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amigaguide.library Release Notes
Dec-9-90 33.162
o Added buttons along the bottom. Contents, Index, Help, Retrace,
Previous & Next page.
o Added Retrace. This allows you to follow your path in the reverse
o Added Menus, with Close Window, Quit, and some navigation items.
o Added new keyword @TOC <node name>. This allows you to specify the
Table of Contents for a sub-area. Selecting the Contents menu item
from the Navigation menu will take you to the Table of Contents for
a node.
o Able to open a non-database file again. Preparing to allow links to
other files.
o Modified the link function to accept a line arguement. This allows a
link to go to a particular line of a node. Only available to the
Retrace function at the current time.
o Pressing Help cause the system to do an ALINK HELP. Currently there
isn't a default help node, so your database has to supply it.
o Forgot to do a refresh if TableOfContents was called from the menu.
o Flushed out more enforcer hits & mungwall hits.
o Added nh_PubScreen to the NewHyper structure to indicate what public
screen it should open on.
o Fixed bug that caused nodes with no pure text lines to display
o Cleaned up database open & closed. New scheme allows for databases to
be opened without a client.
o Added OpenHyperBase() and CloseHyperBase() commands to the ARexx function
o Cleaned up menus. Uses GadTools under 2.0, plain hard-coded topaz8 menus
under 1.3.
o Fixed a couple of enforcer hits.
o Disabled the "Print As..." menu item until I have requester for it.
o Added BrowsePrev and BrowseNext features. Not accessable yet.
o Added simple clipboard support. You can just copy an entire node to
the clipboard, no block selection yet.
o Changed labels back to full text.
o Cleaned up gadgets. Borders and arrows.
o One of node locators wasn't case insensitive like the rest. Couldn't
find MAIN if it was named Main, for example.
o Started converting event processor to be an Event Dispatcher. Saves
LOTS of space and is much more user configurable.
o Worked on Browse. If @PREV and @NEXT aren't used, then defaults to
browsing back & forth through nodes that share the same @TOC (in
node order).
o Was adding the nodes to the node list in alphabetical order. This
caused problems when doing the default Browse function. Now I just
AddTail the nodes to the node list. Added an additional list that I
keep an alphabetized node list on (for when I do a default Index).
o Cleaned up text, centralized in a text table.
o Cleaned up window titles.
o Cleaned up loading of a node, cleaner error handling.
o Improved interface for standalone applications.
o Added "Find Node..." requester (window). Not quite perfect yet...
o Add some virtual screen smarts.
o Cleaned up virtual screen stuff.
o Worked on callback hooks some more.
o LINK and ALINK now allow a line# parameter (comes after the node
o Added DNODE node specifier.
o Implemented callback hooks for DNODE (Dynamic Node).
o Can now load an external file. Uses the SAS functions stcgfp to get the
document name and the stcgfn to get the node name. So, to load
intuition.h, use "include:intuition/intuition.h/Main".
o If there was more than one button, in one document, that was exactly the
same, then navigation would get extremely screwed.
o Corrected all sorts of button problems.
o Implemented a text environment variable to set button style:
where style can mutually exclusively be:
o Implemented an environment variable to set pens (all seven pens have to
be set).
a = Background Pen
b = Button Text Pen
c = Button Background Pen
d = Highlighted Button Text Pen
e = Highlighted Button Background Pen
f = Outline Pen
g = Highlight Outline Pen
o Added an RXS command for sending ARexx string files.
o Changed RX to invoke macros, instead of sending a string file.
o Set up pr_HomeDir when running asynchronous.
o Added SYSTEM command. No need to do RXS "ADDRESS COMMAND <>" anymore.
o Asynchronous HyperClient process is now a Cli process. Inherits its
path, input and output from the calling process. If the calling
process doesn't have a Cli structure, then the Workbench Cli structure
will be cloned. Keyword here is PATH.
o Didn't do an OS version check when doing a GetVPModeID, therefore
it crashed under 1.3
o Added @REMARK keyword. Doesn't do anything, used (in addition to ;;)
for remarks.
o Added @MASTER keyword. Used to indicate the complete name (with path)
of the source document that was used to build a HyperText document.
Reference use only, currently.
o Wrote the AutodocToHyperText conversion utility.
o Updated HyperText to use ReadArgs if 2.0 or above. Template is
o If using a public screen, then do a ScreenToFront on it after getting
a lock on it.
o Fixed crash that occurred when doing CloseWindow from menu when
running MungWall.
o Fixed apparent hang-up when a callback hook failed.
o Changed snapshot window position to per-screen instead of per-window.
o Fixed false button problem.
o Added left arrow to cycle backward through links, right arrow to scroll
forward through links.
o Using arrow keys to scroll while a button was depressed didn't abort
the button.
o Would perform callback to open a DNODE even if there wasn't a close
callback. Now requires both an open & close callback in order to
do a DNODE.
o Browse Forward menu item called the BrowsePrevFunc under 1.3
o RetraceFunc, HelpFunc, and ContentsFunc were setting a flag to the
wrong value, hence the funky scroll & eventual lockup experienced
by Martin.
o Did cosmetic work to the Find requester.
o More AD2HT work...
o IsLink function didn't calculate TABS properly.
o Hopefully the last change to the NewHyper structure. Added fields to
specify the Node and Line to open to. Didn't want to use tags for it,
because it adds too much power to be missing from the 1.3 version.
o Added LoadXRef function to load a cross reference file into memory.
o Added ExpungeXRef function to expunge a cross reference list from
o Add DOCUMENT and LINE keywords to HyperMore. If DOCUMENT is specified,
but not DATABASE, then DATABASE is supplied by the cross reference
o Now support the following functions as an ARexx function host:
Display a node on the named screen. Defaults to the Main node, on the
Workbench screen. If DATABASE isn't specified, then will search
through the cross reference list to get the database name. This
function won't return until the user has closed all windows opened
for this function.
Load a cross reference file into memory.
Return information on NODE. Format of the text string returned is
Flush the cross reference list from memory.
o Display Wait pointer and Loading... title when loading a cross
reference database.
o ESC and Q call CloseFunc instead of QuitFunc.
o Wasn't showing first and last line of a text file.
o Wouldn't show a text file that started with @.
o Moved buttons to top of window.
o Smoother scrolling.
o Smarter gadget imagry.
o Updated HYPERPENS environment variable to set text pen.
a = Background pen
b = Button text pen
c = Button background pen
d = Highlighted button text pen
e = Highlighted button background pen
f = Outline pen
g = Highlight outline pen
h = Text on background pen
For example:
will give a very sharp look.
o Quit now calls CloseAllWindows instead of exiting, when asynchronous.
o TOC can be an external file now.
o Added FindString and FindNext.
o Buttons can now contain {}'s. Needed for nodes that contain
C source (like Autodocs).
o Now loads global help file, from S:help.hyper for now.
o Automatically unloads external databases when done with them.
o History now retains database and node name, in case the database
is unloaded and needs to be reloaded.
o Finished up on AddHyperHost()/RemoveHyperHost() and the corresponding
support for HyperHost's.
o Minor code cleanup. Found an enforcer hit when working with AppShell
and no hyper file.
o Cleanup on AD2HT. Now resolves links to .h files better. No more
garbage at the end of lines with ()) in them.
21-May-91 33.699
o AD2HT was broken under 1.3. Also didn't provide enough error messages
when running under 1.3
o Button repeat uses the KeyRpt preference values.
o Keyboard repeat uses normal key repeat routines instead of loop.
22-May-91 33.723
o Implemented path searching for databases and cross reference
tables. Refreshes the global path at every library open time, from
the HYPERPATH environment variable.
SetEnv HyperPath "WORK:Autodocs/Libs WORK:Autodocs/Devs INCLUDE:"
o Made OpenE() and LockE() public functions, so that AmigaGuide
utilities can share the same path.
o Fixed two memory trashing bugs. One with > > RETRACE > and the
other with closing the Find window.
3-June-91 33.854
o Made AD2HT use the hyper.library cross reference list.
o Added XREFFILE, LOGFILE, FROM and TO tool type processing to
o Changed proportional gadget to have a border.
o No longer does a WindowToFront when displaying a document.
o Fixed minimum width bug.
4-June-91 33.864
o Wasn't using correct sprintf (needed RawDoFmt version).
o HyperMore gave enforcer hit when exiting if run from Workbench.
o AD2HT wasn't honoring window title bar height.
o Print was only printing selected lines.
o Bring up busy pointer while outputing lines (print, clipboard, etc).
o Misspelled usage.
o Changed HyperText to HyperMore in the HyperMore utility.
o Cross reference won't load duplicates anymore.
o Changed all names from Hyper to AmigaGuide
o Optimized code some.
o Find requester now has checkmarks for "Ignore Case" and
"Only Whole Words".
o Fixed enforcer problems with Find.
o RX, RXS and SYSTEM now work again.
o Scroll by gadget doesn't throw off the LINK display command anymore.
o Didn't display tabs properly when there were links in the line.
o Added @$VER: database command for indicating version of a database.
@$VER: name version.revision (day.month.year)
o Menus & gadgets are now localized, using locale.library.
o Added horizontal slider.
o Retrace restores column and active link.
o Retrace will always remember line, column and active link point now.
o Closes Find window if exiting AmigaGuide via CloseWindow or Quit.
o Optimized the GetLink routine (used to determine where mouse was).
05-Oct-91 33.1235
o Add PrintSelected.
o Added SetBookMark and GotoBookMark.
o Added GetAmigaGuideString() library function for obtaining a localized AmigaGuide string.
o Added double-click on any text to look it up in the cross-reference table.
o Made buttons act like gadgets (move off of them they raise, move back on they depress).
o V39 NewLook menu support
o Mark block pointer added
18-Oct-91 33.1272
o Uses CDTV keypad and bookmark.device if running on a CDTV
23-Oct-91 33.1275
Free's icon position
No longer GURU's when creating a cross-reference file (XREF)
Sorts cross-reference file before writing it out.
No longers uses the .hyper extension.
o SYSTEM now uses a stack of 40000.
o Added quotes to bookmark command.
o AmigaGuide, the utility, now uses a ReadArgs-like clone under 1.3
o Find requester was simple refresh, but not handling events.
o Recompiled with SAS/C 5.10b (lots of work!!!)
o Added XREF/K keyword to the AmigaGuide utility. This is used to
specify the cross reference file that is associated with the file.
The default is the file name, plus .xref.
o Changed the autodoc.xref file name to autodocs.xref
o AD2HT default cross-reference file is now autodocs.xref
o Fixed requester trashing problem.
o Fixed empty node trashing problem.
amigaguide.library 34.4
o Wasn't freeing the library base properly when expunging.
amigaguide.library 34.8
o Now sets the ofh_TOC, ofh_Next and ofh_Prev from dynamic node hosts.
o Now handles 8 bit-plane deep screens.
o No longer ghosts NEXT button if the last node has a @NEXT
o No longer ghosts PREV button if the first node has a @PREV
o AD2AG no longers provides an unwanted MungWall hit when
parsing include files.
o No longer displays silly little vertical bars when
encountering V39 attribute commands.
o / is now a keyboard shortcut for Retrace (like in MultiView).
amigaguide.library 34.9
o Fixed a bug in LoadXRef() that would cause it to drop names.
o Added AGA_WorkPath and AGA_WorkNode attributes to GetAmigaGuideAttr().
The destination path should be at least 300 bytes and the node name
should be at least 128 bytes.
/* If we can get one of these, we can get the other */
if (GetAmigaGuideAttr (AGA_WorkPath, aghandle, (ULONG *) &paddr))
GetAmigaGuideAttr (AGA_WorkNode, aghandle, (ULONG *) &naddr);
printf ("database='%s', node='%s'\n", path, node);
This feature allows your utilities to remember the last node visited,
so that the database can be brought back up at the same place.
amigaguide.library 34.10
o Now checks for the presence of nag_BaseName and if NULL supplies
amigaguide.library 34.11
o Recompiled with SAS/C 6.3
o Wasn't handling improperly terminated link commands properly. It would
end up trashing memory. Now will terminated at the end of a line.
o new AG_V34 include/libraries/amigaguide.h for V34 AG development only
(i.e. don't overwrite a V39 amigaguide.h with this)