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/* Epson FX-850 driver readme file */
******* DISCLAIMER *******
The two programs contained in this package had been tested and
they probed to be reliable. However, I can not (and I will not) be
responsible for any damage resulting of their use. It's your own risk and
******* HISTORY *******
I started writing this package for a good friend of mine, to help
him with his pixel accurate printings of DPaint drawn PCBoards (?) (Yes,
we do not have a smArtwork clone and have to do silly thing like that...)
it really works on his Citizen 200 printer (B&W only was tested, but the
driver supports color printing).
Both drivers were compiled under Lattice C 5.00 on my A500.
Thanks to the Technical Reference Series for the information to build the
drivers. Tested on Opus Directory 4.0, ProWrite 3.3, Wordworth 2.0, ADPro
2.0, Image F/X 2.5, Page Stream 2.2 (through Preferences driver), and Art
Expression 1.0 under WB3.0 on my A1200. I think it is enough for a test...
******* COPYRIGHT *******
This is an unregistered work, it's shareware, and what I try to
mean is "should you like it, use it; if you find it useful, send a $10
donation to my address. Please keep all files together and do not change
the copyright.
******* DESCRIPTION *******
Epson FX-850 is a standard driver, it behaves as the commodore
provided Epson driver, except that it does not do overprints to fake
international characters, it just uses them; so text speed is better.
Graphically speaking, it adds some nice LX-800 densities as 72 x 72
(square pixel) for plotting and 144 x 72 to dump my friend's 640 x 256
PC Board drawings....
Epson FX-850-turbo adds an impressingly fast feature, it
compresses white spaces on the left and also vertically !!! Try printing a
centered small picture and get astonished !
Both drivers support the following densities:
| DENSITY | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
| XDPI | 72 | 144 | 144 | 120 | 120 | 240 | 240 |
| YDPI | 72 | 72 | 144 | 72 | 144 | 144 | 216 |
| PASSES | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 |
Please send any bugs, comments, suggestions, programs, and of course
donations to the following address:
Sergio R. Caprile
Pje. Terrada 4789
(1874) Avellaneda
Bs.As. - Argentina
I can be reached at sergio.caprile@itbace.edu.ar
Epson and Citizen are registered trade marks.