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- Short: amiga.lib as E modules
- Type: dev/e
- Author: m88jrh@ecs.ox.ac.uk (Jason R. Hulance)
- Uploader: m88jrh@ecs.ox.ac.uk (Jason R. Hulance)
- AmigaLib
- ========
- Amiga E modules of many of the amiga.lib functions.
- These translations are Copyright (C) 1995, Jason R. Hulance.
- The original amiga.lib is Copyright (C) 1985-1992, Commodore-Amiga Inc.
- You are free to use these modules in your programs, whether they are freeware
- or commercial. However, if you want to distribute any of this archive you
- must include it all, unmodified, together with this file.
- Contents
- --------
- argarray.m:
- PROC argArrayInit(str=0)
- PROC argArrayDone()
- PROC argInt(tt,entry,defaultval)
- PROC argString(tt,entry,defaultstring)
- boopsi.m:
- PROC callHookA(h,obj,msg)
- PROC coerceMethodA(cl,obj,msg)
- PROC doMethodA(obj,msg)
- PROC doSuperMethodA(cl,obj,msg)
- PROC setSuperAttrsA(cl,obj,msg)
- cx.m:
- PROC freeIEvents(events)
- PROC hotKey(description,port,id)
- PROC invertString(str,km)
- PROC invertStringRev(str,km)
- PROC userFilter(tt,action_name,default_descr)
- interrupts.m:
- PROC addTOF(i,p,a)
- PROC remTOF(i)
- PROC waitbeam(pos)
- io.m:
- PROC beginIO(ioreq)
- PROC createExtIO(port,ioSize)
- PROC deleteExtIO(ioReq)
- PROC createStdIO(port)
- PROC deleteStdIO(ioReq)
- lists.m:
- PROC newList(mlh)
- ports.m:
- PROC createPort(name,pri)
- PROC deletePort(port)
- random.m:
- PROC fastRand(num)
- PROC rangeRand(num)
- tasks.m:
- PROC createTask(name,pri,initPC,stackSize)
- PROC deleteTask(tc)
- time.m:
- PROC timeDelay(unit,seconds,micros)
- There are also a number of test programs, which show how to use many of
- the functions.
- Documentation
- -------------
- The documentation on amiga.lib serves as adequate documentation of these
- functions, with the following observations:
- argarray.m:
- o argArrayInit() takes only an optional string. This can be a string
- of arguments like the E global "arg" (which is the default). This
- string is only used if "wbmessage" is NIL, and is *altered* if used
- (i.e., the result is a manipulation of the string, and so by default
- "arg" will be affected). If you don't like this, pass this function
- a copy of your arguments string (and be careful not to free it until
- you've finished with the result of this function).
- boopsi.m:
- o callHookA() is like CallHookPkt() from utility.library except it does
- not require the utility.library to be open!
- o setSuperAttrsA() replaces the stack-based (varargs) function
- SetSuperAttrs(). setSuperAttrsA() takes a pointer to a Boopsi message
- as its third argument (so you would usually use a typed list).
- cx.m:
- o invertStringRev() is like InvertString() except it does not require
- you to reverse the string to be inverted. See testcx.e.
- o userFilter(tt, action_name, default_descr) creates a CxFilter object
- with a description string taken from the tooltype defined by
- "action_name" in the tooltypes array "tt" (which is usually the result
- of a call to argArrayInit()). If the tooltype is not found then the
- "default_descr" is used instead.
- interrupts.m:
- o waitbeam(pos) waits until the VBeam position is at least "pos".
- tasks.m:
- o createTask() can has slightly enhanced error checking if you are
- running V37+.
- The main reason for the creation of these modules was my translations of the
- RKRM examples. These should provide even more useful documentation.