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LogiMouse Manual LogiMouse
LogiMouse - Mouse Driver for LogiTech serial mice
(eg TrackMan trackball)
LogiMouse [-d <serial.device>]
[-u <unit>]
[-m <qualifier>|<Button>]
[-r <qualifier>|<Button>]
[-l <qualifier>|<Button>]
[-b <Baud rate>]
[-s <Stop bits>]
[-w <Read/Write len>]
A few months ago i bought a LogiTech Trackman TrackBall (which if you
haven't seen one is the most wonderfully shaped trackball known to man
(well to me..) your hand just flops over the thing... soo cumfy!), as
i have a serial card, spare serial ports where not a problem.
I chearfully grabbed sermouse from Aminet, only to find out that my
TrackMan doesn't actually use either of the protocols sermouse does..
So i wrote my own driver.
Also i wanted to swap the middle button and the right button so that
got incorperated.
To install the thing just put a line in your user-startup like
sys:bin/boot/LogiMouse -u2 -mRSH
You can alter the settings whist the driver is running, just run the
driver again with the new settings and it'll send the info to the first
instance of the driver and exit (only one instance of the driver can be
Note: You can also send LogiMouse a CTRL-C (break) to quit.
-d <serial.device> (defaults to serial.device)
-u <unit> (defaults to 0)
-q quit
-m <qualifier>|<Button> middle mouse buttion = qual. (ie shift, alt etc)/button
-r <qualifier>|<Button> right mouse buttion = qual. (ie shift, alt etc)/button
-l <qualifier>|<Button> lift mouse buttion = qual. (ie shift, alt etc)/button
-3 Reset mouse to std 3 buttons
-b <Baud rate> (defaults to 1200 (correct setting))
-s <StopBits> (defaults to 1 (correct setting))
-w <Read/Write len> (defaults to 7 (correct setting))
R Right Button
M Middle Button
L Left Button
RSHIFT (RS) Right Shift key
LSHIFT (LS) Left Shift key
RCOMMAND (RC) Right Amiga Key
LCOMMAND (LC) Left Amiga Key
RALT (RA) Right Amiga Key
LALT (LA) Left Amiga Key
CONTROL (CT) Control Ket
sys:bin/boot/LogiMouse >NIL: -u2 -mRSH
- uses unit 2 of the serial.device, middle button is mapped
to right shift (only have to specify enough of the qualifier to
differentiate between it and other qualifiers)
LogiMouse >NIL: -lR -rL -mRC
- use serial.device, unit 0, swap left and right mouse buttons, map
middle mouse button to right control key
LogiMouse -q
- Quit driver
If there are not enough resources for LogiMouse to run it will exit
(this is not very likely - it doesn't exactly use much mem.)
Remember: If the mouse driver is not running you cannot use your
LogiTech mouse, for example the early startup screen, or canceling
GURUs that have reset your Ami.
DragIT Commodity refuses to work at all with my driver.
(in 4 months of constant use this is the only problem i have found
with the 'normal' functions of the mouse (ie 3 buttons))
The Qualifiers (discluding swapping buttons and having shift as a
button) should be considered as a bonus.. ie wether they'll work with
a program depends on how the program reads the information from the
NB They're only qualifiers - not keypresses!
(personally i'm just using my mouse as a standard 3 button mouse at the
moment, using yak by Gaël Marziou and Philippe Bastiani to use the
middle button as shift and also as window to front/back)
Feel free to email me with bug-reports/suggestions etc (i may even
act upon them)
Doesn't work with your LogiTech serial mouse?
NB LogiMouse requires a serial port/device that can be set to 7N1
(7 read/write bits, no parity, 1 stopbit). (this is not as simple as it
sounds.. 7N1 is completely alien to the Amiga.. The internal serial port
(on my 4000 anyway) does not support it. Note again that some serial
drivers will say they've set it when they actually haven't.. <ARGG>).
If LogiMouse just exits then there are 3 possibilities - it cannot
allocate necessary resources, the serial port is in use, or the serial
port does not support the settings LogiMouse wants.
NB some serial.drivers (eg the one from C=) lie - they say they've set
the serial.port ok when in fact they haven't (this will cause the mouse
to go absolutly mental and jump all over the screen doing all sorts
of things on the way..).
If anyone knows a way to get round this (somehow converting 8N1 data
to 7N1???) please get in touch with me.
Needs OS 2.04 or higher.
Spare serial port that supports 7N1 (such as the C= A2232 serial card).
(NB the internal port doesn't support 7N1 (well mine doesn't)).
LogiTech Mouse that uses the 'MouseMan' protocol, eg the TrackMan trackball
(if you have a LogiTech Mouse that won't work with sermouse/optmouse or any
of the other serial drivers around, then it prob. uses this protocol
(maybe.. ;-) ))
Simon Richardson
Simon Richardson 1994 - 1995.
LogiMouse is emailware (if you like it let me know)
Freely Distributable, (c) 1994-95 Simon Richardon
If LogiMouse steals your dog, has an affair with your wife,
implodes your hard disk etc etc then its a real shame.. but then
its free init??
LogiMouse has been running on my Amiga for over 4 months with no
problems (so i think its fairly stable.. ;-) )
LogiMouse definitly works with my mouse.. (LogiTech TrackMan
(Series 9 if mem. serves)) No guarantees it'll work with yours
(but if it doesn't and your mouse is a LogiTech mouse - tell me
(and if you send me some output from SerDiag i might even get it
to work for you)).
Also if it don't work read the 'Doesn't work with your LogiTech
serial mouse?' bit in BUGS/PROBLEMS above.
If you like it, use it.. If you hate it delete it.
1.03 08/02/95 First Aminet release.
1.04 29/03/95 Got some email from a chap with a MouseMan mouse..
which doesn't work with this driver.
(Humm didn't i say LogiMouse uses the 'MouseMan'
protocol? (it does honest..))
Added -b <baud>, -s <StopBits>, -w <Read/Write len>
to (hopefully) help LogiMouse work with the MouseMan
1.05 Bugfix: Now skips mouse handshake MSG.
1.051 05/04/95 LogiMouse now exits if the serial.device used tells
it that it cannot set the hardware to 7N1 (some
serial.devices lie of course.. )
1.052 17/05/95 BugFix: Middle mouse button no longer pressed on startup
humm didn't i already fix this ? ;-)
Switched off SC's optimisation (funny feeling its occasionally
causing LogiMouse to loose signals on some machines.. very
strange, i hope this helps (i haven't had this problem but
apparently its there.. ???)
1.053 17/05/95 Tided code up some (removed some unness. bits), optmised
code in the process.
Added '030 version to the archive
A.J.terSteege, Emilio Desalvo, Erik Hill for telling me that LogiMouse
doesn't work with their mice (and either sending me output
or trying to from SerDiag).. Enabling me to work out (with the help
of several serial.devices, ports and Amigas) that setting 7N1 on an
Amiga is a bitch.
Sorry i cannot solve this (but if anyone can.. mail me!).
Andreas Baum for finnally getting me to fix the middle mouse button
thing again and everyone else who's written with cheerful msgs
'Hi, like your driver, but it doesn't work...' <GRR> ;-)