Labels:text | font | black and white | screenshot | number | document OCR: Welcome To National Parks - The Multimedia Family Guide CAMBRIX PUBLISHING- END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT YOU SHOULD CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING the original licensee, that the media on which the TERMS AND CONDITIONS BEFORE USING THIS Work is recorded will be free of defects in material and MULTIMEDIA WORK. .INSTALLING AND USING THIS workmanship under normal use for a period of ninety This Guide is a comprehensive multimedia reference to 375 WORK INDICATES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS (90) days from purchase, and that the Work will perform AND CONDITIONS substantially in accordance with the user guide for a period of ninety (90) days from purchase. Cambrix's National Parks of the United States and includes a video history 1) GRANT OF LICENSE. Cambrix grants you, the sole responsibility under this warranty will be, at its Licensee, a non-exclusive license to the multimedia option, (1) to use reasonable efforts to correct any of the National Park Service. work (the "Work") on one hardware system (that is, a defects that are reported to it within the foregoing system containing no more than one central processing warranty period or (2) to replace the disc. Cambrix does unit and one CD drive) at a time. If you want to use the not warrant that the Work will be error free, nor that all To Install the National Parks Program: Work on more than one hardware system at a time, or the program errors will be corrected. to network the Work, you must obtain separate licenses. 3.2) Limitations on Remedies. Cambrix's 1. Start Windows if you have not already done so. 2) OWNERSHIP OF THE WORK. Cambrix Publishing liability in contract, tort or otherwise arising out of or in 2. Insert The National Parks CD-ROM in your CD-ROM Drive. owns and will retain all title, copyright, trademark and connection with the Work, shall not exceed the other proprietary rights in and to the work. This License purchase price of the Work. IN NO EVENT SHALL 3. From the Program Manager, choose RUN from the FILE is NOT a sale of the Work or any copy of it. You, the CAMBRIX BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, TORT Licensee, obtain only such rights as are provided in this OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF menu. agreement. You understand and agree as follows: 4. Type D:\SETUP (where D: is the CD-ROM drive indicator) and 2.1) You may NOT make copies of all or any part DATA, LOSS OF PROFITS OR LOSS OF BUSINESS) of the Work except for archival copies of the computer ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE click "OK". The National Park installer dialog box will appear. software components of the Work as permitted by the PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK. EVEN IF CAMBRIX HAS United States Copyrights Law. BEEN ADVISED ON THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Select full installation and keep the default NPARKS as 2.2) You may NOT reverse compile, reverse SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW EXCLUSION OR assemble, reverse engineer, modify, incorporate in LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAM- the destination directory. whole or in part any other product or create derivative AGES SO THE ABOVE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION MAY works based on all or any part of the Work. NOT APPLY TO YOU. 5. The installer will next run a program which will tell you how 2.3) You may NOT remove any copyright, your video card is set up. trademark, proprietary rights, disclaimer or warning 33.3) U.S. Government Restricted Rights. If notice included on or embedded in any part of the Work. you are a government agency, you acknowledge that the 6. Press YES to install Video for Windows 1.1d with Indeo Work was developed at private expense and that the 2.4) You may NOT transfer the Work unless you computer software component is provided to you 3.2 video compression (this is necessary to run the video permanently transfer the entire Work (including all subject to RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The rights of the components and archival copies, if any), and the person Government regarding its use, duplication, reproduction segments of the program). whom the Work is transferred is informed of and agrees or disclosure by the Government is subject to to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. the restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of 7. Restart Windows and a new National Parks group with a the rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and (c) (1) and (2) of National Parks Icon and a Special State Parks Offer Icon will 3) WARRANTY. the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights 3.1) Limited Warranty. Subject to any other clause of FAR 52.227-19. Contractor/manufacturer is be available. provisions in this Agreement, Cambrix warrants to you, Cambrix Publishing.