Geek Gadgets 1
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-- --
-- --
-- E X P _ A G G R --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.17 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (c) 1992,1993,1994,1995 NYU, All Rights Reserved --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. --
-- --
with Atree; use Atree;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Exp_Util; use Exp_Util;
with Exp_Ch3; use Exp_Ch3;
with Exp_Ch7; use Exp_Ch7;
with Itypes; use Itypes;
with Nmake; use Nmake;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Rtsfind; use Rtsfind;
with Sem; use Sem;
with Sem_Ch5; use Sem_Ch5;
with Sem_Eval; use Sem_Eval;
with Sem_Res; use Sem_Res;
with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Snames; use Snames;
with Stand; use Stand;
with Tbuild; use Tbuild;
with Uintp; use Uintp;
with System.Parameters;
package body Exp_Aggr is
-- Subprogram Specs for RECORD AGGREGATE Expansion --
procedure Expand_Record_Aggregate
(N : Node_Id;
Orig_Tag : Node_Id := Empty;
Parent_Expr : Node_Id := Empty);
-- This is the top level procedure for record aggregate expansion.
-- Expansion for record aggregates needs expand aggregates for tagged
-- record types. Specifically Expand_Record_Aggregate adds the Tag
-- field in front of the Component_Association list that was created
-- during resolution by Resolve_Record_Aggregate.
-- * N is the record aggregate node.
-- * Orig_Tag is the value of the Tag that has to be provided for this
-- specific aggregate. It carries the tag corresponding to the type
-- of the outermost aggregate during the recursive expansion
-- * Parent_Expr is the ancestor part of the original extension
-- aggregate
procedure Convert_To_Assignments (N : Node_Id; Typ : Entity_Id);
-- N is an N_Aggregate of a N_Extension_Aggregate. Typ is the type of
-- the aggregate. Transodrm the given aggregate into a buch of assignment
-- component per component
-- Subprogram Specs for ARRAY AGGREGATE Expansion --
procedure Expand_Array_Aggregate (N : Node_Id);
-- This is the top-level routine to perform array aggregate expansion.
-- N is the N_Aggregate node to be expanded.
-- Array aggregate expansion proceeds as follows:
-- 1. If requested we generate code to perform all the array aggregate
-- bound checks, specifically
-- (a) Check that the index range defined by aggregate bounds is
-- compatible with corresponding index subtype.
-- (b) If an others choice is present check that no aggregate
-- index is outside the bounds of the index constraint.
-- (c) For multidimensional arrays make sure that all subaggregates
-- corresponding to the same dimension have the same bounds.
-- 2. Check if the aggregate can be statically processed. If this is the
-- case pass it as is to Gigi. Note that a necessary condition for
-- static processing is that the aggregate be fully positional.
-- 3. If in place aggregate expansion is possible (i.e. no need to create
-- a temporary) then mark the aggregate as such and return. Otherwise
-- create a new temporary and generate the appropriate initialization
-- code.
function Static_Processing_Possible
(N : Node_Id;
Index : Node_Id;
Max_Size : Pos := System.Parameters.Max_Static_Aggregate_Size)
return Boolean;
-- This function checks if it possible to build a fully positional array
-- aggregate at compile time. If this is possible True is returned.
-- N is the N_Aggregate node to be checked.
-- Index is the index node corresponding to the array sub-aggregate that
-- we are currently checking.
-- Max_Size is the maximum size allowed for a static aggregate.
-- Static processing for the whole array aggregate is possible only if:
-- 1. N is fully positional and its size is no greater than Max_Size;
-- 2. No index type in N is an enumeration type with non-standard
-- representation.
function Is_Empty (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-- Returns true if constrained array subtype Typ defines an empty array.
function In_Place_Copy_Possible (N : Node_Id; Dim : Pos) return Boolean;
-- This routine return True if aggregate N can be directly copied into the
-- target array. For the time being this is allowed only if all of N's
-- components are static expressions, but can (and should) be extended
-- for expressions involving names as well, but no function calls or
-- arrays.
-- N is an array aggregate or sub-aggregate to be rewritten.
-- Dim is the number of sub-aggregate dimension we still need to look at.
function Build_Code
(N : Node_Id;
Index : Node_Id;
Into : Entity_Id;
Indices : List_Id := No_List)
return List_Id;
-- This recursive routine returns a list of statements containing the
-- loops and assignments that are needed for the expansion of the array
-- aggregate N.
-- N is the (sub-)aggregate node to be expanded into code.
-- Index is the index node corresponding to the array sub-aggregate N.
-- Into is the object into which we are copying the aggregate.
-- Indices is the current list of expressions used to index the
-- object we are writing into.
-- The code that we generate from a one dimensional aggregate is
-- 1. If the sub-aggregate contains discrete choices we
-- (A) Sort the discrete choices
-- (B) Otherwise for each discrete choices that specifies a range we
-- emit a loop. If a range specifies a single value, or we are
-- dealing with an expression we emit an assignment.
-- (C) Generate the remaning loops to cover the others choice if any.
-- 2. If the aggregate contains positional elements we
-- (A) translate the positional elements in a series of assignments.
-- (B) Generate a final loop to cover the others choice if any.
-- Note that this final loop has to be a while loop since the case
-- L : Integer := Integer'Last;
-- H : Integer := Integer'Last;
-- A : array (L .. H) := (1, others =>0);
-- cannot be handled by a for loop. Thus for the following
-- array (L .. H) := (.. positional elements.., others =>E);
-- we always generate something like:
-- I : Index_Type := Index_Of_Last_Positional_Element;
-- while I < H loop
-- I := Index_Base'Succ (I)
-- Tmp (I) := E;
-- end loop;
function Number_Of_Choices (N : Node_Id) return Nat;
-- Returns the number of discrete choices (not including the others choice
-- if present) contained in (sub-)aggregate N.
-- Expand_N_Aggregate --
procedure Expand_N_Aggregate (N : Node_Id) is
if Is_Record_Type (Etype (N)) then
Expand_Record_Aggregate (N);
Expand_Array_Aggregate (N);
end if;
end Expand_N_Aggregate;
-- Convert_To_Assignments --
procedure Convert_To_Assignments (N : Node_Id; Typ : Entity_Id) is
Actions : List_Id := New_List;
Comp : Node_Id;
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
Temp : constant Entity_Id :=
Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, New_Internal_Name ('A'));
Instr : Node_Id;
if Is_Controlled (Typ) then
Establish_Transient_Scope (N);
elsif Has_Controlled (Typ) then
Unimplemented (N, "aggregate with controlled components");
end if;
-- Create the temporary
Instr :=
Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
Defining_Identifier => Temp,
Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc));
Set_No_Default_Init (Instr);
Insert_Action (N, Instr);
-- Deal with the ancestor part of extension aggregates
if Nkind (N) = N_Extension_Aggregate then
A : constant Node_Id := Ancestor_Part (N);
-- if the ancestor part is a subtype mark "T", we generate
-- _init_proc (T(tmp));
if Is_Entity_Name (A) and then Is_Type (Entity (A)) then
Insert_Actions (N,
Build_Initialization_Call (Loc,
Id_Ref =>
Make_Type_Conversion (Loc,
Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Entity (A), Loc),
Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Temp, Loc)),
Typ => Entity (A),
In_Init_Proc => Chars (Current_Scope) = Name_uInit_Proc));
-- if the ancestor part is an expression "E", we generate
-- T(tmp) := E;
Instr :=
Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
Name =>
Make_Type_Conversion (Loc,
Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Etype (A), Loc),
Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Temp, Loc)),
Expression => A);
Set_Assignment_OK (Name (Instr));
Insert_Action (N, Instr);
end if;
end if;
-- Attach the temporary to the final list when needed
if Is_Controlled (Typ) then
Insert_Action (N,
Make_Attach_Call (
Obj_Ref => New_Occurrence_Of (Temp, Loc),
Flist_Ref => Find_Final_List (Current_Scope)));
end if;
-- Generate the assignments, component per component
Comp := First (Component_Associations (N));
while Present (Comp) loop
Instr :=
Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
Name =>
Make_Selected_Component (Loc,
Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Temp, Loc),
Selector_Name =>
(Entity (First (Choices (Comp))), Loc)),
Expression => Expression (Comp));
Set_Assignment_OK (Name (Instr));
Insert_Action (N, Instr);
Comp := Next (Comp);
end loop;
-- if the type is tagged, the tag needs to be initialized
if Is_Tagged_Type (Typ) then
Instr :=
Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
Name =>
Make_Selected_Component (Loc,
Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Temp, Loc),
Selector_Name =>
New_Reference_To (Tag_Component (Base_Type (Typ)), Loc)),
Expression =>
Make_Unchecked_Type_Conversion (Loc,
Subtype_Mark => New_Reference_To (RTE (RE_Tag), Loc),
Expression =>
New_Reference_To (Access_Disp_Table (Base_Type (Typ)),
Set_Assignment_OK (Name (Instr));
Insert_Action (N, Instr);
end if;
Rewrite_Substitute_Tree (N, New_Occurrence_Of (Temp, Loc));
Analyze (N);
Resolve (N, Typ);
end Convert_To_Assignments;
-- Expand_N_Extension_Aggregate --
-- If the ancestor part is an expression, add a component association for
-- the parent field. If the type of the ancestor part is not the direct
-- parent of the expected type, build recursively the needed ancestors.
-- If the ancestor part is a subtype_mark, replace aggregate with a decla-
-- ration for a temporary of the expected type, followed by individual
-- assignments to the given components.
procedure Expand_N_Extension_Aggregate (N : Node_Id) is
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
A : constant Node_Id := Ancestor_Part (N);
Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (N);
-- Gigi doesn't handle properly temporaries of variable size
-- so we generate it in the front-end
if not Size_Known_At_Compile_Time (Typ) then
Convert_To_Assignments (N, Typ);
-- temporaries for controlled aggregates need to be attached to a
-- final chain in order to be properly finalized, so it has to
-- be created in the front-end
elsif Is_Controlled (Typ)
or else Has_Controlled (Base_Type (Typ))
Convert_To_Assignments (N, Typ);
-- If the ancestor is a subtype mark, an init_proc must be called
-- on the resulting object which thus has to be materialized in
-- the front-end
elsif Is_Entity_Name (A) and then Is_Type (Entity (A)) then
Convert_To_Assignments (N, Typ);
-- The extension aggregate is transformed into a record aggregate
-- of the following form (c1 and c2 are inherited components)
-- (Exp with c3 => a, c4 => b)
-- ==> (c1 => Exp.c1, c2 => Exp.c2, c1 => a, c2 => b)
Rewrite_Substitute_Tree (N,
Make_Aggregate (Loc,
Component_Associations => Component_Associations (N)));
Set_Etype (N, Typ);
Expand_Record_Aggregate (N,
Orig_Tag => New_Occurrence_Of (Access_Disp_Table (Typ), Loc),
Parent_Expr => A);
end if;
end Expand_N_Extension_Aggregate;
-- Expand_Record_Aggregate --
procedure Expand_Record_Aggregate
(N : Node_Id;
Orig_Tag : Node_Id := Empty;
Parent_Expr : Node_Id := Empty)
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
Comps : constant List_Id := Component_Associations (N);
Typ : Entity_Id := Etype (N);
Tag_Value : Node_Id;
Comp : Entity_Id;
New_Comp : Node_Id;
-- Gigi doesn't handle properly temporaries of variable size
-- so we generate it in the front-end
if not Size_Known_At_Compile_Time (Typ) then
Convert_To_Assignments (N, Typ);
-- Temporaries for controlled aggregates need to be attached to a
-- final chain in order to be properly finalized, so it has to
-- be created in the front-end
elsif Is_Controlled (Typ)
or else Has_Controlled (Base_Type (Typ))
Convert_To_Assignments (N, Typ);
-- in all other cases we generate a proper static aggregate that
-- can be handled by gigi. In the tagged case, the _parent and
-- _tag component need to be created
elsif Is_Tagged_Type (Typ) then
-- When the current aggregate comes from the expansion of an
-- extension aggregate, the parent expr is replaced by an
-- aggregate formed by selected components of this expr
if Present (Parent_Expr)
and then Is_Empty_List (Comps) then
Comp := First_Entity (Typ);
while Present (Comp) loop
-- Skip all entities that are not discriminants or components
if Ekind (Comp) not in Object_Kind then
-- Skip all expander-generated components
not Comes_From_Source (Original_Record_Component (Comp))
New_Comp :=
Make_Selected_Component (Loc,
Prefix =>
Make_Unchecked_Type_Conversion (Loc,
Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc),
Expression =>
Duplicate_Subexpr (Parent_Expr, True)),
Selector_Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Comp, Loc));
Append_To (Comps,
Make_Component_Association (Loc,
Choices => New_List (New_Occurrence_Of (Comp, Loc)),
Expression => New_Comp));
Analyze (New_Comp);
Resolve (New_Comp, Etype (Comp));
end if;
Comp := Next_Entity (Comp);
end loop;
end if;
-- Compute the value for the Tag now, if the type is a root it
-- will be included in the aggregatge right away, othewise it will
-- be propagated to the parent aggregate
if Present (Orig_Tag) then
Tag_Value := Orig_Tag;
Tag_Value := New_Occurrence_Of (Access_Disp_Table (Typ), Loc);
end if;
-- For a derived type, an aggregate for the parent is formed with
-- all the inherited components
if Is_Derived_Type (Typ) then
First_Comp : Node_Id;
Parent_Comps : List_Id;
Parent_Aggr : Node_Id;
Parent_Name : Node_Id;
-- Remove the inherited component association from the
-- aggregate and store them in the parent aggregate
First_Comp := First (Component_Associations (N));
Parent_Comps := New_List;
while Present (First_Comp)
and then Scope (Entity (First (Choices (First_Comp)))) /= Typ
Comp := First_Comp;
First_Comp := Next (First_Comp);
Remove (Comp);
Append (Comp, Parent_Comps);
end loop;
Parent_Aggr := Make_Aggregate (Loc,
Component_Associations => Parent_Comps);
Set_Etype (Parent_Aggr, Etype (Base_Type (Typ)));
-- Find the _parent component
Comp := First_Component (Typ);
while Chars (Comp) /= Name_uParent loop
Comp := Next_Component (Comp);
end loop;
Parent_Name := New_Occurrence_Of (Comp, Loc);
-- Insert the parent aggregate
Prepend_To (Component_Associations (N),
Make_Component_Association (Loc,
Choices => New_List (Parent_Name),
Expression => Parent_Aggr));
-- Expand recursively the parent propagating the right Tag
Expand_Record_Aggregate (Parent_Aggr, Tag_Value, Parent_Expr);
-- For a root type, the tag component is added
Tag_Name : constant Node_Id
:= New_Occurrence_Of (Tag_Component (Typ), Loc);
Typ_Tag : constant Entity_Id := RTE (RE_Tag);
Conv_Node : constant Node_Id
:= Make_Unchecked_Type_Conversion (Loc,
Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ_Tag, Loc),
Expression => Tag_Value);
Set_Etype (Conv_Node, Typ_Tag);
Prepend_To (Component_Associations (N),
Make_Component_Association (Loc,
Choices => New_List (Tag_Name),
Expression => Conv_Node));
end if;
end if;
end Expand_Record_Aggregate;
-- Expand_Array_Aggregate --
procedure Expand_Array_Aggregate (N : Node_Id) is
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (N);
-- Typ is the correct constrained array subtype of the aggregate.
Aggr_Dimension : constant Pos := Number_Dimensions (Typ);
-- Number of aggregate index dimensions.
Tmp : Entity_Id;
-- Holds the temporary aggregate value.
Tmp_Decl : Node_Id;
-- Holds the declaration of Tmp.
New_Aggr : Node_Id;
Aggr_Code : List_Id;
-- If during semantic analysis it has been determined that aggreagte N
-- will raise Constraint_Error at run-time, then the aggregate node
-- has been replaced with an N_Raise_Constraint_Error node and we
-- should never get here.
pragma Assert (not Raises_Constraint_Error (N));
-- STEP 1.
-- Aggregate consistency checks and bound evaluations should
-- be performed here.???
-- STEP 2.
-- ??? For now, static processing is never possible for packed array
-- ??? aggregates, this must be fixed later on
if Static_Processing_Possible (N, First_Index (Typ))
and then not Is_Packed (Typ)
end if;
-- STEP 3.
-- If the aggregate defines an empty array not much to do
if Is_Empty (Typ) then
null; -- ??? FOR NOW
-- then look if in place aggregate expansion is possible
elsif In_Place_Copy_Possible (N, Aggr_Dimension) then
null; -- ??? FOR NOW
end if;
-- If we got here then in place aggregate expansion is impossible.
-- We need to create a temporary.
-- Create the declaration but don't initialize it by default
Tmp := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, New_Internal_Name ('A'));
Tmp_Decl :=
Defining_Identifier => Tmp,
Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc),
No_Default_Init => True);
Insert_Action (N, Tmp_Decl);
-- Construct and insert the aggregate code. We can safely suppress
-- index checks because this code is guaranteed not to raise CE
-- on index checks. However we should *not* suppress all checks.
Aggr_Code := Build_Code (N, First_Index (Typ), Into => Tmp);
Insert_Actions (N, Aggr_Code, Suppress => All_Checks);
Rewrite_Substitute_Tree (N, New_Reference_To (Tmp, Loc));
Analyze (N);
Resolve (N, Typ);
end Expand_Array_Aggregate;
-- Number_Of_Choices --
function Number_Of_Choices (N : Node_Id) return Nat is
Assoc : Node_Id;
Choice : Node_Id;
Nb_Choices : Nat := 0;
if Present (Expressions (N)) then
return 0;
end if;
Assoc := First (Component_Associations (N));
while Present (Assoc) loop
Choice := First (Choices (Assoc));
while Present (Choice) loop
if Nkind (Choice) /= N_Others_Choice then
Nb_Choices := Nb_Choices + 1;
end if;
Choice := Next (Choice);
end loop;
Assoc := Next (Assoc);
end loop;
return Nb_Choices;
end Number_Of_Choices;
-- Static_Processing_Possible --
function Static_Processing_Possible
(N : Node_Id;
Index : Node_Id;
Max_Size : Pos := System.Parameters.Max_Static_Aggregate_Size)
return Boolean
Expr : Node_Id;
Size : Pos;
Index_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Index);
-- No static processing if index subtype is enumeration type with holes
-- ??? temporary expedient to get some of these aggregates correct
if Is_Enumeration_Type (Index_Typ)
and then Present (Enum_Pos_To_Rep (Base_Type (Index_Typ)))
return False;
end if;
-- If component associations no static processing possible
if Present (Component_Associations (N)) then
return False;
end if;
-- Count the number of positional expressions
Expr := First (Expressions (N));
while Present (Expr) loop
Size := Max_Size - 1;
if Size < 0 then
return False;
elsif Present (Next_Index (Index)) and then
not Static_Processing_Possible (Expr, Next_Index (Index), Size)
return False;
end if;
Expr := Next (Expr);
end loop;
return True;
end Static_Processing_Possible;
-- Is_Empty --
function Is_Empty (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
return False;
end Is_Empty;
-- In_Place_Copy_Possible --
function In_Place_Copy_Possible (N : Node_Id; Dim : Pos) return Boolean is
function Static_Expression_Not_Raising_CE (E : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- Returns true if E is a static expression whose evaluation is
-- guaranteed not to raise a Constraint_Error.
-- Static_Expression_Not_Raising_CE --
function Static_Expression_Not_Raising_CE (E : Node_Id) return Boolean is
Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (E);
Low : Node_Id;
High : Node_Id;
if not Is_OK_Static_Expression (E) then
return False;
Low := Type_Low_Bound (Typ);
High := Type_High_Bound (Typ);
if not Is_OK_Static_Expression (Low)
or else Is_OK_Static_Expression (High)
return False;
end if;
end if;
end Static_Expression_Not_Raising_CE;
-- Variables local to In_Place_Copy_Possible
Assoc : Node_Id;
Expr : Node_Id;
-- Begin of In_Place_Copy_Possible
-- ??? For now just return
return False;
-- Process positional components
if Present (Expressions (N)) then
Expr := First (Expressions (N));
while Present (Expr) loop
if Dim > 1 and then not In_Place_Copy_Possible (Expr, Dim - 1) then
return False;
elsif not Static_Expression_Not_Raising_CE (Expr) then
return False;
end if;
Expr := Next (Expr);
end loop;
end if;
-- Process component associations
if Present (Component_Associations (N)) then
Assoc := First (Component_Associations (N));
while Present (Assoc) loop
Expr := Expression (Assoc);
if Dim > 1 and then not In_Place_Copy_Possible (Expr, Dim - 1) then
return False;
elsif not Static_Expression_Not_Raising_CE (Expr) then
return False;
end if;
Assoc := Next (Assoc);
end loop;
end if;
return True;
end In_Place_Copy_Possible;
-- Build_Code --
function Build_Code
(N : Node_Id;
Index : Node_Id;
Into : Entity_Id;
Indices : List_Id := No_List)
return List_Id
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
Index_Base : constant Entity_Id := Base_Type (Etype (Index));
Index_Base_L : constant Node_Id := Type_Low_Bound (Index_Base);
Index_Base_H : constant Node_Id := Type_High_Bound (Index_Base);
function Add (Val : Int; To : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
-- Returns an expression where Val is added to expression To,
-- unless To+Val is provably out of To's base type range.
-- To must be an already analyzed expression.
function Empty_Range (L, H : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- Returns True if the range defined by L .. H is certainly empty.
function Equal (L, H : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- Returns True if L = H for sure.
function Index_Base_Name return Node_Id;
-- Returns a new reference to the index type name.
function Gen_Assign (Ind : Node_Id; Expr : Node_Id) return List_Id;
-- Ind must be a side-effect free expression.
-- If the input aggregate N to Build_Loop contains no sub-aggregates,
-- This routine returns the assignment statement
-- Into (Indices, Ind) := Expr;
-- Otherwise we call Build_Code recursively.
function Gen_Loop (L, H : Node_Id; Expr : Node_Id) return List_Id;
-- Nodes L and H must be side-effect free expressions.
-- If the input aggregate N to Build_Loop contains no sub-aggregates,
-- This routine returns the for loop statement
-- for I in Index_Base range L .. H loop
-- Into (Indices, I) := Expr;
-- end loop;
-- Otherwise we call Build_Code recursively.
function Gen_While (L, H : Node_Id; Expr : Node_Id) return List_Id;
-- Nodes L and H must be side-effect free expressions.
-- If the input aggregate N to Build_Loop contains no sub-aggregates,
-- This routine returns the while loop statement
-- I : Index_Base := L;
-- while I < H loop
-- I := Index_Base'Succ (I);
-- Into (Indices, I) := Expr;
-- end loop;
-- Otherwise we call Build_Code recursively.
-- Add --
function Add (Val : Int; To : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
Expr_Pos : Node_Id;
Expr : Node_Id;
To_Pos : Node_Id;
U_To : Uint;
U_Val : Uint := UI_From_Int (Val);
if Val = 0 then
return Duplicate_Subexpr (To);
end if;
-- First test if we can do constant folding
if Is_OK_Static_Expression (To) then
U_To := Expr_Value (To) + Val;
-- Determine if our constant is outside the range of the index.
-- If so return an Empty node. This empty node will be caught
-- by Empty_Range below.
if Is_OK_Static_Expression (Index_Base_L)
and then U_To < Expr_Value (Index_Base_L)
return Empty;
elsif Is_OK_Static_Expression (Index_Base_H)
and then U_To > Expr_Value (Index_Base_H)
return Empty;
end if;
Expr_Pos := Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, U_To);
if not Is_Enumeration_Type (Index_Base) then
Expr := Expr_Pos;
-- If we are dealing with enumeration return
-- Index_Base'Val (Expr_Pos)
Expr :=
Prefix => Index_Base_Name,
Attribute_Name => Name_Val,
Expressions => New_List (Expr_Pos));
end if;
return Expr;
end if;
-- If we are here no constant folding possible
if not Is_Enumeration_Type (Index_Base) then
Expr :=
Make_Op_Add (Loc,
Left_Opnd => Duplicate_Subexpr (To),
Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, U_Val));
-- If we are dealing with enumeration return
-- Index_Base'Val (Index_Base'Pos (To) + Val)
To_Pos :=
Prefix => Index_Base_Name,
Attribute_Name => Name_Pos,
Expressions => New_List (Duplicate_Subexpr (To)));
Expr_Pos :=
Make_Op_Add (Loc,
Left_Opnd => To_Pos,
Right_Opnd => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, U_Val));
Expr :=
Prefix => Index_Base_Name,
Attribute_Name => Name_Val,
Expressions => New_List (Expr_Pos));
end if;
return Expr;
end Add;
-- Empty_Range --
function Empty_Range (L, H : Node_Id) return Boolean is
Is_Empty : Boolean := False;
Low : Node_Id;
High : Node_Id;
-- First check if L or H were already detected as overflowing the
-- index base range type by function Add above. If this is so Add
-- returns the empty node.
if No (L) or else No (H) then
return True;
end if;
for I in 1 .. 3 loop
case I is
-- L > H range is empty
when 1 =>
Low := L;
High := H;
-- B_L > H range must be empty
when 2 =>
Low := Index_Base_L;
High := H;
-- L > B_H range must be empty
when 3 =>
Low := L;
High := Index_Base_H;
end case;
if Is_OK_Static_Expression (Low)
and then Is_OK_Static_Expression (High)
Is_Empty := UI_Gt (Expr_Value (Low), Expr_Value (High));
end if;
exit when Is_Empty;
end loop;
return Is_Empty;
end Empty_Range;
-- Equal --
function Equal (L, H : Node_Id) return Boolean is
if L = H then
return True;
elsif Is_OK_Static_Expression (L)
and then Is_OK_Static_Expression (H)
return UI_Eq (Expr_Value (L), Expr_Value (H));
end if;
return False;
end Equal;
-- Index_Base_Name --
function Index_Base_Name return Node_Id is
return New_Reference_To (Index_Base, Sloc (N));
end Index_Base_Name;
-- Gen_Assign --
function Gen_Assign (Ind : Node_Id; Expr : Node_Id) return List_Id is
A : Node_Id;
L : List_Id;
New_Indices : List_Id;
Indexed_Comp : Node_Id;
if No (Indices) then
New_Indices := New_List;
New_Indices := New_List_Copy_Tree (Indices);
end if;
Append_To (New_Indices, Ind);
if Present (Next_Index (Index)) then
return Build_Code (Expr, Next_Index (Index), Into, New_Indices);
end if;
-- If we get here then we are at a bottom-level (sub-)aggregate
Indexed_Comp :=
Make_Indexed_Component (Loc,
Prefix => New_Reference_To (Into, Loc),
Expressions => New_Indices);
A := Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
Name => Indexed_Comp,
Expression => New_Copy_Tree (Expr));
L := New_List;
Append_To (L, A);
return L;
end Gen_Assign;
-- Gen_Loop --
function Gen_Loop (L, H : Node_Id; Expr : Node_Id) return List_Id is
-- The loop built is
-- for L_I in Index_Base range L .. H loop
-- L_Body;
-- end loop;
L_I : Node_Id;
L_Range : Node_Id;
-- L .. H
L_Discrete_Subtype_Def : Node_Id;
-- Index_Base range L .. H
L_Iteration_Scheme : Node_Id;
-- L_I in Index_Base range L .. H
L_Body : List_Id;
-- The statements to execute in the loop
S : List_Id := New_List;
-- list of statement
-- If loop bounds define an empty range return the null statement
if Empty_Range (L, H) then
Append_To (S, Make_Null_Statement (Loc));
return S;
end if;
-- If loop bounds are the same then generate an assignment
if Equal (L, H) then
return Gen_Assign (New_Copy_Tree (L), Expr);
end if;
-- construct the loop index L_I
L_I := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, New_Internal_Name ('I'));
-- contruct "L .. H"
L_Range := Make_Range (Loc, Low_Bound => L, High_Bound => H);
-- construct "Index_Base range in L .. H"
L_Discrete_Subtype_Def :=
Subtype_Mark => Index_Base_Name,
Constraint => Make_Range_Constraint (Loc, L_Range));
-- construct "for L_I in Index_Base range in L .. H"
L_Iteration_Scheme :=
Loop_Parameter_Specification =>
Defining_Identifier => L_I,
Discrete_Subtype_Definition => L_Discrete_Subtype_Def));
-- Construct the statements to execute in the loop body
L_Body := Gen_Assign (New_Reference_To (L_I, Loc), Expr);
-- construct the final loop
Append_To (S, Make_Loop_Statement
Identifier => Empty,
Iteration_Scheme => L_Iteration_Scheme,
Statements => L_Body));
return S;
end Gen_Loop;
-- Gen_While --
function Gen_While (L, H : Node_Id; Expr : Node_Id) return List_Id is
-- The code built is
-- W_I : Index_Base := L;
-- while W_I < H loop
-- W_I := Index_Base'Succ (W);
-- L_Body;
-- end loop;
W_I : Node_Id;
W_Decl : Node_Id;
-- W_I : Base_Type := L;
W_Iteration_Scheme : Node_Id;
-- while W_I < H
W_Index_Succ : Node_Id;
-- Index_Base'Succ (I)
W_Increment : Node_Id;
-- W_I := Index_Base'Succ (W)
W_Body : List_Id := New_List;
-- The statements to execute in the loop
S : List_Id := New_List;
-- list of statement
-- If loop bounds define an empty range or are equal return null
if Empty_Range (L, H) or else Equal (L, H) then
Append_To (S, Make_Null_Statement (Loc));
return S;
end if;
-- Build the decl of W_I
W_I := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, New_Internal_Name ('I'));
W_Decl :=
Defining_Identifier => W_I,
Object_Definition => Index_Base_Name,
Expression => L);
-- Theoretically we should do a New_Copy_Tree (L) here, but we know
-- that in this particular case L is a fresh Expr generated by
-- Add which we are the only ones to use.
Append_To (S, W_Decl);
-- construct " while W_I < H"
W_Iteration_Scheme :=
Condition => Make_Op_Lt
Left_Opnd => New_Reference_To (W_I, Loc),
Right_Opnd => New_Copy_Tree (H)));
-- Construct the statements to execute in the loop body
W_Index_Succ :=
Prefix => Index_Base_Name,
Attribute_Name => Name_Succ,
Expressions => New_List (New_Reference_To (W_I, Loc)));
W_Increment :=
Name => New_Reference_To (W_I, Loc),
Expression => W_Index_Succ);
Append_To (W_Body, W_Increment);
Append_List_To (W_Body, Gen_Assign (New_Reference_To (W_I, Loc),
-- construct the final loop
Append_To (S, Make_Loop_Statement
Identifier => Empty,
Iteration_Scheme => W_Iteration_Scheme,
Statements => W_Body));
return S;
end Gen_While;
-- Build_Code Variables
Assoc : Node_Id;
Choice : Node_Id;
Expr : Node_Id;
Others_Expr : Node_Id := Empty;
Aggr_L : constant Node_Id := Low_Bound (Aggregate_Bounds (N));
Aggr_H : constant Node_Id := High_Bound (Aggregate_Bounds (N));
-- The aggregate bounds of this specific sub-aggregate.
-- Note that if the code generated by Build_Code is executed then these
-- bouds are OK. Otherwise a Constraint_Error would have been raised.
Aggr_Low : constant Node_Id := Duplicate_Subexpr (Aggr_L);
Aggr_High : constant Node_Id := Duplicate_Subexpr (Aggr_H);
-- After Duplicate_Subexpr these are side-effect free.
Low : Node_Id;
High : Node_Id;
Nb_Choices : Nat := 0;
Table : Case_Table_Type (1 .. Number_Of_Choices (N));
-- Used to sort all the different choice values
Nb_Elements : Int;
-- Number of elements in the positional aggegate
New_Code : List_Id := New_List;
-- Build_Code begins here
-- STEP 1: Process component associations
if No (Expressions (N)) then
-- STEP 1 (A): Sort the discrete choices
Assoc := First (Component_Associations (N));
while Present (Assoc) loop
Choice := First (Choices (Assoc));
while Present (Choice) loop
if Nkind (Choice) = N_Others_Choice then
Others_Expr := Expression (Assoc);
end if;
Get_Index_Bounds (Choice, Low, High);
Nb_Choices := Nb_Choices + 1;
Table (Nb_Choices) := (Choice_Lo => Low,
Choice_Hi => High,
Choice_Node => Expression (Assoc));
Choice := Next (Choice);
end loop;
Assoc := Next (Assoc);
end loop;
-- If there is more than one set of choices these must be static
-- and we can therefore sort them. Remeber that Nb_Choices does not
-- account for an others choice.
if Nb_Choices > 1 then
Sort_Case_Table (Table);
end if;
-- STEP 1 (B): take care of the whole set of discrete choices.
for I in 1 .. Nb_Choices loop
Low := Table (I).Choice_Lo;
High := Table (I).Choice_Hi;
Expr := Table (I).Choice_Node;
Append_List (Gen_Loop (Low, High, Expr), To => New_Code);
end loop;
-- STEP 1 (D): generate the remaning loops to cover others choice
if Present (Others_Expr) then
for I in 0 .. Nb_Choices loop
if I = 0 then
Low := Aggr_Low;
Low := Add (1, To => Table (I).Choice_Hi);
end if;
if I = Nb_Choices then
High := Aggr_High;
High := Add (-1, To => Table (I + 1).Choice_Lo);
end if;
Append_List (Gen_Loop (Low, High, Others_Expr), To => New_Code);
end loop;
end if;
-- STEP 2: Process positional components
-- STEP 2 (A): Generate the assignments for each positional element
-- Note that here we have to use Aggr_L rather than Aggr_Low because
-- Aggr_L is analyzed and Add wants an analyzed expression.
Expr := First (Expressions (N));
Nb_Elements := -1;
while Present (Expr) loop
Nb_Elements := Nb_Elements + 1;
Append_List (Gen_Assign (Add (Nb_Elements, To => Aggr_L), Expr),
To => New_Code);
Expr := Next (Expr);
end loop;
-- STEP 2 (B): Generate final loop if an others choice is present
-- Here Nb_Elements gives the offset of the last positional element.
if Present (Component_Associations (N)) then
Assoc := Last (Component_Associations (N));
Expr := Expression (Assoc);
Append_List (Gen_While (Add (Nb_Elements, To => Aggr_L),
To => New_Code);
end if;
end if;
return New_Code;
end Build_Code;
end Exp_Aggr;