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/ Igromania 2002 November / Igromania_11.iso / Magazine / Gallery / Razlom / HeartsOfIron / HoI_09.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2002-10-17  |  75KB  |  800x600  |  24-bit (109,768 colors)
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OCR: 7678 5867 70 %0 1600 January 4 1936 6492 5268 34 132 Budget; 13 33.0 PenicillinDDT and Mepacrin 1Cfor90day Start Project Blood Transfusions TC for90days Start Project Early Haiftrack Troop Carrie or90day Start Project Ef fective Land Mines 5ICfor88 idays, ETA:400AprT16 1936 ServiceRifle 5IG for88 days ETA 5:00April16.1936 BasicDivisional Signal Comma 5|Cfor88days ETA:7:00 Apri 16 1938 Improved Inf antry Weapon 21Cfor58days ETA9:00March 16.1936 0:00 January3 1936 Germany sent VII Army Corps as aloanto Italy. 0:00 January4, 1936 Netherlands entereda Military Aliance with Unit ed Kingdom andP France Penicillin Mepacrine SICfor S0days Transt TUsions Rifle Basio 00Januarv AuewJay entered Alliance