Labels:brass | bulletin board | clock | lodestone | monitor | reckoner | tank OCR: The Reactor Room The REA CTOR ROOM allows you, the LAUNCH user LC speak your mi nd for can take The SELL OUT section offers you an incentive (like CDS T-shirts, ha and other stuff) to fill out sur vey bout the contents LAUNCH you turn your sur by May you will be entered nto Y win gui tar signed by the iivino leg end King The BUY IN secti on offers you a cha ince to subscribe to the ma gazine now and save ca sh Hav vour issues stuffed into padded envelope some LA UNCH'S most bulous dmi nistr. tive Ssi sta may be just Lemp The BABBLE ON section is LAUNCH'S version of Lette To The Edi tor The CONSUME section allows you to learn more abou the acverti sers who ha pa ppear TRA UNCH cli ck anywhere to Conti nue free hats wing living chance Have fabulous administra itive stants temp BABBIF LAUNCHS ...