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500 lines
-- --
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-- E V A L _ F A T --
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-- B o d y --
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-- $Revision: 1.2 $ --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. --
-- --
with Stand; use Stand;
with Ttypef; use Ttypef;
package body Eval_Fat is
Radix : Uint renames Uint_2;
-- This code is currently only correct for the radix 2 case
function Float_Radix return Ureal renames Ureal_2;
-- Radix expressed in real form
function Float_Radix_Inv return Ureal renames Ureal_Half;
-- Inverse of radix expressed in real form
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Decompose
(RT : R;
X : in T;
Fraction : out T;
Exponent : out UI);
-- Decomposes a floating-point number into fraction and exponent parts
function Machine_Mantissa (RT : R) return UI;
-- Get value of machine mantissa
function Radix_To_M_Minus_1 (RT : R) return T;
-- Returns value of radix to power of mantissa minus one
-- Adjacent --
function Adjacent (RT : R; X, Towards : T) return T is
if Towards = X then
return X;
elsif Towards > X then
return Succ (RT, X);
return Pred (RT, X);
end if;
end Adjacent;
-- Ceiling --
function Ceiling (RT : R; X : T) return T is
XT : constant T := Truncation (RT, X);
if UR_Is_Negative (X) then
return XT;
elsif X = XT then
return X;
return XT + Ureal_1;
end if;
end Ceiling;
-- Compose --
function Compose (RT : R; Fraction : T; Exponent : UI) return T is
Arg_Frac : T;
Arg_Exp : UI;
Decompose (RT, Fraction, Arg_Frac, Arg_Exp);
return Scaling (RT, Arg_Frac, Exponent);
end Compose;
-- Copy_Sign --
function Copy_Sign (RT : R; Value, Sign : T) return T is
Result : T;
Result := abs Value;
if UR_Is_Negative (Sign) then
return -Result;
return Result;
end if;
end Copy_Sign;
-- Decompose --
procedure Decompose
(RT : R;
X : in T;
Fraction : out T;
Exponent : out UI)
Factor : T;
My_Fract : T;
Sign_X : T;
Abs_X : T;
Unit : UI;
My_Exp : UI;
Scale : UI;
if X = Ureal_0 then
Fraction := Ureal_0;
Exponent := Uint_0;
end if;
Abs_X := abs X;
if UR_Is_Negative (X) then
Sign_X := -Ureal_1;
Sign_X := Ureal_1;
end if;
if Abs_X >= Ureal_1 then
Factor := Float_Radix_Inv;
Unit := Uint_1;
Factor := Float_Radix;
Unit := -Uint_1;
end if;
My_Fract := Abs_X;
My_Exp := Uint_0;
while My_Fract >= Ureal_1
or else My_Fract < Ureal_Half
My_Fract := My_Fract * Factor;
My_Exp := My_Exp + Unit;
end loop;
-- The remaining step is to truncate the fraction to the appropriate
-- number of digits, since we have been doing this in full precision.
Scale := Radix ** Machine_Mantissa (RT);
My_Fract := UR_From_Uint (UR_Trunc (My_Fract * Scale)) / Scale;
Fraction := Sign_X * My_Fract;
Exponent := My_Exp;
end Decompose;
-- Exponent --
function Exponent (RT : R; X : T) return UI is
X_Frac : T;
X_Exp : UI;
Decompose (RT, X, X_Frac, X_Exp);
return X_Exp;
end Exponent;
-- Floor --
function Floor (RT : R; X : T) return T is
XT : constant T := Truncation (RT, X);
if UR_Is_Positive (X) then
return XT;
elsif XT = X then
return X;
return XT - Ureal_1;
end if;
end Floor;
-- Fraction --
function Fraction (RT : R; X : T) return T is
X_Frac : T;
X_Exp : UI;
Decompose (RT, X, X_Frac, X_Exp);
return X_Frac;
end Fraction;
-- Leading_Part --
function Leading_Part (RT : R; X : T; Radix_Digits : UI) return T is
L : UI;
Y, Z : T;
if Radix_Digits >= Machine_Mantissa (RT) then
return X;
L := Exponent (RT, X) - Radix_Digits;
Y := Truncation (RT, Scaling (RT, X, -L));
Z := Scaling (RT, Y, L);
return Z;
end if;
end Leading_Part;
-- Machine --
function Machine (RT : R; X : T) return T is
X_Frac : T;
X_Exp : UI;
Decompose (RT, X, X_Frac, X_Exp);
return Compose (RT, X_Frac, X_Exp);
end Machine;
-- Machine_Mantissa --
function Machine_Mantissa (RT : R) return UI is
if RT = Standard_Short_Float then
return UI_From_Int (Short_Float_Attr_Machine_Mantissa);
elsif RT = Standard_Float then
return UI_From_Int (Float_Attr_Machine_Mantissa);
elsif RT = Standard_Long_Float then
return UI_From_Int (Long_Float_Attr_Machine_Mantissa);
pragma Assert (RT = Standard_Long_Long_Float);
return UI_From_Int (Long_Long_Float_Attr_Machine_Mantissa);
end if;
end Machine_Mantissa;
-- Model --
function Model (RT : R; X : T) return T is
X_Frac : T;
X_Exp : UI;
Decompose (RT, X, X_Frac, X_Exp);
return Compose (RT, X_Frac, X_Exp);
end Model;
-- Pred --
function Pred (RT : R; X : T) return T is
X_Frac : T;
X_Exp : UI;
Mach : T;
Decompose (RT, X, X_Frac, X_Exp);
Mach := Compose (RT, X_Frac, X_Exp);
-- If number was not a machine number, then just return the machine
-- number below it (compose always returns the machine number below)
if X /= Mach then
return Mach;
-- Subtract from the given number a number equivalent to the value
-- of its least significant bit. Given that the most significant bit
-- represents a value of 1.0 * radix ** (exp - 1), the value we want
-- is obtained by shifting this by (mantissa-1) bits to the right,
-- i.e. decreasing the exponent by that amount.
return X - Scaling (RT, Ureal_1, X_Exp - Machine_Mantissa (RT));
end if;
end Pred;
-- Radix_To_M_Minus_1 --
function Radix_To_M_Minus_1 (RT : R) return T is
return Float_Radix ** (Machine_Mantissa (RT) - 1);
end Radix_To_M_Minus_1;
-- Remainder --
function Remainder (RT : R; X, Y : T) return T is
A : T;
B : T;
Arg : T;
P : T;
Arg_Frac : T;
P_Frac : T;
Sign_X : T;
IEEE_Rem : T;
Arg_Exp : UI;
P_Exp : UI;
K : UI;
P_Even : Boolean;
if UR_Is_Positive (X) then
Sign_X := Ureal_1;
Sign_X := -Ureal_1;
end if;
Arg := abs X;
P := abs Y;
if Arg < P then
P_Even := True;
IEEE_Rem := Arg;
P_Exp := Exponent (RT, P);
Decompose (RT, Arg, Arg_Frac, Arg_Exp);
Decompose (RT, P, P_Frac, P_Exp);
P := Compose (RT, P_Frac, Arg_Exp);
K := Arg_Exp - P_Exp;
P_Even := True;
IEEE_Rem := Arg;
for Cnt in reverse 0 .. UI_To_Int (K) loop
if IEEE_Rem >= P then
P_Even := False;
IEEE_Rem := IEEE_Rem - P;
P_Even := True;
end if;
P := P * Ureal_Half;
end loop;
end if;
-- That completes the calculation of modulus remainder. The final step
-- is get the IEEE remainder. Here we compare Rem with (abs Y) / 2.
if P_Exp >= 0 then
A := IEEE_Rem;
B := abs Y * Ureal_Half;
A := IEEE_Rem * Ureal_2;
B := abs Y;
end if;
if A > B or else (A = B and then not P_Even) then
IEEE_Rem := IEEE_Rem - abs Y;
end if;
return Sign_X * IEEE_Rem;
end Remainder;
-- Rounding --
function Rounding (RT : R; X : T) return T is
Result : T;
Tail : T;
Result := Truncation (RT, abs X);
Tail := abs X - Result;
if Tail > Ureal_Half then
Result := Result + Ureal_1;
end if;
if UR_Is_Negative (X) then
return -Result;
return Result;
end if;
end Rounding;
-- Scaling --
function Scaling (RT : R; X : T; Adjustment : UI) return T is
return X * Uint_2 ** Adjustment;
end Scaling;
-- Succ --
function Succ (RT : R; X : T) return T is
X_Frac : T;
X_Exp : UI;
Decompose (RT, X, X_Frac, X_Exp);
-- Note: this gives either X or the machine number just below it, so
-- we want the macnine number above this in either case. Compuation
-- of this is similar to that in Pred, except that we add the value
-- of the least significant bit instead of subtracting it.
return X + Scaling (RT, Ureal_1, X_Exp - Machine_Mantissa (RT));
end Succ;
-- Truncation --
function Truncation (RT : R; X : T) return T is
return UR_From_Uint (UR_Trunc (X));
end Truncation;
-- Unbiased_Rounding --
function Unbiased_Rounding (RT : R; X : T) return T is
Result : T;
Tail : T;
Result := Truncation (RT, abs X);
Tail := abs X - Result;
if Tail > Ureal_Half then
Result := Result + Ureal_1;
elsif Tail = Ureal_Half then
Result := Ureal_2 * Rounding (RT, Result / Ureal_2);
end if;
if UR_Is_Negative (X) then
return -Result;
return Result;
end if;
end Unbiased_Rounding;
end Eval_Fat;