Labels:brass | bulletin board | clock | person | reckoner OCR: LAUNCH Musi Profiles JOY DIVISION: In Chris Morris' story about the Joy Division collection The Best Of Joy Division Owest Warner Bros. vou can actua lly see some very La re TV footage of the band shot for the BBC way back in 1979 In fact, we ve even provided you with clip from JO Di 151 ion only real musio video for the song "Love will Tear Us Joy Divisi on's career was short-lived eclectic and eccentric front man Ian Curtis comm tted suicide in May 1980 1 tri bute to Curtis and Joy Division, Virg in Records has just relea seo "Means To An End: The Music of Joy Division, fea turi ing such aets Giris Agai inst Boys (Touch And Go Records) and Low (Vernon Yard Records). In LAUNCH you can hear GAB'S Scott McCl loud talk about hie sband version Joy Divi isi on "She' Lost Con You can hear LOWS ...