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ufo/aliens #188, from Cix_UseNet, 4688 chars, May 28 05:58 91
TITLE: Re: >>I want to contact some real-live extra-terrestrials!
+From : davidj@wrs.com (David Jones)
+Subject : Re: >>I want to contact some real-live extra-terrestrials!
--->>> Re: harryo@cbnewse.att.com (harold.r.holm)
>>> Area 51...
>Are these some sort of military area designations? Are they near air-
>bases ("secret", or otherwise)? Exactly how far from Las Vegas are
>they? Near some town(s) or junction(s)? How does one get there by
>auto? Are these also (military) restricted areas (i.e., if you're
>found where you're not supposed to be, you are either escorted out
>or detained at gunpoint)?? What sort of 'dangerous' action is referred
>to here---reported abductions? Shot at or harrassed by the locals/
>authorities/military? Better to go at night or during the day (or
>not at all)?? Any local "guides" or contacts in these areas?
If you get a map of Nevada look for Nellis Air Force Base you will notice
that it covers a wide area, and is north of Las Vegas. At the
top of Nellis is an area called Groom Lake. At Groom Lake is
a very highly classified military area called Area 51. In order to
get to Area 51, you would usually need a classification of Majestic
(MAJ are the last three letters of the badge code, unless you are a
supervisor, then MAJESTIC is spelled out). Typically, you would meet at a
bus stop, be ferried to a plane, and flown in. They use both voice and
eye prints to check to make sure that you area who you are supposed to be.
Nobody gets in by road. West of Area 51 is an
area named S-4. Nellis Air Force base is where the F117 "stealth"
aircraft (which was used so successfully in the Gulf War) was developed
and tested. (Actually, all of the stealth stuff was done at Nellis.) It
is here (at Area 51) that the physicist named Robert
Lazar (he got his job by asking Edward Teller to work at Area 51) saw
9 extraterrestrial craft. He worked on them. He saw them tested and worked
on a craft that had the capability to distort time (a time machine of some
All this is documented. The Las Vegas TV 8 station had several programs
on it.It was hushed up nationally. It's a very long story, but all this
is common knowledge (I'm not giving away any secrets here). John Lear
is involved.
I spoke with several people that go there on Wednesday evenings,about
7:30pm (in the winter months) and watch the U. S. government testing alien
spacecraft (there are videos). There are many, many stories that I could
tell, but my fingers are getting tired. You go up hiway 395 and then
there is a turn off to another road and a mailbox,.. my notes are at home,
... Rachel, Nevada has a restaurant named "Ale Inn". They would have all
the latest information.
--->>> And :dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen)
>I would NOT advise going to the Dulce area. You may never come back. I
>am not at liberty to go into this more, but don't even THINK about it.
>There are "things" there that are best left alone.
>If you are CAUGHT near the underground base, you *may* end up being
>one of the "experiments".
I have heard horrendous stories. It could be true and/or a fear
tactic by our U.S. government to discourage "sight seers". I spoke with
a TV producer that rented a helicopter and flew all over the Dulce hills
looking for something (I have seen the video). All he found were white
numbers on the top of mountains, numbers
that looked exactly like the kind that the Marines used to mark the top of
hills with in `Nam. So, if nothing else, it appeared to be a military
training ground, even though the entire area is an American Indian
reservation and the Indians do not take kindly to any kind of government
>The ZETA GREYS don't fuck around and if you think I'm jesting then you
>had better start reading up on all the cattle mutilations and human
>abductions going on.
I have, (I've chatted recently with Linda Moulten-Howe and Bud Hopkins)
and it's true. Is there any hope?
>You also might want to read Zecharia Sitchin's book "The 12th Planet"
>and Genesis 6 in the Old Testament, The Book of Enoch and all the
>extant books by Budd Hopkins. Pick up "Intruders", written by him
>and "Confrontations" written by Jacques Vallee.
>You will have a much clearer picture then.
Sweet dreams.
(Which reminds me, some people have called the underground shelters with
the alien craft in them at Area 51 "dreamland".)
ufo/aliens #190, from Cix_UseNet, 2694 chars, May 28 05:10 91
TITLE: Encounters of the 5th kind.
+From : davidj@wrs.com (David Jones)
+Subject : Encounters of the 5th kind.
>>Just a note. There is a new category of encounters that serious
>>UFOligists are beginning to use. A close encounter of the 5th kind is
>>currently considered "Human Initiated Contact." Where ``Human'' is
>>defined as "Earth Human".
-->>> Response to: jeffl@pmafire.inel.gov
> Please explain further!?
Please see below.
-->>> And: sgamble@crc.ac.uk (Steve Gamble x3293)
> I thought there was a body called the International Committee for UFO
> Research set up by Allen Hynek and representatives from a number of
> national UFO organizations (including MUFON, BUFORA, CUFOS) to set
> about defining standard terminology. I was not aware they had defined
> a new classification.
This was true up until recently. A few weeks ago, I attended the UFO Expo
West in L.A. I spoke with Bud Hopkins, Linda Moulten-Howe, Bill Cooper
and a many others that are active in UFO research (I guess that I should
mention John Lear). Since there has been such an incredible increase in
alien activity regarding abductions, the obvious U. S. government
involvement and the increase in cattle mutilations (we're talking epidemic
proportions here), that somewhere along the line, one of these illustrious
people decided that we (meaning serious investigators) had better start
taking responsibility for ourselves (meaning earth humans),
(since our Majestic government is unwilling or unable to do anything about
what is going on), and create a new category. I've only heard about it's
existence for less than a year, but, it seems like a good idea.
-->>> And: Daniel Mutch
> An encounter of a fifth kind is when say I request physically or
> mentally for an alien visitation. In a form of communication.
True. But only if you actually get contacted! Whatever works. Telepathy
is second only to dumb luck (or is it divine planning or a cosmic
coincidence?) Some suggest that there is something in the DNA of
special earth humans that attracts certain groups of aliens.
Anyway, my suggestion is that you be careful. All those creatures out
there are NOT friendly. If you don't believe me, try talking to any one of
the thousands of abductees (I've only chatted with a few score).
Billy Meier always got a cold feeling on his forehead (third eye region)
before his telepathic communications with the Pleiadeans. Others get a
ringing in their ears or a pressure at the base of the skull. Usually,
its' just (just?) a voice in the head. (I wonder, is this the same as
clairaudience? No, I guess not.)
Happy attunements!
ufo/aliens #191, from Cix_UseNet, 2263 chars, May 28 22:27 91
TITLE: Re: Skeptic's Re: INFO:FOIA files on UFO's
+From : dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen)
+Subject : Re: Skeptic's Re: INFO:FOIA files on UFO's
In article <1991May25.024351.20945@agora.rain.com> trifid@agora.rain.com
(Roadster Racewerks) writes:
>I figure if this stuff is genuine, we'll hear of it soon enough... :-)
I suggest that you go to your local library and check out a few books
and do some actual reading on the subject. I think you would be MOST
enlightened by even a cursory look through.
In case you missed it...about 2 weeks ago CBS aired a show on a Friday
night at 8:00 on UFO Abductions. It focused on just *3* cases out of
the already few *thousands* known to investigators.
Also, in case you missed it, last night on Monday night's "Hard Copy"
was a piece done on Dr Marina Popovich, a former officer in the Russian
Air Force and Cosmonaut in the Russian Space Program who told of a
mysterious dis-appeaance of one of two probes sent to sent back data
on Mars. I believe this happenned in 1988-89. The probe sent back it's
LAST picture of a shadow being cast against Phobos, that was calculated
at 25 kilometeres long and 3 kilometeres wide in the shape of a cigar,
before the probe went.....poof! and I mean as in GONE!
This was discussed according to her contacts in the Russian military
with Gorby and Bush at the 1990 Malta summit.
It is preeminently EASY to flame or dismiss UFO's...it is much harder
to accept the FACT that they are HERE and we are finding out that not
only ARE they here, but their inhabitants are not some fluffy bunch
of benovolent space beings who are here to save the world. Quite
the opposite is the case. Locate a book written by Jacques Vallee
entitled, "Confrontations".
The deeper that investigations are allowed to proceed, the more
outright *disturbing* facts about the GREYS/REPTOIDS are being
revealed. Keep your mind open and do some basic reading.
-* Don Allen *- InterNet: dona@bilver.UUCP // Amiga..for the rest of us.
USnail: 1818G Landing Dr, Sanford Fl 32771 \X/ Why use anything else? :^)
UUCP: ..uunet!tarpit!bilver!vicstoy!dona 0110 0110 0110 Just say NO!
Illuminati < MJ-12|Grudge|TLC|CFR|FED|EEC|Bush > WAR = "New World Order"
ufo/aliens #192, from Cix_UseNet, 3399 chars, May 28 22:47 91
TITLE: Re: German UFO Documentary
+From : dona@bilver.uucp (Don Allen)
+Subject : Re: German UFO Documentary
In article <1454@wrs.wrs.com> davidj@wrs.com (David Jones) writes:
>On Wednesday, May 22nd, the television program Entertainment
>Tonight showed excerpts from an upcoming German documentary
>on UFOs. Entertainment Tonight showed, for the first time
>ever, a photograph of one of the dead extraterrestrials that
>were recovered in the Roswell, New Mexico, crash of 1947. This
>photo is part of the German documentary. They also showed one
>of the silver cigar-shaped crafts that has been seen recently all
>over Europe. The commentary was in English.
>Unfortunately, ET did not say when, or where, this documentary
>would be aired. If you know when/where this will be aired, I would
>greatly appreciate it if you please be kind enough to let me know.
>And for those of you that missed it: The alien had very tiny ears,
>a very small to a non-existent nose, was bald (no hair) and had, what
>appeared to be, very large eyes. The eyes were closed (he? was
>dead remember). It also appeared that the skin had been artificially
>colored orange
>and that some kind of (earth) clothes had been put on him/her
>(probably not to offend the puritans). This appeared to be of the
>gray variety with children's clothes and lots of makeup. Is it
>genuine? Well, let's wait for the documentary before jumping to
> David Jones
> davidj@wrs.com
They are called "Greys"...they are MUCH talked about on the UFO echoes
on ParaNet,BAMA,MUFONET,UFINET and Fido.UFO, available on most BBS's
that carry them in the listings.
These are said to be the "bad" aliens that allegedly made deals with
the US Military and could possibly be the "Watchers" or "fallen angels"
mentioned in the Old Testament and The Book of Enoch. These types have
atropied digestive systems and take nourishment in through the skin
and pass excrement through the skin as well. They have NO sexual organs,
and come in sizes ranging from 1 1/2 feet tall all the way up to 8 feet
tall. They do not possess emotions like what we would call as such. They
regard humans with disdain and view us as "lab rats". They are primarily
the ones responsible for abductions of people, "programming" them
with bb-sized implants behind the eyes, or in the back of the nose of
the abducted humans.
Their "masters" are the Reptoid type DRACO race, said to be enroute
inside a huge planetoid and the Greys will most likely have a WAR
when they arrive on the earth with them.
Contrast these heinous alien types with the blondes of the Pleiadian
race. The Pleadians are more close to us in appearance and are probably
the forerunner of the human race, genetically, and the references to
"angels" in the Bible are most likely appropriate to their race.
There is, in fact, a REAL war going on between the races of the
Nephilim (greys,fallen angels) and the beings of LIGHT from the
Pleiadian and Sirius. Consult the book of Revelation in the Bible.
-* Don Allen *- InterNet: dona@bilver.UUCP // Amiga..for the rest of us.
USnail: 1818G Landing Dr, Sanford Fl 32771 \X/ Why use anything else? :^)
UUCP: ..uunet!tarpit!bilver!vicstoy!dona 0110 0110 0110 Just say NO!
Illuminati < MJ-12|Grudge|TLC|CFR|FED|EEC|Bush > WAR = "New World Order"