Labels:bulletin board | earth | planking | sky OCR: We are little creatures; Vowels all of us have different features. One of us in glass set; one of US you'll find in jet. Another you may see in tin and the fourth boxed within If the fifth you should pursue it can never fly from you What are we? Ido not breathe, but| run and jump Lea Ido not eat butl swim and stretch Ido not drink but sleep and stand ldo not think but | grow and play Ido not see but you see me every day Always wax yet always wane: Candle I melt myself with my own flame Lighting darkness, with fate unblessed, soon devolve tc shapeless mess With potent flowery words speak I, Riddle Of something common vulgar dry; lweave webs of pedantic prose In effort befuddle those Who think lwile time away, In lofty things above all day The common kind that linger where Monadic beings liv ...