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Message #13 of 63 on 'OZ Atari Echo'
Date : 28 Sep 91 15:59:40
From : Michael Smith
To : Stewart Lawler
Subj : Re: Mega 1's
In a message of <24 Sep 91 09:35:06>, Stewart Lawler (3:712/634.2) writes:
SL> I'm considering upgrading my ST to a Mega of some sort, mainly for
SL> reasons of a physical nature (like having a seperate keyboard and more
SL> managable layout of I/O ports) and I happened across an old Mega 1
SL> yesterday that could be a bargain for me. Is there any difference between
SL> it and a M2/4 that I should be aware of? Is it easier than an ST to
SL> upgrade memory-wise?
SL> things that make you go hmmmm..
Umm, I seem to remember that a mega-1 only has board space for 41256's - ie,
taking it out to 2 or 4 megs is the same as doing that to a 520 or 1040, wheras
the mega 2 and 4 have board holes for 1Mb drams - which makes going to 4MB much
It's also worth knowing that some mega 2`s have mmu's that are hobbled to 2MB
--- LED 1.00
* Origin: That Which Is Not. (3:680/842)
Message #31 of 63 on 'OZ Atari Echo'
Date : 08 Oct 91 08:18:30
From : Andrew Davies
To : Steven Clark
In a message of <03 Oct 91 21:41:48>, Steven Clark writes:
SC> I'm having problems with the file PLAY.LZH....
SC> every time I try to uncompact it I get CRC errors for every sub
SC> file I'v tried using both ARCSHELL and UNLZH16 both get the same
SC> result, it's not program problems because, both are uncompaction
SC> other LZH no worries.
SC> If anyone can help, It would be appreciated.
grab hold of the latest LZH Program (lha201e), this handles the older style lh1
level of compression as well as the latest lh5 level. However it may not work
with the current release of ARCSHELL.
--- ScanMail 0.56bta
* Origin: Australia ATARI Network ~The NAC BBS~ (043) 43-3994 (3:711/438)
Message #32 of 63 on 'OZ Atari Echo' (Rec'd)
Date : 12 Oct 91 20:20:30
From : Gary Spiteri
To : Peter Richards
Subj : (29) Re: STE PROBLEM
In a message of <10 Oct 91 18:59:56>, Peter Richards (3:712/520.0) writes:
PR> How can you tell if you have the dodgy DMA chip?? I have just
PR> obtained an STe and If it be dodgy I would like to replace the
PR> chippie Peter
I had answered this very question in my STE-SIG column on Inside Info #51 -here
is a repeat performance....
DMA Hard Drive Problems
In a past issue I mentioned that due to a faulty DMA chip, connecting
an STE to a Hard Disk drive runs the risk of corrupting the drive. If you are
planning to one day own a Hard Drive, or are using a Hard Drive now, then you
should check to see if you have a bad DMA chip. If you have, then change it by
going to an Atari Service center or Atari themselves. However, if you are only
using your STE for games (!) or are not considering investing in a Hard Drive,
then you have not problems what so ever and shouldn't worry.
You can check if your machine has a faulty DMA chip by checking the
serial number on the bottom of your machine. The pattern for the number is:-
?? ?? ???????
These two charcters are the ones to check. They are of the format
year/month and indicate the month in which that batch of machines were
manufactured. The format is:-
Year Month
9 = 1989 1 = January
0 = 1990 2 = Feburary
1 = 1991 3 = March
4 = April
- etc etc -
9 = September
A = October
B = November
C = December
So a number like ?? 9C ??????? shows that this machine was made in
December 1989, and ?? 05 ??????? indicates a manufactor date of May 1990.
If your machine was manufactured AFTER July 1990, then you have
nothing to worry about. However if you do have a machine built before August
1990 then you know what to do!
Thanks to Phil Reeves of the Paragon Computers, and Swavek for drawing my
attention to the article in "The Paragon Report" Feb 1991 issue.
- Gary.
--- ScanMail 0.56bta
* Origin: Fido/NeST Australian IOSmail\Binkley Test Site (3:712/520.5)
Message #104 of 209 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 20 Oct 91 16:34:42
From : Gary Spiteri
To : All
Subj : The ATW - what could have been...
I was flicking through an old July '89 BYTE magazine which I haven't looked at
since I first read it. There, on page 88IS-10 (Whats New International) were a
couple of short articles, the first had a headline "Parallel Processing at 10
to 480 MIPS" and the second had a headline "A Card with Transputers and
FastRAM". Both detail products from Perihelion, Ltd (the Cambridge based
company that helped Atari UK prduce the ATW).
The first article describes the "Polyhedron" series of computer products
-expandable systems providing 10 and 480 MIPS (3.8 to 150 million Whetstones
per second) at less than £100 per MIPS. One can expand the Polyhedron machines
by adding FarmCards, each card carrying up to 4 T800 or T414 processors and up
to 16 Mb of DRAM. A fully populated machines can contain 48 T800 transputers,
48 Mb of DRAM (!), four T212 transputers, and the appropiate crossbar link
switches for dynamic configuration. Now comes the bit the threw me off the
chair, and I quote...
"...The Polyhedron systems include a chassis for up to 12 FarmCards,
cooling, power supplies, and suffient crossbar switches for the respective
number of FarmCards. The backbone is compatible with the Atari Transputer
Workstation, and expansion cards will fit either machine."
The second article details the FarmCards, each containing up to 4 INMOS T800 or
T414 transputers clocked at 20MHz, and each transputer has up to 16Mb of DRAM -
1 to 4Mb per node. Again I quote...
"...You can install FarmCards in an Atari Transputer Workstation, in
a Perihelion enclosure or in your own enclosure...."
The price of the FarmCards ranged from $1350 to $3600 depending on the
number and type of Transputers, and memory sizes.
So there you have it - the ATW's potential memtioned but ATARI never delivered.
Perhaps the forthcoming STT (which I presume stands for ST-Transputer - and not
to be confused with Dave Smalls SST, which I presume stands for Super ST) will
be able to use these FarmCards and then all of us will have machines running in
excess of 10 MIPS on our desks.... <sigh...>
- Gary.
--- ScanMail 0.56bta
* Origin: The Australian Point of View on Fido/NeST (3:712/520.5)
Message #113 of 209 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 20 Oct 91 18:46:04
From : Gary Spiteri
To : Magic.Alex Badalic
Subj : (53) Re: ATW News
In a message of <03 Oct 91 20:42:52>, Magic.Alex Badalic (2:331/317.1) writes:
GS>> The STT is the famous "ATW in a box" which is now on a VME card.
GS>> It has super graphics (16million colours etc) and has room for
GS>> lots a ram and extra farms. It will accelerate the machine to
GS>> ~20mips... It will released by Atari UK by the end of the year
GS>> for ~£800 (I think...)
MB> Hummm... Intersting.
No, I think you should rephase that to "FAST" !
GS>> There was a write up about it in one of the ST Formats (June or
GS>> July)
MB> I must go back to my archived files and read 'em up!
Its on page 2 of which ever issue (I don't buy ST reFormat anymore...)
- Gary.
--- ScanMail 0.56bta
* Origin: The Australian Point of View on Fido/NeST (3:712/520.5)
Message #128 of 209 on 'European Atari Echo' (Rec'd)
Date : 24 Oct 91 01:20:18
From : Swavek Jabrzemski
To : Gary Spiteri
Subj : (119) Re: Guess what I'm not using any more?
GS> From what you told me - Harlerkin 2's text editor is reason enough (the
GS> thought of having a Tempus in an Accessory is shocking)
The difference in speed between Tempus and Harlekin is next to none, really,
except of course that Tempus has all those nifty editing features and of course
can open multiple windows.
GS> I'll have to stick with G+Plus because I have 2 Assign.Sys files
Same here (in fact I have some 10 different ass.sys files), I switch between
them using DeskManager (I would prefer something like G+plus, of course),
whilst waiting IN VAIN for the arrival of S&M which might solve all those
problems (then again, it might not -- arrive, solve, or both!). Did you see
Compo's announcement re. UltraScript, by the way (in the latest ZNet ot ST
Report)? I might even opt for that (depending on its features), at least it
seems to be available.
SJ>> Finally, Phil sent me that SM124 modification kit, and I WISH I NEVER
SJ>> ASKED HIM FOR IT. If you don't hear from me within the next few days,
SJ>> look me up in the nearest lunatic asylum...
GS> Serves you right - you greedy pig!
Now, this I resent! I am most certainly not greedy. I just like to have one of
--- LED 1.00
* Origin: /|\ - The Missing Link (3:712/520.3)
Message #134 of 209 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 18 Oct 91 18:34:28
From : Marco Fris
To : Peter Kocourek
Subj : (100) Re: New ST's with 80286 ???
> Well, if you read the Stumpf Interview very carefully, you'll see that
> he says (page 29, bottom of first column on the left) in response to
> the question of selling ST's with built-in emulators:
> "I believe that that is a good idea - and I am a proponent of the
> idea that future computers not be tailored to just one operating system,
> that one recognizes the realities of the marketplace and says: OK, this
> is our main product, it has the full performance, but this and that is
> covered too, to maintain contact with other software-worlds."
> I admit, he said it in German, but the gist of it is, that he did not
> slam the door shut on such a product.
Yes, I read that. But there is a wide margin between not slamming doors and
Atari people leaking rumours that delivery is imminent.
BTW: Stumpf also said that he was to blame for all the wild rumours going
around this year about Atari, because of his lack of info ...
- Marco -
* Origin: And now... number one... The Larch. (2:281/202.11)
Message #135 of 209 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 17 Oct 91 22:59:06
From : Jan Willekens
To : Henk De.Winter
In a message of <15 Oct 91 16:22:04>, Henk De.Winter (2:283/107.0) writes:
Why use CS? (Caps Lock :-) )
Well, the best is to make a file from a disk using FastCopy Pro and then pack
it with LZH201G (LH5 method) Not much differece, but still, smaller is smaller.
The drawback unfortunately is that FCopy Pro is no PD :-(
Oh, yes, LZH LH5 method is better than the ICE method.
Greetings... - Jan -
--- LED 1.00
* Origin: STabloid's Chief Editor... Prerelease out NOW! (2:281/202.12)
Message #136 of 209 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 17 Oct 91 23:03:00
From : Jan Willekens
To : Bo Leuf
Subj : (93) Re: The price of things today....
In a message of <12 Oct 91 23:02:38>, Bo Leuf (2:203/203.7) writes:
BL> M.W.'s ideas seriously no matter what I had thought before.
BL> VR will have its fling, and will find serious use, but will like so
BL> many things initially be overrated and overused in all kinds of
BL> inappropriate settings. Some of it is bound to be fun though...
Indeed, fun it will be! We actually already have had something of a Virtual
Reality on our STs, namely MidiMaze, didn't we?
Greetings... - Jan -
--- LED 1.00
* Origin: STabloid's Chief Editor... Prerelease out NOW! (2:281/202.12)
Message #144 of 209 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 15 Oct 91 21:03:38
From : Jan Willekens
To : Marco Fris
Subj : (134) Re: New ST's with 80286 ???
In a message of <15 Oct 91 10:22:22>, Marco Fris (2:281/202.11) writes:
MF> Recently I found some 'exclusive news' in the ST User mag (August &
MF> September issues) : Atari is supposed to launch STs with built-in
MF> MessDos emu, at marginal extra costs. Said to be based on a 80286 at
MF> 16 MHz with a coprocessor socket, delivery is said to start 'soon'
MF> with 1040STE's in Germany.
MF> Now this is really an exclusive: I've never heard or read anything
MF> else about it, not even in German ST Computer's recent interview with
MF> Stumpf. So is it a hoax or what? Has anyone got any info on this?
Hmm, rumors i guess. These rumors have been going around for quite a while.
They probably have regained attention because of the increased amount of rumors
going around since the Atari Messe. I do not think Atari will do such a thing.
Greetings... - Jan -
P.S. Would be nice, though ;-)
--- LED 1.00
* Origin: STabloid's Chief Editor... Prerelease out NOW! (2:281/202.12)
Message #197 of 209 on 'European Atari Echo'
Date : 22 Oct 91 21:11:04
From : Magic.Alex Badalic
To : Magnus Olsson
Subj : (146) Re: Calamus Converting
In a message of <14 Oct 91 13:17:30>, Magnus Olsson (2:201/303.0) writes:
MO> Does anyone know if there is a converting-prog for Calamus
MO> .DKS(?) format to any other format (GIF, TIFF, PostScript). The
MO> prblem is that I have about 10 Different Lasers at work but no
MO> atari... So does anybody have a suggestion how I might Convert my
MO> Calamus-documents to be printed by a PC or MacIntosh?
Hello, Magnus!
The only possibility I know of, is to save your docs as .CVG, then use Avant
Vektor, a German tool, to convert them into .EPS files.
/|/|agic /|lex
--- TIDY_UP 1.3 f801
* Origin: ST-WorkShop #1: Italian ATARI.ITA EchoMail moderator (2:331/317.1)