Geek Gadgets 1
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334 lines
c this driver tests eispack for the class of real symmetric tri-
c diagonal matrices exhibiting the use of eispack to find all the
c eigenvalues and eigenvectors, only all the eigenvalues, some of
c the eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors, or only some
c of the eigenvalues.
c this driver is catalogued as eispdrv4(rsteispk).
c the dimension of st should be nm by 2.
c the dimension of z should be nm by nm.
c the dimension of w,norm,e,e2,ind,rv1,rv2,rv3,rv4,rv5, and rv6
c should be nm.
c the dimension of sthold should be nm by 2.
c here nm = 20.
double precision z(20,20),st(20,2),sthold(20,2),w(20),e(20),
x e2(20),rv1( 20),rv2( 20),rv3( 20),rv4( 20),rv5( 20),
x rv6( 20),norm( 20),tcrit,machep,resdul,maxeig,
x maxdif,eigdif,u,lb,ub,eps1
integer ind( 20),error
data ireadc/5/,iwrite/6/
c .......... machep is a machine dependent parameter specifying
c the relative precision of floating point arithmetic.
machep = 1.0d0
1 machep = 0.5d0*machep
if (1.0d0 + machep .gt. 1.0d0 ) go to 1
machep = 2.0d0*machep
nm = 20
mmb = 2
10 call rmatin(nm,mmb,n,mb,st,sthold,0)
write(iwrite,20) n
20 format(33h1the subdiagonal and diagonal in ,
x 49hthat order of the tridiagonal symmetric matrix a,
x 10h of order,i4,4h is)
do 30 jj = 1,2
j = 3-jj
30 write(iwrite,40) (st(i,jj),i=j,n)
40 format(/(1x,1p5d24.16))
read(ireadc,50) mm,lb,ub,m11,no
50 format(i4,2d24.16,2(4x,i4))
c mm,lb,ub,m11, and no are read from sysin after the matrix is
c generated. mm,lb, and ub specify to bisect the maximum
c number of eigenvalues and bounds for the interval which is to
c be searched. m11 and no specify to tridib the lower boundary
c index and the number of desired eigenvalues.
do 230 icall = 1,10
if( icall .ne. 1 ) call rmatin(nm,mmb,n,mb,st,sthold,1)
c if tql1 path (label 80) is taken then tql2 path (label 70)
c must also be taken in order that the measure of performance be
c meaningful.
c if imtql1 path (label 85) is taken then imtql2 path (label 75)
c must also be taken in order that the measure of performance be
c meaningful.
go to (70,75,80,85,89,90,95,100,110,115), icall
c rstwz using tql2
70 write(iwrite,705)
705 format(42h1all of the eigenvalues and corresponding ,
x 53heigenvectors of the real symmetric tridiagonal matrix /
x 45h follow. the path involving tql2 was used. )
do 72 i = 1,n
do 71 j = 1,n
71 z(i,j) = 0.0d0
z(i,i) = 1.0d0
e(i) = st(i,1)
72 w(i) = st(i,2)
call tql2(nm,n,w,e,z,error)
write(iwrite,725) error
725 format(//29h *****error from tql2***** = ,i4)
do 73 i = 1,n
rv6(i) = w(i)
73 continue
m = n
if( error .ne. 0 ) m = error - 1
go to 130
c rstwz using imtql2
c invoked from driver subroutine rst.
75 write(iwrite,755)
755 format(42h1all of the eigenvalues and corresponding ,
x 53heigenvectors of the real symmetric tridiagonal matrix /
x 47h follow. the path involving imtql2 was used. )
do 77 i = 1,n
e(i) = st(i,1)
77 w(i) = st(i,2)
call rst(nm,n,w,e,1,z,error)
write(iwrite,775) error
775 format(//31h *****error from imtql2***** = ,i4)
do 78 i = 1,n
rv5(i) = w(i)
78 continue
m = n
if( error .ne. 0 ) m = error - 1
go to 130
c rstw using tql1
80 write(iwrite,805)
805 format(24h1all of the eigenvalues ,
x 48hof the real symmetric tridiagonal matrix follow. /
x 36h the path involving tql1 was used. )
do 81 i = 1,n
e(i) = st(i,1)
81 w(i) = st(i,2)
call tql1(n,w,e,error)
write(iwrite,815) error
815 format(//29h *****error from tql1***** = ,i4)
maxeig = 0.0d0
maxdif = 0.0d0
m = n
if( error .ne. 0 ) m = error - 1
if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 230
do 82 i = 1,m
if( dabs(w(i)) .gt. maxeig ) maxeig = dabs(w(i))
u = dabs(rv6(i) - w(i))
if( u .gt. maxdif ) maxdif = u
82 continue
if( maxeig .eq. 0.0d0 ) maxeig = 1.0d0
eigdif = maxdif/(maxeig*machep*dfloat(10*n))
write(iwrite,83) eigdif
83 format(//47h comparison of the eigenvalues from tql1 with,
x 52h those from tql2 gives the normalized difference ,
x 1pd16.8)
go to 130
c rstw using imtql1
c invoked from driver subroutine rst.
85 write(iwrite,855)
855 format(24h1all of the eigenvalues ,
x 48hof the real symmetric tridiagonal matrix follow. /
x 38h the path involving imtql1 was used. )
do 86 i = 1,n
86 w(i) = st(i,2)
call rst(nm,n,w,st(1,1),0,z,error)
write(iwrite,865) error
865 format(//31h *****error from imtql1***** = ,i4)
maxeig = 0.0d0
maxdif = 0.0d0
m = n
if( error .ne. 0 ) m = error - 1
if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 230
do 87 i = 1,m
if( dabs(w(i)) .gt. maxeig ) maxeig = dabs(w(i))
u = dabs(rv5(i) - w(i))
if( u .gt. maxdif ) maxdif = u
87 continue
if( maxeig .eq. 0.0d0 ) maxeig = 1.0d0
eigdif = maxdif/(maxeig*machep*dfloat(10*n))
write(iwrite,88) eigdif
88 format(//49h comparison of the eigenvalues from imtql1 with,
x 52h those from imtql2 gives the normalized difference,
x 1pd16.8)
go to 130
c rstw1z ( usage here computes all the eigenvectors )
89 write(iwrite,891)
891 format(43h1some of the eigenvalues and corresponding ,
x 53heigenvectors of the real symmetric tridiagonal matrix /
x 47h follow. the path involving imtqlv was used. )
do 892 i = 1,n
892 e2(i) = st(i,1) ** 2
call imtqlv(n,st(1,2),st(1,1),e2,w,ind,error,rv1)
write(iwrite,893) error
893 format(//31h *****error from imtqlv***** = ,i4)
m = n
if( error .ne. 0 ) m = error - 1
call tinvit(nm,n,st(1,2),st(1,1),e2,m,w,ind,z,error,rv1,rv2,
x rv3,rv4,rv6)
write(iwrite,99) error
go to 130
c rst1w1z using tsturm
90 write(iwrite,91)
91 format(43h1some of the eigenvalues and corresponding ,
x 53heigenvectors of the real symmetric tridiagonal matrix /
x 47h follow. the path involving tsturm was used. )
eps1 = 0.0d0
do 92 i = 2,n
92 e2(i) = st(i,1)**2
call tsturm(nm,n,eps1,st(1,2),st(1,1),e2,lb,ub,mm,m,w,z,
x error,rv1,rv2,rv3,rv4,rv5,rv6)
write(iwrite,93) error
93 format(//31h *****error from tsturm***** = ,i4)
if( error .eq. 3*n + 1 ) go to 230
if( error .gt. 4*n ) m = error - 4*n - 1
go to 150
c rst1w1z using bisect and tinvit
95 write(iwrite,96)
96 format(43h1some of the eigenvalues and corresponding ,
x 53heigenvectors of the real symmetric tridiagonal matrix /
x 47h follow. the path involving bisect was used. )
eps1 = 0.0d0
do 97 i = 2,n
97 e2(i) = st(i,1)**2
call bisect(n,eps1,st(1,2),st(1,1),e2,lb,ub,mm,m,w,ind,error,
x rv4,rv5)
write(iwrite,98) error
98 format(//31h *****error from bisect***** = ,i4)
if( error .ne. 0 ) go to 230
call tinvit(nm,n,st(1,2),st(1,1),e2,m,w,ind,z,
x error,rv1,rv2,rv3,rv4,rv6)
write(iwrite,99) error
99 format(//31h *****error from tinvit***** = ,i4)
go to 150
c rst1w using bisect
100 write(iwrite,101)
101 format(25h1some of the eigenvalues ,
x 48hof the real symmetric tridiagonal matrix follow.)
eps1 = 0.0d0
do 102 i = 2,n
102 e2(i) = st(i,1)**2
call bisect(n,eps1,st(1,2),st(1,1),e2,lb,ub,mm,m,w,ind,error,
x rv4,rv5)
write(iwrite,103) error
103 format(//31h *****error from bisect***** = ,i4)
go to 150
c rst1w1z using ratqr and tinvit
110 write(iwrite,111)
111 format(43h1some of the eigenvalues and corresponding ,
x 53heigenvectors of the real symmetric tridiagonal matrix /
x 46h follow. the path involving ratqr was used. )
eps1 = 0.0d0
do 112 i = 2,n
112 e2(i) = st(i,1)**2
call ratqr(n,eps1,st(1,2),st(1,1),e2,no+m11-1,w,
x ind,rv1,.true.,0,error)
do 1125 i = 1,no
m = i + m11 - 1
w(i) = w(m)
ind(i) = ind(m)
1125 continue
write(iwrite,113) error
113 format(//30h *****error from ratqr***** = ,i4)
if( error .ne. 0 ) go to 230
m = no
call tinvit(nm,n,st(1,2),st(1,1),e2,m,w,ind,z,error,
x rv1,rv2,rv3,rv4,rv6)
write(iwrite,114) error
114 format(//31h *****error from tinvit***** = ,i4)
go to 150
c rst1w using tridib
115 write(iwrite,101)
eps1 = 0.0d0
do 117 i = 2,n
117 e2(i) = st(i,1)**2
call tridib(n,eps1,st(1,2),st(1,1),e2,lb,ub,m11,no,w,ind,
x error,rv4,rv5)
write(iwrite,118) error
118 format(//31h *****error from tridib***** = ,i4)
m = no
go to 150
130 write(iwrite,140) (i,w(i),i=1,n)
140 format(///18h eigenvalues of a/3(i4,2x,1pd24.16,3x))
if( icall .eq. 3 .or. icall .eq. 4 ) go to 230
go to 190
150 write(iwrite,160) m,lb,ub
160 format(///4h the ,i4,29h eigenvalues of a between ,1pd24.16,
x 6h and ,d24.16)
if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 230
write(iwrite,163) (i,w(i),i=1,m)
163 format(//3(i3,2x,1pd24.16,3x))
if( icall .eq. 8 .or. icall .eq. 10 ) go to 230
190 call rsbwzr(nm,n,m,2,st,w,z,norm,resdul)
tcrit = resdul/(dfloat(10*n)*machep)
write(iwrite,200) tcrit,resdul
200 format(///48h as a guide to evaluating the performance of the,
x 53h eispack codes, a number x, related to the 1-norm /
x 56h of the residual matrix, may be normalized to the number,
x 56h y by dividing by the product of the machine precision/
x 57h machep and 10*n where n is the order of the matrix.,
x 36h the eispack codes have performed /
x 56h (well,satisfactorily,poorly) according as the ratio y ,
x 54h is (less than 1, less than 100, greater than 100)./
x 23h for this run, y is =,1pd14.6,11h with x =,d14.6)
do 220 kk = 1,m,3
kk1 = min0(kk+2,m)
irs = kk1-kk+1
go to (204,208,212), irs
204 write(iwrite,205) (w(k),k=kk,kk1),(norm(k),k=kk,kk1),
x ((z(i,k),k=kk,kk1),i=1,n)
205 format(///1x,1(9x,15heigenvalue of a,8x)/1x,1(4x,1pd24.16,4x)//
x 1x,1(5x,23h1-norm of corresponding,4x)/
x 1x,1(9x,15hresidual vector,8x)/
x 1x,1(4x,24h!!ax-l*x!!/(!!x!!*!!a!!),4x)/
x 1x,1(8x,d16.8,8x)//
x 1x,1(4x,26hcorresponding eigenvector ,2x)/1(5x,d24.16,3x))
go to 220
208 write(iwrite,209) (w(k),k=kk,kk1),(norm(k),k=kk,kk1),
x ((z(i,k),k=kk,kk1),i=1,n)
209 format(///1x,2(9x,15heigenvalue of a,8x)/1x,2(4x,1pd24.16,4x)//
x 1x,2(5x,23h1-norm of corresponding,4x)/
x 1x,2(9x,15hresidual vector,8x)/
x 1x,2(4x,24h!!ax-l*x!!/(!!x!!*!!a!!),4x)/
x 1x,2(8x,d16.8,8x)//
x 1x,2(4x,26hcorresponding eigenvector ,2x)/(5x,d24.16,3x,
x 5x,d24.16,3x))
go to 220
212 write(iwrite,213) (w(k),k=kk,kk1),(norm(k),k=kk,kk1),
x ((z(i,k),k=kk,kk1),i=1,n)
213 format(///1x,3(9x,15heigenvalue of a,8x)/1x,3(4x,1pd24.16,4x)//
x 1x,3(5x,23h1-norm of corresponding,4x)/
x 1x,3(9x,15hresidual vector,8x)/
x 1x,3(4x,24h!!ax-l*x!!/(!!x!!*!!a!!),4x)/
x 1x,3(8x,d16.8,8x)//
x 1x,3(4x,26hcorresponding eigenvector ,2x)/(5x,d24.16,3x,
x 5x,d24.16,3x,5x,d24.16,3x))
220 continue
230 continue
go to 10