Labels:clock | map OCR: AIEHBICKHH 00000000 Parthe TEMO tarmn Ternosbre lyCTOn Irsomniac Proudly Present Islands TD! V1.23 There's chaos on the islands once again... The island ninioTaros inhabitants have taken refuge in the Castle and have V aroP need onsiaugi the peons te defend them against the PIGOPON Good Luek arerb insomniacan nsomnia eninolgeron Binild Dalte 10/24/09 TAAE arpy3Ka IEHBCKHH NETHTEO THEMD Ternosbe XOAMN Insomniac Presents Isiands VL23 isand Myaro onslaught asainst Luck aninotneron 3arpysKa