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Macintosh Picture Format  |  1995-07-10  |  119KB  |  640x480  |  24-bit (83,504 colors)
Labels: book | daily | grass | monitor | press | railing | trade name | tree | tribute album
OCR: Published by Way Media, Inc. and I designed and produced in partnership with Commotion New Media Copyrighte 1995 2Way Media Inc. and its licensors AI Rights Reserved Unauthorized duplication is a violation or applicable aws David B Goldberg Robert D. Roback CEO /Editor-in- Chief President, /Publisher 2Way Media, Inc Commotion New Media Dave DiMartino Susan B Garber Matthew Parillo Philip van Allen Executive Editor Sr. VP Advertising Sr.VP Sales & Marketing Interactive Producer & Dir. Technology Deborah Russell Lisa R Palas M. Mickeal Martha Swetzoff Associate Editor Dir. Content Production Chief Financia Officer Creative Director Assoc Interactive Prod. Jonathan Tronson Todd Laby Rachel Silverstein Jonathan Abarbanel Mgr. Technical Support Assoc Art Director Mor Consumer Marketing Art Dire ...