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========================== Contents of Disk 780 ==========================
This is disk 780 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
ABackup A powerful backup utility, that may be used both for hard
disk backup and for file archiving. Has a full Intuition
interface, a "batch" mode, can save/load file selection,
handle HD floppies, etc... This is a *MAJOR* update, with
support for XPK library, child task for disk write, error
recovering when writing to a disk and more. Include both
French and English versions. This is version 2.00, an
update from version 1.60 on disk 759. Shareware, binary
Author: Denis Gounelle.
MEM A little memory game where the object is to remember the face
of a "thief" you are shown for a variable length of time
depending on the level. You are then presented with a screen
in which you have to "recreate" the face using various select-
ions for eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth. Version 1.0, binary
Author: Jason Truong
NickPrefs An enhancement to IPrefs that manages three new preferences,
WBPicture allows you to display any IFF picture in the main
Workbench window, supplanting the original (and boring ;-))
WBPattern. BusyPointer lets you edit the clock pointer used
by programs when they are busy. You may create an animated
pointer. Floppy provides the ability to mess with the public
fields of trackdisk, that is, the TDPF_NOCLICK flag, step
delay and the like. Requires OS2.0, binary only.
Author: Nicola Salmoria
RachelRaccoon A set of hand-drawn "Eric-Schwartz-animation-style" pictures
of a new cartoon character. The pictures are overscanned hi-
res-interlace (704x480) and are provided in 16-color, 8-color,
and 4-color flavors so you can use them for Workbench backdrop
pictures. The colors are arranged so that at least on Work-
bench 2.x you will have standard looking titlebars.
Author: Leslie Dietz
========================== Contents of Disk 781 ==========================
This is disk 781 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
PowerSnap A utility that allows you to use the mouse to mark characters
anywhere on the screen, and then paste them somewhere else,
such as in another CLI or in a string gadget. Checks what
font is used in the window you snap from and will look for
the position of the characters automatically. Recognizes all
non-proportional fonts of up to 24 pixels wide and of any
height. Works with AmigaDOS 2.0 in both shell and WorkBench
environments. This is version 2.1b, an update to version 2.0
on disk 726. Binary only.
Author: Nico Francois
TKEd TKEd is a very comfortable Intuition-based ASCII editor with
an english and german user-interface. It can read texts packed
with PowerPacker, has user-definable menus, a comfortable AREXX
interface with 109 commands, an interface to some errortools
for programmers, macros, undo, wordwrap, supports foldings,
has an online help mode, and many other features. TKEd is re-
entrant and can be made resident. It's Kickstart 1.3/2.04
compatible, supports the new ECS-screenmodes, an application
window and checks itself for linkviruses. Version 1.11, an
update to version 1.05 on disk 689. Binary only.
Author: Tom Kroener
TWA A commodity that remembers the last active window on any
screen. If screens are shuffled, the window is automatically
re-activated, when that screen is brought to front. Version
1.0, binary only.
Author: Matthias Scheler
WBVerlauf Allows the owners of AGA machines to create a nice Copper
background for a selectable color, using the whole 16 million
color range of the AGA chips. By specifying the color of the
first and the last line of the screen, WBVerlauf will make a
smooth color change by setting a new color value on every
scanline. Requires Kickstart 3.0. Version 1.4, binary only.
Author: Christian A. Weber
========================== Contents of Disk 782 ==========================
This is disk 782 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
DFA NOT just another address utility. DFA(ddress) features email
support, dialing, different types of printing addresses, full
commodity support, application icon, Arexx port, font sensitive
windows and can be fully directed by the keyboard. This is
version 1.1. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Dirk Federlein
TwilightZone A modular screen blanker with a user-friendly control panel.
Provides: Selection of blanker module from an expandable list
of modules; A "blank-now" feature by moving the mouse pointer
into a corner of the screen; A "blank-never" option by moving
the mouse pointer into a corner of the screen; Adjustable
timeout, and selectable wakeup events. Version 1.1/2.0, binary
Author: Rainer Koppler
ValCon Converts a value from one number notation system to another.
Currently the decimal, hexadecimal, binary and octal systems
are supported. Version 1.10, freeware, binary only.
Author: Chris Vandierendonck
Yak "Yet Another Kommodity". Features a sunmouse that only acti-
vates when mouse stops, KeyActivate windows, Click windows
to front or back, Cycle screens with mouse, Mouse and Screen
blanking, Close/Zip/Shrink/Enlarge windows with programmable
hotkeys, Activate Workbench by hotkey (to get at menus when
WB obscured), Pop up a palette on front screen, Insert date
(in various formats), KeyClick with adjustable volume, Pop-
Command key for starting a command (like PopCLI), Gadtools
interface. All settings accessible from Workbench tooltypes.
Version 1.2, an update to version 1.0 on disk number 753, has
some new features and several bug fixes. Includes source.
Author: Martin W. Scott
========================== Contents of Disk 783 ==========================
This is disk 783 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
APipe An "Amiga pipe" device. If opened for read, it will run the
file name as an Amiga CLI command, with the output going to
the opening process. If opened for output, it will run the
file name as an Amiga CLI command, with output to the opened
file sent to the command as input. Version 37.4, an update
to version 37.2 on disk number 601.
Author: Per Bojsen
DiskInfo A program like the AmigaDOS 'Info' command, but it gives more
extensive information on the disk (volume) and/or on the device
requested. Version 1.00, freeware, binary only.
Author: Chris Vandierendonck
Hackdisk A complete replacement for trackdisk.device minus support for
5.25 inch and 150RPM floppies. It offers a verify option and
is faster than trackdisk 2.0. Hackdisk is supplied as a Rom-
Tag module and may be RamKick'ed or placed directly in the
Kickstart ROM. Free for non-commercial use, assembly source
included. This is version 1.12, an update to version 1.10 on
disk number 697.
Author: Dan Babcock
KingFisher A specialized database tool providing maintenance and search
capabilities for the descriptions of disks in the format used
by this library. KingFisher's database can span multiple
(floppy) disk volumes, can be edited by text editors that
support long text lines, can add disks directly from unedited
email or usenet announcements, can remove disks, rebuild a
damaged index, find next or previous software versions, print
or export (parts of) the database, and more. Includes a data-
base of disks 1-770. This is version 1.11. Binary only.
Author: Udo Schuermann
========================== Contents of Disk 784 ==========================
This is disk 784 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
BindNames A solution to the problem of having to continually edit
your startup-sequence to add assignments for logical variables
when you add a new program. BindNames will read one or more
files in a special directory and then create all the logical
assignments at once and it can figure out dependencies, so it
doesn't matter how you order the entries in the file(s). It
will create directories that it can't find, such as RAM:Env
and RAM:T and will generate warnings for assignments that it
can't resolve. Version 1.0, includes source, public domain.
Author: Dave Haynie
DirKing A very powerful replacement for the AmigaDOS 'List' and 'Dir'
commands. It gives full control on the format of the directory
listing and what information should be printed. The directory
can be sorted on any field, or on several fields in the order
you want. Supports many filters, such as name and date, and
the filters can be made effective on files only, directories
only or on both. You can also define a pattern for each level
of the directory tree. Has an LFORMAT option which is useful
for generating scripts. A unique feature is the ability to
monitor the scanning process. English version supplied,
German, French and Dutch versions available from the author.
Version 2.10, shareware, binary only.
Author: Chris Vandierendonck
Lyapunovia A mindboggingly colorful program that makes pictures from a
simple mathematical formula. (And it's NOT Mandelbrot!)
Lyapunovia pictures vary from colorful candy to mean metal
(or something), offering you everything you ever wanted in
visual representation of abstract nothings... This freely
redistributable version of Lyapunovia has been thoroughly
tested to work on all Amigas. Special registered versions
with precision-extension, optimized for bigger CPUs, and
support of WB 2.0/2.1 and WB 3.0 displaymodes (all 256 colors)
are available. Version 1.0, binary only.
Author: Jesper Juul
========================== Contents of Disk 785 ==========================
This is disk 785 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
FileStorage Small demo of a file librarian, a database for files. The
database exists as a number of index files and disks where
FileStorage puts your collection of files. FileStorage
'remembers' how many free bytes each storage disk has and
tries to fill the disks to the maximum. For each file you
can add a 320 character long description and set 16 different
(user definable) filetypes. Searching / adding / deleting /
changing it's all there! Version 1.2, binary only.
Author: Joep Grooten
RomCon Converts a decimal value into a value represented by roman
numbers. You can convert from decimal to roman or from roman
to decimal. E.g. '1992' equals 'MCMXCII'. Version 1.10,
freeware, binary only.
Author: Chris Vandierendonck
ScrnTst A program to reveal small irregularities in the beam sweep of
computer monitors. Uses the MOIRE effect to render such
defects more readily observable. A short program which should
be compatible with OS 1.3 as well as releae 2.0. Version 2.0,
binary only.
Author: William Barish
SeePix Based on Olaf Barthel's "LoadImage v1.11". SeePix is an IFF
viewer/printer, featuring the ability to modify the colors of
a pic for printing, allowing for truer colors in the printout
(i.e. Blue prints Blue, not Purple), without modifying the pic
itself. SeePix features an ARP interface, Iconization and the
PathMaster File Selector. Manx AZTEC "C" Source included.
Author: Hank Schafer
Showgerb A Gerber display program. Gerber plotfiles are generated by
several CAD packages. This program will display them on an
Amiga using 1.3 and probably 2.xx and 3.xx. Source is not
included but can be requested from the Author. Includes
several sample plotfiles. Version 1.00, binary only,
Author: Paul Gill
Timing A program to clock the time between two events. You can use
several names, enabling the timing of different events. Useful
mainly in scripts though other uses are possible. Timing can
give the elapsed time in ticks, seconds or in the normal hh:mm:
ss format. Version 1.21, freeware, binary only.
Author: Chris Vandierendonck
UCD A utility for changing the current directory. It scans a disk
and builds a file containing information about the directory
structure that makes it possible for UCD to change directory
to any directory in the scanned volume by simply naming the
directory without pathname information. UCD can keep track
of the directory structure of multiple volumes. Now supports
wildcards. Version 1.15, an update to version 1.0 on disk 734.
Binary only, shareware.
Author: Uffe Holst Christiansen
YAPS "Yet Another Public Screen Manager". Using YAPS, you can open
Public Screens in ALL(!) Amiga-DisplayModes, even in the new
A4000/A1200 Modes. Requires OS 2.04 (V37+), works even under
OS 3.0 (V39+). Binary only.
Author: Karlheinz Klingbeil (CEKASOFT)
========================== Contents of Disk 786 ==========================
This is disk 786 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Hyper Will lead you through documents that are written to be used
with the legendary `Am*gaGu*de' from Commodore. An ARexx port
gives access to it from other applications. Requires OS 2.x.
Version 1.15a, an update to version 1.00 on disk number 739.
Shareware, binary only.
Author: Bernd (Koessi) Koesling
IconAuthorDemo A replacement for IconEdit2.0. It can transform IFF images or
brushes into resized 2-BitPlane brushes or icon files that
match the WorkBench2.0 colors. Online help is available via
`Hyper'. Demo version limited to processing provided demo
image only. Requires OS 2.x. Version 1.06, an update to
version 1.00 on disk number 739. Shareware, binary only.
Author: Bernd (Koessi) Koesling
Macro A small utility that records a sequence of keypresses that can
be recalled at any time. Handy for "on the fly" recording
because of its simplicity. (Doesn't need a window, doesn't
use the functions keys, so it won't interfere with other uses
of them, etc.) Version 1.0, includes source.
Author: Piero Filippin
RSM An ARexx compatible serial port manager. Run your serial port
from other programs! Version 1.42, C source included.
Author: Ron M. Battle
VirusZ A virus detector that recognizes over 500 bootblocks (196 boot
viruses) and over 70 file viruses. The filechecker can also
decrunch files for testing. The memory checker removes all
known viruses from memory without 'Guru Meditation' and
checks memory for viruses regularly. VirusZ has easy to use
intuitionized menus including keycuts for both beginners and
experienced users. The totally new bootblock lab offers all
important bootblock operations on one screen. VirusZ performs
a self-test on every startup to prevent link virus infection.
Written entirely in assembly language and operates with Kick-
start 1.2/1.3, OS 2.0 and OS 3.0. Version 2.27, binary only,
Author: Georg Hörmann
========================== Contents of Disk 787 ==========================
This is disk 787 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
AppISizer An AppIcon utility to size disks, directories or files. Gives
the size in bytes, blocks and the total occupied. Requires
KickStart 37.175 or higher. French and English documentation.
Version 0.20, binary only.
Author: Gérard Cornu.
GetSC Gets the colourmap of a single specified or all available
screens. The colour values are given in hexadecimal format.
GetSC is also the perfect tool to compile a collection of
colourmaps for use by the SetSC program. Version 2.00,
shareware, binary only.
Author: Chris Vandierendonck
MakeInfo A modified GNU makeinfo that allows you to easily create a
AmigaGuide(R) hypertext file from a TexInfo .tex file.
in addition to the usual plain ASCII file and a TeX .dvi
files. This version fixes two nasty bugs: makeinfo working
on 68030 machines only, and amiga.tex not handling correctly
all foreign characters. Version 1.49b, includes source.
Author: FSF, amiga enhancements by Reinhard Spisser
and Sebastiano Vigna
RIVer Many programs contain in their binary code an embedded version
ID, which is used by the AmigaDOS command 'Version'. RIVer is
not a replacement for this command, but rather an extension.
RIVer enables you to add this embedded version ID as a comment,
or to print it in a table where each field of the ID is clear-
ly printed. Version 2.00, freeware, binary only.
Author: Chris Vandierendonck
Scale Plays 1-4 simultaneous musical scales on the Amiga's 4 sound
channels, using Rob Peck's AudioTools package. Six octave
range, ascending/descending, multiple steps, several different
speeds of playing simultaneous scales, overall tempo control-
ler. Intuition interface. Includes source.
Author: Dick Taylor
SetSC Allows you to change or remap the colours of a screen. SetSC
gets the colourmap from a file by using the map's name, from
the Workbench screen or directly from the command line. SetSC
is very useful in scripts, where you can change the screen
colours one or more times during script execution. Version
2.10, shareware, binary only.
Author: Chris Vandierendonck
Spartan The sources to the Spartan PD scsi interface driver for Amiga
500 and Amiga 1000 originally by Paul Harker. This is an
enhanced version that includes a major bugfix and * SCSI-Direct
support. Versions 34.3 (generic) and 34.4 (true SCSI).
Author: Several, see documentation
Viewtek A feature packed Picture/Animation Viewer. Shows most ILBM's
(including 24-bit ILBM's), most Compuserve GIF format images,
most JFIF format JPEG images and most ANIM Op-5 format ani-
mations, with support for different palettes for each frame.
Supports SHAM, CTBL, and PCHG images, full support of ECS/AGA
display modes (ie. show 256 color GIF's directly, show 800x600
HAM animations, etc.). Supports viewing contents of clipboard.
Iconifies to a Workbench AppIcon. Includes a version written
for GVP's Impact Vision 24, to support true 24-bit display.
Version 1.02, requires Workbench 2.04+, binary only.
Author: Thomas Krehbiel
Yacht The famous 5 dice game revised for the Amiga features contin-
ually updated onscreen scorepad which displays all possible
scores after each roll. Another feature is the player con-
trolled dice roll - hit the STOP ROLL gadget when you feel
lucky! Version 1.1, binary only.
Author: Richard Gallagher
========================== Contents of Disk 788 ==========================
This is disk 788 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
Cheats Have an old game that you got frustrated with and put away?
Get hopelessly lost in an adventure game maze? Get to level
218 of your favorite game when your cocker spaniel mistook
your scrap of paper listing entry level codes for his favorite
sock? Well there might be something in this huge list of game
solutions, hints and tips that you can use!
Author: Many! see individual listings.
MatchPlay A small CLI program that enables experimenting with AmigaDOS
pattern matching. It's the best way to learn how to use and
interpret those patterns. You give a pattern and a string as
arguments and the program determines if the pattern would have
matched the string. Requires OS2.x, version 1.00, binary only.
Author: Chris Vandierendonck
MouseAideDEMO A DEMO version of a "Mouse" utility which has all the standard
functions: Mouse Acceleration with threshold, window and screen
manipulation by mouse and keyboard, mouse and screen blanking,
SUN (auto-activation) mouse, user definable "hot key" command,
Keyboard "String" macros, etc... But also has functions other
"Mouse" programs do NOT, such as: Shell-Cycling, Key Clicking,
KeyClosing, Multi-Icon-Select with Mouse, Middle Mouse Button
Windowing, EZ-Date generation, Mouse Port switching, Workbench
to the front function, Freezing Mouse & Keyboard of all input,
etc... Now more 2.0x friendly then older versions, including
the ability to fuction correctly in 'Super-HiRes' screen mode!
Written in 100% assembly language for efficiency in size and
CPU usage. Version v7.12a, an update to version v5.02a on disk
711, Shareware, Binary only.
Author: Thomas J. Czarnecki
NPD A little utility to convert NoisePacker 2.xx modules to Pro-
Tracker format. Works on 1.3/2.0/3.0. Version 2.40, binary
Author: Nils Corneliusen
NTSC&PAL Two small command line utilities to switch back and forth be-
tween NTSC and PAL display modes. Should work on any machine
with a "Fatter Agnus" or better. Binary only.
Author: Paul O'Flynn
QC A small CLI command that returns information about the current
shell. Such as: the shell/cli process number, the prompt used,
the current directory, the default stack size, the current
FAILAT level, the DOS error that occurred with the last command
run, the return code of the last command, and more. Version
1.10, freeware, binary only.
Author: Chris Vandierendonck
========================== Contents of Disk 789 ==========================
This is disk 789 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
MakeDMake An automated DMake file generator. You give it the names of
all the C-files used to produce your executable (except
#include'd .c or .h files), and it will automatically scan
them to find all dependencies, and produce a ready to use
(in many cases) DMakeFile calling DCC with options you will
need for normal compilation and linking. Version 0.15,
includes source.
Author: Piotr Obminski, from original code by Tim McGrath
PongoDemo Demo version of PONGO 1.1, a 3D dynamic modeling program that
loads, animates and transforms 3D objects in many different
ways. This demo version only supports the IFF ANIM5 file
format for animations, with the "Save Imagine object" feature
disabled. Supports the following types of morphing: Transcale,
Taper, Shear, Rotate, Twist, Bend, Waves, Radial Bend and
Metamorph. All transformations may be combined (i.e. you
might both Twist and Shear an object at the same time).
Requires 1 MB ram, and a PAL Amiga (does NOT run on NTSC
Author: Guido Quaroni, submitted by AMIGABYTE
QMouse An unusually small and feature-packed "mouse utility". Was
inspired by, but not derived from, the original QMouse by
Lyman Epp. Features include automatic window activation
(like WindX), top-line blanking for A3000/A2320 users, system-
friendly mouse blanking, mouse acceleration/threshold, "Pop-
CLI", click-to-front/back, "SunMouse", "NoClick", "WildStar",
Northgate key remapping, and more. Requires Kickstart 2.0,
but is not a commodity. Only 3K. Version 2.21, an update to
version 2.20 on disk 731. Public domain, assembly source
Author: Dan Babcock