Labels:brass | bulletin board | monitor | sports ball | tv OCR: Temple f Twitch Let the GAMES begin! This is your rare opportunity to read revi WS and daep the blav on some of the craz est new games on the market today No qua rters required you have PC, Bad Mojo will blow your mind Through some ne inous twi .st of fa your chara icter pped cockroach's bod and must overcome hideous obst acles to resume huma r form (Let's just say there's lots ra ts, sewer slime and seedy road mote 1s. Scr eamer an intensely reali stic road -raci ing gam tha should sati sfy those hig h-speed chase fantas es from sa fety your desktop. And Comma na Cona fuer spec bonus game for usersi For you Mac ypes check out Diamonds 3D istant and more sophi st ca ted rela ve of that lovabl re Pong. (Great game tc lay while you' re on the phone.) And in Curse Of Dra igor: you leac cadre ...