(working omp "Decompressing and copying Thor files.")
;(run "Thor_Install:unpack.sh" )
(run "Thor_Install:lhx -a x Thor_Install:thor.lha THOR:" )
;** User-Startup **
(if (= is_update Yes)
(set is_update Yes)
(if (= BBSDataMove Yes)
; now figure out the addition to the user-startup
; modify S:User-Startup
(working omp "Updating S:User-Startup.")
(startup "Thor"
"These instructions need to be added to the \"S:User-Startup\" "
"so that your system will be properly configured to use Thor "
(help @startup-help)
(command user_script)
; now figure out the addition to the user-startup
; modify S:User-Startup
(working omp "Updating S:User-Startup.")
(startup "Thor"
"These instructions need to be added to the \"S:User-Startup\" "
"so that your system will be properly configured to use Thor "
(help @startup-help)
(command user_script)
;** reqtools.libary **
(if(= @user-level 2)
(prompt "Copying ReqTools library")
(help "This will copy the ReqTools library." newline @copylib-help)
(source "Thor_Install:reqtools.library")
(dest "libs:")
(prompt "Copying ReqTools library")
(help "This will copy the ReqTools library." newline @copylib-help)
(source "Thor_Install:reqtools.library")
(dest "libs:")
;** CfgBBS **
(set name
(prompt "Choose the BBS Types to install:")
(help "Choose the BBS Types you are going to use with Thor" newline newline @askchoice-help)
(choices "ABBS - Plain ABBS" "MBBS - Plain MBBS" "ABBS_QWK - ABBS with QWK support" "MBBS_QWK - MBBS with QWK support" "HIPPO_ISO - Hippo with ISO charset" "HIPPO_IBN - Hippo with IBN charset")
(default 63)
(makeassign "BBSData" BBSData_dir)
(if (= RunCfgArchivers Yes)
(execute "thor:s/CfgArchivers")
(if (bitand 1 name)
(execute "thor:s/CfgAbbs")
(if (bitand 2 name)
(execute "thor:s/CfgMbbs")
(if (bitand 4 name)
(execute "thor:s/CfgAbbs_qwk")
(if (bitand 8 name)
(execute "thor:s/CfgMbbs_qwk")
(if (bitand 16 name)
(execute "thor:s/CfgHippo_ISO")
(if (bitand 32 name)
(execute "thor:s/CfgHippo_IBN")
(set name
(prompt "Choose the BBS Types to install:")
(help "Choose the BBS Types you are going to use with Thor" newline newline @askchoice-help)
(choices "QWK - General QWK" "QWK_ISO - General QWK with ISO charset" "QWK_NO7 - General QWK with NO7 charset" "QWK_DE7 - General QWK with DE7 charset" "QWK_SF7 - General QWK with SF7 charset")
(default 31)
(if (bitand 1 name)
(execute "thor:s/CfgQwk")
(if (bitand 2 name)
(execute "thor:s/CfgQwk_iso")
(if (bitand 4 name)
(execute "thor:s/CfgQwk_no7")
(if (bitand 8 name)
(execute "thor:s/CfgQwk_de7")
(if (bitand 16 name)
(execute "thor:s/CfgQwk_sf7")
;** Convert **
(if (= ConvertCfg Yes)
(if(= @user-level 2)
(message newline "The installer will now convert and upgrade the "
newline "message database.")
(run "Avail flush")
(run "Thor:bin/basemanager convert")
(working omp)
(run "Avail flush")
(run "Thor:bin/basemanager convert")
;(Set BBSDataUpdate No)
;** ConvertCfg **
(if (= ConvertCfg Yes)
(if(= @user-level 2)
(message newline "The installer will now convert and upgrade the "
newline "configuration datafiles for you.")
(run "thor:bin/convertConfig convert")
(working omp)
(run "thor:bin/convertConfig convert")
;(Set ConvertCfg No)
;** Fonts **
(prompt "Choose the fonts to install with Thor" newline "These are not required for Thor to run" )
(help "This will copy the default font files for Thor." newline @copyfiles-help)
(source "Thor_Install:Fonts")
(dest "Fonts:")
(choices "Grn" "Thin609" "Thin611" "Thin711")
;** LogReader **
(if (askbool
(prompt newline "Do you want the LogReader software installed?")
(help newline "The LogReader software is a program for" newline
"calculating phone-bills from logfiles." newline
newline "Select YES if you want it installed, otherwise NO")
(default 1)
; Then
(prompt "Copying LogReader files")
(help "This will copy the files needed by LogReader." newline @copyfiles-help)
(source "Thor_Install:LogReader")
(dest Thor_dir)
;** AmigaGuide **
(if (askbool
(prompt newline "Do you want the AmigaGuide" newline "program and library installed?"
newline newline "If you have a newer version of the library" newline
"on your system, it will NOT be overwritten")
(help newline "The AmigaGuide library is needed for the Thor documentation"
newline "and the online help system in Thor."
newline newline "Select YES if you want it installed, otherwise NO")
(default 1)
; Then
(prompt "Copying AmigaGuide program file")
(help "This will copy the files needed by AmigaGuide." newline @copyfiles-help)
(source "Thor_Install:AmigaGuide")
(dest "sys:Utilities")
(prompt "Copying AmigaGuide library")
(help "This will copy the AmigaGuide library." newline @copylib-help)
(source "Thor_Install:amigaguide.library")
(dest "libs:")
;** Copy the keyfile **
(if (exists "Thor_Install:THOR.key" (noreq))
; Then
(source "Thor_Install:THOR.key")
(dest "THOR:")
;***** WE ARE ALMOST DONE ****
; make sure that default-dir is pointing to the right place
(set @default-dest Thor_Dir)
(makeassign "Thor_Install")
(makeassign "Thor_Disk" (safe))
; final message for our viewers
(set end_text "Now call Ultima Thule BBS for your first message packet.")