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Instructions for the Installation and Use of EISPACK
This note is intended to help a person install and test
EISPACK. The instructions are designed for a person whose
responsibility is the maintenance of a mathematical software
library. We assume the reader has a working knowledge of
the computer system and some experience with numerical cal-
culations. The installation procedure involves reading a
magnetic tape, creating a library from the Fortran source,
then running and examining the output of the test programs.
Tape Format
EISPACK is distributed in the form of a magnetic tape
which contains the Fortran source for EISPACK, the testing
aids and the initial program comments.
The tape contains 55 files. The usual format is 9 track
EBCDIC or ASCII, unlabeled, 80 characters per logical
record, 40 logical records per block, 1600 bpi.
Tape Content
There are two versions of each routine in EISPACK: real
(single) and double precision. These versions are written in
standard ANSI 1966 Fortran IV and are totally machine
independent. The installer should not have to change any of
the EISPACK programs. If a change is necessary please let
us know what was changed.
File 1 The information presented here on installing EISPACK
File 2 Single Precision EISPACK 75 Subroutines
File 3 Double Precision EISPACK 75 Subroutines
File 4 A program to extract subroutines
from a sequential file
There is a collection of testing aids which should help
in checking out EISPACK after it has been installed.
Test Aids
Files 5-18 Single precision testing routines
Files 19-32 Double precision testing routines
Files 33-52 Input data for the test aids
In order to give the user some form of online documen-
tation for EISPACK, we have prepared a file which contains
initial program comments. These comments describe, in gen-
eral terms, what the routines do and the meaning of the cal-
ling sequence parameters. This is not intended to be a com-
plete discussion of what the routines can do or how to use
every facet of them. For this information see [1,2].
File 53 Initial Program Comments for the Single Precision Version
File 54 Initial Program Comments for the Double Precision Version
The last file on the tape, file 55, contains a Unix script
for carrying out the testing on a Unix machine.
Creating a Library
For the creation of the library, first you must decide
which precision version of the package you intend to install
at your site.
To install the single precision version you will need file
To install the double precision version you will need file
We suggest you compile and create a load module library from
the appropriate file.
To help in extracting individual EISPACK routines from
the sequential file on the tape we have provided a program.
This program, given a file containing many subroutines will
produce many files each containing a single subroutine or
function. The file name will be the same as the subprogram
followed by ".f". This program that does this can be found
in file 4.
After the library is created, the testing aids should
be run. The testing aids are in files 5-32 on the tape and
are organized as follows:
File Name File Name
(single precision) (double precision)
5 RG 19 RG
6 RS 20 RS
7 RSB 21 RSB
8 RSP 22 RSP
9 RST 23 RST
10 RT 24 RT
11 CG 25 CG
12 CH 26 CH
13 RGG 27 RGG
14 RSG 28 RSG
17 RL 31 RL
18 RBL 32 RBL
Each test file contains a main program and several sub-
routines which read in test matrices or compute a residual.
The test programs require some input data to run. The
input data can be found in files 33-52.
File Name File for File for File for
Input Data on Input Data on Input Data on
Logical Unit 1 Logical Unit 2 Logical Unit 5
5 or 19 RG 33 none 34
6 or 20 RS 35 none 36
7 or 21 RSB 37 none 38
8 or 22 RSP 35 none 36
9 or 23 RST 51 none 52
10 or 24 RT 39 none 40
11 or 25 CG 41 none 42
12 or 26 CH 43 none 44
13 or 27 RGG 45 46 none
14 or 28 RSG 35 47 36
15 or 29 RSGAB 35 47 36
16 or 30 RSGBA 35 47 36
17 or 31 RL 48 none none
18 or 32 RBL 49 none 50
Small changes may be required in the test drivers, for
example to change the the logical unit input or output or to
include a program card. The test drivers require input data
to be read. This test data is contained in files 33-52, and
is described in more detail later. We have used the OPEN
statement in Fortran 77 to associate the data file with the
appropriate logical unit number. If you do not have a com-
piler that supports Fortran 77, you must remove the OPEN
statement and associate the input data files with the
appropriate logical unit.
The amount of time required to complete the test runs
is small.
Comments and Questions
We hope that no difficulty will be encountered in
installing EISPACK, but if a problem occurs we will try to
help. We are especially interested in comments about the
performance of the codes. These comments and questions can
be directed to:
Jack Dongarra
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, Illinois 60439
Phone: (312) 972-7246
[1] B.T. Smith, J.M. Boyle, J.J. Dongarra, B.S. Garbow,
Y. Ikebe, V.C. Klema and C.B. Moler, Matrix Eigensys-
tem Routines - EISPACK Guide, Lecture Notes in Com-
puter Science, Vol. 6, 2-nd Edition, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, 1976.
[2] B.S. Garbow, J.M. Boyle, J.J. Dongarra and C.B.
Moler, Matrix Eigensystem Routines - EISPACK Guide
Extension, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.
51, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1977.