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The Atari Computer Enthusists BBS
The following messages are from the Oz Atari Echo, and European
Echo on ACE BBS. - Ed.
Message #22 on 'OZ Atari Echo'
Date : 06 Jul 91 16:43:10
From : Magic.Alex Badalic
To : All
Subj : AtariLink proposal (#1/2)
* Originally from Area 'ATARIST'
* Originally to All
* Forwarded by Gary Spiteri on 3:712/520.5, 14 Jul 91 19:54:52
In several messages of <30 Jun and 01 Jul 91>, STeven Green (2:252/25) and
Theo Runia (2:282/301) wrote:[in AREA:ST_SYSOP]
SG> What I suggest is that someone (I propose Magic.Alex) takes on the
SG> role of unofficial global Atari ST echo co-ordinator and provides a
SG> list of echos, their moderators and where possible the connections
SG> between regions and zones. By unofficial I mean it is not part of
SG> the FidoNet *C structure and is there only to advise people and to
SG> keep track of echos of interest to Atari users.
TR> Good idea. I send a LOT of the ST areas to other systems.
TR> In Germany most areas are send by me to the Backbone 241/0
TR> this is for most echo's only some large one are not send (yet).
TR> If Dieter Soltau asks for them I will send them too.
TR> In The Netherlands it is not so bad, all ABC boards and some smaller
TR> systems are getting the areas via me and 281/801 (which is the ABC
TR> backbone for The Netherlands).
TR> I have the echo's available for ALL who poll me. Country's like
TR> Belgium could be connected to because the POLL for ADN already.
TR> So Alex get going and lets get the ST rolling.
SG> I am prepared to import any echos into region 25 (UK) from Theo.
SG> Something needs to be sorted out with the US link. It seems that
SG> John Graham (1:129/96) can not afford many transatlantic calls. What
SG> is needed is either to get the echos sent through established
SG> zonegates or for the costs to be spread around.
TR> We (ABC) are willing to do this. I am already working on it.
TR> The best would be if he had a DS V32bis. I ordered that too, so stuff
TR> can be send by Janus, so be much cheaper.
TR> I am working on it. But if anyone has already a connecting LET ME
SG> Also, what are people's views on combining NeST (Network-ST a FidoNet
SG> compatible network for STs set up by Daron Brewood 2:250/123 using
SG> Zone 90 addresses) echos with the equivalent FidoNet ones. There
SG> would be no problems on the NeST side of things, but not knowing who
SG> the moderators of the FidoNet ones are makes things tricky.
TR> NeST is a 'Alter' net. Alter nets are NOT allowed by a lot of
TR> policy's. Not that all alternets are a problem but there are a LOT
TR> of bad 'alter' nets!
TR> We in The Netherlands could get into BIG problems if this would
TR> A gateway should then put new origins and seen/path lines under it.
TR> By itself, it _is_ a good idea!
TR> So Ale get going and lets get the ST rolling.
(Messaage #1 out of 2; message #2 follows)
--- ComScan v1.02 TB/ST
* Origin: ST-WorkShop #1: The Italian Point of vue! (2:331/317.1)
Message #23 on 'OZ Atari Echo'
Date : 06 Jul 91 16:43:46
From : Magic.Alex Badalic
To : All
Subj : AtariLink Proposal (#2/2)
* Originally from Area 'ATARIST'
* Originally to All
* Forwarded by Gary Spiteri on 3:712/520.5, 14 Jul 91 19:55:06
After receiving Steven's and Theo messages in ST_SYSOP, I
started thimking on how things could be set up to make things
The general impression I always had from our "AtariLink"
pseudo-network (that is the name I picked up for it, just to be
able to refer to the thing with some kind of label), is that things
have always been a little to loose, and not enough compelling for
all of us.:
1) Time-Slots are improvised, and not set up in such a way to
tie-up the polling and receiving Nodes.
2) Priority should be given to international links, rather than
to national ones (except for NMH).
3) A real tree-like structure should be established for the
pseudo-network, regardless of the route set up.
Therefore, I propose the following:
1) All National Hosts and Hubs willing to continue
distributing the Atari ST Echos should NetMail to my address
their AREAS.BBS, and their *.EVT files, so that I can track
the actual route and time-slots.
2) All Nodes should accept to be subjected to a pro-forma
policy, wich simply will state how things should be done.
This policy will NOT be a FidoNet Policy, and will NOT have
any official value, but will state the terms of a genleman's
agreement between all the SysOps willing to distribute our
Atari ST Echos.
3) All Hosts, Hubs and Nodes will be given an AtariLink
document, stating the best theoretical routes and events.
Such document will only be made for indicative purpose, and
no-one is bound to follow it's contents; however, all SysOps
MUST signal to my attention, trough the channels stated in
the next paragraph, the route and the events they are making
use of.
4) The EchoMail area called ST_SYSOP will be MANDATORY for any
SysOp willing to link it's node to AtariLink. All routes and
events used MUST be sent to my attention using ST_SYSOP
EchoMail, so that all other SysOps may take knowledge of
what's going on, and submit their remarks. All changes made
to routes and events must also be signalled using the
ST_SYSOP echomail.
5) When a Node passes to some other node, he is bound to pass to
the other Node the AtariLink Policy, as well as the ST_SYSOP
Echo area. No AtariLink Echos should be linked to any node
that is not linked to ST_SYSOP (this is should especially
be engaging for the National AtariLink Hosts).
6) AtariLink will only refer to International Atari ST EchoMail.
National Atari ST Echos (such as the American ATARI_ST) may
aso be included in AtariLink, but only if a sufficient number of
Nodes worldwide recieves it.
Im waiting for everybodys comments...
/|/|agic /|lex
Global AtariLink Cohordinator ??? :-) :-) :-)
(Message #2 out of 2, end)
--- ComScan v1.02 TB/ST
* Origin: ST-WorkShop #1: The Italian Point of vue! (2:331/317.1)
Message #38 on 'OZ Atari Echo' (Rec'd)
Date : 20 Jul 91 22:48:16
From : Swavek Jabrzemski
To : Michael Maslen
Subj : (32) Re: Canon BJ-10e
MM> Does ANYONE have GDOS, Degas or 1st Word Plus printer drivers for that
MM> FAB Canon BJ-10e bubblejet printer??
From the June issue of ST Applications:
"There is one quick and cheap method to get your hands on a GDOS driver if you
are a HP DeskJet owner. The UK distributor of the wonderful word processor
Calligrapher will supply a DeskJet driver to anyone who asks for it, along with
a demo of Calligrapher and a brochure. How much do they charge for it? NOTHING!
That's right, you heard correctly, zero, sweet FA, not a sausage. The present
version of the driver has a monor buglet which may cause some problems, but
there is a new one on the way. Just give Working Title a ring on 0865-883592 or
fax them on 0865-883233.
Working Title can also supply a Cannon Bubblejet GDOS driver."
--- LED 1.00
* Origin: /|\ - The Missing Link (3:712/520.3)
Message #53 on 'OZ Atari Echo' (Rec'd, Local)
Date : 30 Jul 91 08:42:04
From : Tony Barker
To : Michael Smith
> No, actually I'm working on a way of (legally) replacing the standard
> desktop with another (eg Neodesk, Gemini, Kaosdesk) without having to take
> the machine apart... in short, a ROMdisk.
> With any luck, it should also be possible to put other useful things
> (accessories, autofolder progs, util programs) in the disk as well...
> How's thast sound??
> \`miff`
Sounds great to me, could make a lot of people happy. Tell me how you get on.
I've just started work on a TT paint package for the 256 color mode it's only
about 1 week old but so far I'm very happy with it.
--- QuickBBS ST v1.02+
* Origin: Atari User Group, NSW Australia ~ 02-664-1303 (3:712/520)
Message #54 on 'OZ Atari Echo' (Rec'd)
Date : 24 Jul 91 16:16:53
From : Ian Mackereth
To : Michael Maslen
Subj : Re: CANON BJ-10E
Michael Maslen said:
>Does ANYONE have GDOS, Degas or 1st Word Plus printer drivers for that
>FAB Canon BJ-10e bubblejet printer??
and Ian Mackereth replies:
You can use the Proprinter driver for 1st WP to access most features. I just
obtained from Canon (helpful people if you ignore the fact that they keep
thinking the Atari is really an Amstrad 8-(} ) the ESC codes missing from the
list in the BJ-10e manual. When I've finished the driver I'll announce it and
put in a few PD libraries.
As for Degas... you can also use the Proprinter driver and keep flicking DIP
switch 10 (messy), but I save the pic and load it into Calamus and print from
that. Seems silly using a top line DTP package as a printer driver, but!
The proprinter drivers should be available at a PD source near you, usually
bundled into a big arced file called 1WPDRVR.LZH or DEGPRNT.ARC or similar.
Great printer, ain't it?
--- TBBS v2.1/NM
* Origin: ADAM, 3,000 MEGS R/W 32 line TBBS call us 08-370-5775 (680/805)
Message #45 on 'OZ Atari Echo' (Local)
Date : 23 Jul 91 20:19:00
From : Aristedes Maniatis
To : Gordon Milne
Subj : (44) Re: cost of ste simms...
*> Finally, does anyone know how to connect a SCSI hard drive to an
*> ST/STe, and how much extra cost would be incurred in seting it up as
*> such. Thanks in advance to anyone responding to this.
*> Gordon Milne.
What you need is called a host adapter. ICD make 4 varieties. Various other
people also make them, but the one that I ended up with was from ICD. I
bought it from a mail order house in the USA and paid $130 Australian. If
you buy one here (eg. Paragon in W.A.) you will pay $200. As a bonus, you
get lots of hard drive software (formatters etc.) and a battery clock. You
will be able to run 8 SCSI devices (at least from the ICD variety)...
/|\ fED-UP v1.00 (unregistered)
--- QuickBBS ST v1.02+
* Origin: Atari User Group, NSW Australia ~ 02-664-1303 (3:712/520)
Message #61 on 'OZ Atari Echo'
Date : 26 Jul 91 14:09:32
From : Andrew McKendrick
To : all
Subj : powering down your atari
A query for the techno-nuts in this echo.
What's the average time between flicking the power switch on an Atari and it
ceasing operation??
--- LED 1.00
* Origin: 520StE... Is Modula-2 wirth it?. (3:681/854.3)
Message #62 on 'OZ Atari Echo'
Date : 28 Jul 91 00:37:03
From : Michael Smith
To : Andrew Mckendrick
Well, after some substantial bit bashing and some unashamed BIOS disassembly
(to verify the code in the notorious ST Internals book) I can safely say that
the BIOS JSR's to the cart start address with no further ado. Scary.
Not only that, a little gem for those of you out there... the HDV_xxx vectors
that are claimed to be for hard disk reads and writes are in fact the XBIOS
call vectors (ie HDV_RW is the vector for the RWABS() call)
- Thus, it'd be a piece of cake to write a disk driver for a non-standard disk
drive - all you have to be able to do is read/write a number of sectors, and
return a BPB of some sort ( not hard either )
Hope that's a little use to someone 8)
--- TBBS v2.1/NM
* Origin: ADAM, 3,000 MEGS R/W 32 line TBBS call us 08-370-5775 (680/805)
Message #264 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 19 Aug 91 09:27:00
From : Manfred Recla
To : Singh Khanna
Subj : How to hook up the blitter in 1040stfm
> you tell me what sort of things you mean? Do you know of something
> which would allow me to hook up the Blitter chip in a 1040STfm?
Do you have an old motherboard or a new one ?
The new version of the 1040stfm pcb (with DRAMs located under the
power-supply and the CPU under the keyboard) offers the possibility to
add the Blitter-chip very simply: you have just to solder a PLCC-socket
for it into the pcb and put in the blitter-ic. (i think there must be
opend two solder-spots nearby the plcc-socket for the blitter, too)
If you own an old 1040stfm pcb (two long rows of DRAMs and CPU under the
floppy-disk-drive) there exists a little blitter-pcb which you can get
directly from ROLF ROCKE Computer, Auestrasse xx, W-xxxx LEVERKUSEN 1
(I don't know exactly the ZIP-code and street-number)
I also think that they sell it at Atari-fair in Duesseldorf (as they
did it the last three fairs !)
mfg. Manfred
--- FD 1.99c
* Origin: 1st ATARI-ST Node [HST,V32bis] Vienna, +43-1-789576 (2:310/12)
Message #266 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 19 Aug 91 23:00:38
From : Frank Bell
To : Singh Khanna
Subj : (218) Re: DC Data Diet
SK> Something the data sheet wasn't specific on, could you tell me
SK> a bit about what the average compression rate is (size of file
SK> after been compressed, compared to the original size, in %) for
SK> .IMG and GEM .FNT files are?
On my system I get a compression rate of about 28%. This excludes file with
.PRG, .APP, .RSC, .ARC, .LZH, etc, extensions. .IMG files are compressed to
about 40% on the average, .FNT to about 62%, Fido .MSG to about 22%, which .HDR
are about 74% thier original size. With .BAS files I get 40% and with .C about
66%. .CFN 27% and .FNT about 62%. Online magazines give me anywhere between
20 and 70%. The list goes on and on and on... You can select which files
should or should not be compressed, also which drive partitions.
SK> Also, let me ensure I understand this, the compression is only
SK> on the HD, it isn't in memory, correct? Once in memory, a file
SK> takes up the normal amount of room, is that right?
Your right. A working folder is used to hold a working copy of the file while
the application program does its thing. It sortof works like this:
application make request for file(s), DataDiet decompresses file(s) to work
folder and gives them to requesting program. Program ends and closes files (or
is it the other way around?), DataDiet
compresses file(s) back to original folder.
SK> Lastly, how does this affect DC Squished files?
Squished files remain Squished. DataDiet knows about them. By the way, DC
Squish is part of the final DataDiet package.
* Origin: 1st. American Point (Austria) (2:310/12.24)
Message #273 on 'European Atari Echo' (Rec'd)
Date : 18 Aug 91 20:19:18
From : Bo Leuf
To : Gary Spiteri
Subj : (74) Re: The Gap
GS> True things are looking up - maybe its too little too late. Is this
GS> new flood of hardware for us, the existing market - will it _make_
GS> people buy an Atari ? As an aside, have you seen the number of add on
GS> processor board etc on the Amiga ?
I don't know. Nothing will _make_ people buy Atari, and in many ways I
think the time for penetrating the market has passed for this technology.
Timing was perfect for Germany, somewhat less so for the rest of Europe, and
absolute disaster (as it was handled) for the U.S. Granted the GEM concept was
hung up because of the lawsuits, and the 'disabled' versions later released for
the PC (GEM 3.1 etc) did not exactly put GEM standards right up there in front.
TOS 2 should have come about 87-88 I think.
Problem is that today we've seen the 386-486 PC's reach, and in some
ways surpass what we've gotten used to on a 68000, and coupled with XGA and
Windows 3, even I can see myself doing serious things on that platform. The new
hardware will allow existing (and perhaps new) ST-users to keep up in terms of
performance, but except for Germany Atari does not look to become anything more
than an "enthusiast's computer".
(Speaking of serious, Mr 'QuickST' Mihocka says that he's started
working on an ST-emulator for suitable PC's.)
Of course, new product lines can always change the situation pretty quick.
After all, what was Atari before the 68000 ST? Second-guessing the future is
hard even for the visionaries and prophets :-)
Glad the message reached zone 3. Something must've been working right.
Daggskimmer BBS - an Atari-SF-point
from somewhere in the twilight zone of fidonet
--- LED 1.00
* Origin: Daggskimmer BBS - the Atari-SF-point (2:203/203.7)
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< * !