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README.GBR for ATonce-Software version 3.0 - October 1990
This file contains the following information:
1. Contents of the ATonce System Disk
2. The ATonce Installation Program INSTALL.PRG
3. The Utility Programs CGA, MDA, V400, INVERS
4. The Utility Programs SSCR and HSCR
5. The Utility Programs VHIGH and VLOW
6. Special key-combinations and their function
7. ATonce and MicroSoft WINDOWS 3.0
8. The DOS DMA-Interface
9. Speed-Bridge and ATonce
10. proVME HyperCache and ATonce
11. ATonce and Autoswitch Overscan
12. The Multi-Atari-Manager "HyperSwitch"
13. Trouble Shooting
1. The system disk contains the following files and folders:
ATONCE.PRG - AT-Emulation program
INSTALL.PRG - Installation program for ATonce. (ATONCE.PRG must be
in the same directory!)
INSTGER.RSC - Help file for INSTALL.PRG (German)
INSTGBR.RSC - ----"---- (English)
README.GER - this file (German)
README.GBR - ----"---- (English)
UPDATE.GER - About the installation of a software upgrade (German)
UPDATE.GBR - ---"--- (English)
Folder LASER:
PDRV_DB.OVR - Overlay for laser printer SLM804 see LASER.GBR
PDRV_FX.OVR - Overlay for laser printer SLM804 see LASER.GBR
LASER.GER - Information about the use of the laser printer
SLM804 (German)
LASER.GBR - ---"-- (English)
Folder TOOLS:
HDT.SYS - Device driver for hard disk partitions
EMM.SYS - Expanded Memory Emulator (EMS 1.0)
CONFIG.SYS - Example for a MSDOS configuration file
CGA.EXE - switches to CGA Video Emulation
MDA.EXE - switches to Hercules Emulation (SM124 only)
V400.EXE - switches to Olivetti/T3100 Emulation (SM124 only)
INVERS.EXE - switches the monitor from normal- to inverted display
and vv. (SM124 only)
VHIGH.EXE - switches on long VBL pulse
VLOW.EXE - switches on short VBL pulse
ACSI.H - Includefile for the DOS DMA-Interface
DEMO.ASM - small demo program for the use of the DMA-Interface
DEMO.EXE - executable program
GEMDOS.EXE - leave the AT-Emualtor - back to TOS-operation
HCON.EXE - enable HyperCache
HCOFF.EXE - disable HyperCache
SSCR.EXE - switches on SoftScroll
HSCR.EXE - switches on HardScroll
CLICK.EXE - switch keyclick on/off
SWITCH.ACC - Accessory for HyperSwitch
2. The ATonce Installation Program INSTALL.PRG
This Program is a GEM application and makes it very easy to set
all the important operating parameters of the AT-Emulator. After
the start-up the following main menu appears:
DESK File Option Country
as sub-menu you will find:
DESK File Option Setting the
Quit Keyboard ---------- Keyboard Parameter
! Floppy ------------ Floppy Disk Parameter
! Harddisk --------- Allocation of the TOS Partitions
! Mermory/Mouse ----- Extended/Expanded Memory/Mouse
! Graphic Emul. ----- Graphic Parameter
! Color 40x25 ----- Color Selection (SC1224 only)
! Color 80x25 ------- -----------"------------
! Color Graphic ----- -----------"------------
+------------------------------- Quit the installation
(1) Keyboard
- Choose between German and ASCII keyboard
- Set the key repeat rate
- Set the keyboard response delay
(2) Floppy
- Allocation of the physically existing drives to the DOS drives
A and B.
- Setting of the step rate of a possibly existing external 5.25"
floppy drive (please note that some 80 track drives can be
switched to 40 track mode, but that in this case the step rate
must be reduced (e.g. to 12 msec).
- If this possibly existing external 5.25" drive is a 40 track
drive this must also be set, as otherwise the emulator bios
assumes that an 80 track drive is connected up and it will
therefore create double steps when 360kB floppy disks are used.
- With the box "HD" you can decide whether you want to use High Density
Floppy drives - 3.5" 1.44MB or 5.25" 1.2MB.
(3) Hard Disk
- Free allocation of up to 24 TOS partitions to DOS drives.
The following points must be taken into consideration:
a.) DOS can only be booted from the DOS-drive A or C.
b.) Only TOS partitions with a maximum of 512 Bytes/Sector will
be accepted.
c.) It is your own responsibility that each TOS partition is
assigned to one single (!) DOS drive.
d.) If you want the system to boot from the DOS drive C, then
this drive must be formatted under DOS with
This process will delete all data on the relevant TOS
e.) Never use FDISK or similar programs.
f.) The DOS drives E,F etc. will only stand by if you declared
the device driver HDT.SYS in the MSDOS configuration file
CONFIG.SYS before. Simply add the command:
Naturally HDT.SYS must be copied into the DOS boot drive before.
(If there are any other device driver declaration before
this command in CONFIG.SYS - e.g. RAMDisk etc. - then the
additional DOS drives will only apprear from a higher drive
label on.
- You can choose between three different boot modes:
a.) Floppyboot: Here the operating system is always booted from
floppy disk. The system will ask you to insert
a DOS boot disk.
b.) Harddiskboot: The operating system boots from the DOS drive
C without any attempts of the system to boot from
a floppy before. WARNING: This mode should only
be selected if you can indeed boot from drive C.
c.) Floppy/Harddiskboot: The system will first try to boot from
drive A. If this is not possible it will
try drive C.
Mode b.) has the advantage that the boot process is rather fast
because the system does not even try to boot from the floppy disk
Mode c.) equals the boot behaviour of a PC/AT compatible computer.
- If you solely want to use TOS partitiones of the GEM type, then
this can also be selected.
- Further information about the allocation of TOS partitions
to DOS drives:
In order to be able to always map the same TOS partitionen
to the corresponding DOS drives we chose the proceedure of the
direct physical allocation, this means that not the logical
but the physical TOS partitions will be allocated. Here is one
example to make this clearer:
+--------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+
! Atari !-------! Hard Disk 1 !--------! Hard Disk 2 !
+--------------+ +---------------+ +---------------+
Adapter 0 Adapter 1
2 Partitions 3 Partitons
DOS drive TOS partition/adapter Meaning
C 1/0 2nd partition on hard disk 1
D 2/1 3rd partition on hard disk 2
E 0/0 1st partition on hard disk 1
F 1/1 2nd partition on hard disk 2
The partitions on each hard disk are numbered from 0 to N-1.
This allocation proceedure has the great advantage that the DOS
drives are always allocated to the correct TOS partitions, even
if for example another hard disk is connected to the system
(assuming that the adapter numbers were not changed !).
- In the column MD you can decide whether the corresponding partition
is TOS compatible or not. If you want to use "DR DOS" or if you want
to have under MSDOS partitions that are larger than 32MB you have to
click on the "C" so that it is light gray. Partitions that are not
TOS compatible must be prepared with FDISK and FORMAT under DOS.
(4) Memory/Mouse
- If your Atari contains more than 1MB memory the additional memory
(above 1MB) can be used as extended memory. From this extended
memory in turn a part can be reserved for the expanded memory
emulator EMM.SYS.
Example: Mega ST4 - 3072 kB additional memory
e.g. 2000 kB Extended Memory
1072 kB Expanded Memory
In order to be able to use the expanded memory the expanded
memory emulator EMM.SYS must be loaded. Just enter the command
into the MSDOS configuration file CONFIG.SYS. Naturally EMM.SYS
must be copied onto the DOS boot drive before.
- The Atari Mouse can be used as Microsoft Mouse under DOS. You can
choose whether COM1 or COM2 (or none) is used for the emulation.
Then the serial interface is always on the corresponding other
COM port.
In order to be able to use the Atari Mouse as Microsoft Mouse
a mouse driver must be loaded. Any Microsoft compatible driver
can be used. e.g. enter the command
into the MSDOS configuration file CONFIG.SYS. Naturally MOUSE.SYS
must be copied onto the DOS boot drive before.
(The mouse driver is not part of the delivery of vortex ATonce!)
(5) Graphic Emulation
The user must always distinguish between the Atari monochrome
(SM124) and the Atari color (SC1224) monitor.
- on the color monitor only CGA emulation is possible.
- on the monochrome monitor you can choose between several emulations.
In addition you can choose between inverted and normal display.
The low- and high intensity text displays of the AT are emulated
through two different fonts, the low and the high font.
You have the choice between running the emulation in this way (L & H)
or using only one of the two fonts for the low and high intensity
text displays.
- On the monochrome as well as on the color monitor you have the
possibility to switch the attribute <BLINKING> on or of. As the
video emulation is fully software controlled it is sensible to
switch this attribute off if programs are used which display the
complete contents of the screen blinkingly.
- If the Atari has a Blitter chip it can be used under DOS to
accelerate the graphic video output.
(6) Color Assignment
This option is only available on the Atari color monitor SC1224.
Through the sub-menu Country ATonce can be switched to the
correct language.
3. The Utility Programs CGA, MDA, V400, INVERS
It is often useful to be able to change the video emulation without
having to leave DOS before (in order to configure ATonce anew). The
settings determined in these programs are RESET-proof, which means that
even after pressing the reset-key or ALT-CTRL-DEL they remain valid.
CGA: Switch to CGA video emulation
V400: Switch to Olivetti/Toshiba video emulation
MDA: Switch to Hercules video emulation
INVERS: Switch to invers video - also possible by pressing
simultaneous the Left-Shift and the Undo-Key.
4. The Utility Programs SSCR and HSCR
The emulation of the PC text modes is rather time consuming. Here, too,
we have tried our best to squeeze everything possible out of the Atari. In
order to give you several possibilities here we have implemented two
scroll modes.
- the SoftScroll, which performs a regular and continual Scroll, but takes
a little more computing time.
- the HardScroll, which scrolls a little "jumpier", but which is therefore
considerably faster.
The default setting after the start-up of ATonce is SoftScroll. The
selected setting is reset-proof.
5. The Utility Programs VHIGH and VLOW
In order to guaranty a flicker-free screen display some programs synchronize
their accesses to the video RAM to the vertical blank of the video controller
(VBL). They may be waiting here for a certain length of the VBL impulse.
As the video part is emulated by the ATonce through software it is not
possible to create a one-to-one copy of the VBL pulse. The default setting
is VLOW, meaning a short VBL impulse. If a program "hangs" after the start
up it might be that it is waiting in an endless loop for a long VBL impulse.
In this case reset ATonce and start the program VHIGH before restarting
the other program. (One program where this is the case is e.g. the Editor
from Norton Utilities NE.COM).
VLOW and VHIGH are not reset-proof. After the reset the video part is
always in a state that equals VLOW.
6. Special key-combinations and their function
Help - Move Hercules Graphic Screen to the left.
Undo - Move Hercules Graphic Screen to the right.
Left Shift + Help - Keyclick on/off.
Left Shift + Undo - Inverted video on/off (only SM124).
Left Shift + Alternate +
Undo - Switch back to GEM-DOS (same function as
Alternate + help - If HyperSwitch is active you can switch with
this key-combination back to the "last" ST
Left Shift + "*"
in the numeric block - If the SLM804 is active this key-combination
prints a hardcopy of the screen.
7. ATonce and MicroSoft Windows 3.0
Since ATonce is a true AT-Emulator the so called Protected Mode is fully
supported (this mode is also known as Virtual Mode). Windows 3.0 is one
of the few programs which allows you to use the extended memory of an
AT machine as program memory.
Advices for the installation of Windows 3.0:
- You need a ST with more than 1MB RAM (e.g. Mega ST4) to run Windows 3.0
in Protected Mode.
- Install with INSTALL.PRG the size of the extended memory you want to use.
e.g. 3072KB when using a Mega ST4 computer.
- Insert in the DOS configuration file CONFIG.SYS the HIMEM.SYS driver which
comes with Windows 3.0 (version 2.60 or larger).
You can use EDLIN to insert this line.
- If you use the SM124 monitor choose the "Olivetti/AT&T monochrom .."
adapter in the Windows 3.0 setup program.
- Before you start Windows 3.0 you must start V400 or you have to install
the Olivetti mode with INSTALL.PRG as the ATonce startup video emulation.
- WIN<RETURN> loads Windows 3.0 in the Protected Mode, WIN /R<RETURN>
loads Windows 3.0 in the Real Mode.
8. The DOS DMA-Interface
Under DOS there is a direct interface to the Atari DMA channel (ACSI)
available. This interface can for example be used to integrate your
own hard disk driver. The definition of the interface can be looked up
in the file ACSI.H, the correct use is explained in the program DEMO.ASM.
9. Speed-Bridge and ATonce
ATonce does not work together with the Speed-Bridge for the PC-Speed. For
the installation without soldering into the MEGA ST and the STE we have
developed two plug-in adapters for the ATonce.
10. proVME HyperCache and ATonce
ATonce should also run together with the HyperCache of proVME without any
problems. Please note the following points during the installation:
(1) Another 64pin socket must be soldered onto the ATonce:
Side view onto the ATonce PCB:
Side with components
========= <-- Socket !
! ! ! ! ! !
--> . . . . . . . . . . . v
! ===================================
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! <---- Pins
solder here
The soldering must be done extremely carefully. Great care must be
taken that there are no unwanted "bridges" or shorts between two
This extended ATonce PCB is plugged into the socket on the ST
motherboard. (This socket was build in for the installation with
HyperCache instead of the 68000 CPU!)
(3) Now plug the HyperCache into the socket which was soldered onto
the ATonce as discribed in (1).
(4) Ready.
Note: We found that in some STs there may be a conflict between the Hyper-
Cache and the Blitter. These problems have nothing to do with the
ATonce! We recommend to switch off the Blitter whenever you want to
work with HyperCache.
You will find two programs in the folder TOOLS which enable you to switch
the HyperCache on (HCON.EXE) or off (HCOFF.EXE) under DOS.
11. ATonce and Autoswitch Overscan
On the monochrome monitor SM124 during the Hercules graphic emulation
ATonce also supports the AutoSwitch-OverScan graphic expansion of
OverScan GbR. However, this must already be active before ATonce is
started. Under DOS ATonce switches OverScan on and off automatically.
12. The vortex Multi-Atari-Manager "HyperSwitch"
HyperSwitch is a useful utility if you wish to work fast and practically
simultanously with several operating systems on an ST computer. With the
aid of HyperSwitch up to 8 "logical" ST computers can be started on one
"physically" existing Atari ST. Through an accessory in GEMDOS and a
special key combination in MSDOS you can switch quickly between one
logical Atari, the operating system running there and the application
running in this operating system, and another logical Atari, the
operating system and the application running there.
The minimum precondition for the use of HyperSwitch is a Atari ST
computer (with vortex ATonce installed) with at least 512KB RAM (in this
case in addition to the Atari you need a hard disk with 20MB or more).
If the total RAM-size of all logical ST computers is larger than the
physically available RAM the status data of the logical STs are swapped to
the hard disk. The switch-time depends on the RAM size and the storage
capacity of the physical ST computer as well as the number and RAM size of
the logical STs and is normally not longer than a few seconds.
The following example explains the functioning of vortex HyperSwitch:
You have decided to install 3 logical STs on your physical ST computer.
On the first ST you are running WORD5 (under MSDOS4.01) where you edit your
text. On the second ST you are using the text-editor TEMPUS (under GEMDOS)
and finally on the third ST you are using the MicroSoft Flightsimulator
(also under MSDIS4.01).
With a special key-combination you can switch now directly from the position
in the text that you edit with WORD 5.0 to the position where you left TEMPUS.
If you click on the HyperSwitch accessory you can choose now whether to
switch back to WORD 5.0 or to the Flightsimulator. In both cases you will
find the logical ST in exactly the same condition when you left it.
... your Cessna 182 is still airborne.
Common advices:
(1) HyperSwitch is not a Multitasking Operating system. An logical ST
which is switched into the backround is "frozen" and not running. As soon
as you switch it back it will be "defrosted".
(2) The maximum RAM size of a logical ST computer equals the RAM size of
the physical ST minus 40KB for HyperSwitch.
(3) One logical ST "knows" nothing about the other logical ST(s).
Therefore it is strictly forbidden to access one file from several logical
STs, especially when this file is opened or accessed by a write operation.
If you are not careful here you will destroy data !
This means for example that it is not allowed to edit the same text
under MSDOS 4.01 / WORD5.0 and under GEMDOS / TEMPUS.
We recommend the use of different hard disk partitions for the different
logical ST computers.
If you switch back to a logical ST which runs under GEMDOS, you should press
the ESC-Key to force a media-change.
(4) In the following text we distinguish three conditions in which a logical
ST computer can be:
Installed: The RAM size and the Swap mechanism are installed. The
corresponding line in the accessory is printed bold.
Initialized: The line in the accessory is printed bold and has a little
hook. This means that this logical ST is now available and
can be activated.
Active: The logical ST that runs at this moment. In the
HyperSwitch accessory the line of this logical ST is
printed inverted and in the box "Active Atari" you will
find the number of this logial ST.
HyperSwitch consists of the following three files:
To use HyperSwitch all three files have to be copied from the system disk
into the root directory of GEMDOS partition C. After the next reset
(initialized through a key-combination or through pressing the reset-button)
the HyperSwitch accessory is available. It will automatically perform
another reset to activate the first logical ST computer.
If you click on the HyperSwitch accessory you will find several information:
Active Atari: The number of the logical ST that is running now
(that is active).
Atari total: Amount of installed logical ST computers.
Memory free: Remaining available RAM for further logical STs.
Memory total: Total RAM which is available for HyperSwitch on this
physical ST computer.
A table shows the logical STs. This table contains the following information:
Atari: Number of a logical ST. If this line is printed bold the
corresponding logical ST is installed.
Size [KB]: RAM size of a logical ST. The maximum size is shown in
"Memory total".
Swap: "Off": status data are not swapped to the hard disk when
switching from one logical ST to another.
"On": when switching from one logical ST to another the
status data are swapped to the hard disk. The filename and
the partition where the status data are swapped to can
be selected in the INSTALL menu of the HyperSwitch
accessory. This menu can be accessed by clicking on the
Init: The little hook shows that the already installed
logical ST is initialized and ready for operation.
Before you can initialize the next logical ST it has
to be installed (by pressing the INSTALL-button and
selecting the various parameters in this menu).
After this installation the line of this logical ST
can be clicked on. The ST computer will now make a
reset. If you click on the HyperSwitch accessory this
logical ST will also be displayed with the little hook.
Application: "-" : This logical ST runs under GEMDOS.
"ATONCE" : This logical ST runs under ATonce/MSDOS.
If you click on the QUIT-button the accessory window will be closed.
If you click on the COLDBOOT-button the physical ST computer is reset.
IMPORTANT: the contents of all logical STs that are initialized at this
moment will be lost.
If you click on the INSTALL-button in the main window of the HyperSwitch
accessory another window comes up in which you can install the logical STs.
This meue offers several possibilities:
To select a logical ST simply click on the corresponding line. An arrow
will appear on the left side.
To install the RAM size you have to click on the "< >" or "<< >>"
buttons. The value in the "Free" field shows the RAM available for other
logical STs.
If you click on the Swap-button you can decide whether the status data is
swapped to the hard disk or not. If you set swap to "on" you can give the
swapfile a name (or use the default name) and you can choose the partition
to which it will be swapped to.
A swapfile for a logical ST with 4MB RAM is 4MB in size !
You must ensure that there is enough space on your hard disk.
If you created a configuration where you installed logical STs which use
the swap mechanism and which do not use this mechanism, HyperSwitch needs
a special temporary file (SWAP .TMP). You can also decide in which partition
of your hard disk this file will be stored.
Swapfiles are always stored in the root-directory of the partition selected.
If you now click on the INSTALL-button your configuration will be saved.
In addition HyperSwitch automtically creates the swapfiles and the SWAP.TMP
file. Afterwards HyperSwitch resets the ST computer.
IMPORTANT: the contents of all logical STs that are initialized at this
moment will be lost.
If you click on the DEFAULT-button HyperSwitch will display two logiacl STs,
each with 50% of the memory in total available, and no swapfiles.
If you click on the SWITCH-button you will come back to the main window of
the HyperSwitch accessory.
The TEMP-INST-button has a very special function.
With this button you can load swapfiles of "older" logical STs.
This is a very powerful feature which enables you to "defrost" (bring
back to life) any logical ST you stored in a swapfile at any time in the
past. As soon it is loaded you will have the same logical ST with the same
program running that you had "froze" at an earlier date.
To use the TEMP-INST (temporary installation) button first select a logical
ST. Then click on the TEMP-INST-button and type in the filename and the
partition of the swapfile you want to load. You do not need to alter the RAM
size of the logical ST computer.
To switch from one logical ST to another HyperSwitch offers two
Under GEMDOS: through the HyperSwitch accessory. To activate another
logical ST simply click on the bold printed line with
a hook.
Under ATonce/MSDOS: Press the Alternate and the Help key simultanously.
This will take you back to the previous logical ST.
Further advices:
When leaving our factory the parameters of HyperSwitch have the following
values: two logical STs, each with a RAM size of approx. 500KB, no Swap
files, first logical ST initialized (with hook) and active.
If you install on a Mega ST4 8 logical ST computers you need
32MB (!) capacity for the swapfiles.
If you rename SWITCH.ACC to SWITCH.PRG you can use HyperSwitch as a normal
GEM-application. If you want to copy HyperSwitch into the AUTO-folder
it is sensible that SWITCH.PRG be the first file in this folder. To do this
first save the contents of the AUTO-folder, and then erase all files in the
AUTO-folder. Afterwards copy SWITCH.PRG as the first (!) file into the
AUTO-folder and then all other files you have saved previously saved.
If you choose a logical ST too small (not enough RAM) programs may not run
or prompt that they need more RAM.
If HyperSwitch brings an error message <<ERROR 08>> it has not enough RAM
to work properly. This is not a dead-lock. You have to erase the HSWITCH.OVR
file and use the one which is on your system disk. Naturally all settings
you made in HyperSwitch are lost.
13. Trouble-Shooting
In this last chapter we want to give some hints what you can do
if problems occur.
(1) The installation of ATonce in an ST1040FM where the CPU sits under
the floppy drive.
We have noticed that there are several version of this special ST1040.
Sometimes Atari used very thick floppy drives which also have a
shield at the bottom.
We found two ways how to fit the ATonce into the ST properly:
o Take off the shield of the floppy drive. It is still tight, but there
should be enough room for the ATonce now.
o De-solder the 68000 CPU and put a socket in the motherboard.
Solder another socket on top of ATonce (similar to when you want to
use HyperCache). Plug ATonce into the socket on the motherboard and
then the 68000 CPU into the socket of the ATonce.
The problems we describe now have their root in the ST computer. We know
that it is very simple to say (especially for dealers) that the reason for
any problem is ATonce !
This is not true. The ST is a brilliantly designed machine but sometimes
manufactured very poorly. Unfortunately especially at critical points you
will often find chips from Korea or Taiwan which normally do anything
but fullfilling the specifications !
(2) The Mega ST sometimes does not start. The screen remains dark.
If your Mega ST has the little PCB which was soldered on top of the 68000
CPU (by the way the reason for this is a design error in one of the
asics) this problem can occur. Solder a 40 Ohm resistor between Pin 12
(68000 CPU/ATonce) and the first Pin of this little PCB. This means this
Pin does not directly go to the 68000 CPU/ATonce but via the 40 Ohm resistor.
(3) The Mega ST hangs when testing the RAM or crashes without appearant
reason. This problem mostly occurs with Mega ST2 computers.
You have to replace U33 and U36 (74LS373) with 74ALS373 from Texas
Instruments or Motorola. Do not use chips from Goldstar or ST or SGS.
(4) Several hard disks and/or a SLM804 are connected to the Mega ST.
You have problems with the SLM804 and with the hard disk(s).
This problem occurs also without ATonce !
Similar as described in (3) there is one chip of a taiwanese manufacturer
that can cause problems. This chip is the DMA-Port-Controller. It is a
40 Pin DIL IC and comes from "IMP" (C100-110-001). It has to be replaced
by another version of the DMA-Port-Controller "CO25913-38".
Contact your dealer or Atari, they know about this problem.
(5) The ST does not start after a crash or only brings the
Even when the ST computer is switched off the contents of the RAM-cells will
remain for a fairly long time.
When ATonce is loaded it takes over the reset of the ST
computer. This is the reason why sometimes, especially when the Emulator
crashes, even when you switch the ST off you will receive a POST MORTEM
DUMP or a dark screen. To avoid this effect simply wait 60 seconds befor
switching on the ST, or press ESC when ATonce shows the POST MORTEM DUMP.
(6) Autoboot with hard disks from ATARI.
The Autoboot mechanism of Atari manipulates the root-sector of the first
partition (Icon C). If you assign this first partition to the logical DOS
drive C and install MSDOS on DOS drive C you will loose the Autoboot-
facility. To avoid this simply assign any other partition to the logical
DOS drive C.
(7) Mouse-Driver.
Only use mouse-drivers that are fully compatible with the serial
Microsoft Mouse.
(8) The ATonce startup-Screen is not erased properly after DOS has booted.
To solve this "problem" remove the ansi.sys driver in your CONFIG.SYS file.
(9) The Break-Key does not function under DOS.
Insert in the CONFIG.SYS file "BREAK=ON".
Your vortex Team October 1990
Operating the Atari Laser Printer SLM804 with the AT-Emulator:
With ATonce the Atari laser printer SLM804 can be used together with
the Atari Diablo driver DIAB630.PRG and the hardcopy program SDUMP.PRG
or the Epson FX80 compatible laser printer driver SLM804.ACC.
Precondition is that your ST computer has more than 1MB memory available.
To install the laser printer proceed as follows:
(1) Configure ATONCE.PRG for your needs with the setup program
(2) Diablo Driver:
Now install DIAB630.PRG with the programm SETUP630.PRG.
Epson Driver:
Create the batch file SLM804.BAT as discribed in the
instructions for printer driver.
Depending on whether you start the emulator through the AUTO-folder or
directly by clicking on, please proceed as follows:
AUTO-Boot from Floppy or Hard Disk:
(3) Copy ATONCE.PRG into the AUTO-folder.
All the following programs are copied into the Root directory:
Diablo Driver:
PDRV_DB.OVR, DIAB630.PRG, SDUMP.PRG and all necessary font files.
Epson Driver:
PDRV_FX.OVR, SLM804.ACC, SLM804.BAT and all necessary font files,
Start by clicking on directly:
(3) In this case the following files must be in the same directory
as the driver:
for Diablo Driver
SDUMP.PRG and all necessary font files.
or for Epson Driver
ATONCE.PRG, PDRV_FX.OVR, SLM804.ACC, SLM804.BAT and all necessary
font files.
If the emulator is started now, assuming that everything was installed
correctly and/or the laser printer is connected up, the usual start messages
of the programs DIAB630.PRG and SDUMP.PRG or of SLM804.ACC should appear.
Under DOS you have now the laser printer available on the parallel interface
LPT1 (the internal centronics interface appears as LPT2).
If SDUMP.PRG or SLM804.ACC respectively were installed correctly you will
now have under DOS through the key combination <PrtScr> (press the Shift-
key and * in the numerical block at the same time) a hardcopy function which
supports graphics available.