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252 lines
* Budgie UK chain_5 (cycling)
* a chain program which loads a tune, then a picture,
* waits for a key. When hit, scrolls screen down,
* cuts out the music interrupt, but stores it in $210
* waits for key again. When hit, scrolls screen back up
* recalls the interrupt: move.l $210,$4ce+4
* or, in Basic, Loke $4ce+4,leek($210)
* Some earlier music by Goth was slotted in $4de.
* This latest bath (August 1990) uses the V/b slot at $4ce+4
* (ie $4d2) so please note.
* View in medium res *
* comments (;) always FOLLOW the instructions
* Devpac 2 required to assemble
* Aug 2 1990 Music by Goth of The Shapeshifters
* (c) Budgie UK , Camy Maertens and Shapeshifters
* reallocate unused memory to Gemdos
movea.l A7,A5
move.l #stack,A7
movea.l 4(A5),A5
move.l 12(A5),D0
add.l 20(A5),D0
add.l 28(A5),D0
addi.l #256,D0
move.l D0,-(A7)
move.l A5,-(A7)
clr.w -(A7)
move.w #$4A,-(A7)
trap #1
lea $0C(A7),A7
; the above is the STANDARD gem start. We will only use the ram
; space that is strictly required. The rest may go back to gem.
bra.s start
name dc.b "a:\chains\wave*.pi1",0 change d to a if necessary
name1 dc.b "a:\tunes_2\colours.prg",0 this is the tune.
name2 dc.b "a:\chains\poir*.prg",0 this is the main prog afterwards
; bra.s start means 'branch (short) to start'
; in order to skip the above labels, which are not instructions
; dc.b means declare bytes
start clr.l -(sp) Budgie progs ALWAYS run in supervisor
move.w #$20,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,SP
move.l d0,super
move.w #4,-(sp) get res
trap #14
addq.l #2,sp
move.w d0,res and save it
movem.l $ff8240,d0-d7 save palette
movem.l d0-d7,palette
move.l #environment,-(sp) call program one ie music
move.l #environment,-(sp)
pea name1 whatever it is
move.w #0,-(sp) chain this routine
move.w #$4b,-(sp) execute it
trap #1
adda.l #$10,sp
; above 'chained' prog can be anything.
clr.w -(a7) 0=low res
move.l $44e,-(A7) -1=ignore physbase
move.l $44e,-(A7) -1=ignore logbase
move.w #5,-(A7)
trap #14
lea 12(A7),A7
dc.w $a000
movea.l 8(a0),a0
clr.w (a0)
dc.w $a00a hidemouse
move.l $44e,d0
move.l d0,physbase save original 'physbase'
sub.l #32768,d0
move.l d0,$45e show blank screen
move.w #37,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #2,sp
* load a degas picture at a specific address
move.w #0,-(A7) 0 for open a file
move.l #name,-(A7) name of picture to be loaded
move.w #$3D,-(A7) code for open
trap #1 ask o/s to do it
add.l #8,sp adjust stack pointer
move.w d0,handle store 'handle' returned in d0, in a safe place
tst.w d0 test if negative by any chance...
bmi error if so: file not found: branch to error
move.w #$007,$ff8240
move.l physbase,d0 load direct to this address
sub.l #34,d0 or more precisely, here.
move.l d0,-(sp) pass load address to stack
move.l #32066,-(A7) read 32066 bytes (ie a degas picture)
move.w handle,-(A7) retrieve that handle
move.w #$3F,-(A7) code for read
trap #1 ask o/s to do it
adda.l #$C,A7 adjust stack pointer when all done
move.w handle,-(SP) retrieve handle again
move.w #$3E,-(SP) code for close
trap #1 ok do it
addq.l #4,SP adjust stack as ususal
move.l physbase,d0 put physbase address in a0
sub.l #32,d0 deduct 16 words from it
move.l d0,-(SP) that's where the palette starts
move.w #6,-(SP) call 'change palette' routine
trap #14 ok
addq.l #6,SP all done
move.l physbase,$45e
move.l #r_loop,$4de insert cycling v/b interrupt
move.w #37,-(SP) vsync routine
trap #14 ok do it
addq.l #2,SP adjust stack
; wait for v/b to be certain
bra over
* palette rotator prog
* rough & ready!
* interrupt routine starts here
sub.w #1,bill
tst.w bill
beq ok
move.w #1,bill speed of cycling 1=fast
move.l a0,-(sp)
move.l a1,-(sp)
move.l d1,-(sp)
lea $ff8240,a0 a0 is hardware palette
lea r_palette,a1 a1 is our palette, reserved later
move.w $00(a0),$00(a1) border = same on new palette
move.w $1e(a0),$02(a1) next one is hardware colour #15
move.w $02(a0),$04(a1) the other 14 colours are
move.w $04(a0),$06(a1) shifted one word along
move.w $06(a0),$08(a1)
move.w $08(a0),$0a(a1)
move.w $0a(a0),$0c(a1)
move.w $0c(a0),$0e(a1)
move.w $0e(a0),$10(a1)
move.w $10(a0),$12(a1)
move.w $12(a0),$14(a1)
move.w $14(a0),$16(a1)
move.w $16(a0),$18(a1)
move.w $18(a0),$1a(a1)
move.w $1a(a0),$1c(a1)
move.w $1c(a0),$1e(a1)
move.l a1,$45a present new palette at next vbi
move.l (sp)+,d1
move.l (sp)+,a1
move.l (sp)+,a0
over move.w #$07,-(sp) getkey
trap #1
addq.l #2,sp
next move.w #1,-(sp) MEDIUM res
move.l #-1,-(sp) no change in screen locations
move.l #-1,-(sp) physical or otherwise
move.w #5,-(sp)
trap #14 call o/s
add.l #12,sp ok screen now back as we found it
clr.l $4de cycling off
move.w #37,-(sp) wait for vb to deactivate it
trap #14
addq.l #2,sp
movem.l palette,d0-d7 get those original palette colours again
movem.l d0-d7,$ff8240 and pass them to video chip
move.l #environment,-(sp) call program one ie music
move.l #environment,-(sp)
pea name2 whatever it is
move.w #0,-(sp) chain this routine
move.w #$4b,-(sp) execute it
trap #1
adda.l #$10,sp
move.l #0,$4ce+4 music off
lea $ff8800,a0 get sound chip
move.b #7,(a0)
move.b #%11111111,2(a0) cut out lingering noise
move.l #$8000000,$ff8800
move.l #$9000000,$ff8800
move.l #$a000000,$ff8800
move.w #-1,-(sp)
move.l #-1,-(sp) no change in screen locations
move.l #-1,-(sp) physical or otherwise
move.w #5,-(sp)
trap #14 call o/s
add.l #12,sp ok screen now back as we found it
move.l super,-(SP) retrieve user stack pointer
move.w #$20,-(SP)
trap #1
addq.l #6,SP we're now back in user mode
clr.w -(sp) exit to desktop
trap #1
bill dc.w 5
dc.b 0,0,0,0,0,0
res dc.w 0 the original resolution
handle dc.l 0 needed for opening files
super dc.l 0 the original stack pointer
dc.l 0 the original screen address at start of prog
; ds.w 256
palette ds.w 18
ds.w 256 512 bytes (more than enough) for our stack
stack dc.l 0 our private stack
; ds.w 218