Millennium Time Capsule
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How to traduce...
I have done my best to make Joe program easy to traduce. The only things
which are to be changed for others languages is the RSC and the JXM files.
The RSC will be edited with RSC editor such as INTERFACE, WERCS or RSC3. You
can modify all text save the program informations ("About the..."). But be
carefull to respect the objects order. You can put your name in the
"Information" window-dial, between my name and the scroll-text, and reSort
the form-dial (the scroll text MUST be the last object).
Please do not change the state or flags of the objects.
You only have to traduce the JOE_NB.RSC file. You can copy and paste for the
JOE_C.RSC the icon-bar and the 3D-menu. Then RESPECT the order of trees in
the RSC.
If you're not sure of your manipulations in a dial, just Sort it.
The JXM files will be edited under Joe (or another text editor). Just
translate the first line, the first 30 caracters of this line are taken by
Joe to put them in the module calling pop-up.
As you well know, keyboards are not the same. The Control+Key works without
restriction form a country to another, but not the Alternate+Key. Therefore,
for the text macro, you have to modify specifically someting in the RSC
file : you will see in the "définir les macros" an image of the keyboard.
Modify it to correspond to the keyboard of your language. Use
major case letter (A to Z) and respect above all the order of the objects :
reSort them to have a new key map.
All that is not A to Z is considered as dead key.
I would appreciate you also traduce a part of the documentation (user's guide
If you think your traducing work is worth, then you can distribute what you
have traduce as shareware, but you have no rights on the PRG files (JOE.PRG
and JOE_modules are free), and no rights on another traduction (even if in
the same language as yours). The French and English Packs I have done are
entire freewares.