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Pure C isn't
If you have an Atari ST which has been upgraded with a 68882 maths
co-processor (FPU) you may have run into problems using programs
compiled with Pure C or Pure Pascal.
The Pure C/Pascal compilers insert code in a program to detect the
presence of an FPU and to use it if it is there.
On 68020/68030 equipped machines it calls subroutines written in FPU
machine code but on a 68000 equipped machine it has to use subroutines
which emulate the CPU/FPU communication protocol built into the 68020
and later chips.
The problem is that the code in Pure C/Pascal is not a true emulation
of that protocol. The CPU should read a response from the FPU and react
as requested, but the emulation code waits for an expected response and
does nothing until it gets it. The 68882 in many cases gives a
different response from that given by the 68881. This is because the
68882 is 'pipelined'. It divides the execution of an floating point
instruction into an interpretation/addressing phase and a calculation
phase and is prepared to release the CPU to process in parallel with it
at the end of the first phase.
The following programs have been tested and appear to work OK:
- Pre v1.5 versions of CAB. CAB was doing floating point calculations,
(although Alexander denies it).
- Kandinsky: Contains 5 subroutines to be patched.
- HDDriver Utility program (partitioning won't work without the patch)
- DAVector (demo version)
- Zorg registered version (the un-registered version appears to unpack
itself at run-time - in any case this patching program won't fix it)
- Five-to-Five
- Gemview v2.24 (and maybe other versions).
- Atari CD Master from Homa Systems House (INFOPEDI.PRG and
The patch program may well work on other problem programs but neither I
nor Atari Computing accept any liability or responsibility for any
direct or indirect damage that may arise, either financial, material or
any other kind from either the use or misuse of this software and
associated documentation. All trademarks used are recognised and
The following is a dissassembly of the standard Pure C FPU subroutine
for operations between two floating point inputs. The entry to the code
is at line 3. On entry a0 and a1 point to two floating point operands
in memory and d2 contains the opcode for the FPU instruction to be
1 l0 move.w #3,-14(a2) ; reset FPU (doesn't clear interrupts on
2 movea.l d1,a2 ; restore saved a2 - see line 4
3 moveq #$7F,d0 ; set time-out value
; **** entry point of subroutine ****
4 move.l a2,d1 ; save a2
5 lea -$5B0,a2 ; address of FPU operand register
6 l1 cmpi.w #$802,-16(a2) ; read FPU status - $802 means FPU idle
7 dbeq d0,l1 ; wait for idle
8 move.w #$4800,-6(a2) ; opcode - CPU tells FPU to accept an
; floating point number
9 l2 cmpi.w #$960C,-16(a2) ; FPU asks CPU to pass it 12 bytes
10 dbeq d0,l2 ; wait for response
11 move.l (a0),(a2) ; a0 points to first floating point number
; in memory
12 move.l 2(a0),(a2) ; Pure C packs floating point number into
; 10 bytes
13 move.l 6(a0),(a2) ; last 4 bytes of floating point number
14 l3 cmpi.w #$802,-16(a2) ; read FPU status again
15 dbeq d0,l1 ; wait for idle
16 move.w d2,-6(a2) ; pass opcode to FPU
17 l4 cmpi.w #$960C,-16(a2) ; FPU asks CPU to pass it 12 bytes
18 dbeq d0,l4 ; wait for response
19 move.l (a1),(a2) ; a1 points to second floating point number
; in memory
20 move.l 2(a1),(a2)
21 move.l 6(a1),(a2) ; last 4 bytes of floating point number
22 l5 cmpi.w #$802,-16(a2) ; read FPU status again
23 dbeq d0,l5 ; wait for idle
24 move.w #$6800,-6(a2) ; CPU asks FPU to hand over result
25 l6 cmpi.w #$B20C,-16(a2) ; FPU asks CPU to store 12 bytes
26 dbeq d0,l6 ; wait for response
27 BNE.S l0 ; try again if failed
28 move.l (a2),(a0) ; store result
29 move.l (a2),2(a0)
30 move.l (a2),6(a0)
31 movea.l d1,a2 ; restore a2
32 rts ; and exit
The responses looked for at lines 9, 17 and 25 have meanings bit by
bit. For example, the C at the end of $960C does ask for 12 bytes.
However, the bit of interest is the msb, called the 'come again' bit.
The 68881 wants the CPU to check with it again so it has that bit set,
giving $960C, whereas the 68882 responds with $160C at both lines 9 and
17. At line 25 the 68882 will respond with $320C EXCEPT when the
operation creates an exception, such as division by zero, when it
responds with $B20C, as does the 68881 at all times.
Note that checking for the incorrect response does not of itself
prevent the program from working on the 68882. The DBEQ loops at l2, l4
and l6 will terminate and the program will run, although slowly. It is
the test at line 27 that is the killer. Because the preceeding dbeq has
cleared the zero bit, the branch will be taken and the code goes into
an infinite loop, which is how the program dies.
The code can be made to work on both a 68881 and 68882 simply by
replacing the BNE.S l0 ($668E) with an NOP ($4E71) but it will run
considerably faster on a 68881. If the two occurrences of $960C are
changed to $160C and the $B20C to $320C the 68882 will have the
Most Pure C or Pascal programs contain several similar subroutines, one
for each type of calculation that floating point numbers are involved
in, in those programs. Each requires patching.
Ideally, programmers doing floating point calculations in Pure C or
Pure Pascal should modify the library code so that the FPU response is
read into a CPU register and the msb masked off or set before testing.
Then the code would run reasonably quickly on either chip.
Here's a HiSoft BASIC listing for FIX_FPU.PRG a program which patches
another program complied using either PURE C or PURE PASCAL so it will
run on an Atari equipped with a 68000 and 68882 FPU.
The FPU support code in both Pure C and Pure Pascal appears identical
in both compilers.
No guarantee is offered that the information in this distribution is
correct but if you do find any mistakes let me know and I'll do my best
to put them right!
David Leaver
10 Goodparla St,
Hawker, ACT 2614
Email: leaver@netinfo.com.au
Notes concerning the program listing
The odd bit of code around the call to dgetpath is there because, as
far as I can tell, the library routine doesn't work as documented. It
wants the buffer address and returns a TOS/C style string rather than a
BASIC string.
LIBRARY "gemdos", "gemaes"
? "PurePatch patches programs complied using either"
? "PURE C or PURE PASCAL so that it will run on an"
? "Atari equipped with a 68000 and 68882"
? : ?
? " ******** WARNING *********"
? "The input file is overwritten - if you have not"
? "backed it up, choose CANCEL at the file selector"
? : ?
? "Press a key to continue"
while inkey$ = ""
drive$ = CHR$(FNdgetdrv% + 65)
path$ = "" : filename$ = ""
for i% = 1 to 128 : path$ = path$ + CHR$(0) : next i%
dgetpath sadd(path$) , 0
fullpath$ = drive$ + ":"
i% = 1
temp$ = mid$(path$,i%,1)
while ASC(temp$) <> 0
fullpath$ = fullpath$ + temp$
i% = i% +1
temp$ = MID$(path$,i%,1)
fullpath$ = fullpath$ + "\*.*"
fsel_input fullpath$, filename$, ok%
if ok% = 0 then end
clearw 2
? "Patching ";filename$
? : ? "could take a minute ot two........"
drive$ = LEFT$(fullpath$,1)
fullpath$ = MID$(fullpath$,3,128)
i% = LEN(fullpath$)
while RIGHT$(fullpath$,1) <> "\"
i% = i%-1
fullpath$ = LEFT$(fullpath$, i%)
drivemap% = FNdsetdrv%(ASC(drive$)-65)
if FNdsetpath%(fullpath$)<>0 THEN
? " Error in setting path : "; fullpath$
end if
handle% = FNfopen%(filename$,2)
if handle% < 0 then
? " Error opening file - # "; handle%
end if
buffer$ = CHR$(0)
repeat readloop
readbyte read&, byte%
if read& = 0 then exit readloop
if byte% = 12 then call patch
end repeat readloop
ok% = FNfclose%(handle%)
SUB readbyte(n&, byte%)
SHARED handle%
buffer$ = CHR$(0)
n& = FNfread&(handle%,1,sadd(buffer$))
byte% = ASC(buffer$)
end SUB
SUB writebyte(byte%)
SHARED handle%
buffer$ = CHR$(byte%)
n& = FNfwrite&(handle%,1,sadd(buffer$))
end SUB
SUB patch
SHARED handle%
readbyte n&, byte%
if n& = 1 then
if byte% = 106 or byte% = 105 then
readbyte n&, byte1%
if n& = 1 then readbyte n&, byte2%
if n& = 1 then readbyte n&, byte3%
if n& = 1 then readbyte n&, byte4%
if n& = 1 and byte3% = 255 and byte4% = 240 then
if byte1% = 150 and byte2% = 12 then
ok& = FNfseek&(-4, handle%, 1)
writebyte 22
elseif byte1% = 178 and byte2% = 12 then
ok& = FNfseek&(-4, handle%, 1)
writebyte 50
ok& = FNfseek&(7, handle%, 1)
if ok& >= 0 then
readbyte n&, byte%
if byte% = 102 then
ok& = FNfseek&(-1, handle%, 1)
writebyte 78
writebyte 113
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end sub