont Convention Center Chicago, IL
July 8 - 10 Northlake Atlanta, GA
July 15 - 17 Atlanta Hilton and Towers Atlanta, GA
July 22 - 24 Aurora Mall Denver, CO
July 29 - 31 Plaza Bonita San Diego, CA
August 3 - 7 San Diego Convention Center San Diego, CA
August 12 - 14 Del Amo Fashion Los Angeles, CA
August 19 - 21 Glendale Galleria Los Angeles, CA
August 26 - 28 Vallco Fashion Center Cupertino, CA
September 2 - 4 Eastridge San Jose, CA
September 9 - 11 Southcenter Seattle, WA
# # # #
Jaguar is a trademark of Atari Corporation. Atari is a registered
trademark of Atari Corporation. Other products named may be trademarks
or registered trademarks of their owning companies.
//// Jag-Ware: Jaguar styles Rule!
The following items are available after July 1, 1994 as
announced by Atari Corporation on June 23, 1994 at the
Summer Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago. All items are
top quality and are officially licensed by Atari
Corporation. Contact Norscot Group, Inc. for a color
catalog. These items are NOT available direct from Atari.
Also check popular online services and publications for
releases of product pictures in various image formats to
view on your computer.
Please read disclaimers at end of file.
To order products or obtain a color catalog, contact:
NORSCOT GROUP(r), INC. (since 1970)
10510 North Port Washington Road
Mequon, WI 53092-5500 U.S.A.
TOLL FREE USA & CANADA ...... 1-800-653-3313
FAX TOLL FREE USA & CANADA .. 1-800-653-4904
INTERNATIONAL ............... 414-241-3313
FAX INTERNATIONAL ........... 414-241-4904
DEALER and DISTRIBUTOR inquiries welcome! 414-241-3313
A. CAP (#185001) $14.95
100% cotton twill baseball cap. Adjustable back-strap.
Black. Embroidered Jaguar logo on front in red.
Embroidered Atari logo on back in white. Screened red
cat scratch marks on visor. Made in the USA.
B. T-SHIRT (#185002) $14.95 S-M-L-XL-XXL
100% cotton heavyweight T-shirt. Taped crew neck. Black
with a Jaguar screened full front and the Jaguar logo
screened on the back. Made in the USA.
C. SHORTS (#185005) $16.95 S-M-L-XL
These comfortable shorts are extra long with side seam
pockets and a drawcord waistband. Made of heavy-weight
7oz. 100% cotton. Black with the Jaguar logo and cat
scratches screened on the left leg in red and Atari logo
screened on the right leg in red. Made in the USA.
D. HOODED SWEATSHIRT (#185003) $27.95 S-M-L-XL-XXL
50/50 cotton/polyester 7oz. hooded sweatshirt. Double
sided pouch pocket, ribbed cuffs and band bottom. Black
with a Jaguar screened full front and the Jaguar logo
screened on the back. Made in the USA.
E. DENIM JACKET (#185006) $97.95 S-M-L-XL-XXL
This classic jean jacket is made of 100% cotton stone-
washed denim and is sure to make a super impression.
Traditional styling includes six button front, flap
chest pockets and seam detailing. Jaguar logo embossed
across back and embroidered on the left chest in red.
Made in the USA.
100% cotton pique shirt with two button placket, banded
sleeves and extended tail with vents. Black with the
Jaguar logo embroidered left chest in red.
Made in the USA.
Heavyweight 7oz. 100% cotton sport shirt. Long sleeves
and 3 woodtone buttons. Ash body and red sleeves. Jaguar
logo on the left chest and across the back in red.
Made in the USA.
H. DUFFEL BAG (#185008) $32.95 20" x 10" x 10"
This large square duffel goes everywhere. Black with red
web trim and handles. The Jaguar logo is featured in red
with the Atari logo in white. Heavy-duty 1000 denier
nylon cordura.
I. WAIST PACK (#185007) $9.95 6 3/4" x 4" x 3"
Zip front and adjustable poly web waist strap make this
waist pack perfect for those on the go. Sized to carry
essentials. Black 1000 denier nylon. Jaguar logo in red.
J. LAPEL PIN (#185016) $4.95
The Jaguar logo in fine pewter with brass finish and red
enamel color fill. Standard post and brass military
K. KEY CHAIN (#185011) $2.95
Awesome! This acrylic key tag shows it all. The Jaguar
logo printed on one side with a 3-D laser Jaguar
hologram on the opposite side. Steel split ring.
Virtually unbreakable.
L. BIKE BOTTLE (#185013) $4.95
For the fun times, carry this 30oz. bike bottle.
Odorless, taste-free and totally FDA approved. Made of
low-density polyethylene for squeezability. Black with
the Jaguar logo in red.
M. SPORT BOTTLE (#185012) $3.95
Perfect for car, home or office. Features straw cap and
32oz. capacity. Black with the Jaguar logo in red.
N. ATTACHE (#185019) $33.95 17" x 13" x 4 1/2"
Pack up your games and go. Use this nifty black attache
featuring the Jaguar logo to carry pens, keys,
calculator and more. Adjustable and removable shoulder
strap. 600 denier polyester with PVC backing.
O. PEN (#185009) $9.95
The sport vector roller ball from Parker features a
custom Jaguar print with the Jaguar logo in red and the
Atari logo in black. Gift boxed.
P. COFFEE MUG (#185010) $7.95
11oz. ceramic "magic" mug. Black with screened Jaguar
logo in red. Fill it up with a hot beverage and watch
the Jaguar eyes appear.
Q. SUN GLASSES (#185014) $8.95
Classic style with satin-like acetate frame. UV
protection. Black with Jaguar logo in red on bow. White
strap with Jaguar and Atari logos screened in red. Black
case included.
R. WRIST WATCH (#185015) $35.95
A black leather band and a black metal case set off the
3-D laser hologram face on this watch. Swiss parts
movement. Shock and water resistant. 3 year warranty.
Gift boxed.
Atari is a registered trademark of Atari Corporation.
Jaguar is a trademark of Atari Corporation. Norscot is a
registered trademark of Norscot Group, Inc. This file may
be distributed freely in its entire form ONLY and with
distributor's intent to support the Atari Jaguar 64-bit
gaming system. Prices, availability, descriptions and terms
are subject to change without notice. Atari Corporation and
Norscot Group Inc. are not responsible for typographical
errors, modifications or omissions in this file.
//// CatBox and CatBox+ Press Releases
CatBox(TM) tames the Jaguar
Black Cat proves it has the right stuff
CHICAGO, IL -- June 23, 1994 -- Consumer Electronics Show -- Black
Cat Design, a designer of computer peripherals and accessories today
announced CatBox and CatBox+, feature-packed interface adapters for
the Atari Jaguar 64-bit game system.
CatBox plugs directly into the AV/DSP ports on the back of the
Jaguar. Its custom case measures just 6 x 2.5 x 1.25 inches and
perfectly accents the sleek Jaguar design. CatBox provides all of the
standard connections that Jaguar customers desire. Standard ports
include: S-Video, Composite Video, Left & Right Audio Out, Dual Stereo
Headphones, Analog RGB Video, RS-232, ComLynx, and pass-through DSP.
All connectors are "industry standard".
Standards are a big part of CatBox and connectivity is the key. The
RS- 232 port will connect to standard modems. The ComLynx port will
join other Jaguar and Lynx game systems for multi-player games and
other networking ideas. Black Cat Design is actively working with
game developers to ensure support for these ports.
CatBox+ offers two powerful new features in addition to the standard
CatBox features. Stereo headphone amplification with volume control
provides a more powerful sound. The new differential pair network
uses standard RJ-11 phone wiring to create a low cost networking
system which allows systems to be separated up to 300 feet.
An imaginative, well thought out design includes flexibility for the
future. Internal expansion connectors for future add-in cards ensure
that CatBox will be as useful then as it is now. Future products
under consideration include a Midi interface and an internal modem.
Thomas Harker, president of Black Cat Design, explained, "This product
is an unbelievable value. I wouldn't be surprised if all Jaguar owners
buy a CatBox. My family is really thankful for the headphone jacks
when our twin boys are playing Raiden. Finally, peace and quiet again
in the game room. The boys can't wait for the next generation of
multi-player games to arrive. Imagine, dual Jaguars head to head.
CatBox will help make this possible. It makes so much sense, I don't
know why it wasn't done before."
CatBox will begin shipping late this quarter at an MSRP of $49.95.
CatBox+ will have an MSRP of $69.95. ICD, Inc., a well known developer
of Atari computer products will be marketing CatBox. ICD is taking
orders now with shipments expected in August.
# # # #
CatBox is a trademark of Black Cat Design. Other trademarks are
those of their respective holders.
For more information, contact:
Thomas D. Harker, Black Cat Design (815) 968-2228 ext. 222
Fax (815)968-6888
//// 4Play Announces Star Battle
Star Battle(TM) announced for Atari Jaguar
4Play among Atari Jaguar developers
Gaming will never be the same!
CHICAGO, IL -- June 23, 1994 -- Consumer Electronics Show -- a
talented new design group called 4Play, today announced their first
title which will fully exploit Jaguar's 64-bit capabilities.
600 years in the future, several spacefaring races are battling for
domination of the galaxy. To avoid unnecessary loss of life and
destruction, it is agreed that the best warriors and military minds
will be sent to a small uninhabited quadrant of the galaxy to settle
the score. Some of the races have endured years of torment and
oppression and with the galaxy at stake, nothing short of eradication
of the enemy is acceptable.
Star Battle is a first person perspective game designed to put fun
back into gaming. Star Battle's multi-player action allows head to
head challengers over modem or network. The Jaguar makes this possible
with 64-bit power and outstanding connectability.
Tom Harker, president of 4Play commented, "Our custom game tools
afford no compromises. With advanced features like a warp polygon
engine, gouraud shading, texture mapping, networking and modem
support, Star Battle will be setting new standards in excellence for a
long time to come".
Look for Star Battle to be released on cartridge in the 4th quarter.
# # # #
Star Battle is a trademark of 4Play. Other products named may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their owning companies.
For more information, contact:
Thomas D. Harker, 4Play (815) 968-2228 ext. 222
Fax 815-968-6888
//// AEO at SCES 94 video
With the SCES behind us, many are wondering exactly what they can
expect to see in the "AEO at SCES 94" video.
I am happy to report that the AEO SCES video is the only video of the
SCES ANYWHERE to (among other things) contain DIRECT S-VIDEO FOOTAGE
Games include the following: (in no particular order)
Iron Soldier
Ultra Vortex
Kasumi Ninja
Brutal Sports Football
Battlezone 2000
Star Battle
Space War
Double Dragon V
Aliens vs. Predator
Club Drive
Checkered Flag
Wolfenstein 3-D
World Class Cricket
Arena Football
Troy Aikman Football
Zool 2
Blue Lightning
Ruiner (Pinball)
White Men Can't Jump
Direct footage of Jeff Minter's VLM is also included, along with some
full motion video clips from movies utilizing the Jag CD's Cinepak
Clips from U.S. Gold's Flashback are also included, along with shots
of Thrustmaster's Driving Wheel/Pedal Combo. Victor Maxx's Cybermaxx
VR Helmet is shown, as is a shot of the voice modem in action. Also
included are never before seen shots of Photosurrealism's current
works, still early in development!
Viewers of the video will be treated to exclusive interviews with
people such as Jeff Minter, Sam Tramiel, Jay Wilbur, Beyond Games,
Peter Korp from Argonne National Labs, 4Play, Terry Grantham
(President of Telegames), plus much, much more! You'll see candid
shots of various Atari employees, a Tempest showdown between Jeff and
Sam... more Atari news than you thought humanly possible.
Two full hours of professionally edited tape, jam packed with all the
latest Jaguar gaming excitement. Exclusive interviews, DIRECT VIDEO
FEEDS OF ALL GAMES SHOWN BY ATARI, even a Jaguar being played at the
3DO booth!
What more could you ask for? No one knows gaming like Atari, and no
one knows Atari like AEO!
Order your copy today!
Here are the videotape ordering details. If you have any questions,
please write:
--Travis Guy
Atari Explorer Online Magazine
"AEO - the premier online resource, recommended by Atari Corp."
//// The "AEO At SCES 94" Nitty Gritty
Here's the scoop. The cost of the video is $17.50. Shipping and
handling will be $2.90 (Priority Mail) if you live in the U.S. (or
even Guam!); $4.00 for Canadian and Mexican orders; $7.00 for European
orders; and $9.00 for orders to Australia.
California residents will need to add 7.25% sales tax.
All prices quoted are in U.S. dollars. We cannot be responsible for
lost or misdirected mail.
This offer expires July 31, 1994. After that date, orders for the "AEO
at SCES 94" videotape will be filled at a higher rate.
//// Payment Methods & Where to Order
Only personal checks drawn on U.S. banks in U.S. currency; cashiers
checks drawn from U.S. or large international banks in U.S. currency;
or money orders payable in U.S. currency (Preferred!), will be
accepted. Make all instruments of payment payable to Tal Funke-Bilu,
and send them to:
AEO SCES Video Offer
c/o Tal Funke-Bilu
597 Huntington
Cambria, CA 93428
//// Turnaround and Shipment
We anticipate as quick a turnaround time in producing and mailing the
videotapes as possible. Orders paid via personal checks will incur a
slight delay as the check must clear your bank first. If you provide a
valid Internet mailable address, Tal will be able to confirm receipt
of your order (once he arrives back from SCES), and shipment of your
The postal authorities promise prompt delivery (U.S. orders will be
sent via Priority Mail), but all we can guarantee is that the tapes
will be put in the mail promptly. All foreign orders must go through
Here is an un-snazzy order form to help you on your way:
----------------------------- > clip > ----------------------------
Name: ________________________ Phone:___________________
Mailing ________________________ Internet
address address: ________________________
________________________ (For Confirmation)
#0# # # # # # # # # # # # #
City:_________________ #
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State/Province:_________________ # AEO SCES Video Offer
# c/o Tal Funke-Bilu
Postal Code:_________________ # 597 Huntington
# Cambria, CA 93428
Country:_________________ #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Please send me ____ copy(es) of the
NTSC AEO SCES 94 video at $17.50 each.... $ ___.__
US Shipping & Handling: $2.90 per video
Canadian & Mexican Shipping & Handling: $4.00 per video
European Shipping & Handling: $7.00 per video
Australian Shipping & Handling: $9.00 per video.... $ __.__
California residents add 7.25% sales tax.... $ __.__
Total.... $ ___.__
(Do The Math!)
Make all instruments
payable to: Tal Funke-Bilu
Important Notice: AEO wants to provide our loyal readers with the
best possible coverage of Atari Jaguar events at
Summer CES 1994. In case of accident, illness,
or an Act of God or of Fate, all orders will
be returned.
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||| Atari Shareholders' Meeting
||| By: Tal Funke-Bilu
/ | \ GEnie: EXPLORER.5 Delphi: AEXPLORER
//// Editor: This originally appeared June 18th
//// as AEO News Bulletin #4
//// The annual Atari shareholders' meeting took place on Friday,
//// June 17th at Atari Corporation headquarters in Sunnyvale,
//// California. AEO's Tal Funke-Bilu was present, and turned in this
//// report. There is some pretty hot stuff being lined up for
//// Atari's near future!...
//// Before I turn this over to Tal, let me add a note. Traditionally
//// in many companies' shareholders' meetings, best case scenarios
//// and target dates are used. Understanding that sych things can
//// change, here is Tal's report:
Well, as Travis has just told you, I am back from attending the Atari
shareholders' meeting. And while I know that many of you have been
waiting anxiously to find out what Atari has up their sleeves, I can
honestly tell you that this AEO update contains what I believe to be
the most exciting Jaguar news since Atari announced production of the
Beast itself.
I was going to sit back and tell you how cool and collective the
Tramiels looked, ready to take the video gaming world by storm (as if
they have not done so already <g>). I was going to say how Jeff Minter
turned a light shade of red when everyone applauded in response to his
Virtual Light Machine. I was going to tell you a lot of things to set
the mood, and draw this update out as long as possible, but then I
realized that I could not hold back this info any longer. Are you
seated? You better be, because this is going to knock your socks off!
You want Jaguar games? They are coming. If everything goes as planned,
Wolf 3D should start showing up at Blockbuster and other stores in the
next couple of weeks. These will be the product of a "pre-release" of
Wolf 3D, where an unspecified amount of carts have been "rushed"
through production. Keep in mind, the "official" batch of Wolf 3D
carts will hit the shelves later. So call your local store and see if
you can reserve it, because it puts the PC version to shame! The
flamethrower is great!
That is almost good enough news to justify an update right there, but
I will not stop there. Before I go on, I would like to congratulate
the Tramiels on their 10th anniversary with Atari! They have handled
the good and the bad, and are pulling through to bring video gaming to
new heights! Great job guys!
OK, here is some news I thought you people all over net-land would
enjoy. Everyone is wondering whether DOOM will be ComLynxable. Well,
just stop using the term "ComLynx". (For a reason you will read about
later.) With DOOM you will be able to connect a minimum of 2 players
and possibly 4. But here is the catch - DOOM will be compatible with
the yet to be released VOICE MODEM to be shown by Atari at the SCES.
That is right! For two player games, you will be able to call up your
friend over the phone and engage in total carnage right in the safety
of your own home! As if that was not enough, the VOICE MODEM will
allow you to talk to your friend VIA THE HEADSET packed in w/ the
voice modem, at the same time, using the SAME PHONE LINE.
Let me say that again. Using one phone line, you will be able to talk
to your friend (using the VOICE MODEM HEADSET) and carry on a game of
DOOM at the same time. Unreal! In order for DOOM to be able to support
4 player gameplay, it will have to be connected over the Jag network
(what has been referred until now as the ComLynx) using special cables
to route them through your entire house. You will not have to keep
your Jags right next to each other in order to enjoy multi-player
What? You want even more great news? There is this....
[] Mr. Tramiel emphasized the fact that Atari is focused more on
quality, than on rushing out sub-par games: "If we have to delay a
game for a month to make it better, that's what we're going to do." He
also stated that the Cinepac compression kit (developed by SuperMac)
in the CD-ROM drive is the best version of Cinepac ever done by
SuperMac, and even far superior to the PC version. A tentative release
time set for the CD was "by the end of October." In keeping with
Atari's original estimate, the MSRP is still at $199.99.
[] While we are on the subject of the CD-ROM, Mr. Tramiel stated that
the MPEG cart should be available around the same time as the CD-ROM
for a price under $150.
[] Also mentioned was the fact that there are now a minimum of 150
signed Jaguar developers.
[] In an effort to continue to stay ahead of the competition, Sam
Tramiel quickly touched on the fact that Atari has plans for Jaguar II
already in development. It is expected to maintain 100% downward
compatibility with the Jaguar, so as not to eliminate the current
software library. This announcement was geared more towards long-term
investors than current game players, so do not worry, Jaguar owners -
Jag II is not going to turn up next year!
[] Kasumi Ninja was shown briefly. From the quick 30 seconds shown I
can easily say that this is going to be the best fighting game to come
to any home system yet. I feel this could easily rival MKII in the
arcade. 24-bit true color animated backgrounds. Over 100 frames of
animation per character. BLOOD, BRUTAL FATALITIES, and MUCH MORE.
Already I can guarantee that it puts MK to shame, if not both MK and
[] Brett Hull Hockey will be on CD-ROM and have full NHL/NHLPA
endorsement. They said it would very easily be POSSIBLE to include
digitized faces from every NHL player in the game.
[] The T2K master audio CD arrived in Atari this past week, and they
are currently deciding how to market it.
[] One company has approached Atari in an effort to incorporate the
Jag in exercise machines. This, combined with the "ANL" project (stay
in touch with AEO, and you will find out more about -that- after
SCES), represents Atari's outreach to non-game projects. The Jaguar is
definitely a "multimedia machine".
[] Atari also mentioned that they are also trying to license CD-I
technology, thus allowing future use of CD-I discs on Jaguar.
[] At SCES, Thrustmaster will display a steering wheel with pedals,
and possibly a flight yoke. The MSRP of the steering wheel/pedals
combo is $129.99.
[] Special Alien vs. Predator and Kasumi Ninja advertisements are in
the works.
[] There are a pool of games (numbering around 25) that Atari expects
to have out by Christmas.
||| Over The Pond - The UK Section
||| By: Lea Anthony
/ | \ Internet: lea@uk.ac.bham.cs
Hello and Welcome to the first edition (addition?) of "Over The Pond"
the UK section of Atari Explorer Online. First of all, I'd like to
thank Travis Guy for all the support and help given to me over the
past few weeks in preparing this article and send a personal farewell
to our dear "online" friend, Bob Brodie. Right, back to the article!
This month we have an exclusive interview with Sinister Developments,
creators of many a sharware game for the ST/Amiga/PC platforms and we
shall be finding out why they chose to program the Jaguar! We also
have a run down of the latest news clippets from UK Magazines and what
they are saying about Atari's 64-bit wonder, the Jaguar!
//// Sinister Developments Interview
Sinister Developments are a small team of programmers who originaly
made shareware games for the ST-Amiga-PC platforms. Now they have
decided to devolop for Atari's 64-bit baby, the Jaguar. To find out
more, I called Gordon from the Sinister team and he kindly agreed
to do this brief interview.
AEO: Gordon, what attracted you to develop for the Jaguar ?
Gordon : Well several reasons...
1) It's not a PC (very important if you like coding in 68xxx code)
2) It's an Atari machine. This may seem like a strange statement, but
I have always liked the Atari machines. The ST always seemed to be a
more user friendly machine than the Amiga, even although the Amiga was
technically slightly better. Over the last 7 or so years in which I
have used my ST (it's still alive!!), I have had a lot of fun and met
a lot of people in the computer scene. So I'm going to stick with what
I know pretty well... the Atari. Besides which, the development kit
runs with a TT (the grown up ST).
3) The development kit is not prohibitively expensive, unlike the 3D0
4) The Jaguar hardware specs are pretty awesome. They may not stand
up to the specs which sony and sega are throwing around, but at least
the Jaguar is available now. The sony and sega machines may not appear
on schedule (after all, when do computer companies ever release
anything on time).
AEO: What impresses you the most about the technology ?
Gordon : Probably the fact that the system was developed for writing
games, and notjust a pile of custom chips which you might find in your
washing machine as well as your games console. The upgrade path for
programmers is also quite gentle, as the Jaguar still has a 68000 at
the heart of matters. This allows ST/AMIGA programmers to get up to
speed on the Jaguar quickly.
AEO: What kind of games do you foresee Sinister doing ?
Gordon : As we are an entirely independent unit, we will be
developing new games. Not upgrades of software already available on
other machines. We have previously written versions of old classic
arcade games as shareware for the ST/AMIGA and PC. These will not be
appearing on the Jaguar unless there is a huge demand for them.
(Asteroids, Galaxian, Centipede, Space Invaders and Painter... in case
you want to create some demand!!).
AEO: What will your first Jaguar venture be ? Any Details ?
Gordon : At the moment we are discussing a few ideas, so nothing has
been finalised. If I had a name for our first product, I would let you
know... time will tell all.
AEO: How do you think the Jaguar will compare to the new SEGA and
Sony Machines ?
Gordon : It's difficult to say at the moment, but if the advance
rumours are to be believed then the PSX should be a better machine.
It's also difficult to gauge how Sony will fare with the PSX since
they have not really marketed a successfull machine outside the far
east. The other point of note with both Sony and Sega is that they are
probably relying on people wanting to play the current big arcade
games, but how many big arcade games are there these days. You've got
Virtua racing, Virtua fighter, Daytona, Ridge Racer, Street Fighter
ultra super 27 etc.... I would imagine that marketing a successful
console today will require much more original software, and I think
that the US and European software companies are more likely to
dominate which machines become a success. The Sega route of upgrading
the Megadrive/Genesis is a strange one. I think it has been fairly
well proved in the past that upgrade machines never do quite as well
as perhaps they should have. There are several examples dating back to
the Sinclair spectrum/spectrum 128, CBM 64/128, and Atari ST/STE/
Falcon. In all of these cases generally the software developer will
continue to develop for the lowest platform, as this guarantees
maximum coverage for the product. I think this is also likely to be
the case with the 32X. The Saturn is probably a bit far off at the
moment to worry about, it's possible the 32/64bit console war will
have been won by then.
AEO: Well, good luck with the future Sinister "Developments" (no pun
intended!) and thank you for your time to do this interview.
Just before mailing this article to Travis, I received more news from our
friend Gordon:
I think we have decided on a game title for our first endevour, it
will be called "Twin Crystals". You'll have to wonder about content
for the time being though!!!
Some people are such a tease aren't they ?
//// UK Rags
//// ST User - June Edition
There is a preview of Double Dragon 5 (which, according to the
article, was apparently a *HUGE* typo and should have been DD4 all
along!). The game is basically another Double Dragon with the
addition of a "Verses Mode". This basically meaning that you can
play against another player a la Street Fighter. One interesting
thing to note about the "Verses Mode" is that it appears the
players can use weapons! It includes quite a hefty bunch of
characters to choose from including 2 female characters! Each
person has their own "dosier" which is brought up before a game
starts. The graphics don't seem to be anything more than a SNES
could do but to be fair, it was said that Telegames were polishing
the graphics.
//// ST Format - July Edition
There is a brief news article about the Jaguar picking up the "Best
Hardware" award at the ECTS and also a 3-page article interviewing
various software houses and asking their opinion on the Jaguar.
Among those interviewed were: Krisalis, Ocean, Virgin, Team 17,
Gremlin Graphics and Domark. They generally had good things to say
but the most interesting comment was from Virgin. The guy
interviewed was quoted saying, "But our support doesn't end there,
but of course I have to keep somethings quiet....!". Hmmm! Make of
that what you will!!!
//// EDGE Issue 10
Quite a controversial issue this month with the front cover sporting
a picture of Trip Hawkins and a large piece of text saying "3DOA"
and "Why is this man still smiling?". There is an interview with
Trip talking about the "opposition" (in which he fails to mention
the Jaguar) and talking about the 3D0 upgrade path, giving the
current base better chips, etc. EDGE acknowledge the problem 3DO has
against the newer machines. EDGE also talks about the JAGPC card.
Well that's the end of the first "Over The Pond" section. I hope you all
enjoyed it! See you all next issue! Take Care.
||| Internal Flames
||| By: Timothy Wilson
/ | \ GEnie: AEO.8 Internet: wilsont@rahul.net
As I read various video gaming articles on GEnie and Usenet, I see the
various advocacy posts pop in from time to time in the "on topic"
groups, and the virtual deluge of posts in the flame, advocacy or "X
vs. Y" groups. Sometimes, some things that are said really irk me.
This isn't an article to protest or whine about these groups, personal
attacks on myself, or attacks on Atari or the Jaguar, it's the disease
of misinformation and ignorance that runs rampant in these groups.
What I will attempt to present in this article are some facts, things
to ponder, guidelines, etc, whatever, on the various issues the crop
up in a never ending pattern. I will comment on the ones I have
certain "feelings" about. Feel free to write me about anything you
might agree or disagree with. (wilsont@rahul.net) As the title
implies, these are in my opinion, but in some circumstances, I will
note facts, backed up with the "fact" that I am a Jaguar developer,
and I write software for a living. I have read the documents, I have
written code for the beast, as well as other platforms: MS-DOS, Unix,
and TOS.
//// The Specs
I dunno where this one came from, at least not into the video gaming
market. Oh sure, computer manufacturers have always spit out MHz, MB,
RAM, ROM, Ports, Display resolutions, DMA channels, DAC resolutions,
playback rates, but these were for $1000 (and above) computer systems.
Heck, the marketing guys had a reason to go wild with that stuff.
Well, here comes the 32bit (and 64) bit gaming systems, and the
marketing guys now have all sorts of numbers to throw around (in vain
in some circumstances) to amaze and confuse the average joe.
As to the specs, I say forget 'em. I remember endless hours playing on
a friends 2600 with Yars Revenge or Adventure. I could really care
less that the Intellivison looked better. The games were the only
thing that mattered.
My cousins have a Genny and a SNES, then for one of their birthdays a
friend bought them "Altered Beast (TM)", they got out their old Sega
Master system to play it. I counted about 6 colors, but they plunked
down in front of it for hours.
But thats an example of the largest market that the video game
industry targets, the 9-13 year olds. They just don't care, they don't
want plots, snazzy graphics, or hours of FMV, they want to press start
and blast stuff.
Me? Well, I still like to plug in my 800xl and play a round of
M.U.L.E. or BallBlazer. The games had graphics that were good enough
to now what was going on, and gameplay that was phenonamal. The old
games were fine, but I won't play crappy conversions. Remember Star
Wars on the 8bits? It was soooo bad. In that case, graphics were so
bad, it impacted the gameplay, But so many other games were playable
with the graphics availible that it didn't disapoint me to see Star
Wars done so badly.
The point I'm getting to is that the specs will not decide what system
is better to the gamer, it's the GAMES, that will. But there is a
performance envelope that must be accounted for. Take for example
arcade Star Wars. It had a bank of 6809's and math units, as well as a
Quadra-Scan display. There was no way that the 8bit computers at the
time could do such a game, but within their envelope, the games could
be great (BallBlazer).
So the specs create the envelope, and when designers and programmers
go beyond the envelope, the games start to suffer. But I've found that
games have remained at a constant "fun" level for me even after 14
years of playing them. Even though we can texturemap every wall and
ceiling, play back stereo CD quality sound, and have frame rates and
resolutions beyond NTSC, the games haven't got any more fun for me.
What the new larger envelopes do is help produce different
experiences. I can get into Doom. X-Wing has that Star Wars
atmosphere. Dungeon Master made my heart pound. But when I'm done, I
can go play M.U.L.E. and WOW!, I'm having a blast!... Just as much fun
as playing Doom 15 minutes earlier.
And this isn't a defensive tactic. Some of you might think: "Well, of
course you're gonna say that, cuz the Jag sucks, the (fill in the
blank with a game system) will kick its butt into the ground. The Jag
can't do (this) or do (that), want proof? Look at game (X)!"
Nonsense, The Jaguar is a VERY powerful platform, it has a better
envelope than (IMHO) every game system on the market today. What the
Jaguar needs is the FUN games, and as a second feature, let's hope
they ride on the edge of the envelope, and deliver new experiences.
(Riots in the crowd start)
"But the 3DO has tons of games! 3DO rulz!"
Show me a good game in the "ton" and maybe I'll look into it.
Again I'll state IMHO, and continue:
The 3DO is a powerful machine, but the developers have exceeded its
envelope. Hence, the games suffer. Or the focus has been on FMV and
"wizbang" graphics.
All of the games on the 3DO have been uninteresting to me, they look
great in the magazines, but after 5 minutes of play I get bored.
Hey, I'm not saying the Jaguar is any better, Crescent Galaxy looked
great in the stills, but has little play value. Dino-Dudes? Next!
I'm waiting for the developers to finally get back to the gameplay
side of things, and get off this whizbang gotta-look-good trip.
(Being a developer, I've already started on my way.)
//// Our frimfram can zoink smeglors faster!
An offspring of "Specs" is the misinformation cancer. It grows
wherever people don't read the whole article or paragraph; or worse,
-haven't- even read any such paper, article, or whatnot.
Take one of the first "growths" to form in Jaguar discussions: Texture
Mapping. Because the first games didn't have any (and every 3DO game
did), gobs of people thought that the Jaguar just couldn't do it. It
must lack a "texturemapping chip" and was doomed to fail. Even though
every time you power up a jag, there it was, a texturemapped cube.
Rumors where flying around everywhere, and somewhere someone came up
with the idea that the CD-ROM unit had TM'ing hardware in it!
Well, I can tell you this, The Jaguar Blitter can do texturemapping.
The blitter uses a fixed point DDA (digital differential analyzer),
it's just the thing a programmer needs to texturemap, draw lines, and
gouraud shade. I've written a routine to texturemap arbitrary
polygons, so have other developers.
Of course, how can we forget the "banking" debate. Once again, since
Cybermorph didn't have the horizon bank, it must mean there is
something deadly wrong with the Jag! It must not be able to draw
banked horizons! It's too slow!
Wrong again! These people claiming such nonsense have never programmed
a 3D display before.
Just for quick time out, it might seem that I believe non-programmers
are low-life serfs, doomed to scrape a pathetic existance from under
society's table. Well, no I don't. It's just that in most of these
cases, the average joe game player (e.g. not the programmers) have
came to conclusions that are simply beyond their knowledge and
experience. If (in general) people would just be quiet until know FOR
SURE what they are talking about, things would go alot smoother.
Imagine that, intelligent flaming!
Anyways, back to the "banking".
Every vertex of a 3D object must be converted from its "universal"
position to its "eye" position. This is done by multiplying every
point by and "eye" matrix. A matrix is a nifty mathematical construct,
the details of which I won't go into, but it comes down to this: 3
Multiplies, and 6 MAC's... Multiply and ACcumulate (a MAC is a
multiply and an add) are required to multiply a point by a matrix.
The whole proceedure (in my code) takes 18 instructions... That's 18
Jaguar cycles folks. Now how fast does the GPU run at? 26.6Mhz right?
26.6 MILLION cycles per second! Gee, doesn't look like it takes very
long to transform points.
Ah, but you ask what does all this have to do with banking? Well, to
bank, or turn, or pitch the eye matrix, it has to be multiplied by
another matrix. So how long does this take?
9 Multiplies, 18 MAC's, and in my code, 54 instructions for the whole
operation. Once again, that's 54 cycles. But the eye matrix only has
to be transformed ONCE every time you twiddle the joystick for
example. So why didn't Cybermorph bank? Who knows? I can tell you my
game will, as does Checkered Flag, and other upcoming games.
Also, we have the average joe looking at the block diagram and making
incredible leaps of logic. I came across one discussion where there
was talk that the Blitter maintained the screen. (Drove the video
DAC.) Well, It doesn't. The object processor does.
Oh yeah, Of course there's the group that sees the 68k in the Jag and
condemns the Jag because of it. Here's some news: The PSX, and Saturn
and 32X all use 68K's! Gee, they must be 16 bit systems huh? Of
course, as a developer, I can comment on this, I tell you that the 68K
in my development is used to do two things:
1. Start the system: After loading boot code into Tom & Jerry, it
starts them up and then waits.
2. Maintains a list for the video output, bascially, it runs for a few
cycles (50-100) every 1/60th a second on an interupt.
Oh yeah, thats the "Central" Processing Unit. Looks like its "Central"
to everything... NOT. I could move the VBL code to another processor
if I want. I don't want to use it for anything else, it is the slowest
thing on the bus.
The latest bit of misinformation is about the SRAM on T&J. Once again,
the average joe has taken info and twisted it into some hideous
shortcoming that will forever doom the Jaguar to the junkheap. The
"problem" is this: the GPU has a 4K SRAM area, and the DSP has 8K.
People who are accustomed to 300K executables are complaining that
it's not enough and it takes too long to write an overlay routine.
Well, once again I'll shoot this one down. Note that I would have
liked more SRAM myself. As it stands however, its not a hard problem
to solve. It's easy to write a piece of code that blits in the next
part of your routine. My texturemapping routine I mentioned earlier
only takes up 1K. A polygon routine I have is even smaller.
Secondly, I don't want the RISCs running out of the DRAM. In the SRAM
they can run at full bore, while not soaking up any bandwidth from the
blitter or DSP fetches for sound. Now isn't that groovy? Instead of a
processor waiting for graphics chips to finish, the processor can
continue to calculate... "stuff".
Well, that's about it, I just had to get that stuff off my chest. I
hope it's informed you as well, not just got you mad at me. :^)
||| Andreas' Den
||| By: Andreas Barbiero
/ | \ Delphi: ABARBIERO GEnie: AEO.2
The Falcon is a great entry level computer with features not even
found on top of the line power computing machines. It does have some
drawbacks, one of which is the fact that there is no big brother to
the Falcon030. To satisfy the needs of people who want something like
the Falcon, but the power to take on the new heavyweights to the
computing world, something more is needed.
Fear not! The 3rd party guys have not passed up the Falcon030, and
instead of lamenting over the problem, there has been a veritable
explosion of new hardware to remedy any speed needs you may have.
Even if you do not have a Falcon030, there are many things that you
can do to give whatever Atari you own extra performance.
//// Falcon030
I have compiled some information concerning the German "Speed
Resolution Card". The Speed Resolution Card can enhance your Falcon's
hardware by not only providing a 40MHz speed-up for the '030 but by
improving the Falcon030's video as well. This is not directly, but
with the faster bus speed that this device can deliver, if you combine
it with something like Blow-UP 030. This means that you can truly get
1024x768 NON INTERLACED using the Speed Resolution Card and the
Blow-UP Hard I. This information was compiled from the Lexicor-list,
and Yat Siu of Lexicor was kind enough to forward more information to
me. The "Speed Resolution Card" from Hard & Soft in Germany allows you
to select various CPU and Bus clock-rates e.g., CPU 40MHz and Bus
It comes with a processor cooler, and it will drive the math
co-prorocessor to a maximum of 40Mhz. You can select different
variations of processor/bus speeds, but there has been spurious
reports that some Falcons will not run at the max speeds available,
but this may be due to other factors than the card may be responsible
for. Benchmarks claim the card can squeeze out a 45% performance boost
for processor and I/O throughput, and there is no incompatibilities to
ACN (from ST Nieuws) in The Netherlands are selling a Falcon 40 MHz
upgrade from the German firm Digital Data Deicke. Oddly enough, it's
called Highspeed 40 MHz.
It upgrades the 68030 and the DSP to 40 MHz. It also can switch the
video clock to 40 MHz resulting in higher resolutions. The upgrade can
be switched back to 16 MHz by a hardware switch without a reset. In
that way programs (probably mostly games) which doesn't work at speeds
faster than 16 MHz can still run. The upgrade doesn't use the
expansion slot so you can still use other hardware in your expansion
slot. Therefore the upgrade requires some soldering.
Some numbers: 100 % is a standard 32 MHz TT 030
CPU memory: 112 %
CPU register: 124 %
CPU divide: 124 %
CPU shifts: 126 %
The upgrade makes your FALCON 030 about 1.2 times as fast as a TT030.
The price is very cheap. It costs f279,- dutch guilders which is about
96 U.K. pounds or $143 dollars.
There are other possibilities, one of which is something called the
Falcon Richter Board which costs around 300-400 DM and gives a 50Mhz
Math Co-Pro and switchable 16/20/32/36 MHz CPU. Already available are
the Might Sonic boards which go for around $400, and with the Fast-RAM
option they offer a 32bit memory bus.
There is a discussion centering around the fact that no matter how
fast you make the CPU, without being able to speed up access to RAM,
then the maximum speed increase that can be expected is around
50%-60%. The price to performance ratio is something to consider. If
you are like me, money is the bottom line, and you need the most power
for every dollar you spend. The Mighty Eagle Sonic card allows you to
add Fast-RAM to you computer, which is identical to TT-RAM in a TT030.
This RAM is not subject to the memory contention that fights video for
processor time, and has unrestricted 32 bit access. In an ST or with
ST-RAM, video access the same RAM that the CPU does, so the CPU
sometimes has to wait for cycles to pass (remember wait-states?)
before it can get a chance at getting its own information from RAM.
Once you can free the processor from this contention, then some real
speed can be achieved. This is a more expensive way to get performance
from your Falcon030, but there are other options. Speeding up the
data bus rate will increase the maximum resolution that the Falcon030
can output, and a faster processor speed will give you better
performance even without fast-RAM.
I picked up this tidbit off the Internet talking about a new product
which also speeds up the clock speed of the Falcon030.
This appears to be another inexpensive way to accelerate your
Falcon030, but again does not support 32bit RAM. I don't like
benchmarks, as there is no benchmark program that will take into
account the parallel processors that are in the Falcon030. With an
overall speedup to 40MHz (except the bus data rate, I am assuming) an
increase in speed to around TT030 speed is not impossible, and if you
do graphic rendering the extra cycles given to the DSP will help out.
If the price is correct, for under $200 this is something that
deserves a closer look.
The Mighty Sonic cards are available right now from several US
distributors and cost around $500. Ideally the best accelerator will
be the ones that implement a 68040 chip. The Barracuda is nearing
completion, and I expect it to provide some of the best performance
around. This add-on will probably require you to re-case your
computer, and fortunately Wizztronics is promising to provide a
solution to this.
Clock speed is not the end-all when determining speed for a computer,
the speed of the bus determines the maximum data rate that can be
transferred to all parts of the computer. Freeing up access to RAM
also helps out as EVERYTHING that concerns a computer works from this
resource. With the Falcon the primary thing to speed up is RAM access,
the second point is to get the bus speed kicked up. The Falcon's
maximum color and graphics resolution is tied to how fast it can get
information to the screen. The least important function is the actual
CPU speed. Getting the 68030 up to 64MHz may be possible, but without
the first two points met, this will only result in minor performance
gains. The DSP has 96K of its own fast-RAM, and it runs as 32MHz, this
is an enormous asset to operations which can profit from its
calculation ability, and it is not really helped much by being sped
up, but then any increase in speed that your software can use is
//// TT030
The TT030 is still the basic powerhouse Atari computer for the
foreseeable future, and is very affordable on the used marketplace.
It is still available new, and though its performance over other
platforms has eroded since it was first shipped, it is still a better
GUI machine than any similarly priced Intel machine. There has not
been the same sort of effort placed into making the TT030 faster than
it already is, but thanks to the CaTTamaran, the TT030 can break the
32MHz barrier. The CaTTamaran is a $99 upgrade that boosts the CPU
speed of the TT030 to 48MHz.
Recently, there was a text file uploaded that tested a TT030 with a
CaTTamaran under all sorts of different conditions, I won't recap the
whole posting here put I will give you an excerpt.
Benchmarks for a Rev A TT030 in TT-medium without Fast-RAM.
GEM Bench v3.41 = Ofir Gal 3.5.94
TT 030 TOS 3.06, MiNT not present
Blitter not present, NVDI not present
Video Mode = 640 * 480 * 16 Colors
LineF FPU installed
Run and Malloc from FastRAM
Ref = TT + FPU, TT Medium
CyReL CaTTamaran, 48 MHz
plain vanilla TT, Rev. A motherboard
FastRAM button disabled
GEM Dialog Box: 4.260 104%
VDI Text: 8.520 108%
VDI Text Effects: 19.110 107%
VDI Small Text: 6.495 105%
VDI Graphics: 7.205 111%
GEM Window: 1.730 104%
Integer Division: 1.020 150%
Float Math: 0.150 153%
RAM Access: 0.870 214%
ROM Access: 1.180 124%
Blitting: 4.555 155%
VDI Scroll: 6.850 106%
Justified Text: 8.080 106%
VDI Enquire: 1.070 120%
New Dialogs: 4.180 113%
Graphics: 112%
CPU: 160%
Average: 125%
NVDI gives a nice performance boost to these numbers, and while I do
not really like benchmarks, NVDI can give you an average score of over
500%. These numbers will have to do until I get a review unit to run
through my own personal gauntlet, thanks to the folks who spent the
time to test and post these scores.
The easiest way to speed up your TT030 is to add Fast-RAM, as I
discussed earlier 32-bit RAM is the best way to speed up your machine.
Next time I will go into the ST accelerators and discuss them in
detail. From putting a 16MHz 68000 to a 50MHz 68030, there are many
ways to get your ST to run faster than you though it could. I will
also talk about WHY you want a faster computer, and maybe why you
DON'T need one. I'll leave that up to you to decide.
||| "From a saved backup...."
||| By: Ron Whittam
/ | \ GEnie: EXPLORER.4
//// Share and share alike
In this column I hope to foster communication and support for 8-bit
and ST computer owners... presenting a positive and directive
approach. This will help to strengthen the users group base and
encourage the executive element.
If you have a question you would like me to answer, or a topic you
would like to see covered, send me an Email!
//// What is this DOM thing?
The users group "Disk of the Month", or DOM, is a vital tool that can
be used to increase the Atari computer owners software base as well as
provide participation of the group. The DOM may contain demo programs,
PD and Shareware programs. This article will discuss the process of
procuring items for the disk, creating the disk, preparing it for
distribution, and distributing it.
//// Procuring items for the disk.
Many users groups offer a disk or program each month. These are
usually made available to the members for free or a low nominal cost.
These are generally available to non-members for a bit more. Those who
do this regularly know where to find the files. If your group is not
doing this, then they might not know where to look. First of all, do
not put commercial programs on your disk. The programs and files
should be from three categories: Public Domain, Shareware, and
Commercial Demos (designed for such distribution).
No self-respecting users group should be without a disk of the month.
There are new and improved Atari programs be produced monthly. If you
cannot find them, then maybe you are looking in the wrong place.
There are two Atari magazines (that I know of) that have a disk with
the issue. ST Informer has a Disk subscription that is complemented by
a listing in the magazine. ST Format includes a disk (or two) with
each issue. ST Format usually reserves quite a few pages in the
magazine for instructions about the programs on the disk. Some of the
programs provided are NOT to be freely distributed, so read the
documentation carefully. Between these two magazines, I have added
many quality programs and utilities to my Atari software library.
Another good source for new programs and files is your local Atari
BBS. However, this is usually only as good as the uploads that are on
the board. If you have an active Internet or Commercial Service user
uploading files the BBS is a good source. The Internet and the
commercial services (like GEnie or Compuserve) offer large libraries
of software that you can download. Many shareware developers use these
services to distribute their programs and updates.
And lastly, a good source is from users group members that program.
If you have programmers in your group, encourage them to write and
share their work on your disk.
So, now you have a large base for procuring many software program to
distribute on your disk of the month. Now what?
//// Creating the disk.
There may be many methods of creating the diskette. One option would
be to put programs on your monthly diskette that follow the same theme
as your meeting. Another similar option would be to pick a topic for
your disk and put programs and files on the disk that fit that topic.
Let's say you pick "word processing." The disk could contain a text
editor, a shareware word processor, some WP-to-ASCII utilities, and
other writing tools available. Associated programs might be a spell
checker or grammar checker. Depending on the size of your group, you
might want to have specialized disks for the 8-bit, ST, TT, and Falcon
classes of Atari computers. Our group has an 8-bit DOM and an ST DOM.
Be alert to the needs of the group. If you put a MONO only program on
the disk, be sure to include a mono emulator for the members in you
group that only have color monitors. Also find out what programs you
members are looking for. Locate those programs and put them on the
Be sure to include a text file called "read.me" or "contents.txt" or
some other name for the file. In this file, make a list of the
programs you have included on the disk, along with a brief
description. You will want to mention if the program runs in a
specific resolution. You will need to state if the program runs on all
Atari computers or if they are specific to certain classes of Atari
computers like the STE or Falcon.
//// Preparing the disk for distribution.
Providing a good looking label is not a necessity. But, your members
will be pleased if the disk has the look and feel of quality. A
quality label should include your club's name. It should include the
file names of the programs and files contained on the disk. You might
also want to indicate: "browse the read.me file." Be aware that some
older ST computers only had single sided drives. You may need to find
out which users have these smaller drives and make a single-sided copy
for them. Disks can be copied by the Desktop copy method, PD,
shareware or commercial programs. FastCopy 3 is a good quality copy
program. ProCopy is a great commercial offering. This allows you to
make multiple copies from only one pass of the origial (providing you
have enough memory). Whenever copying multiple disks it is always wise
to use the verify option. While it makes the copying procedure slower,
it verifies that the copy is good.
The users group can make a bulk purchase of diskettes at bargan
prices. Watch the computer sale magazines. If you buy 100 or 500 at a
time, the cost can drop to below 30 cents a disk. You might check with
other computer owners as to the reliability of the vendor and the
products being sold. Also, since most all users groups need diskettes,
you might buy a large quantity for 2 or 3 users groups in your area
and save a bundle.
//// Distributing the disk.
Distributing the disk is not difficult. There are two main methods for
distributing these disks. One is to have a master disk and pre-
printed labels. Each member brings a disk to copy from the master disk
during the meeting. They are given the disk label to put on the disk.
The second method is to copy the disks before the meeting. Make a
sufficient number to satisfy the membership. Additional copies can be
made during the meeting. This second method saves the meeting time for
more important things. It is also the more expensive method. But it
does a better job of getting the disk into your members' hands.
People will often forget to bring a blank disk.
One thing to emphasize is the nature of shareware. Often new users
believe that the copy fee they pay for shareware diskettes is the
price of the program. You need to educate your membership to pay for
shareware programs that they end up using. One method is to print out
the registrations, license, or payment forms provided with the
programs that are included on the disk. Hand out the forms with the
disk of the month. If anyone is irritated with the "commercial nature"
of such a blatant act, remind them that if they want to continue to
get good software on the Atari platform they must pay for it.
Shareware is quality software at a lot less than retail price.
Depending on your group's size and your resources, you might mail the
disk to members who cannot attend. However, providing the disk only at
the meeting might be an incentive to get members to the meeting. Some
groups produce a newsletter on disk. On this disk they have a program
that displays the text information and also runs the demo programs.
These disks are mailed to the membership as part of the benefit for
being a member.
Our users group maintains a software library for both the 8-Bit and
ST. Each librarian keeps track of the disks that we have used for the
disk of the month, as well as other disks that we have purchased as a
user group. Keeping a selection like this enable new members the
opportunity to make copies of disks that were distributed prior to
them being members. We allow our members to check out the entire
library for a month. Larger groups might want to have members check
out a disk or groups of disks per month rather then monopolizing the
entire library. Whatever you do, make the programs and files easily
accessible. Share what is to be shared, pay for what needs to be paid
for. By the way, if you have "old" software programs that you no
longer use why not donate it to the group. Or offer it for sale at a
greatly reduced rate. Be sure you transfer all ownership and license
to the new owner. Increasing the size of your software library will
increase your ability to service the members of your group.
In the future we will cover Membership (methods of increasing it),
Networking with other users groups, etc.; and I will share from my own
exploits as a users group president; the frustration and the elation.
Stay tuned.
Ron Whittam is a Customer Support Specialist for a small software firm
in Boise, Idaho; and the President of the Atari Boise Users Group. He
can be contacted on GEnie (EXPLORER.4), on the Internet at
<r.whittam@genie.geis.com>, or on ROVER BBS (208-362-2243).
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||| Atari Explorer Online RTC
||| File Courtesy: GEnie ST RoundTable
/ | \ ------------------------------------------------------------------
(C) 1994 by Atari Corporation, GEnie, and the Atari Roundtables. May
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Sections of this RTC has been edited for spelling and flow.
AEO Roundtable Conference
the staff of AEO!!!
Brian H. Harvey
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> On behalf of the Atari ST Roundtable, I welcome all of
you to this ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE (AEO) Round Table Conference. Tonight
I would like to welcome:
AEO.MAG - Travis Guy
AEO.1 - Albert Dayes - C programmer, PostScript, general computing.
AEO.4 - Michael Burkley - shareware/PD/freeware software.
AEO.8 - Timothy Wilson - Jaguar programmer, gamer, Falcon programmer.
EXPLORER.1 - Ron Robinson - Atari hardware, other platforms, general
EXPLORER.5 - Tal Funke-Bilu - AEO Jaguar Junkie, Summer CES snoop.
EXPLORER.6 - Boris Molodyi - DTP, graphics
Unable to attend are:
Andreas (AEO.2) who is in San Diego at the behest of the Navy;
Ron Whittam (EXPLORER.4) and Pete Donoso (EXPLORER.2). They both have
prior engagements tonight.
Welcome Travis and the rest of the AEO crew to this momentous online
occasion. Do you have a few words to begin this evening RTC?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Thanks Brian. First up, I'd like to warn everyone
that with me in Florida, thunderstorms are a fact of life, and I may
disappear at any time. :) I'm Travis Guy, editor of Atari Explorer
Online magazine. I took over AEO in October 1992 from Ron Kovacs when
Atari Corp. hired Mike Lindsay and Darren Meer to publish Atari Explorer
magazine. Mike, Darren and I had worked together for years, dating back
to when we were the editorial staff of ST Informer.
Explorer was closed in Spring 1993, as Atari's focus shifted from their
computer operations back to where Atari started - video games. AEO,
being in essence a publication with little overhead, continued on. AEO
separated from Atari Corp., but maintained a special relationship with
the corporation, and with many employees there. AEO was the first
publication to break news of IBM's involvement with building Jaguar,
with our Special Jaguar Edition we were the first publication with solid
facts on the new machine. We were the first publication to publish
extensive hands-on reports of Jaguar games. We were the first
publication with in-depth reviews of Cybermorph and Tempest 2000. Quite
honestly, we think when it comes to Atari information, we're the first
And when it comes to sources, AEO chooses to make the GEnie ST
RoundTable our "official online home". There's nowhere online that I
know of that is so friendly to Atari users and developers alike, and so
well stocked with knowledgeable SysOps -and- users. I'd like to thank
Brian Harvey for his friendly assistance to help prepare us for this
evening's festivities, and for his naivete in thinking he can moderate
the AEO bunch! <g>
Right now I'd like to introduce the staff of AEO - at least the staff
that were able to make it to the RTC here on GEnie tonight. AEO.1 step
up, take a bow and introduce yourself!
<[Albert] AEO.1> Hi All Travis said it all. <grin>
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Now that was unusual. Albert being at a loss for
words! :)
<[Ron @ AEO] EXPLORER.1> I'm Ron Robinson, based in St. Louis. Just let
us know how we can help you enjoy your Atari products.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Hello all this is one of my first conferences, so
bear with me...
<[ParadoxDrive] EXPLORER.6> Hi. My name is Boris Molodyi, based in
Naperville, IL
<[Atariophile] AEO.4> I'm Michael Burkley, and I live in Niagara Falls,
NY. I'm a pastor of a Presbyterian Church with a hobby that takes a bit
of my time. I enjoy Atari PD and Shareware. I collect it and describe
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Hello, hello! It's great to be here! My name's Tal
Funke-Bilu (Yep, it's my real name!) and I'm typing from beautiful
Cambria, CA right next to Hearst Castle. If you don't know where that
is, it's one mile close to L.A. than San Fran, right on the ocean. I'm a
good 2.5 hr drive from Sunnyvale, and a good 3 hr flight from Chicago!
:) I've been a gamer since before I was born. My mom never wanted to
buy me a 2600 'cause she thought I would get bored of it. I showed her
:) Aside from living all things Atari, I love to bodyboard, freestyle
biking, and programming. Hanging out with Jeff Minter is also something
I do on the side ;) 3,745,253 is the latest T2K score (sorry, had to get
that in)
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> I think that's everyone here.
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> OK, on with the show!
Is ATARI really working on a new ATARI computer and if so what is it? Do
you think we will ever see a new ATARI computer?
<[Ron @ AEO] EXPLORER.1> The Jaguar IS a computer :-)
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Brian, Atari R&D is like the rest of Atari Corp. -
working on making Jaguar a viable product. While R&D is closed to
everybody (even us!), I'm sure that there are (computer) things going on
behind closed doors that will see the light of day! Things that will
amaze us all.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> I would say it is too early to say. I think with the
intro of the Jag on a PC Card, the expansion of Jaguar technology into
the form of a computer would be much easier, but as Travis said,
everyone right now is working on the Jag.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Just so everyone knows, Tal and Tim spent a few hours
inside Atari yesterday.
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Next in line to the mike is Jesse. Come on down Jesse
and ask away!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Hi Jesse.
<[Jesse Derks] J.DERKS> Ok I work for the company actually building the
Jag, is there an Atari rep here to tell me what I cannot say? Other
than that I'll take questions as well if necessary. I have one question
is there any VR equipment in the works?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Yes! I spoke with the people today. Anything in
<[Jesse Derks] J.DERKS> Goggles and gloves...
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Ummmmm. A helmet. Maybe more.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Goggles are a pretty good possibility
<[Jesse Derks] J.DERKS> Will it be stereoscopic or flat like the sega
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Stereo! ...scopic.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Some other companies are making feedback suits, so it
is only a matter of time before they make it to the Jag.
<[Jesse Derks] J.DERKS> Thats all!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> The people I spoke with were very excited about their
product and say that we can expect to see it this fall.
<[Jesse Derks] J.DERKS> Coinciding with the full Jag release no less,
good business sense.<VBG>
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> It will be available on many platforms, and will be
well supported. You should be able to see the technology demonstrated
at SCES.
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Thanks Jess! Up next to the podium is Aaron. BTW, I
always use read AEO and upload it to the NSACUG BBS. (I guess this is a
shameless plug [grin). GO Aaron!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Thanks Brian! :)
<[Aaron Leis] A.LEIS> Hey guys, thanks for taking my question. I have a
Jaguar and I love it.I am waiting for more games and the CD-drive. My
question is: What is currently known about the CD-drive? What are it's
specs and does it have any "special" chips in it?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Tal and Tim? Take it away!
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> I can get this one.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Go ahead Tim.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> As a developer, I know it can pull 350k/sec off
the CD. I just saw a late rev of the 'guts' yesterday. as well as some
<[Aaron Leis] A.LEIS> Just what do we know about a texture mapping chip?
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> The FMV presenet was excellent. kicks butt over
the 3do crap. No texture mapping chip, where did that cfome from?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Rumors!
<[Aaron Leis] A.LEIS> Diehard Game Fan
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Never been any plans for it.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> I rest my case.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> The blitter texture maps just fine.
<[Aaron Leis] A.LEIS> Grin!
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Take Die hards info with a grain of salt.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Unless you hear it in AEO, take it with a pound.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Tal. Anything to add from a consumer's point of view?
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> No CD games were shown to us. :(
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Well, they are still holding on the $199 retail.
When I talked to Jeff yesterday, he said they are working his butt off
to get the lightsynth finalized it is UNBELIEVABLE one rumor floating
around Atari is that it will be packed with the T2K music CD but that is
only a rumor. You'll see some Cinepak direct on the AEO video (shameless
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Ok, Yves will take his turn at questioning the AEO
staff about AEO and ATARI. Go Yves!
<[Yves] Y.PELLETIER> Am I allowed to ask a question regarding the ST
line? If I too far off topic, I'll just shut up and go away... <g>
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Go ahead! We LOVE Atari!
<[Yves] Y.PELLETIER> Ok. I noticed with fascination the onslaught of new
third-party operating systems for the ST line. Linux 68030,SMS2,Omen. Do
you think there is a future for third party OSs?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Albert, Ron? What say you?
<[Ron @ AEO] EXPLORER.1> I'm not familiar with the three you mention.
I suspect the market could support a new OS, particularly if CD ROM is
strongly supported.
<[Albert] AEO.1> I haven't seen too much on the subject of the others
but Linux '030 sounds interesting
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Linux is of course a 030 thingy, and only a
kernel at this time.
<[Albert] AEO.1> SInce Linux is a very popular UNix clone on the PC.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> the others are highly proprietary. But where is
the software? For tinkering, I guess it might be neat ?
<[Yves] Y.PELLETIER> There was a feature on SMS2 in the June ST Format.
I wasn't too impressed with the article, but the OS seems to be very
network-oriented and highly optimized.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Linux has lots of code, being SVR4.
<[Albert] AEO.1> Novell is supposedly going to sell Linux also
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> but again linux is far away.
<[Yves] Y.PELLETIER> That's the problem, of course. They say that SMS2
has been in development for 5years, and has a PD fax program,
spreadsheet, and a bunch of tools.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> I have one thing to add. As having a hand in
PowerDOS, I know for a fact that compatibility is a BEAR, but rolling
your own OS is a lot of fun. :)
<[Yves] Y.PELLETIER> Yes. Thanks for the input.
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Next in line to the mike is Mike Allen. One of the
ATARI RT very own New Mexico Sysops! Come on down and ask away Mike!
<[!ANSI] MIKE-ALLEN> This is one for Albert and maybe Tim.
I notice that there is a group, European based, being established on the
Internet for the purpose of establishing GEM programming standards on
the Atari line of computers.
Their first discussion seems to be about the establishment of a "Style
Guide," something long needed for Atari software.
I was wondering if either of you have any insight as to Atari's reaction
to this, if any. <does Atari know about it and if so do they even
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> I've heard talk about it. Nothing more. Guys?
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> I don't think they care. Its Jag man.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Excuse Tim, he's buzzed on the Jaguar. :)
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Am not. Its the truth.
<[!ANSI] MIKE-ALLEN> hrummmph!
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Eric Smith might be involved, but I haven't seen
him online in a looong time. I think he's doing club drive.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Like I said. Its Jag man.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Albert? Any talk of it over where you hang out?
<[!ANSI] MIKE-ALLEN> Too bad, Tim. If Atari doesn't care about their
computer customers, I don't care about Atari!
<[Albert] AEO.1> A little but since I don't have too much time for
internet it is difficult to keep up with it.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Mike, it's not that.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> I don't think that is a fair comment...
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Hey, I'm not an official spokesperson.
<[!ANSI] MIKE-ALLEN> I know, Tim. You just pushed one of my "Hot
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Atari has to focus all of its current efforts onto
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> I would say something like if you want Atari to care
about you and your computers, then let them be successful with the
Jag so they can get back to working with their computers.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> I spoke with people at Atari today and asked them
this question specifically. (Ok, I can't spell! ;) Atari has NOT
abandoned its computer users.
<[!ANSI] MIKE-ALLEN> Trav, when are they going to spring Pardip loose to
fix AW then?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Atari has to make sure that Jaguar is a winner and
once Jaguar is established Atari will be able to get into "other areas".
When Pradip's current job is done. RSN, from what I hear.
<[!ANSI] MIKE-ALLEN> Trav, I hope you are right, but I'll believe it
when I see something positive from Atari.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> It will take time, but I'm confident that it will
<[!ANSI] MIKE-ALLEN> That's all my grumping for now. 8^}
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> :)
I'm an Atari computer user also. Been one since 1979. I want Atari to
keep on producing computers. They are, by far, the best machines out
there. I will use Atari computers until I cannot use computers anymore.
I don't like delays like the rest of you, but I know that in order for
Atari to continue, Jaguar is the immediate future. Besides, Jaguar's
fun! :)
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Thanks everyone.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> I can complain too! :)
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Thanks Mike! Up next to the podium is Pat Forister. GO
for it Pat!
<[Pat] P.FORISTER> Can you tell us anything about up coming Jag games or
hardware??? Have you seen any new games in the works???
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> That is right up Tim and Tal's alley.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Have we seen any? :)
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Lots.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> They were there yesterday.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Yep, yesterday we got some great feeds of Club Drive,
Wolf 3D, Doom, Checkered Flag, and AvP. All were greatly enhanced over
any magazine screen shots or previous betas. What specifics would you
like to know?
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Thrustmaster will be making a steering wheel and
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Checkered Flag has banking. But no ATMs.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Oh, got a request for Doom. Doom is faster than
my 386-dx40 if that means anything.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> ID has confirmed comlynxability!
<[Pat] P.FORISTER> Oh I don't know, Just can't wait for some great games
to come out. Did you see AVP???
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> It is using 16bit color and looks great!
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> yep saw AvP.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> (That was Doom)
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> AvP looked VERY PHOTOREALISTIC. The animation was
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Doom in 16 bit has awesome shading.
<[Pat] P.FORISTER> Do you know any dates for these games?
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> If you saw the June Video Games, the cover shot was a
screen from the rendered intro of AvP. VERY IMPRESSIVE.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> No dates.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Look for AvP by late August, they have 2 guys from
Rebellion working on it right now, so I don' think it should take THAT
long to finish up. That date is only my estimate.
<[Pat] P.FORISTER> Ok thanks. I look forward to seeing the AEO video.
Guess I need to get my check in the mail.
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Nice question Pat. Up next to discuss ATARI with the
AEO crew is Clifton from warm Tampa! Go Clifton!!
<[Clifton] C.MOTHERSHED> I am having conversations/arguments with fellow
computer users who think the Jag is 32bit. Is it 64 or 32bit. No bull
this time. I like your mag a lot thanks for the support.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> No Bull. 64.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> 6-4-B-I-T!!!
<[Clifton] C.MOTHERSHED> What can I say to PROVE it.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Tim is a Jaguar Developer. I'll let him have the
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> What part do you want to be 64 that would
convince you? Video is 64, blitter is 64. They do most of the work.
<[Clifton] C.MOTHERSHED> Well I am convinced since the Graphics chip is
64 bit. But the guy is taking the whole machine into concept.
<[Thunderbird] D.ENGEL> I can't say _anything_ that can prove it's 64
bits to someone looking at the screen as a 'user'. You have to believe
it IS because it is true!
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> If you take the whole machine into concept than the
sneez and genny aren't even 16bit.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Well, then it uh.
<[Clifton] C.MOTHERSHED> He thinks they are 8bit.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> That guy is living in the past...
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> The snes is a hybrid.
<[Clifton] C.MOTHERSHED> BTW I am personal friends with Sean Dougherty.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> The genny is mostly 16.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> If he doesn't think the Jag can do it, just let him
buy a 3do and play monster manor, while you are playing AvP and
Doom. Sorry, had to vent. :)
<[Clifton] C.MOTHERSHED> And the guy like the CD-32
<[Thunderbird] D.ENGEL> Look at the games in the SCES video and tell
your pals to prove it's NOT 64 bits. This _is_ America (innocent until
PROVEN guilty) right?
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Well, thats his problem. :)
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> He's gonna need to move to England to get a CD32 in
order to play ports of ST and Amiga games.
<[atariophile] AEO.4> Well, I'm an ST/STE user. I don't care much about
the Jaguar because I'm so busy with my STE. I wish Atari the best with
it though!
<[Clifton] C.MOTHERSHED> Right. thanks for the info but I doubt it will
help me. BTW all Atari users are Diehard users.
<[Ron @ AEO] EXPLORER.1> What counts is the performance -- no matter
what you call it.
<[Clifton] C.MOTHERSHED> BTW I have an STe too.
<[atariophile] AEO.4> Any Questions for me?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Ask Tim a specific question.
<[Clifton] C.MOTHERSHED> Have you tried out SOL yet. (Speed Of Light.)
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Yah, where do you get all of those files?
<[atariophile] AEO.4> Tim, From here, Delphi, CodeHead Headquarters,
and Toad Hall. There are PILES of files available. I have about 10,000
cataloged so far.
<[Clifton] C.MOTHERSHED> With money you can get them anywhere.
<[atariophile] AEO.4> I pay for most of them!
<[Clifton] C.MOTHERSHED> Well we all can't have those. I'm finished and
hope AEO lasts a long time.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Thanks.
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Next in line to the mike is K. Lee. Come on down and
ask away!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Probably not.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> nope.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Brutal Sports Football should be in stores in July.
BSF went into production on May 24th. It should be ready in 3-4 more
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> As far as I know, the Jag isn't even *out* yet!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> After then, who knows?
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Why expect the games?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> I can say this... There's a FLOOD of software that
will hit at pretty much the same time. Keep your plastic flexible.
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> OK, it is time for the AEO RTC FIRST skill testing
question give-a-way!! The first respondent with the correct answer get a
FREE copy of the "AEO at Summer CES" video as a DOOR PRIZE!!!
Go with the question Travis!!!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> This question is for readers of AEO only!!!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> You must have read a few issues to know the correct
answer. Nothing said prior tonight can prepare you. The prize is a free
VHS copy of the "AEO at SCES 94" video. Which should ship mid-July.
Question: What is the name of the best television series to ever
feature a starship named "Enterprise"?
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Go with the answers!!!
<R.MARTIN22> Star Trek
<WALLY.W> star trek
other answers then:
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> It is Rod!!!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Rod Martin, you've won! Say something!
<R.MARTIN22> Wow! Thanks! Can I get that in SVHS?
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> re the SVHS It is too expensive. We are working with
our contractor to see if we can arrange SVHS copies for people who want
to pay, but as for your free copy, VHS will have to do. You will be
updated if you want to buy a separate SVHS tape later if they become
<R.MARTIN22> I'm willing to send a SVHS tape if that helps.
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> OK, Rod, you are up next anyway. Give the question out
and I am sure we will get answers.
<R.MARTIN22> Does anyone know anything about the MPEG2 cart? If not,
what is the stated resolution of Cinepak video? (That's fine regarding
the VHS)
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> MPEG2 is currently only being used by broadcasters (I
think) The Jag will have an MPEG1 cart which will be more than enough.
MPEG2 is WAY expensive.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> 2zx 320x200 16bit color. really fast frame rate.
30fps? (thats CinePak)
<R.MARTIN22> So, don't throw away those Laserdisks just yet, eh?
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> The CD can display at 60fps at the same res as the
3do. It can display at 30 fps at double the res. I forget what it is off
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Lets not forget that film is 24fps !
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> What I meant was the Jag can do 60 fps at the res it
takes the 3do to do 30fps
<R.MARTIN22> Thank you.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Which means theres GPU time to do other stuff and
Jerry is free completely.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> I have a question for T&T!
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Travis?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> When watching a CinePak video on Jaguar, can you
freeze-frame, rewind, fast forward, etc.?
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> They played it directly from a CD start to finish,
but I would imagine there will be a built in 'virtual vcr'
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Everything Quick-TIme can do.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Cool. Sorry for breaking the queue.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> CinePak is for games, its not for watching movies
on. SuperMac claims its the best Cinepak they've made yet. Cinepak
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Have you ever considered an European correspondent?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Sure have, Brian. Lea Anthony just submitted his
first column this week. He'll be scoping out the UK scene. Lea is in
University, next door to ATD. (Attention to Detail, makers of
Cybermorph). Patrick Rolandt is our Dutch correspondent. He is European
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Great news! Any chance of having guest interviews with
some of the VIPs at ATARI? It would really help the ATARI users to know
they are willing to spend the time for an interview or two.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> I've put in requests for people to show up. Right
now, Summer CES is taking up all of everyone's time. But once that is
through I'm sure that we can get some of them to show up.
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> It would be nice to have a Christmas message from the
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> The Yak will be on the tape. What would you like me
to ask him?
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Tal, the date of a GEnie RTC {grin}!
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> He might be able to pull that off when he comes back
from the devcon two weeks after the SCES, but that is entirely up to
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Thanks Tal. I have been in touch with Dan about Jeff.
BTW, thanks for the leg work in trying to set up a RTC by Tarivs and
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> No problem, Brian. GEnie is the Official online Atari
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Up next is Aaron for another go at asking the ultimate
question to the AEO crew. Go Aaron!
<[Aaron Leis] A.LEIS> Is Atari completely revamping Tiny Toons or is
that just another rumor? Also, the screen shots of club drive look a
little blocky. Are these just the working graphics or does it just look
better in person?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> More questions for T&T.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> For those who Club Drive is a very smooth game! The
polygons are very smooth.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Club drive isn't very close to being done. As for
Tiny Toons, I keep hearing October.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> As for Tiny Toons, they submitted a final version to
the 'head guys' and they were told to redo it cause it was only an
average game. That's why it got pushed back to October/November. It
will fully take advantage of the Jag.
<[Aaron Leis] A.LEIS> Will it be a total redo, or just graphics?
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Both
<[Aaron Leis] A.LEIS> Cool.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> (Here I was, thinking the computer:Jaguar question
ratio would be 4:1.)
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Hosenose and Booger should be another great platform!
<[Aaron Leis] A.LEIS> What do you know about it?
<[Ron @ AEO] EXPLORER.1> Hope it gets ported to the ST ... ;-)
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> The guys at ASG were really ampped about it. They
want it to be the Sonic/mario of the Jag. They are going all out in
terms of game play and grossness. The platform takes place inside
hosenoses body. I think you are booger, but I'm not sure; you meet and
kill all sorts of weird bodily enemies stuff like
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Snotnose ain't it?
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> (no hosenose) Lucy Liver and Bobby Bile, etc. It has
been in planning stages for over a year, before the code was even
started. They said it was too funny to pass up. Anything else?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> (The more squeamish of you should look aside)
<[Aaron Leis] A.LEIS> Nope. thanks.
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> S. Cohen has waited patiently for over an hour. Thanks
for the wait! It is finally your turn, if you haven't forgotten the
question {grin}. Go!
<S.COHEN27> GE THANKS. Are there any questions for the Barracuda or
other related prods?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> I had hoped that Pete Donoso would show up tonight,
but he was called away to other matters. :( I'll try, ask away.
<S.COHEN27> Pete told me to let you know he was sorry he couldn't
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Tell Pete that it's ok.
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Thanks S. Cohen! Another patient user is Pat no Chris.
No it is Chris Cassaday! He is incognito as Pat! Go Pat, I mean Chris
<[Pat] P.FORISTER> Two good friends of mine just got back from a guided
tour of Atari Corp. Their long time Atarians and have plenty of contacts
there. He told me about a couple of things he saw, but something he
mentioned kinda brought me down. It turns out that last Friday was Eric
Ginner's last day at Atari. He is supposed to be going on and forming
his own company. They didn't get a chance to talk with him as he spent a
lot time cleaning out his office.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Yes, Eric Ginner left a week or two ago.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Who's Eric Ginner?
<[Pat] P.FORISTER> Tim, Eric did a lot of work on Rampart for the Lynx.
Crescent Galaxy for the Jaguar, etc. They didn't get a chance to ask
him what type of programming he was going to be doing or whether it was
for the Jag or not. Do any of you guys know what he is planning on
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> He programmed Crescent Galaxy and a bunch of Lynx
games. I wouldn't doubt that he would be doing entertainment.
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Ah, now we have the famous ATARI FAX man! Yes, Charles
Smeton is here to ask something of someone! Go for it Charles!!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Hi Charles.
<C.S.SMETON> Does anyone know why there are 2 versions of Doom being
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Huh?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> There's only one version for Jaguar.
<C.S.SMETON> At Games & Gadgets they have a list of Jag games and
release dates, with both an Atari Doom and an ID Doom?
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> No way. Hold on, here we go. ID is putting out the PC
version of DOOM and DOOM II: Hell on Earth. They are also doing all the
work on the Jag version of DOOM EXCEPT Atari is producing it (making the
carts, and some advertising. ID is doing ALL of the programming. It is
possible that they will port DOOM II over also, but that hasn't been
confirmed. It isn't even out on the PC yet.
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Charles, Jaguar Doom is an Atari product. Programmed
by Id. (That's the edited version. ;)
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> I get a bit wordy at times ;)
<C.S.SMETON> Does anyone know the next Jag game to be released and
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Brutal Sports Football.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> BSF
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Brutal sports football is in production. Wolf 3d
might have entered production today. I repeat MIGHT
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Ummmmm. Mid-July. It didn't.
<C.S.SMETON> Also, every day it seems someone is leaving Atari. Is there
going to be anyone left who knows about the computer end besides the
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> There's a question. There's a ten-foot pole. Hmmm.
:-) Charles, there are still a few "Old Atari" people around.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Eric Ginner did mostly entertainment stuff, Juli was
a tester/production releaser and Bob Brodie was a PR man (to sum it up)
so no real 'computer techies' have left in the past months.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Mike and Jay were helping Tal and I around.
<C.S.SMETON> Is Eric Smith still around?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Yes.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> I think Tim mentioned he is working on Club Drive.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Yes.
<C.S.SMETON> Thats along way from MultiTOS ;-)
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> He is working on Club Drive at the moment. I'm sure
that (knowing programmers) he's got a few tricks up his sleeves.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> You should have seen what Pradip was doing. :)
Playing Wolf3d on a big screen TV. writing up bug reports.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> A BIG screen TV!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> I was told that Atari -Computer- Developer Support is
still active.
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Dal. I-Dotter is up for the talk! Go J. B.!
<[Dal.I-Dotter] J.BATTEY1> Travis, when Commodore went down the European
users bought lots of hardware to have spares. Any sign of a run on Atari
computer hardware?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Not that I've noticed? Albert?
<[Albert] AEO.1> Nothing I've seen
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> OK, WETMORE is up now. Go!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Tony!
<WETMORE> First off, I want apologize for coming late, so my question
may have already been asked/answered. The game I'm most intensely
interested in right now is Checkered Flag (2)/Redline Racing
(CF(II)/RR). Any info you could share (the "real" name, number of tracks
which will be included, etc) would be greatly appreciated! [;-) (Travis
said he wouldn't share any/much info until the SCES coverage, but I
figured it couldn't hurt to ask, right? <g>)
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Last I heard was 9 tracks... <more>
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Think Slot Racers. Tiny little Slot Racers on rails.
<Grin> I'm kidding.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Checkered Flag.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Tim and I saw it yesterday, an early vesion and it
was moving VERY FAST!
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Slot racers?!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> It's a joke.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> You can turn around on the track and drive backwards!
There are banks and hills!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Tony's been waiting for this.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> There is fog and rain!
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Jay ran the whole track backwards on tape for
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Tim, how does the rain & fog look?
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> People will say "virtual what?" after seeing CFII.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Fog is ok, rain is kinda cheesy.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> I thought the fog should have been a bit thicker. It
didn't really hamper your view too much. I'm not sure about the II, it
might have been implied.
<WETMORE> Cool - so it's "Checkered Flag". No "II" designation? 9
tracks is very cool. Are they "real" tracks (ie. from Formula I
circuits) or all "fake" ones?
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Lets say that its not done yet either. Fake test
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> 9 is the last I heard. Nothing OFFICIAL.
<WETMORE> Thanks much, guys - are we looking at sometime before
Christmas, hopefully? [;-)
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Definitely!
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Yes! When I saw it in March, it was slow and
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> OK, it is time for the AEO RTC SECOND AND FINAL skill
testing question give-a-way!! The first respondent with the correct
answer get a FREE Jaguar Cap and T Shirt as a DOOR PRIZE!!! Gee, I wish
I could enter this one myself {grin}!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> This will be an easy question. :) The first person to
give me a correct answer (and there are more than one answer to this
question) will win an Extra Large Jaguar Tee-Shirt AND a Jaguar cap.
Question: Name a video game system that is inferior to the Atari
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Get ready, set and Go with the answers!!!
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> That was quick!
other answers were give after Davey's
<[Davey] D.HAUPERT> Woohoo!!!!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> But Davey Haupert got in first!
<[Davey] D.HAUPERT> What timing!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> I think he knew that, too. :)
<[Davey] D.HAUPERT> ;)
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Davey, send me your address in EMail and I'lll get
you the shirt and cap. OK?
<[Davey] D.HAUPERT> Sounds great Thanks! That has made my day, and I
think It will hold me over till the video!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Great!
<[Atariophile] AEO.4> Congrats Davey!
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> Well Brian, was it as much fun tonight as you had
thought it would be? :)
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> yep it was!
What do you feel are your strong points as an online magazine? Also,
your main weaknesses? Are you truly the voice of ATARI?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> We're fast out with the news. We always try to be
accurate. Although we can't spell sometimes. :)
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Good news!!
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> Weak? We ain't weak !
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> At least as close as you can get without being Atari
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> he he
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Thats true :)
<[Ron @ AEO] EXPLORER.1> reasonably priced too! :-)
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> While we aren't Officially Atari's Online Magazine
any more. We do share a Special Relationship with Atari. And we hope to
be able to bring the latest and greatest Atari news to y'all for as long
as is possible. Thank you for hosting us tonight Brian, and as always,
Thanks to the GEnie ST RoundTable.
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Great guys. Final question is by our third timer Aaron!
Go Aaron!
<[Aaron Leis] A.LEIS> I have a Lynx and I am curious about AVP for it as
well as Eye of the Beholder. What do you know?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> T&T time.
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Ok...Ok. AvP for the Lynx was rumoured to be 3-way
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> AvP Lynx was gonna be a beat em up, but I think
they changed it. First person view.
<[Aaron Leis] A.LEIS> Is it even started yet?
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> Eye of the Beholder I am pretty sure is pretty much
done, they just needed to redesign the cart to hold a battery.
<[Internet.Tim] AEO.8> EOTB is done, its just that no one is producing
<[Tal] EXPLORER.5> AvP if on schedule should be out 6-8 week after the
Jag version is out.
<[Aaron Leis] A.LEIS> Cool. :)
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Thanks Aaron. We're drawing to a close for the formal
portion of the ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE RTC. Before I put the room into
Frenzy Mode, do you have any closing words, Travis? (Other staffers
please "/send" to me for your turn)?
<[Travis] AEO.MAG> In closing I'd like to thank each and every one who
showed up tonight. AEO is a voluntary operation, and it's something that
I want to make as responsible to my readers as possible. AEO has always
asked for, and has done its best to act upon, reader feedback.
I also would like to thank Brian Harvey for doing a great job as RTC
Host tonight. <applause> <cheers> To all of you out there: Atari has
given us great tools; tools for work, for hobbies, and for fun. Let's
enjoy them, help each other when we have problems, and don't forget that
Atarian spirit! Goodnight from AEO Central!
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> Thanks Travis! I wish to thank you Travis and all the
AEO staffers who made it here tonight. I also wish to thank all the
attendees for their questions and patience.
<[hoST] BRIAN.H> In frenzy mode ...now!
/|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\
Real Time Conferences in the Atari ST RoundTable are held every Monday
(Desktop Publishing and Graphics) and Wednesday (Open House) night at
10:00 p.m. and a HelpDesk is available every Sunday at 9:00 p.m. On the
first and third Thursday there is a Programmer's RTC at 9:00 p.m.
If you miss a conference, transcripts are made for all formal RTC's
(where there is a special guest) and the programming RTC. You will find
these transcripts in Library 13 - Atari Archives.
Please send your questions, suggestions and comments to Brian.H or RTC$
via GEmail. Thank you.
||| The Unabashed Atariophile
||| By: Michael R. Burkley
/ | \ Delphi: MRBURKLEY GEnie: AEO.4
I've received a request from the Internet (thanks Mark!) that I
indicate the source of the files I review. I number of others have
asked that as well (by the way Mark, FCOMP200 can be found on Delphi,
if I remember correctly). I tried this for awhile, but couldn't find a
fair way to do it. Finally I decided to let you know when I found a
file on a non-commercial BBS (making those easier to find), but not to
differentiate between GEnie and Delphi. So, if you see a file
mentioned as having been downloaded from the CodeHead Headquarters BBS
or from Toad Hall, you know you can find it there. Other files will be
found on GEnie or Delphi. The odds would be best if you check GEnie
first (since it is the larger service), but you will likely eventually
find most files on Delphi as well. You will also find many of the
files I review will end up on public BBS's as well.
Let's get on with the descriptions!
[] 2IN1106E is v.1.06 (English) of Two-In-One Gregor Duchalski (dated
March 8, 1994). This GEM-based archive manager for the ST--Falcon is
designed to cope with the increasing sophistication and diversity of
tools employed to minimise the disk space occupied by Applications. If
you've ever got in a tangle with ZIP, LZH, ZOO, ARJ, ARC packed or
UUENCODED files then this is the utility for you (you must supply
those utilities)! Without leaving Two-In-One it's possible to:
o Create archives
o Extract archives
o Extract individual or groups of files from archives
o View text and image files inside archives; I use this feature
before I decide whether to extract loads of files for a program I
don't have a use for, this feature alone saves a lot of wasted
time and disk wear and tear!
o Create self extracting archives in ZIP or LZH format
o Create PFXPAKed executables
o Virus check files and archive
o UUENCODE or UUDECODE file and archive
Multi-TOS, Geneva, and MAG!X compatible. Docs and online included.
This file may not be distributed by PD distribution companies without
written permission from the author. Shareware. Color or mono.
[] AGENDA_C is Agenda v.1.1D by Frank Vuotto and F10 Software
(uploaded March 24, 1994). Agenda is a very nice .PRG/.ACC graphic
calendar creator. Agenda can display events for an entire month in a
straight forward and intuitive fashion. There are a pile of features
available here including icons (graphics, several included), duration
event banners, search, print (9-pin or 24-pin Epson compatible
printers) and more. This program includes a utility for cutting icons
out of Degas pictures for inclusion into your calendars (nice!).
Agenda is easy to use, and fun enough for children too! This color
only version is fully functional shareware (see AGENDA_M for a mono
version). Docs are included. ST-STE and Geneva compatible (at least--I
suspect it's compatible with higher TOS versions as well--the
programmer is a careful guy!).
[] ANSIST40 is ANSI-ST v.0.40 by Mark Matts (dated May 7, 1994). Once
installed in your auto folder this small program will give your
machine ANSI screen output whilst maintaining VT52 compatibility. Any
(non-windowing) programs which use TOS screen output will now be able
to emulate ANSI, and not just those whose programmers specifically
included such support! Even the ST Desktop show option (for viewing
raw ANSI files), Vanterm, Teddy Term, and Ratsoft BBS can now support
ANSI BBS's!... You can switch the ANSI emulation on or off using the
included utility programs or from within your own program! Docs
included. ST--Falcon. Color or mono. Since ST medium res only uses
four colors this program uses Bold, underlined, and other variations
on the available colors to mimic the full 16 colors ANSI has available
(v.4.0 does an even better job of this than v.3.0 did by using a
creative method of manipulating fonts. ANSI underline is now also
supported.). This ANSI mimic even extends to ST mono screens as well).
[] ARRIVAL is the Arrival demo by "Passion." Delivered through the
Pure Bollocks disk magazine this demo is for the Falcon only. This is
designed for use with RGB/SC1224 monitors, but the uploader had to say
that since, of course, there aren't any docs to tell you that (come on
guys write some docs with your creations!). I've been told this has
some nice screens, and interesting animations (such as an odd liquid
polygon box). Uncompresses to 1.8 meg of data so you need a hard drive
to view this.
[] ASCGIF is ASCGIF v.1.6 by John Ferrell (the original version was by
Oliver Klink (v.1.6 dated May, 1992). Ascgif version 1.6 is a GIF
viewer for text output. This program allows you to view GIF files as
combinations of ASCII characters. As you might suspect, the output
pictures are not very good (on-screen letters just don't allow that
great of a resolution!), but they do give you a fair estimation of
what the picture looks like. There are online docs which tell you all
about how to "tweak" the images to make them look better. This was an
interesting file! "C" language source code included.
[] BATSLT1 by William A. Troy, Jr. of BATSoftware is a simple slot
machine (released June 19, 1994). Originally released as BATSLOT, the
odds have been re-adjusted and the program re-released in this
version. This slot machine will pay out 98.11 cents per dollar played
(which is a FANTASTIC percentage - house edges are usually in the
10-15% range). This is a colorful game, and really shows the only way
to win the slots consistently (don't play with real money!). No docs,
but you don't need them. Color only, ST--TT compatible (at least).
[] CFN2DMF is the Calamus font to PageStream .DMF font file convertor
by H kon Eines of Eines Computing (dated 1993). If you have a bunch of
Calamus fonts (of the unprotected variety) you can use this mono only
program to convert them to .DMF font files for use in any version of
PageStream. GEM based, and easy to use, this program allows you to
specify the attributes of the converted font (normal, bold, oblique,
bold oblique). A sample .CFN file is included. Docs included. TOS
1.0--TOS 2.xx compatible (at least). Shareware.
[] COLRICON is a series of 16 Color Icons for the Falcon desktop (in
a .RSC file). Some of them are Window's icons, others are the
uploader's (SCMMETALS on Delphi) own, others are enhancements of the
icons that come with the Falcon. ALL are color. Most of them are even
256 color! You want to see something awesome, 256 color icons are
amazing. They are set to work with the default 256 color pallete, but
really only the lower half of the pallete.
[] CONFLICT is the Falcon demo entitled "Conflict." Written by the
Dead Hackers Society, this demo requires 4 meg of RAM, and will run
from a floppy. It also includes some code routines for using the DSP
chip to play .MOD files through the Falcon (from bITmASTER/BSW). The
demo runs in 384*240*8 mode(lowrez+overscan, 256 colours) and the
endpart 384*480*8 (lowrez+overscan+interlace, 256 colours). The WHOLE
demo is updating everyting in 50 frames a second! (real smooth). Docs
included! Some of the effects are:
Textputter: Idea from the Sliver (Sharon Stone movie) intro.
Chess Zoomer: Very simple trick, takes about 40 scanlines...
Linevectors: Pretty complex objects with 8 shades.
Circles: 8 REALTIME calculated circles in 8 different bitplanes.
Phychopattern: Very simple trick, takes about 40 scanlines.
Endscroller: Updating the screen with CPU. Takes a lot of time.
[] CYBRLAKE is a very nice .SEQ animation by Todd Redden (dated 1991).
It is a Mandelbrot Fractal animation created using Fractal Fantasy and
CyberPaint 2.0. This beautiful color cycling animation shows several
levels of a pretty fractal as you zoom into its depths. It requires at
least 2 meg of free RAM and uncompresses to 791K so you will need an
extended format floppy or a hard drive to view this. Use ANIMATE4 to
view. Recommended. The author says that he might upload more of these.
I wish he would!
[] DB302PAT is a patch file giving you everything you need to patch
Diamond Back 3, v.3.00 or v3.01 or v.3.02. As usual, Oregon Research
Associates backs up their products! This patch adds some new features
and fixes all the discovered bugs. If you have one of these two
earlier versions of DB3 then get this file!
[] DB3_SAFE is DB3_Safe, the Quick & dirty shell for DiamondBack 3,
v.1.1 by Mark O'Bryan (dated June 17, 1994). This program addresses
the need of those forgetful folk who don't remember to disable their
ICD write cache when running DiamondBack 3 (available from Oregon
Research Associates). If you forget to do this you stand a good chance
of losing some of your data. This little program will automatically
disable the ICD write caches during the execution of DiamondBack 3 and
re-enable them when you quit. This will likely be fixed in future
versions of Diamondback (ORA is a company that stands behind its
products!), but until then use this and you never will need to worry
again. Docs included.
[] D_DAY by William A. Troy, Jr. of BATSoftware is a simple but
interesting game (dated June 6, 1994 - 50 years after D-Day). It's
more than that though. It's also his tribute to all the vetrans who
fought for the world's freedom. Especially to those who did not
return. The premise behind this game is simple - guide your LCI to the
beaches of Normandy. Use the joystick to move the LCI. Avoid
anti-invasion obstacles while trying to rescue soldiers swimming from
destroyed LCAs and LCVPs (use those life preservers!). Docs included.
Color only. STE compatible (at least).
[] EMPMAPS is a group of 235 Empire maps. Some of them can be found
elsewhere, others are the uploader's (ROBO28 on Delphi) own. Empire is
an intersellar game of adventure and strategy for the ST--Falcon.
[] ESSCD60 is ESS-Code v.6.0, the MIME-Encoding/Decoding,
UUEn/UUDecoding utility (and BTOA, and SHIP files, too) by Michel
Forget of Electric Storm Software (the programmer of MasterBrowse, an
excellent desktop text SHOW replacement and general file viewer - see
MB44_BIN in the WORDWORK category). This file (dated June 16, 1994)
will allow you to quickly (very) and easily (it uses GEM with keyboard
shortcuts to everything and more) convert binary files to ASCII text
files or return ASCII text files to their original binary state. This
version now support the MIME conversion method which is rapidly
replacing all other conversion methods. This will allow you to both
send and receive binary files (non-text files) using the Internet
using the most compatible methods! It includes an expanded command
line interface for those of you who like such things, and the manual
can now be read online. Compatible with TOS 1.0 through MultiTOS
(Geneva, too), with online help, and much more. The author has put a
lot of work into this program. Color or mono. Shareware (register this
and you get an optimized and personalized version of this program,
free registered versions of MasterBrowse and his other shareware
programs and $5 in coupon discounts from Suzy B's Software!).
Here's a program I reviewed last time. I couldn't get it to work
last time, but now I can, due to the work of the author (and a
beta tester who uploaded a fix and told me about it!). Take a
look! It's worth it!
[] FANSI100 is FANSI v.1.00 by Eric March. This program is the first
and so far only 16 color, 80 Column ANSI Editor for the Atari line of
personal computers! Whether they be BBS menu screens, personal ANSI
sigs, advertisements or just general ANSI art, this program will
provide you with all the tools you need to be able to create these 16
color screens on your Atari computer, Now that I've seen this program
in action (The author fixed the installation problems some of us were
having - see below about FNC_INST) I can really say that I am
impressed. If every BBS would feature screens like this program makes
available it would be great! FANSI features Custom 3D Interface,
Boxes, Lines, Frames, Cutting/Pasting and more! This Shareware program
from Tail of the Comet Productions has some feature disabled (not
many!) in this unregistered version, but you can still save your
files! Docs included. Color only. ST--Falcon compatible. If you get
this file you should also get the v.1.01 update patch (FNC_101). Docs
included. The installation process is not compatible with Geneva, but
it runs OK under Geneva. Hard drive or DS floppy. Shareware.
[] FAN_INST is the Fansi Installation program version 2 by Eric March.
This is a replacement for the original INSTALL.TOS program that comes
in the original FANSI version 1.00 install package. Some users (me
included) could not install FANSI on their machines because the
original installation program would not recognize the path you
specified existed. This file is a temporary fix (until FANSI v.1.10
appears) for this problem. You might not even need it, so get FANSI100
and FAN_101 first! Docs included.
[] FMTERM1J is the F.M Terminal (Falcon only!) v.1.00J by Brian
Freeman (dated December 5, 1993). F.M.Terminal is a small GEM telecomm
program designed to work exclusively on a Falcon030. All Falcon video
modes from ST medium and up are supported. Uses Alan Hamilton's XYZ201
program (not included) for downloads. Not MultiTOS compatible. Docs
are included. This program does just about what you would expect a
"Not very many bells and whistles" program would do. I don't have a
Falcon, but that's the impression I get from the docs.
[] GVIEW305 is GEM-View v.3.05 by Dieter Fiebelkorn (released in North
America on June 25, 1994). Actually, this release is in the form of
three files, GVW3INST.LZH, GVW_DOC3.PZX, and GVW_V305.PAX. You will
also need to download the other (non-changed) files from previous
releases (the docs will tell you what they are). If you have a picture
file, this program will likely show it (about 35 _basic_ formats with
support for variations within formats)! Previous descriptions of this
program have run over a page, but this time I'm just saying, "Get
This!" if you work with images of any type.
GEM-View now comes in a modular format allowing you to customize
GEM-View to view the pictures you normally encounter (saving memory
and loading time). GEM-View is fast and will allow you to load and
display pictures in a variety of graphic formats (including JPEG
pictures, in which format your pictures can now be saved yielding huge
file size savings!) in any desired resolution and virtual size
(BigScreen) on the ATARI ST/TT/Falcon series of computers. Most
graphic cards work, too.
This version includes a neat slide show feature and an even more
useful picture cataloging feature. It's amazing how this program keeps
on being improved! GEM-View is either an .ACC or .PRG (just rename
it). If your machine can't handle the colors in the picture (ST Low
doesn't have 256 colors to display a GIF file!) GEM-View will massage
the picture until it fits. You can also adjust contrast, brightness,
colors shown, cut and paste, and more, all to make the picture look
even better. Do you want to convert a picture from one type to
another? GEM-View will do that, too. I'd better quit! I've registered
this Shareware program, and I recommend that you do, too. A Zillion
(almost) other features and utilities are included (WinX 2.10, GEMRAM
v.1.5, VIDFIX, GEM-View, and more). Color or mono.
[] IORTEST2 by J. Dewell is a 640x400 Targa (.TGA) image rendered
through the Persistence Of Vision Raytracer (see POVRA21). It shows
three glowing pillars topped by three mirrored balls. In the
background is what appears to be steps leading upward. Supporting the
pillars are blocks of glowing waters(?). This excellent image took a
TT 45 hours and 39 minutes to render! I used PhotoChrome4 to view
(GEMView works, too). 769K uncompressed!
[] ISOLA3 is ISOLA v.3.32, an excellent strategy game by Thierry
Grellier. I like this game. You are presented with a 6x8 grid on
which you and your opponent (either the computer or another human).
The goal of the game is to place blocks in your opponent's path so
that he or she cannot move (to isolate them). Of course, they're doing
the same thing to you! I found the computer quite smart in this game
(with four levels of game play), giving me a "run for my money" (in
other words I lost sometimes!). One funny thing is that when you win
the computer says you're a lucky stiff (or words to that effect) and
that it just let you win to be nice, but when it wins it says "Honor
to the winner. Shame to the loser." Geesh! Sour grapes in a game!
You can even save and load your games from disk (to replay them to
find out how you could have done better). Mouse and keyboard
controlled. This file now includes 1st Guide, an .ACC hypertext help
system (and more) by Guido Vollbeding for you to use with the English
and French documentation (with IMG files detailing program features,
too). I've heard about 1st Guide, but never have seen it before now.
Unfortunately, even though the author of Isola mentions the docs for
1st Guide as being included, someone has removed them from this
archive. I'll have to keep hunting for it. In any case, this file is
worth getting both for the game and for the 1st Guide .ACC! Online
help (with suggested moves if you ask for them). ST--Falcon and Geneva
compatible. Color or mono.
[] KINGARTH is a high res. .IMG scan of King Arthur with robe and
sword. Nicely done. It has one of those little .GEM files associated
with it (I don't remember what they _do_, but some programs make use
of them, I think!). I found this on the TOAD Hall BBS.
[] MACORNER is MacCorner v.1.0 by Damien M. Jones, the author of View
II (wow!), Sound Lab (wow!), DMJ Gif (wow!), and more. This is a small
ST(e)/Falcon/TT only AUTO program which will give your VGA,
SM124/SM147 screen rounded corners like a Macintosh. The rounded
corners make the screen look much nicer. It's amazing. The program can
be turned on or off with a hot key. This program doesn't work with an
ST color monitor or with a TT color monitor (except in ST High). Docs
[] MJGEM10X is a Mandelbrot/Julia Plotter for use with the Gemini-10X
printer (dated May 17, 1994). This program by Todd Redden uses the
Gemini-10X printer as a graphic device for plotting the Mandelbrot set
and quadratic Julia fractals with several options. Keyboard
controlled, you can begin new fractals, or continue the generation of
ongoing fractals from previous sessions (this is a nice feature since
complex fractal generation takes a LONG time!). It can work from a
hard drive, but will always write the generated fractals directly to
your Gemini 10X printer (which means you do all that work for one
printing) to your drive A (better because you can print it again and
again). Lots of options and example plots along with complete
documentation included.
[] MMM226 is Midi Music Maker 2.26 (dated Feb. 1994). Do you have some
old music files gathering dust that you have always wanted to play
through your synthesizer? Here is the answer! Midi Music Maker is the
world's most comprehensive music player program capable of playing
many of the 1000's of music files available for several types of
computers. It will control the songs and regulate the instrument
presets and channels and on which the music is sent to synthesizer.
Several obscure bugs were squashed over previous versions. Excellent!
The following sixteen basic file types can be played by Midi Music
1. Music Studio, Music Studio 88 Atari ST
2. Music Construction Set Atari ST
3. EZ-Track (single track) Atari ST
4. Standard Midi Files (format 0, format 1) all computers
5. Sid Player Music including stereo Commodore 64/128
6. Master Composer Commodore 64/128
7. Advanced Music System (I and II) 8 bit Atari
8. Antic Music Processor 8 bit Atari
9. Midi Music System 8 bit Atari
10. Orchestra-85/90 Color Computer
11. Lyra 1 and 2 Color Computer
12. Adlib IBM PC
13. Cakewalk 2 & 3 files IBM PC
14. Deluxe Music Construction kit Amiga and Mac
15. Dr. T's and Dr. T's Cub Atari & Amiga
16. Sound Blaster Creative Music (.CMF) IBM
Midi Music Maker can also create Standard Midi File format 0 and
format 1 files from any of file types listed above, even from the SMF
files themselves. The files created will include the settings that you
have control over with this program. To effectively use this program
you need an ST or STe with 1 meg of memory, a MIDI synthesizer, and
some music files. Midi Music Maker runs only in medium and high
resolution. The music will play through the ST speaker (ya, but...)
but a synthesizer with full MIDI capability is needed for best
results. Some songs may use up to 16 channels simultaneously or may
put up to 8 notes on a single channel. A synthesizer capable of
handling the larger number of notes and channels is required for these
songs. Docs included. SHAREWARE.
[] MOST is the M.O.S.T. viewer by Brian J. Grier (uploaded June 15,
1994). This exciting file is a "teaser" of better things yet to come.
It is a shareware program which will allow you to read Compton's New
Media M.O.S.T. CD-Roms. You can get a version which will support
pictures and sound (and use the dictionary on every M.O.S.T CD-ROM) by
registering. ST--Falcon compatible (you must supply the CD, player,
and the CD-Driver). Docs included. It's great to see more and more
support for CDs coming to the Atari World! Support shareware authors!
I reviewed the following file last time, but since I got the
author's name wrong and since I've received some additional
information which you might find useful, I'm reviewing it again.
[] MPEGPLAY is the Falcon only version of the MPEG Video Software
Decoder (v.2.0; Jan. 27, 1993) from the Berkeley Plateau Research
Group. Re-written by Ray Wong to run on an Atari Falcon 030 in 16 bit
color mode. This version currently plays at about 1 frame/second for
160x100 MPEGs. It automatically switches screen resolution from
320x200, 384x240 overscan up to 640x400 interlaced. Only 320x200 mode
is possible on a VGA monitor, but it is not tested. After it is
finished playing the mpeg it will give you some stats and the number
of frames/second. Docs included. The author is currently looking for
people to test a version for all Atari's with a 15 bit color board
installed. His Internet address is:
[] SSAM101B is SuperSam, the Superb Sample Editor, v.1.01 by Daniel
Hastings (dated June 12, 1994). This save disabled Shareware sample
editor for the Falcon030 allows you to digitally store sounds on disk
(in a slew of different formats), and edit them in a variety of ways
including reversing them to play them backwards, cutting and pasting,
combining multiple sounds and many more functions. I counted 25
features before I quit! Geneva and MultiTOS compatible, this looks to
be an excellent program! Registration brings the complete program.
Superb docs included (I guess it goes along with the name!).
[] STARBALL is StarBall v.1.01 by Dave Oldcorn (dated June 15, 1994).
This is the best pinball game I have ever seen! I recommend it to you
highly. The play area is three screens high (with three sets of
flippers), and there's a lot of action, surprize bonuses, and much
more! The scene is in outer space and as you play the pinball game you
are forming a starfighter (by hitting all the objects about, gaining
points, and in general, surviving!). The controls really work (meaning
you can control the direction of the ball by skillful use of the
paddles). The graphics and sound are excellent. If you have a Falcon,
the game is even better, as it will allow you to play .MOD files in
the background and display 50 frames per sec for ultra smooth
operation (you can also get the 50 fps with an accelerated ST -
great!). There are three levels of play with three amazing bonus
levels and one "amazing secret barking mad bonus screen." ST (even a
512K machine)--Falcon compatible. Docs included. Get this! Shareware.
[] STESND2 is STESound v.2 by Thomas Binder. The ATARI Falcon030 has a
new soundsubsystem which can be switched into an "STE-compatibility-
mode" to ensure that (most) programs using the DMA-sound of STE/TT
will work correctly. There already exist some patch programs for the
AUTO folder to select this mode so that old programs can be run. But
it is sometimes useful to have this possibility in a desk-accessory,
since there are some programs for the F030 which don't reset the
soundsubsystem to STE-mode. The accessory STESOUND (it can also be run
as a program) offers this possibility (and more). Docs included.
Falcon only.
[] TAZ_100 is TAZ v.1.00 by Daryl Richards and Kevin Tessner of Neat
and Nifty Software (dated Feb. 6, 1994). TAZ is a full featured
terminal program for the Atari ST based loosely off of Telix for the
IBM PC. This program is designed to combine good emulation, broad
protocol support, ease of use, and a decent running speed into a
single package. TAZ has a very nice capture/edit buffer, can access a
nice ANSI emulation mode in 640 x 200, 16 color res., provides you
with a load of upload/ download protocals, the ability to run external
programs, and gives you extensive docs (online help, too). According
to the docs the program file should include Alan Hamilton's XYZ201B
transfer program, but someone left it out of the archive on Delphi and
GEnie. The author also asks that BBS ads not be placed in the archive,
and if found there that they be deleted. I deleted one. Such
consideration on the part of that BBS! Color only. ST (even a
520ST!)--TT compatible (someone says that it won't work on a Falcon,
but the docs seem to indicate that it will). Not MultiTOS compatible
(but works fine with Geneva). Shareware.
[] WATERSHP is a Falcon only game (dated Nov. 13, 1994) called
Watership coded by W.E.G (the Wotan Extremist Group!). It's straight
out of Norse mythology, but in modern times. Drive your hovercraft
about as you try to retrieve Wotan's axe (it's been stolen), but make
sure you don't run into any walls!. This game has very smooth graphics
and a nice .MOD soundtrack. Joystick controlled and it will work on a
VGA, RGB, or TV.
[] WINCOL_E is the Wincolor v.1.3 .CPX (dated March 1, 1994). With
this CPX, it is possible to set the colors of the GEM windows and
window elements, including background windows and hidden elements. Now
you don't have to have the latest TOS to have fancy window colors!
WINCOLOR is multilingual. It is able to "speak" the local language of
USA, FRG, FRA, SPA, ITA, and SWE. Keyboard and mouse controlled. Docs
included. The docs have been translated from the German by Stephen
Foskett as a part of his support of the ST world (thanks Stephen!).
[] WP_6_FNT is an .IMG file of 50 SpeedoGDOS compatible Bitstream
fonts available in the WordPerfect 6 font pack from Mainstream. A text
file is included which describes how they are available and the
quality of the fonts. If you are thinking of getting some more fonts
for AtariWorks (or any other SpeedoGDOS compatible program) then this
file is for you. For $29.95 you can't go wrong!
[] MIDIMODS is an amazing file. It's not so amazing that it contains
"Manshadow" a nicely done .MOD music file so much as it is amazing
that it contains a text file listing all the Noisetracker MOD files in
the MIDI Roundtable's Library 14 on GEnie. I didn't even know that
library was there and I see from this file that there are over 1,340
MOD files there! I'll check it out for next time and let you know more
about it!
Here are just a few of the .MOD files I have downloaded from the
above list. At the end I will list some .MOD players for you to
[] AGGROMIX is a Noisetracker/Soundblaster .MOD file entitled "AggroMix -
DM," This .MOD is a take off of the "Agrro" mix of Depeche Mode's
"Never Let Me Down Again." Heavy on the snare and fast rhythm. I
think it's OK.
[] AGNESTDF is a Noisetracker/Soundblaster .MOD file entitled "Agnes tete
De Fesse." This .MOD file had me bobbing my head in a quiet sort of
way. You might say that it is in the "Tangerine Dream movie
soundtrack" vein. Some of the notes played remind me of human voices
in the background (but you can tell that they are just notes).
[] AGOGO is a Noisetracker/Soundblaster .MOD file entitled "A Go-Go." This
is an original composition by Tim Sewell (I think) that is really
upbeat in nature. It will really get your toes tapping.
[] AGONY is a Noisetracker/Soundblaster .MOD file entitled "Agony." This
is a fairly straightforward rock MOD. Rather slow overall. It repeats
the same three descending notes that the Batman TV theme has, but I
don't think that is an intentional copy.
[] AGONY1 is a Noisetracker/Soundblaster .MOD file entitled "Agony -
Highlands2." This is an uptempo .MOD with an African drum and savannah
sound. Well-done and varied.
[] AGONY2 is a Noisetracker/Soundblaster .MOD file entitled "Agony _
Forget.porph" This is slower but not slow tempoed .MOD file. It is a
nicely done yet simple arrangement with an air of the chase around it.
[] AGONY3 is a Noisetracker/Soundblaster .MOD file entitled "Agony - End
Of Game." This .MOD file is a well done, upbeat and pleasant
listening, full of clapping, horn, piano, and organ (all synth).
[] AGRAIN is a Noisetracker/Soundblaster .MOD file entitled "A Grain Of
Time." This minor key .MOD file is slightly industrialized Eurosynth.
It's "oddly a little angry ... and angrily odd."
[] AHREV is a Noisetracker/Soundblaster .MOD file entitled "Aaaaahrev2."
This .MOD file has features voice samples and a slow, steady beat. It
is a small synthmod that is so regular that you would soon forget that
it's playing.
[] AHROBYN is a Noisetracker/Soundblaster .MOD file entitled "Ah Robyn."
This .MOD file gives a medieval madrigal presentation that alternates
between serious music and mocking of the form. I guess that's a lot
like Madrigal singing itself, in a modern form. Horns, sticks,
recorders, church bells, organ, voice, and more all make up this piece.
I couldn't play this with JukeBox 1.4 without a lot of static showing
up here and there. It played file with Paula 2.1b.
[] AHUMAHUM is a Noisetracker/Soundblaster .MOD file entitled "Ahum Ahum
2." This is an easy listening European MOD. Bar chimes, racing cars
(mostly in the background), and rhythm mark this piece.
[] AILING is a Noisetracker/Soundblaster .MOD file entitled "Ailing."
This .MOD file sounds aptly named. It is a heavy-hitter industrial/
metal MOD with a lot a bashing and iritating heavy guitar. But it does
get your head bobbing!
[] AIR is a Noisetracker/Soundblaster .MOD file entitled "Air." This is a
very upbeat rhythmic piece that relies on keyboard and drums. I like
it. Note that AIRBOR and AIRBORNE are the exact same files if you are
getting these off of GEnie.
[] AIR2NITE is a Noisetracker/Soundblaster .MOD file entitled "In The Air
Tonight" (according to the upload...the .MOD file lists itself as
"b.t.p madtronix"). It's a rather slow piece with a muffled drum and
[] AIUTO is a wild and crazy .MOD file entitled, "Aiuto." It is loud and
repetitive with iritating sounds. While not easy listening, it is
somewhat interesting.
[] AKTION6 is a .MOD file entitled, "Aktion 6." This is an electric
keyboard upbeat .MOD. It is energetic listening. It plays better on
Paula v.2.1b than on JukeBox 1.4.
[] ALAKAZAB is a .MOD file entitled Alakazabra. This .MOD file is rather
sober and distant sounding.
[] ALALA is a .MOD file entitled, "Alalaouti." It is a .MOD that starts
out dark and quiet, but then moves on to a louder and more energetic
style while still maintaining a nice listening sound and melody.
[] ALCHOLIC is a .MOD file entitled, "Alcoholic Score." Bongos, organ,
and more go into this fast piece. It starts out with a quiet melody
with bongo drums and moves into a fast and crazy beat.
[] ALCONITE is a .MOD file entitled, "Alcoholical Night." It has a fast
smooth beat with some interesting vocal samples mixed in.
[] ALIENBEA is a .MOD file entitled, "Alien Beat Re-mix." It begins with
a cough, has coughs in the middle, and ends that way, too. It's not a
very productive cough, either. That guy ought to quit smoking!
Interspersed with the cough is some music with a strong beat.
[] ALIENS is a .MOD file entitled, "Aliens On Earth." It has a power beat
and an alien whine in the background. The music gets louder, more
upbeat, and stronger as it moves along. You hear some rhythm which
might be stylized gunfire as those aliens are fought off (at least
that's what I can imagine from the music).
[] ALIENS4 is a .MOD file entitled, "Aliens4." It begins with "All
persons must evacuate immediately." It is a huge .MOD file
(uncompresses to 499K). It contains samples from "the Alien movies."
Simple and flowing music intersperses the vocal samples.
[] ALII is a .MOD file entitled, "a.l.ii." It is a peppy uptempo
Eurosynth .MOD with a slow peaceful beat in the background. Pleasant
[] ALIVE is a .MOD file entitled, "Alive." It is a very fast piece of
music that features a flute played with a remarkable skill and speed.
The upload description says that it "bears a remarkable resemblance to
'Popcorn'," but I don't see that at all (other than they are both fast
pieces). The instruments and tunes are different in both. This is
excellent--Popcorn is, too.
[] ALIVETHE is a .MOD file entitled, "Alive Theme." I'm not familiar with
the piece, but it is full of a variety of sounds and styles. Rhythmic,
and it seems like something that would play to a detective theme.
[] ALL4NOW is a .MOD file entitled "All For Now." This is a bright and
light quick paced .MOD that is not frantic with noise. It draws you
into its rhythm. See ALLFORNO for the same file (upload one or the
other but not both since they are the same file).
[] ALLGC91 is a .MOD file entitled "All Great Cities 91." This file
begins quietly but builds in both complexity and loudness. It is a
bouncing Euro .MOD. This would not play on Juke Box v.1.4, but it
works fine on Paula v.2.1b.
[] ALLIWANT is a .MOD file entitled, "All I Want For Christmas Is My Two
Front Teeth." It sounds somewhat like it is played on a kids piano and
an organ (a cheap organ!) at the same time. This will not play on
JukeBox v.1.4, but it plays fine on Paula v.2.1b.
[] ALLTHOS is a .MOD file entitled "All Those Years." It is a ballad
.MOD with a fast underlying beat.
[] ALMOST is a .MOD file entitled "Almost." This is a 50's Rock 'n' Roll
.MOD with lots of guitar. Start dancin'!
[] ALOHA is a .MOD file entitled "Aloha-punk2." This is a crazily fast
.MOD with drums and vocals (voices and burps). A bit blurry. I won't
bother listening to this one again!
[] ALONE is a .MOD file entitled "Alone." It is a piano and snare (drums
and organ, too) .MOD file that is pleasant to listen to, even when
you're alone. It might even be better with someone else!
[] ALPHARAP is a .MOD file entitled "Alpharapii." A combination of
vocals, clapping, and a strong beat make this an interesting listen.
[] ALPHAVIL is a .MOD file entitled "Alphaville." It has a steel drum
sort of sound with a nice overall rhythm and rhythm gourds (whatever
those things you shake like a rattle are called!). I like this one!
[] ALPHA_1 is a .MOD file entitled "Alpha." It is a mysterious .MOD file
with lots of electronic notes, human vocals, symphony sounds and more.
It is a "Vangelis number" (the original author?).
[] ALPHA_2 is a .MOD file entitled "skf-Alpha." This is a "90's update" of
this Vangelis piece. It is supposed to be similar (but it's not!) to
ALPHA_1 above. This is just a quiet .MOD file with pretty and melodious
tunes cycling up and down. No, "lots of electronic notes, human vocals,
symphony sounds and more" here.
[] ALPHOMEG is a .MOD file entitled "Alpha and Omega" (the first and last
letters of the Greek alphabet are Alpha and Omega). It is a slow .MOD
file that is pleasant to listen to. As I listen to it now I can hear
that there are parts of this that play quite fast indeed, but they are
in the background.
[] ALTAIR is a .MOD file entitled "Altair." This is .MOD file that begins
very slowly, with science fiction type sounds, ray guns, etc. and
worry-producing music. What is happening here? I don't want to be
around to find out! Ah, after a long time the music starts to get a
bit louder and more complicated. Something's happening finally. In
the end not much happens: a few whoops, ray guns firing, and that's it.
[] ALTEREGO is a .MOD file entitled "alter ego-ice88." This is a nice
plucky .MOD file with rapid percussion and smooth melody.
[] AMCMENU is a .MOD file entitled, "A AMC Menu." I couldn't get this
.MOD file to play without an apalling amount of static on any of the
four .MOD players I tried. You could hear the music, but the static
ruined any pleasure in listening. So...don't get this one!
[] BALLMAIN is a .MOD file with a regular background beat, rather medium
speed (on the slow side), with a pleasing front sound.
[] BALLUSTR is a .MOD file entitled Ballustrade. Composed by Tim Sewell,
this .MOD file has a heavy beat with a nice mix of upbeat electronic
sounds. It begins simply and then adds complexity as the piece moves
[] BALL_ALL is a series of four .MOD files with a wide variety of upbeat
sounds. One has an Oriental sound to it and the others are more
Occidental. Lots of interesting samples an arrangements.
[] BAMIGAON is a .MOD file entitled "Bamiga One." This .MOD begins with a
voice and music combo that "Be, bep's" it's way through the first few
measures. It then moves on to a bar chimes, percussion, electric piano
and more sound. Upbeat.
[] BANANAS is a .MOD file entitled, "Bananas." It is an upbeat and fast
.MOD file beginning with a voice "Be, Beping" (which continues off and
on through the piece). As the song says, "Come on!" I enjoyed
listening to this. You might as well.
[] BANGER is a .MOD file entitled "The Groove Banger." This a a loud and
banging piece. Heavy on the big drum sound and crashing "grunge"
guitar. I hear all sorts of squeeks, beeps, and raspberries on this
.MOD. I'm not sure if they belong there or not!
[] BARBLUES is a .MOD file entitled "Sleezy Bar Blues." This is a very
nice 12 bar piano and guitar blues piece (with some percussion). Well
[] BARBRIAN is a .MOD file entitled, "Bar Brian." This wildly fast .MOD
file is filled with vocal samples (it sounds very Jamacian to me). The
vocal samples are mostly unintelligible, with an occasional parrot
thrown it as well.
[] BARTVADR is a .MOD file detailing an encounter between Bart Simpson and
Darth Vader. Vader begins by saying, "Join me, and we will rule the
galaxy together!" and Bart replies (after several permutations of
Vader's invitation) with "I'm Bart Simpson. Who the hell are you!"
Loud, heavy music interspersed with variations on their voices. Funny!
[] BASJA is a .MOD file entitled "Basja." This .MOD sounds like the music
video shot on the production line of a heavy industry factory. Glaring
sounds, whistles, and hammers (guitar, drums, synth-flute) all merge
into this .MOD.
[] BASKET is a .MOD file entitled, "Basketjordel.porph." This is an
energetic European MOD with trace elements of industrial dance and a
great rhythm. I couldn't play this on JukeBox v.1.4, but it played
fine on Paula v.2.1b.
[] BASSQUIZ is a .MOD file entitled, "Bassquiz." It is a peppy sounding,
quick clapping, .MOD file from Europe.
[] BATCHASE is a .MOD file which has the Joker running around and taunting
Batman (with a machine gun it sounds like!). This is a quick paced
.MOD file with a strong beat and lots of squeeks and extraneous noises
which I am not sure belong or not. Chaoic sounding.
[] BATDANC2 is a .MOD file entitled, "Batdance." This version has a
Caribbean sound of steel drums along with vocals ("Batman!). As the
upload description says this .MOD "has a somewhat different variation on
the William Orbit mix" whatever that means!
[] BATMANAC is a .MOD file entitled, "Batman (Acid Mix)." This is another
acid house version of the 1966 Batman TV series theme.
[] BATMANNW is a .MOD entitled "Batman." This is a new version in a sort
of semi-techno format of the 1960's Batman TV series theme. Quiet with
snare in the foreground.
[] BATMEAT is a .MOD file entitled "Batmeat." It begins with the Batman of
the TV series saying, "To the Batmobile!" and moving on to variations on
the theme of the TV series. A recurring voice saying, "We've got a live
one here." "Batman!" and "Batman, let's go" come up often, too. Loud
and raucous. I couldn't play this on JukeBox v.1.4, but Paula v.2.1b
worked fine.
[] BATSTRIK is a nice .MOD entitled "Batstrikes." It begins with a
pleasant smooth sounding series of tones, but quickly leaves that
behind to move on to a fast-paced synth MOD. The upload doc says it's
a bit bit fuzzy, but I didn't notice that.
[] BAZNEWHE is a .MOD file named "Baznewhero." When I first began to
listen to this .MOD file I thought it was going to be pretty good.
Instead I ended up agreeing with the uploader who says that it "tries
to be subtle and somewhat medieval, but sort of manages to be vaguely
medieval and obnoxious instead." Maybe you will think differently!
[] BBARRELP is a .MOD entitled, "Beer Barrel Polka." It really is a Polka
band working away, and doing a good job of it! Roll out the barrel
tonight! But make it a barrel of root beer! Nicely done.
Here are the .MOD player programs. I know there are more, but
these are the ones I've just grabbed now (I use JukeBox v.1.4
mostly, and Paula v.2.2B when that doesn't work (I haven't
registered Paula, yet. Yikes!)
[] AGTK12 is the AG-Tracker (American Gold Tracker) v.1.2 by Ron Debug
(dated Nov. 1992). This .MOD player will play single or multiple
(jukebox) songs. You can easily cause a song or album (the ability to
create "albums" is nice!) to repeat or to quit at the end of the song
or album. It has a pleasing screen display and a simple graphic
animation showing the various .MOD voices as they are played. This
player will work on an ST or STE (with the STE you have control over
the volume\bass\treble controls and you can get DMA sound). Mouse and
keyboard controlled. Color only. Docs in a text file with help online
as well.
[] BACKTRAK is an .ACC that allows you to play Noisetracker MOD files
in the background. This works quite well, playing sounds clearly and
in time. I'm listening to a .MOD right now using it as I type in
STeno. I'm not noticing any slowdown in the music or the program. No
docs (just use the item selector to pick the .MOD to which you wish to
[] CDPLAYER is an amazing NoiseTracker/SoundTracker .MOD player for
STE's. This emulates a CD player stacked on top of an amplifier. It
has most of the basic controls you'd expect on a CD player: horizontal
light meters for left and right channels as well as four vertical
light meters that emulate a graphics equalizer. The graphics this
program produces are awsome. The entire layout is extremely well done,
and the lights are VERY realistic. Plays up to 32 .MODs consecutively!
This is a must-have for any STE owner with a COLOR MONITOR. (Mono NOT
supported!) Tested on a STE. Will not work on a TT. Must run from a
[] DTMT101 is the DeskTracker MultiTask .ACC/.PRG v.1.01 by David
Oakley (dated April 22, 1993). This .ACC for the STe/TT will allow you
to play NoiseTracker modules in the background with an animated
graphic display of the tune. It operates like a CD player allowing you
to load, play, reset your tunes, set up a playlist, and more using the
3-D buttons or keyboard controls.. You can play at 6, 12, 25, or 50
KHz (50 KHz is only available on accelerated machines). This did a
good job of playing in the background. While it slowed up my 8 MHz
system (it speeds up quite a bit with my T-25 accelerator board
running), it was still possible to do other work. Docs included.
[] JUKEBX14 is JukeBox v.1.4 by Klaus Pedersen. Jukebox is an
.ACC/.PRG to play Noisetracker modules (MOD's) and SEGM files in the
background. It is fully compatible with NoiseTracker v.2.0 files from
the Amiga. SEGM files were first used in the PD program NT_COMP.
NT_COMP can be used to convert 'MOD' files into SEGM format. SEGM
files don't use the processor (much) when playing, that can NOT be
said about a 'MOD' player. This program will ALWAYS play the .MOD at
the correct speed, and will allow you to play a stereo sound in mono
(for better quality) if you wish. The sound quality is excellent, the
included utilities that allow you to poke around inside your .MOD
files and edit them are very useful, and the program is easy to use.
This version has all reported bugs fixed and is full of useful
features. Also, it's FREE! Any STe/TT/ Falcon (but a friend who has a
Falcon says it won't work on his Falcon). Color or mono. Docs
included. Recommended.
[] MODEST is the demo of MODEST, the Module Organizer v.0.8 by Great
Dane Software (out of Denmark). Modest is a program that will allow
you to organize, categorize, and play a wide variety of differing
formatted MOD files (Noisetracker/Soundtracker (with 15 or 31
instruments), Esion Tracker, Protracker, Packed Protracker. TCB
Tracker, STOS/AMOS Tracker, and maybe four other voice formats [the
docs say "maybe"!]). It will load and examine your MODs and tell you
their title, and filename, size, composers, and compare them to a
previously saved list (to check for duplicates). You can even play
your MOD files from within the program. I do need to mention though,
that while you can load and examine your MOD files in this demo, that
is just about all you can do. It's a demo! When you pay the modest
(pun intended!) shareware fee you will get the whole program. The demo
shows you what the program can do, but still encourages you to
register. Support Shareware authors! ST/STE--Falcon compatible.
[] MODPLAY is MODPLAY! v.1.1b, the STEREO SoundTracker MODule player
for STE. This TTP takes the MODule filename as parameter (if you
install MODPLAY!.TTP with .MOD as document type you can play any
MODule just by double-clicking on it.) Excellent quality sound and the
ability to adjust tracks and volume from within the program. Keyboard
controlled. Docs included. STE--Falcon compatible (Falcon owners must
be sure not to have MiNT installed <wow - beautiful colors when it
bombs!> or to have run another sound program first). Color or mono.
[] MPLAY_13 is MPlayer v.1.3 by Hoang Viet Chi (dated July 9, 1992).
This .ACC will allow you to play almost any sound files (I don't know
which ones as I haven't extensively tested this--but he says it loads
also plays .MOD sounds (Noisetracker & StarTrekker only). It allows
you to play your songs in the background, on any ST/STe/TT. Normally
you can't play .MODs without the DMA sound chip on the STe's and
above, but with this program you can! Docs included. Color or mono.
[] MUDU_06 is MUDU v.0.6 by This program will play standard
soundtracker/ noisetracker MOD files at 50kHz on a TT or Falcon030.
50kHz is better than CD quality! This program _should_ also work on an
accerlerated STe or Mega STe. Program and docs in German.
[] NT_COMP by Klaus Pedersen is a Compiler and player for
'NoiseTracker' music modules (.MOD), which is pretty popular on the
Amiga. NT_COMP is fully compatible with NoiseTracker v2.0. This player
uses 0% of your processor time when playing on the STe. It supports
playback frequencies up to 50KHz (wasteful really). About the only
drawback is the these compiled modules (SEGM's) uses a lot more
memory. Color or mono. ST/STe/TT compatible. It even runs on an ST
with 1/2 meg of RAM. Docs included.
[] PAULA22A is Paula v.2.2a (dated Feb. 20, 1992) by Pascal Fellerich
(one of the authors of TURBOASS, a fast Assembler). This .ACC is an
Amiga-MOD-fileplayer for the Atari TT & STE. Paula doesn't claim to be
the only or the fastest MOD player available forthe Atari, but it
certainly is one of the best. It has an excellent GEM interface along
with a Large number of features. Updated to make the program even more
Falcon compatible. This file also includes a utility that allows you
to "fix" some damaged .MOD files. Normally Paula is only usable on STe
or TT machines, but this archive includes PETRA by Christian Limpach.
Petra v.1.0 (dated Aug. 20, 1992) is a software sound driver which
allows all ST's (the program docs say ALL ST's while the uploader said
TOS 1.4 and above) which don't have DMA sound to still run Paula. Just
trust me on this one. If you want to listen to .MOD files just get
this program. Color or mono. Docs included. SHAREWARE. Falcon
[] PT_20S is ProTracker ST v2.0s by Karl Anders 2ygard and Hans-Arild
Runde ProTracker ST v.2.0s is a .MOD composing and playing program
written for the Atari ST--TT series (it's not yet _fully_ Falcon
compatible). It is a highly flexible system, allowing for up to four
separate channels of samples, digital reproductions of real
instruments, each with separate volume and pitch. ProTracker ST turns
your ST into a fully capable sample synthesizer that's a pleasure to
look at as well! According to the authors this program implements all
of the features of ProTracker 2.0 Amiga--and more. They say this
program has notably better editing, offering to you more
possibilities, easy recording and an easier and more powerful sample
editor. It also makes full use of the STE's stereo sound introducing
bass and treble control.
Both on the ST and STE, the digitized sound is of a quality superior
to anything else, yet leaves far more time for other tasks to run
simultaneously. Furthermore, replay routines comes together with the
ProTracker ST, making it easy to implement soundtracks in demos and
games. This is a Shareware program ($15 US), and the docs are the
first two chapters of the full 130K of ASCII docs you get when you
register. This is more than enough to get you started. Color only.
Tutorial and sample files for you to learn on are included. If nothing
else you can use this as an excellent MOD player (that's my speed)!
[] PTPLAY12 is the PT-PLAYER v.1.02, a Protracker Mod player by Petri
Kuittinen and Martin Griffiths (dated Feb. 24, 1993). This program
will play Noise-and Protracker .MOD files using your ST's Yamaha-2149
sound chip. The sound output is very good, being 17.1 Khz mono PCM
sound with 11 bits linear dynamics. This program works on all
resolutions and on all screen refresh rates. ST/STE/TT (with TT you
must turn off cache) compatible (even with 512K RAM, though you won't
be able to play very large .MODs). This program is NOT Falcon
compatible. Mouse and keyboard controlled. Docs included.
[] STORM! is the ASTRAsoft Storm! Demo by David Oakley, the author of
Desktracker (dated March 18, 1994). This excellent program is a new
ProTracker MOD editor and player compatible with all ST ProTracker
editors. Using the standard GEM interface for ease-of-use Storm!
allows you to play MODs in the background (at 12.5, 25, or 50 Hz
playback capabilities). Running in a window as either a program or
.ACC, on any 1 meg or better STe, TT, or Falcon, Multi-TOS compatible,
and in ST-High res or better, this program will allow you to edit and
display (with notes on a staff or with symbols representing the
various voices available) Protracker MOD files, AVR, and signed (.SAM)
or unsigned (.SPL) sound files. This demo is limited in many ways, but
it provides both a visual and aural demo of the program's
capabilities. Docs and online help included. The complete program
should be available by May, 1994.
[] ULTIMATE is the Ultimate Tracker v.2.0 .MOD player for the STE/TT/
Falcon by Equinox and the Black Cats. This nicely presented .ACC will
allow you to play SoundTracker/NoiseTracker .MOD files in the
background as you do something else (like write descriptions of files
<grin>). It has Fast Forward and Reverse, and continuous loop options,
and allows you to select playback Hz from 6.25 through 50 Hz (50Hz on
Falcon only). Geneva compatible.
That's all for now! Take care everyone, and have a happy and safe
Fourth of July (that's my brother's Birthday. He says he was about 7
years old before he realized everyone didn't celebrate his B-Day!).
All of these files can be found on one or more of the following
on-line services: GEnie (M.BURKLEY1), Delphi (MRBURKLEY), The CodeHead
BBS (818-980-0237; -4970, or -4930), and at Toad Hall, now the
official BBS of the Boston Computer Society (617-567-8642) (Michael R.
Burkley). Drop me a line!
Michael lives in Niagara Falls, NY. He is a former Polyurethane
Research Chemist and is presently the pastor of the Niagara
Presbyterian Church.
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||| Atari ST RT News
||| By: John G. Hartman
/ | \ GEnie: J.G.H.
Atari RT Weekly News 6.2
33002 BRODIE21.ARC X ST.LOU 940605 19072 522 13
Desc: Brodie's Final Conference for Atari
32781 CUR_RTC2.ARC X BRIAN.H 940506 7552 50 13
Desc: Current Notes Unfinished RTC 27 APR
33081 MJSOFT.TXT X D.MUNSIE 940616 2560 4 14
33072 RUN_PC.TXT X A.FEGLEY 940615 768 4 14
Desc: Release of Run PC's Atari Catalog
33070 STEVES02.ZIP X S.KIPKER 940614 175872 7 14
Desc: Issue 2 of STeve's AtariNOTES!
33045 ANOUNC06.94A X H.CARSON1 940612 2560 15 14
Desc: Last TAF Meet Before Summer Break!
33037 STR_RPLY.TXT X POTECHIN 940611 5632 245 14
Desc: DMC responds to STReport
33029 CD_SERVI.ZIP X GREG 940610 20992 58 14
Desc: CD-Services German PD Shareware CD
33020 TTART_17.LZH X CYBERCUBE 940608 3328 35 14
Desc: TT-Artist1.7 Fractal Screen Saver PR
32994 CD_CAT1.ZIP X K.KORDES1 940604 5376 157 14
Desc: SFT CD-ROM Catalog vol 1
32925 AUSGABE1.TXT X GREG 940528 1536 140 14
Desc: Shareware and Public Domain CD
33078 MOST.ZIP X B.GRIER 940615 21760 1 10
Desc: M.O.S.T. viewer for Atari Computers
33061 KOBLDEM.LZH X GRMEYER 940614 70656 36 10
Desc: KOBOLD - super fast file util
33005 GROCRY42.ZIP X R.HOEKSTRA1 940605 115072 56 10
Desc: Ver. 4.2 of The Grocery Lister
32929 NERTZ_D.TOS X M.STAUFFER1 940529 162944 83 10
Desc: Demo solitaire game by Majic Soft
32986 DB303PAT.LZH X ORA 940603 149632 170 2
Desc: Diamond Back 3 V3.03 Patch
32987 TOS4_FIX.ZIP X CODEHEAD 940603 2432 157 2
Desc: Makes TOS 4.0x more compatible
33026 OMEN246D.LZH X CCARMICHAEL 940609 354048 127 22
Desc: OMEN Componentware Operating System.
33043 HOW_FAST.LZH X A.FASOLDT 940612 24960 126 2
Desc: Excellent drive-speed tester.
33017 XAES_BG.LZH X S.FOSKETT 940607 25728 106 2
Desc: Let 'Em Fly II, AES enhancement
33042 SPOFL31.LZH X A.FASOLDT 940612 291072 103 28
Desc: Speed-of-Light graphics app v. 3.1.
32934 SEGATOS.DOC X B.DEVONSHIRE 940530 5376 90 27
Desc: Use Sega Controller on TOS machine
32988 DESKMZAP.ZIP X CODEHEAD 940603 7168 83 2
Desc: Patches Desk Manager 3.3 for NEWDESK
32929 NERTZ_D.TOS X M.STAUFFER1 940529 162944 83 10
Desc: Demo solitaire game by Majic Soft
33054 EPSXCVG.LZH X F.ZIMMERMAN3 940612 44288 80 5
Desc: Convert EPS to CVG/CVG to EPS.
33080 INET100.LZH X DARLAH 940616 39040 2 48
Desc: Internet Archive June edition
32947 INET99.LZH X DARLAH 940531 114304 32 48
Desc: Internet Archive May 31, 1994
||| Developing news!
||| Items of interest from TOS platform developers and supporters
/ | \ -------------------------------------------------------------------
//// Fourth Annual Connecticut AtariFest August 27-28, 1994
** O U R F O U R T H A N N U A L S H O W ! ! ! **
** /-----------\/------------/ **
** / / **
** / CT ATARIFEST '94 / **
** ,/ / **
** ,/ __________/|\___________/ **
** /__,/ ** BRIDGEPORT ** **
** **
** CONNECTICUT ATARIFEST '94 10 am - 5 pm Saturday 8/27/94 **
** August 27-28, 1994 at the 10 am - 4 pm Sunday 8/28/94 **
** Bridgeport, CT Sponsored by **
** ACT Atari Group **
For More Information, Contact
Brian Gockley at (203) 332-1721
CAF '94 Repeats 'Early Bird' Discount Offer
BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (June 24) - ACT Atari Group will again offer a
discount to pre-registered attendees of the fourth annual Connecticut
AtariFest, the biggest Atari event on the East Coast this year.
Repeating an offer they have extended for the past two CAF shows, show
organizers say they will reduce admission prices by as much as $2 for
showgoers who register and pay in advance.
Connecticut AtariFest '94 is slated for August 27 and 28 at the
Bridgeport Holiday Inn. Single-day adult tickets are $6 ($3 for
children under 12) when bought at the door, but pre-registering boost
consumer savings. Those who return the attached form with a payment by
July 24 can save $1 per adult for a one-day pass and $2 for a weekend
ticket. Children under 12 who attend CAF '94 are admitted at
half-price; those passes must be purchased at the door the day of the
CAF '94 Chairman Brian Gockley says the discount policy was introduced
three years ago to get an early reading as to the potential attendence
for the show. Being able to establish a reliable "head count" aids
greatly in planning and in establishing visitor discounts for hotel
rooms, he says. In addition, the 1994 event includes an
"all-you-can-eat," prime rib buffet dinner, for which advance
reservations are strongly advised, "so gauging visitor interest is a
MUST," Gockley notes. (The $12.95 price of the buffet dinner is NOT
included in the cost of admission to the computer show).
Along with the pre-registration offer, ACT Atari Group has coupled an
User Survey it is inviting members of the Atari community to complete.
The survey, which asks users about areas of interest, opinions
regarding popular products and services, purchasing plans and other
topics, will be used to attract leading exhibitors to the event.
Results of the poll will be made public close to showtime. The
organizers invite ALL Atari users to fill out the survey and return it
regardless of their attendance plans; it is not a requirement to
receive a ticket discount.
For more information, contact Angela or Brian Gockley, ACT Atari
Group, 18 Elmwood Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06605, (203) 332-1721, or
Doug Finch at (203) 637-1034. E-mail the Gockleys at 75300,2514 on
Compuserve, or 75300.2514@compuserve.com@inet# via Internet; Finch via
76337,1067 on Compuserve, D.FINCH7 on GEnie or
76337.1067@compuserve.com@inet# or D.FINCH7@genie.geis.com@inet# via
Internet. (Consult your on-line service for proper E-mail protocols.)
** A D V A N C E R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M **
* Take advantage of a $1 discount on the cost of a single-day admis- *
* sion ticket and Save $2 off the cost of a two-day pass. Make sure *
* you're alerted to special deals and exhibitor discounts offered at *
* CONNECTICUT ATARIFEST '94. Register now for the BIGGEST East Coast *
* Atari gathering this year. ACT NOW!! This offer will be withdrawn *
* after July 24, 1994. *
* ------------- Type or print the following information -------------- *
* Name _______________________________________________________________ *
* Company (if applicable) ____________________________________________ *
* Street/PO Box ______________________________________________________ *
* City __________________________________ State ____ ZIP _____________ *
* Phone ________________________ Fax/Modem (specify) _________________ *
* E-Mail addresses (specify service) _________________________________ *
* *
* 1-day ticket = $ 5.00 (good either day) 2-day ticket = $8.00 *
* (Half-price children's tickets [under 12] sold at door only) *
* No. of tickets requested 1-day ____________ 2-day ____________ *
* *
* Make check or money order payable to PG Associates, 18 Elmwood Ave., *
* Bridgeport, CT 06605. Connecticut residents add 6% sales tax. Pay- *
* ment must be received by midnight July 15, 1994. *
** Q U E S T I O N N A I R E **
* The following questions are optional and need not be answered to regi-*
* ster. Your answers will be helpful, however, in determining which ex- *
* exhibitors you would like to see, which seminars should be scheduled *
* and which products and services you would like see at CONNECTICUT *
* ATARIFEST '94. Please indicate whether you are interested in receiv- *
* ing pre-show information from exhibitors about special offers and *
* discounts, or would like us to withhold your replies. Thanks for *
* taking the time and trouble to advise us. ACT Atari Group. *
* *
* Atari model/system(s) now in use ____________________________________ *
* Key peripherals & accessories _______________________________________ *
* Do you also use MS-DOS _____ Macintosh _____ Other _____ systems for *
* work and/or home applications?
* What applications interest you the most? ____________________________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* What vendors/products/services would you most like to see at CAF '94? *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* In your opinion, which new product for Atari computers and game *
* deserves 1994 MVP honors (Most Valuable Product/Service)? ___________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* Which product/service has contributed the most to the advancement of *
* Atari computing during the past five years, and why? ________________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* What has been the most significant industry event affecting the Atari *
* community during the past five years, and why? ______________________ *
* ______________________________________________________________________*
* ______________________________________________________________________*
* In what ways do you plan to upgrade your system, software or services *
* used within the next year? __________________________________________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* Are you considering shifting your computing activities to a non-Atari *
* system? _________ If so, what is (are) your principal reason(s)? ____ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* Do you belong to a user group in your area? If so, which? ___________ *
* _____________________________ Use a local BBS? (Please print the no.) *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* Subscribe to or regularly read computing publications? Which? _______ *
* ______________________________________________________________________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* Log on regularly to an on-line service? Which? ______________________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* Additional comments: ________________________________________________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* _____________________________________________________________________ *
* S E E Y O U A T C A F ' 9 4 ! ! ! *
//// Compo Announces SpeedoGDOS 5.0
SpeedoGDOS version 5.0 is the product of a close collaboration between
Atari Corporation and COMPO Software Corp. The result is an essential
tool that will simply revolutionize the way you use your computer, and
the materials you create.
SpeedoGDOS 5.0 supports Bitstream Speedo, PostScript Type 1, and
TrueType fonts. Simultaneously, transparently.
Bitstream Speedo is a scalable font format that has become the
standard on Atari computers. PostScript Type 1 and TrueType are the
standard formats on other computer systems. All three formats support
scaling fonts to any size, with font hinting and kerning for the best
possible display and print quality.
With tens of thousands of PostScript Type 1 and TrueType fonts
available, a nearly limitless variety - and quantity - of high quality
fonts is now available to you. Virtually any type design, style, or
character set is easily obtainable. Foreign language fonts, symbol and
notation fonts, exotic styles...
SpeedoGDOS 5.0 also reaches new heights in cross-platform
compatibility - with the same font formats used on Ataris, PCs, Macs,
and other computer systems, transferring data between computers is
easier than ever before.
SpeedoGDOS 5.0 includes printer drivers for most popular printers, and
an assortment of brand new drivers, including color drivers for color
printers, and drivers for LaserJet 4 and compatible printers at 300
and 600 dpi.
SpeedoGDOS 5.0 includes a new manual and is available in two versions.
They vary only in the number of typefaces included.
SpeedoGDOS 5.0 (Complete) includes twenty two Bitstream typefaces and
is available for $79.95. It can be purchased from any Atari computer
dealer or direct from COMPO Software.
The SpeedoGDOS 5.0 Upgrade includes eight Bitstream typefaces and is
available to users of SpeedoGDOS 4.x for $50.00.
//// Upgrading to SpeedoGDOS 5.0
Users of SpeedoGDOS 4.x may purchase the SpeedoGDOS 5.0 upgrade from
COMPO Software. Proof of SpeedoGDOS 4.x ownership is required.
Please forward, with your order, one of the following:
1) One of your SpeedoGDOS master disks, or a photocopy of a master
2) The cover page from your SpeedoGDOS manual, or a photocopy of the
cover page.
Pages or photocopies may be faxed to COMPO Software if you wish to
order SpeedoGDOS 5.0 by telephone, fax, or email.
If you send an original SpeedoGDOS 4.x master disk, it will be
returned with your order.
Please include $3.00 for shipping. California residents please add
8.25% sales tax.
COMPO Software Corp.
104 Esplanade Avenue Suite 121
Pacifica California 94044 USA
Tel: 415-355-0862
Fax: 415-355-0869
Speedo is a trademark of Bitstream, Inc. PostScript is a trademark of
Adobe Systems Incorporated. SpeedoGDOS is a trademark of Atari
Corporation. LaserJet is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company.
//// Compo's Fontpacks
COMPO Software announces two special collections of Bitstream Speedo
fonts for use with SpeedoGDOS versions 4.x and 5.x, and That's Write
Font Pack Gold and Font Pack Office
Font Pack Gold and Font Pack Office each include 100 Bitstream Speedo
fonts. These fonts have been carefully selected for their
distinguished designs, both classic and contemporary. With a variety
of decorative and text styles, including a number of extended
families, you'll never be at a loss for the appropriate font.
Font Pack Gold and Font Pack Office are available now for just $59.95
Font Pack Gold
Amazone Bodoni
regular book
book italic
Bauer Bodoni bold
roman bold italic
italic roman
bold italic
bold italic bold condensed
black italic Cloister Black
bold condensed regular
black condensed
Wedding Text
Goudy Handtooled regular
Exotic 350 (* Peignot)
Goudy Catalogue light
regular demi bold
Bitstream Cooper
light Freeform 721 (* Auriol)
light italic roman
bold italic
bold italic bold
medium italic black
black italic Freeform 710 (* Eckmann)
black headline regular
black italic headline
black outline Impuls
Zapf Elliptical 711 (* Melior)
roman Stencil
italic regular
bold italic Hobo
Informal 011 (* Neuland)
roman Liberty
black regular
Shotgun Engravers Gothic
regular regular
American Text regular
Brush 445 (* Palette) regular
Poster Bodoni
Brush Script roman
regular italic
Brush 738 (* Bison) Cloister Open Face
regular regular
Egyptian 505 Commercial Script
light regular
bold Kaufmann
medium regular
Zapf Calligraphic 801 (* Palatino)
roman Goudy Old Style
italic roman
bold italic
bold italic bold
bold italic
Egyptian 710 (* Antique No. 3) extra bold
English 157 (* Englische Schreibschrift) regular
Goudy Heavyface
Impress regular
regular condensed
Park Avenue University Roman
regular regular
Zapf Humanist 601 (* Optima)
roman Bank Gothic
italic light
bold medium
bold italic
demi Candida
demi italic roman
ultra italic
ultra italic bold
Vineta Broadway
regular regular
Font Pack Office
Futura Aldine 401 (* Bembo)
light roman
light italic italic
book bold
book italic bold italic
medium italic Bernhard Fashion
bold regular
bold italic
heavy Humanist 777 (* Frutiger)
heavy italic light
extra black light italic
extra black italic roman
light condensed italic
medium condensed bold
bold condensed bold italic
bold condensed italic black
extra black condensed
Humanist 531 (* Syntax)
Bitstream Amerigo bold
roman black
italic ultra black
medium Copperplate Gothic
medium italic roman
Futura Black heavy
regular condensed
bold condensed
Humanist 521 (* Gill Sans)
light Bookman
light italic roman
roman italic
bold Bernhard Bold Condensed
bold italic regular
extra bold
ultra bold Caslon Bold
condensed regular
bold condensed italic
extra bold condensed
Bernhard Tango
Humanist Slabserif 712 (* Egyptienne) regular
italic Compacta
bold light
black roman
Americana bold
roman bold italic
italic black
extra bold Humanist 970 (* Adsans)
Bernhard Modern bold
italic Blackletter 686 (* London Text)
bold regular
bold italic
Caslon Old Face
Caslon 540 roman
roman italic
italic heavy
Blippo Balloon
black light
Aldine 721 (* Plantin) extra bold
light italic Bruce Old Style
roman roman
italic italic
bold italic Caslon Open Face
bold condensed regular
* "Bitstream's version of..."
Font Pack Gold and Font Pack Office are available from COMPO Software
or your favorite Atari computer dealer. Contact COMPO Software for a
detailed font list.
COMPO Software Corp.
104 Esplanade Avenue Suite 121
Pacifica California 94044 USA
Tel: 415-355-0862
Fax: 415-355-0869
Speedo is a trademark of Bitstream, Inc. SpeedoGDOS is a trademark of
Atari Corporation. That's Write is a trademark of COMPO Software Corp.
//// D.A. Brumleve's MathArt
MathArt: A Paint Program for Young Mathematicians
The emphasis in MathArt is decidedly upon art. The math angle (pun
intended!) takes the form (pun intended!) of geometrical shapes which
provide the basis for line designs.
MathArt simulates the "string art" studies many children of the 60's
and 70's experienced as a part of geometry class. A basic grid serves
as the starting point for complex shapes and designs. Points along
the axes of the grid are connected to form lines. When crossing,
straight lines in a design may be interpreted by the eye as curves. A
surprising variety of designs is possible using the points on a single
As a junior high school student, the author found string art to be a
clumsy and frustrating activity. The computer does away with the
awkward string and nails and substitutes editing at the click of a
mouse, thus encouraging experimentation with the potential of line
designs. While the line designs are attractive and interesting
without further adornment, the use of vivid color can accentuate
certain features and enhance the effect. A paint program is included
to allow children to color their designs and save them in an onscreen
art gallery. No prior understanding of geometry is required to use
the program, and even the smallest of computer users will enjoy
exploring the creative potential of the basic structures presented.
The program consists of a Main Screen and three activity screens: the
Drawing Screen, the Painting Screen, and the Art Gallery Screen. The
child creates a line design on the Drawing Screen, embellishes it with
color on the Painting Screen, and displays it with other paintings on
the Art Gallery Screen. Each screen offers three possible grids for
line art: a four-segment cross, a three- segment cross, and a circle.
Up to three line designs of each grid shape may be saved to disk for
later editing. An unlimited number of paintings can be saved for
repainting or for later viewing in the Art Gallery. Paintings are
saved in Degas Elite format.
MathArt, like all commercial kidprgs, is accompanied by an
Installation Program which allows the parent or teacher to configure
the child's disk to suit his/her needs and interests. This
grow-as-you-grow approach allows MathArt to appeal to children
throughout a very wide age range. To make learning to use the program
a snap, MathArt conforms to the user interface provided in all
commercial kidprgs.
MathArt will run in ST Low on any Atari ST/STe/TT/Falcon030. Printing
requires a printer which accepts an ST screen dump; nearly all
printers are supported. Recommended for ages 3-11; enjoyed by all!
Shipping on or before July 1, 1994! Scheduled to be debuted at the
MIST AtariFest in Indianapolis on July 23! See you there!
Retail price: US$40.00
Your dealer will welcome your order, or you may order direct.
To order COD: Voice 217 337 1937
Fax 217 367 9084
Internet dabrumleve@genie.geis.com
To order prepaid, send check or money order in US$ for $40 + $3
shipping to: D.A. Brumleve
P.O. Box 4195
Urbana IL 61801
Also available: Kidpublisher Professional US$40
Multiplay US$40
Kidpainter US$35
Super Kidgrid US$25
A $3 shipping charge covers all products ordered at one time.
Products mailed to points within the US are shipped Priority Mail
and really do tend to arrive within three days as promised by the
US Postal Service. Products sent to Canada and elsewhere are
shipped via US Air Mail.
//// Lynx Titles from Telegames - Special Summer Prices!
Can't stand the heat? Break out your Lynx and CHILL with
Telegames' special online Lynx games offer. For one week
only, order any Telegames Lynx title at its Special
Summer price, and pick up a second title of equal or
lesser value for only $10.
This promotion runs from:
12:01 am EDT Wednesday June 29th...
THROUGH the July 4th holiday...
and ends 11:59 pm EDT Tuesday July 5th.
Choose from: Regular SPECIAL
European Soccer Challenge (CL) $39.99 $29.99
Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge 39.99 29.99
Qix 29.99 19.99
Double Dragon (CL) 39.99 29.99
Desert Strike 49.99 29.99
(CL) two-player games are ComLynxable.
You may want to order two of the same title!
REMEMBER: For the duration of this offer, buy ONE
Telegames Lynx title at its SPECIAL SUMMER PRICING and
buy ANOTHER Telegames Lynx title of equal or lesser
value FOR ONLY $10 more.
Here's how you can participate in this limited time
You may order direct from Telegames by sending your
Visa/Master Charge ordering information
(or a money order) to:
Lynx Special Summer Offer
P.O. Box 901
Lancaster, TX 75146
Mailed orders will qualify by postmark.
You may phone your order by dialing: (214) 227-7694
You may fax your order by dialing: (214) 227-9264
Atari Corp. is assisting in this promotion by accepting
orders for Telegames' titles via EMail. If you find it
more convenient, you may send your order to either of
these EMail addresses via the Internet:
//// Fine Print:
All prices given are in United States currency. Offer
valid for North American delivery only. Add $2 S&H per
title ordered (minimum $4). Texas residents add 7.25%
sales tax. Quanitites for this promotion are limited.
Telegames may change promotion terms or pricing at any
time without notice.
//// The Perfect Time to ComLynx! Atari's $55 Lynx Offer!
When you save on a special deal from Telegames, Atari
will sell you one (1) Lynx Color handheld game base unit
for only $55, shipping included. (California residents,
add 8.25% state sales tax.)
Call, EMail, FAX or mail your Lynx Base Unit ordering
information to Atari Customer Service before 11:59pm EDT,
July 5, 1994. Here's how:
Call 1-800-221-3343 or 1-800-GO-ATARI toll free,
Monday thru Friday; 9am to 5pm Pacific time.
OR fax Atari at 1-408-745-2088
OR send a message from any online service through the
Internet to <70007.2363@compuserve.com> or to
OR Write: Don's Perfect Time to ComLynx Offer
Atari Corporation
P.O. 61657
Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1657
Mailed orders will qualify by postmark.
DO NOT send Lynx Base Unit orders to Telegames! Atari's
Lynx Base Unit orders are SEPERATE from Telegames' Lynx
games Special Summer orders.
//// Remember Atari's Lynx Summer Steal Deal
Atari Corp's Lynx Summer Steal Deal is still in progress!
Look in Atari Explorer Online - Volume 3, Issue 8 for a
list of currently available Atari Corp. Lynx titles, and
Summer Steal Deal pricing.
//// CodeHead BBS's new numbers
[From a message on GEnie]
Here are the new, revised, telephone numbers for the CodeHead
Quarters BBS. These numbers should be active on Tuesday [June] 14th.
Line 1: (818) 980-6763 -- Supra 2400 baud
Line 2: (818) 980-6269 -- US Robotics HST 9600
Line 3: (818) 980-6274 -- US Robotics Dual Standard 9600
If you have an HST modem, call line 2. If you have a v.32 9600 baud
modem, call line 3.
John King Tarpinian
Assistant to the SysOps
||| Shutdown ............................ Power off, EXIT, BYE, Logoff
/ | \ ------------------------------------------------------------------
We welcome feedback from all of our readers; feedback both positive
and negative. Whatever you think of our efforts, we sincerely would
like to know. Our EMail addresses are sprinkled throughout each
issue - with the new Internet gateway into GEnie, you can reach us
through the Internet also. Append "@genie.geis.com" to any of our
GEnie addresses.
Until the next issue of AEO, I remain,
Your Editor
Travis Guy
Internet: aeo.mag@genie.geis.com
(This issue printed on recycled photons)
Wide_left > 2*(Wide_right)
No Inflation Necessary
Atari Explorer Online Magazine is a bi-weekly publication covering the
entire Atari community. Reprint permission is granted, unless
otherwise noted at the beginning of the article, to registered Atari
user groups and not for profit publications under the following terms
only: articles must remain unedited and include the issue number and
author at the top of each article reprinted. Other reprints granted
upon approval of request. Send requests to <aeo.mag@genie.geis.com>.
Opinions presented herein are those of the individual authors and do
not necessarily reflect those of the staff, or of the publishers. All
material herein is believed accurate at the time of publishing.
Atari, ST, Mega ST, STE, Mega STE, TT030, Atari Falcon030, TOS,
MultiTOS, NewDesk, BLiTTER, Atari Lynx, ComLynx, Atari Jaguar, Atari
Portfolio, and the Atari Fuji Symbol are all trademarks or registered
trademarks of Atari Corporation. All other trademarks and identifying
marks mentioned in this issue belong to their respective owners.
Atari Explorer Online Magazine
"Your Source for Atari News"
Copyright (c) 1993-1994, Subspace Publishers
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:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A E O :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
:: Volume 3 - Issue 10 ATARI EXPLORER ONLINE 2 July 1994 ::