Geek Gadgets 1
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386 lines
subroutine invit(nm,n,a,wr,wi,select,mm,m,z,ierr,rm1,rv1,rv2)
integer i,j,k,l,m,n,s,ii,ip,mm,mp,nm,ns,n1,uk,ip1,its,km1,ierr
double precision a(nm,n),wr(n),wi(n),z(nm,mm),rm1(n,n),
x rv1(n),rv2(n)
double precision t,w,x,y,eps3,norm,normv,epslon,growto,ilambd,
x pythag,rlambd,ukroot
logical select(n)
c this subroutine is a translation of the algol procedure invit
c by peters and wilkinson.
c handbook for auto. comp., vol.ii-linear algebra, 418-439(1971).
c this subroutine finds those eigenvectors of a real upper
c hessenberg matrix corresponding to specified eigenvalues,
c using inverse iteration.
c on input
c nm must be set to the row dimension of two-dimensional
c array parameters as declared in the calling program
c dimension statement.
c n is the order of the matrix.
c a contains the hessenberg matrix.
c wr and wi contain the real and imaginary parts, respectively,
c of the eigenvalues of the matrix. the eigenvalues must be
c stored in a manner identical to that of subroutine hqr,
c which recognizes possible splitting of the matrix.
c select specifies the eigenvectors to be found. the
c eigenvector corresponding to the j-th eigenvalue is
c specified by setting select(j) to .true..
c mm should be set to an upper bound for the number of
c columns required to store the eigenvectors to be found.
c note that two columns are required to store the
c eigenvector corresponding to a complex eigenvalue.
c on output
c a and wi are unaltered.
c wr may have been altered since close eigenvalues are perturbed
c slightly in searching for independent eigenvectors.
c select may have been altered. if the elements corresponding
c to a pair of conjugate complex eigenvalues were each
c initially set to .true., the program resets the second of
c the two elements to .false..
c m is the number of columns actually used to store
c the eigenvectors.
c z contains the real and imaginary parts of the eigenvectors.
c if the next selected eigenvalue is real, the next column
c of z contains its eigenvector. if the eigenvalue is
c complex, the next two columns of z contain the real and
c imaginary parts of its eigenvector. the eigenvectors are
c normalized so that the component of largest magnitude is 1.
c any vector which fails the acceptance test is set to zero.
c ierr is set to
c zero for normal return,
c -(2*n+1) if more than mm columns of z are necessary
c to store the eigenvectors corresponding to
c the specified eigenvalues.
c -k if the iteration corresponding to the k-th
c value fails,
c -(n+k) if both error situations occur.
c rm1, rv1, and rv2 are temporary storage arrays. note that rm1
c is square of dimension n by n and, augmented by two columns
c of z, is the transpose of the corresponding algol b array.
c the algol procedure guessvec appears in invit in line.
c calls cdiv for complex division.
c calls pythag for dsqrt(a*a + b*b) .
c questions and comments should be directed to burton s. garbow,
c mathematics and computer science div, argonne national laboratory
c this version dated august 1983.
c ------------------------------------------------------------------
ierr = 0
uk = 0
s = 1
c .......... ip = 0, real eigenvalue
c 1, first of conjugate complex pair
c -1, second of conjugate complex pair ..........
ip = 0
n1 = n - 1
do 980 k = 1, n
if (wi(k) .eq. 0.0d0 .or. ip .lt. 0) go to 100
ip = 1
if (select(k) .and. select(k+1)) select(k+1) = .false.
100 if (.not. select(k)) go to 960
if (wi(k) .ne. 0.0d0) s = s + 1
if (s .gt. mm) go to 1000
if (uk .ge. k) go to 200
c .......... check for possible splitting ..........
do 120 uk = k, n
if (uk .eq. n) go to 140
if (a(uk+1,uk) .eq. 0.0d0) go to 140
120 continue
c .......... compute infinity norm of leading uk by uk
c (hessenberg) matrix ..........
140 norm = 0.0d0
mp = 1
do 180 i = 1, uk
x = 0.0d0
do 160 j = mp, uk
160 x = x + dabs(a(i,j))
if (x .gt. norm) norm = x
mp = i
180 continue
c .......... eps3 replaces zero pivot in decomposition
c and close roots are modified by eps3 ..........
if (norm .eq. 0.0d0) norm = 1.0d0
eps3 = epslon(norm)
c .......... growto is the criterion for the growth ..........
ukroot = uk
ukroot = dsqrt(ukroot)
growto = 0.1d0 / ukroot
200 rlambd = wr(k)
ilambd = wi(k)
if (k .eq. 1) go to 280
km1 = k - 1
go to 240
c .......... perturb eigenvalue if it is close
c to any previous eigenvalue ..........
220 rlambd = rlambd + eps3
c .......... for i=k-1 step -1 until 1 do -- ..........
240 do 260 ii = 1, km1
i = k - ii
if (select(i) .and. dabs(wr(i)-rlambd) .lt. eps3 .and.
x dabs(wi(i)-ilambd) .lt. eps3) go to 220
260 continue
wr(k) = rlambd
c .......... perturb conjugate eigenvalue to match ..........
ip1 = k + ip
wr(ip1) = rlambd
c .......... form upper hessenberg a-rlambd*i (transposed)
c and initial real vector ..........
280 mp = 1
do 320 i = 1, uk
do 300 j = mp, uk
300 rm1(j,i) = a(i,j)
rm1(i,i) = rm1(i,i) - rlambd
mp = i
rv1(i) = eps3
320 continue
its = 0
if (ilambd .ne. 0.0d0) go to 520
c .......... real eigenvalue.
c triangular decomposition with interchanges,
c replacing zero pivots by eps3 ..........
if (uk .eq. 1) go to 420
do 400 i = 2, uk
mp = i - 1
if (dabs(rm1(mp,i)) .le. dabs(rm1(mp,mp))) go to 360
do 340 j = mp, uk
y = rm1(j,i)
rm1(j,i) = rm1(j,mp)
rm1(j,mp) = y
340 continue
360 if (rm1(mp,mp) .eq. 0.0d0) rm1(mp,mp) = eps3
x = rm1(mp,i) / rm1(mp,mp)
if (x .eq. 0.0d0) go to 400
do 380 j = i, uk
380 rm1(j,i) = rm1(j,i) - x * rm1(j,mp)
400 continue
420 if (rm1(uk,uk) .eq. 0.0d0) rm1(uk,uk) = eps3
c .......... back substitution for real vector
c for i=uk step -1 until 1 do -- ..........
440 do 500 ii = 1, uk
i = uk + 1 - ii
y = rv1(i)
if (i .eq. uk) go to 480
ip1 = i + 1
do 460 j = ip1, uk
460 y = y - rm1(j,i) * rv1(j)
480 rv1(i) = y / rm1(i,i)
500 continue
go to 740
c .......... complex eigenvalue.
c triangular decomposition with interchanges,
c replacing zero pivots by eps3. store imaginary
c parts in upper triangle starting at (1,3) ..........
520 ns = n - s
z(1,s-1) = -ilambd
z(1,s) = 0.0d0
if (n .eq. 2) go to 550
rm1(1,3) = -ilambd
z(1,s-1) = 0.0d0
if (n .eq. 3) go to 550
do 540 i = 4, n
540 rm1(1,i) = 0.0d0
550 do 640 i = 2, uk
mp = i - 1
w = rm1(mp,i)
if (i .lt. n) t = rm1(mp,i+1)
if (i .eq. n) t = z(mp,s-1)
x = rm1(mp,mp) * rm1(mp,mp) + t * t
if (w * w .le. x) go to 580
x = rm1(mp,mp) / w
y = t / w
rm1(mp,mp) = w
if (i .lt. n) rm1(mp,i+1) = 0.0d0
if (i .eq. n) z(mp,s-1) = 0.0d0
do 560 j = i, uk
w = rm1(j,i)
rm1(j,i) = rm1(j,mp) - x * w
rm1(j,mp) = w
if (j .lt. n1) go to 555
l = j - ns
z(i,l) = z(mp,l) - y * w
z(mp,l) = 0.0d0
go to 560
555 rm1(i,j+2) = rm1(mp,j+2) - y * w
rm1(mp,j+2) = 0.0d0
560 continue
rm1(i,i) = rm1(i,i) - y * ilambd
if (i .lt. n1) go to 570
l = i - ns
z(mp,l) = -ilambd
z(i,l) = z(i,l) + x * ilambd
go to 640
570 rm1(mp,i+2) = -ilambd
rm1(i,i+2) = rm1(i,i+2) + x * ilambd
go to 640
580 if (x .ne. 0.0d0) go to 600
rm1(mp,mp) = eps3
if (i .lt. n) rm1(mp,i+1) = 0.0d0
if (i .eq. n) z(mp,s-1) = 0.0d0
t = 0.0d0
x = eps3 * eps3
600 w = w / x
x = rm1(mp,mp) * w
y = -t * w
do 620 j = i, uk
if (j .lt. n1) go to 610
l = j - ns
t = z(mp,l)
z(i,l) = -x * t - y * rm1(j,mp)
go to 615
610 t = rm1(mp,j+2)
rm1(i,j+2) = -x * t - y * rm1(j,mp)
615 rm1(j,i) = rm1(j,i) - x * rm1(j,mp) + y * t
620 continue
if (i .lt. n1) go to 630
l = i - ns
z(i,l) = z(i,l) - ilambd
go to 640
630 rm1(i,i+2) = rm1(i,i+2) - ilambd
640 continue
if (uk .lt. n1) go to 650
l = uk - ns
t = z(uk,l)
go to 655
650 t = rm1(uk,uk+2)
655 if (rm1(uk,uk) .eq. 0.0d0 .and. t .eq. 0.0d0) rm1(uk,uk) = eps3
c .......... back substitution for complex vector
c for i=uk step -1 until 1 do -- ..........
660 do 720 ii = 1, uk
i = uk + 1 - ii
x = rv1(i)
y = 0.0d0
if (i .eq. uk) go to 700
ip1 = i + 1
do 680 j = ip1, uk
if (j .lt. n1) go to 670
l = j - ns
t = z(i,l)
go to 675
670 t = rm1(i,j+2)
675 x = x - rm1(j,i) * rv1(j) + t * rv2(j)
y = y - rm1(j,i) * rv2(j) - t * rv1(j)
680 continue
700 if (i .lt. n1) go to 710
l = i - ns
t = z(i,l)
go to 715
710 t = rm1(i,i+2)
715 call cdiv(x,y,rm1(i,i),t,rv1(i),rv2(i))
720 continue
c .......... acceptance test for real or complex
c eigenvector and normalization ..........
740 its = its + 1
norm = 0.0d0
normv = 0.0d0
do 780 i = 1, uk
if (ilambd .eq. 0.0d0) x = dabs(rv1(i))
if (ilambd .ne. 0.0d0) x = pythag(rv1(i),rv2(i))
if (normv .ge. x) go to 760
normv = x
j = i
760 norm = norm + x
780 continue
if (norm .lt. growto) go to 840
c .......... accept vector ..........
x = rv1(j)
if (ilambd .eq. 0.0d0) x = 1.0d0 / x
if (ilambd .ne. 0.0d0) y = rv2(j)
do 820 i = 1, uk
if (ilambd .ne. 0.0d0) go to 800
z(i,s) = rv1(i) * x
go to 820
800 call cdiv(rv1(i),rv2(i),x,y,z(i,s-1),z(i,s))
820 continue
if (uk .eq. n) go to 940
j = uk + 1
go to 900
c .......... in-line procedure for choosing
c a new starting vector ..........
840 if (its .ge. uk) go to 880
x = ukroot
y = eps3 / (x + 1.0d0)
rv1(1) = eps3
do 860 i = 2, uk
860 rv1(i) = y
j = uk - its + 1
rv1(j) = rv1(j) - eps3 * x
if (ilambd .eq. 0.0d0) go to 440
go to 660
c .......... set error -- unaccepted eigenvector ..........
880 j = 1
ierr = -k
c .......... set remaining vector components to zero ..........
900 do 920 i = j, n
z(i,s) = 0.0d0
if (ilambd .ne. 0.0d0) z(i,s-1) = 0.0d0
920 continue
940 s = s + 1
960 if (ip .eq. (-1)) ip = 0
if (ip .eq. 1) ip = -1
980 continue
go to 1001
c .......... set error -- underestimate of eigenvector
c space required ..........
1000 if (ierr .ne. 0) ierr = ierr - n
if (ierr .eq. 0) ierr = -(2 * n + 1)
1001 m = s - 1 - iabs(ip)