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FILE: readme.txt - 7/1/91
The DISK-Masher
Copyright (c) 1989-1991 SDS Software
This archive contains the following files for use with the Amiga
series of personal computers.
README.TXT - The file you are now reading.
DMS - The DISK-Masher version 1.11 TURBO CLI/Shell GENERIC version
DMS.doc - Online documentation to The DISK-Masher
Update.doc - Latest version update documentation.
Notice.txt - An important notice to Warp/UnWarp users.
DMS111.EXE - Self-extracting archive containing the above files. It
has been padded out to a multiple of 1024 bytes so it
does not need to 'chopped' if transferred via modem.
This has been done for security purposes to prevent
bogus versions from being spread.
Please note that the only official distributions of DMS will be
through the self-extracting archive DMSxxx.EXE . Any other versions
that you may receive are not authorized and may be a trojan horse or
virus of some kind. If you suspect as much, please write to SDS Software
before using any unauthorized programs.
The DISK-Masher (DMS) is Copyright (c) 1989-1991 by SDS Software.
It is NOT Public Domain. The CLI/Shell GENERIC version is freely
distributable provided the following rules:
1. No charge excepting reasonable media costs may be charged.
2. The program and documentation may not be modified in any way.
3. Only the self-extracting archive DMSxxx.EXE may be distributed
SDS Software will be in no way liable for damages, incidental, or
consequential, arising from the use or misuse of The DISK-Masher or for
any other claim by any other party. Use this program at your own risk.
No warranty is given, either expressed or implied. Terms of registration
are subject to change without notice.
If you have any suggestions, complaints, questions, or bug reports,
please write to us and be sure to include your full name, address,
phone number, and computer configuration.
SDS Software.
Suite 126
4885-A Mcknight Rd.
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Amiga is a trademark of Commodore-Amiga, Inc.