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From John Hayden - Cat. 5, Topic 10, Msg. 50 - from the ST Roundtable on
Here is a little review on Migraph OCR.
I just want you to know that it is very powerful and it works great
with the TT in fast RAM. It comes with support for English, French,
German and Dutch languages.
There is no worry what scanner it can support because it can
translate any IMG or TIFF text file into an ASCII file or you can use
the Migraph hand scanner directly! You can change the order of
columns and merge them into one file as long you want it to be
because Migraph OCR support hard drive caching just like Word
Perfect. You can save graphics and ASCII text files on the same page.
It support proportional and monospaced text with different kerning as
long the letters do not touch each other. This Migraph OCR uses a
Omnifont engine that uses a mathematical system that has a greater
chance to recognizing letters even though it may not have been
trained on them. This save a lot of hard disk space over systems that
uses raster images of the letters.
Migraph OCR has already been pretrained on; Artisan, Bookman,
Brougham, Caroll Pica, Courier, Courier Italic, Delegate, Elite
Modern, Helvetica, Herald Elite, Letter Gothic, Lori, Lubalin, OCRB,
Pica, Prestige Elite, Prestige Italic, Prestige Pica, Times, Titan
and Title. It will also work on NLQ dot matrix printouts. The Migraph
OCR uses an interactive learning system which makes it easy to add a
new font! It is one of the most stable programs I have had the
pleasure to use and that is base on the version 1.01. Migraph is one
of the fastest companies to fix some of the bugs in the previous
versions. The manual is 58 pages long.