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This file describes changes made to Lharc for the Amiga since vers. 0.31
- Vers. 0.33 3-Sept-89
-15% faster in compressing files
-lharc no more crashes while archiving/listing zero length files
-if T: is not assigned, temporary files go to current directory
-Lharc now checks if a file is already in the archive before adding it
-the add command used to try to add to the archive the archive itself!
-other small bugs removed
- Vers. 0.50 15-Sept-89
-added command 'move'
-added command 'delete'
-added command 'update'
-added command 'freshen'
-added wildcard '*' as a synonim of '#?'
-if a new archive is created but no files are added, an empty archive is
no longer left behind
-sometimes Lharc crashed if you tried to unpack a corrupted archive
-other small bugs removed
- Vers 1.0 27-Oct-89
-now checks if a file already exists and asks for confermation before
-switch p pauses lharc after loading (to allow swapping of floppies)
-switch m suppresses confermation questions
-switch x stores/extracts files complete with path names (if needed, directories
are automatically created)
-switch n suppresses the progress indicators
-switch w lets you choose your own directory for temporary files
-switch P lets you choose Lharc's priority
-switch a stores/extracts files complete with their attributes
-switch r recursively collects files to be added (you can now store an entire
disk, complete with directories, with one single command)
-switch u converts file names to uppercase (for 100% MSDOS compatibility)
-wild cards now allowed in archive names (you can now issue commands like
"lharc v *.lzh")
-totally automatic handling of corrupted archives
-name for temporary files is now Lharc.TMP_XXXXXX, where XXXXXX is an hex number
rapresenting the address of Lharc's Task structure (so you can now execute
multiple copies of lharc at the same time)
-file names are no more converted to lowercase
-date of extracted files is now preserved
-better I/O buffering makes it faster with floppies
-Vers 1.10 29-Jan-90
-Compression is now 20%-50% faster (depending on the type of file)
-Decompression is now 17% faster
-Files beeing added can now be sorted alphabetically or chronologically,
both in ascending or descending order (default is alpha ascending sort)
-Autoshow files: if your archive contains an important text file and you
want to be sure taht the one who unpacks the archive reads it (for
example a copyright notice or some special instructions for unpacking),
you can tell Lharc to dislpay the text in a window immediately after
extracting it.
-Now the extract, list and delete commands have the -x switch activated by
default, so you will no more miss path names bacause you forgot that
switch. Anyway if you ignore path names (by overriding the above
default) a warning is printed
-Corrected the famous bug in the 'move' command: multiple files can now
be correctly moved through the use of wildcards
-For convenience of scripts fans, new return code 5 (indicating a minor
problem) has been added besides the usual 0 ('everyting OK') and 20
('fatal error').
-A more intelligent memory allocation tecnique: now lharc will require
less memory while working on archives with a lot of entries.
-New progress indicator display
-Messages that require an interaction with the user (such as 'File
exists: overwrite?') are now sent to stderr so that there is no problem
when the user redirects the output of LHarc to a file.
-Minor bugs removed
-Version 1.20 29-jun-1990
-Faster! With respect to version 1.10, Lharc is now 15% faster in
compression and an amazing 35% faster in decompression.
-The program is now 'pure', i.e. it can be made resident just like the
AmigaDOS commands found in the C directory. (A 'must' for floppy users!)
-Lharc now stores file comments (i.e. filenotes) as well and still
retains full compatibility with previous versions and with MSDOS
(thanks to Stefan Boberg for suggesting how to do that!).
You can turn off this feature with the new switch '-f'.
Please note that there is now a difference between the 'l' and 'v'
commands: 'l' will show the archive contents but won't show any comments
that may be contained in the archive, while 'v' will show them, too.
-You can now store your favourite switch configuration in the
environment variable 'LHARC' so that you don't have to type the
switches every time.
-User selectable I/O buffer size. The new '-b' switch lets you choose
yourself the size of I/O buffers. Increasing the I/O buffer size can
considerably speed up some operations (especially with hard-disks).
-No more useless directory scannigs when wildcards are not used to
specify files to be archived.
-Increased to 64 the maximum number of arguments that may be present in
the command line (this should satisfy those using shells that perform
wildcard expansion on the command line)
Moreover, the command line parsing is now more intelligent and will no
more misunderstand a mispelled command line.
-Those who are low on memory may appreciate the fact that now Lharc saves
24K of memory while decompressing with respect to version 1.10.
In spite of the new features added, the program is also 7K shorter!
-Now correctly adds the .LZH estension even if there is a period in the
PATH name of the archive.
-Other minor bugs removed.
-Version 1.21 08-Aug-1990
No new features in this version, just a few bug fixes
-Read-from-location-zero bug eliminated: now Lharc works even if
memory location zero (which usually contains a 0) as been altered.
-Now Lharc cretes archives with the correct name even if the part
of the path name referring to the device contains a period.
-It as been reported that Lharc 1.20 sometimes crashed while
reading corrupted archives: I could not reproduce the problem,
but it should be fixed in this version
-Version 1.30 25-Oct-1990
-Slightly faster
-The new -i switch lets Lharc read the list of files to be archived/extracted
from a file (including stdin, so that, for example, you can easily select
the files to be added with some utility like 'grep' or 'find' and then
pipe the list of files to Lharc).
-The new -d switch tells Lharc to set the date of the archive to the date of
the most recent file included in the archive.
-The new -c switch lets you archive/extract files in interactiove mode: for
each file you'll be asked something like "Compress? (yes, no, all, none)"
-Greatly enhanced sorting functions: you can now choose between case
sensitive and case-insensitive alpha-sorting; you can even choose between
gobal sorting and sorting local to each subdirectory. (see the -S switch)
-Lharc can now store empty directories: this allows you to perfectly
recreate a directory tree (very useful for software developers who want
to use Lharc for reducing the number of their distribution disks (but please
see Lharc.doc for commercial use of Lharc!))
See the -r switch for details and remeber that archives containing empty
dirs are NOT compatible with MSDOS-Lharc
-By popular demand, the -a switch is now activated by default, i.e. Amiga
file attributes will be preserved by default. Use -a0 to turn this
feature off.
-Fine tuned for taking better advantage of big I/O buffers: specifiing a
big I/O buffer with the -b switch could, in some circumstances, cause an
overhead that actually slowed down operations: this problem has been
reduced in this version.
-A more intelligent command line parser reduces the risk of performing
unwanted operations (such as deleting the entire content of an archive) by
-Newly created archives have now the flags ----rw-d rather than ----rwed
(since an archive is not an executable!)
-Corrected a bug in the alpha-sorting routine that caused files to be
sometimes incorrectly sorted.
-Other minor bugs removed.
Please refer to Lharc.doc for a more complete explaination of these new