Geek Gadgets 1
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767 lines
-- --
-- --
-- E X P _ D I S P --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.20 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (c) 1992,1993,1994,1995 NYU, All Rights Reserved --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. --
-- --
with Atree; use Atree;
with Checks; use Checks;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Elists; use Elists;
with Errout; use Errout;
with Exp_TSS; use Exp_TSS;
with Exp_Util; use Exp_Util;
with Expander; use Expander;
with Itypes; use Itypes;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Nmake; use Nmake;
with Rtsfind; use Rtsfind;
with Sem; use Sem;
with Sem_Disp; use Sem_Disp;
with Sem_Res; use Sem_Res;
with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Snames; use Snames;
with Tbuild; use Tbuild;
with Uintp; use Uintp;
package body Exp_Disp is
Ada_Actions : constant array (DT_Access_Action) of RE_Id :=
(Set_Prim_Op_Address => RE_Set_Prim_Op_Address,
Get_Prim_Op_Address => RE_Get_Prim_Op_Address,
Set_Inheritance_Depth => RE_Set_Inheritance_Depth,
Get_Inheritance_Depth => RE_Get_Inheritance_Depth,
Set_Ancestor_Tags => RE_Set_Ancestor_Tags,
Get_Ancestor_Tags => RE_Get_Ancestor_Tags,
DT_Size => RE_DT_Size,
Inherit_DT => RE_Inherit_DT,
CW_Membership => RE_CW_Membership);
CPP_Actions : constant array (DT_Access_Action) of RE_Id :=
(Set_Prim_Op_Address => RE_Set_Vfunction_Address,
Get_Prim_Op_Address => RE_Get_Vfunction_Address,
Set_Inheritance_Depth => RE_Set_Idepth,
Get_Inheritance_Depth => RE_Get_Idepth,
Set_Ancestor_Tags => RE_Set_Ancestor_Vptrs,
Get_Ancestor_Tags => RE_Get_Ancestor_Vptrs,
DT_Size => RE_Vtable_Size,
Inherit_DT => RE_Inherit_Vtable,
CW_Membership => RE_CPP_Membership);
Action_Is_Proc : constant array (DT_Access_Action) of Boolean :=
(Set_Prim_Op_Address => True,
Get_Prim_Op_Address => False,
Set_Inheritance_Depth => True,
Get_Inheritance_Depth => False,
Set_Ancestor_Tags => True,
Get_Ancestor_Tags => False,
DT_Size => False,
Inherit_DT => True,
CW_Membership => False);
Action_Nb_Arg : constant array (DT_Access_Action) of Int :=
(Set_Prim_Op_Address => 3,
Get_Prim_Op_Address => 2,
Set_Inheritance_Depth => 2,
Get_Inheritance_Depth => 1,
Set_Ancestor_Tags => 2,
Get_Ancestor_Tags => 1,
DT_Size => 1,
Inherit_DT => 3,
CW_Membership => 2);
-- Make_DT_Access_Action --
function Make_DT_Access_Action
(Typ : Entity_Id;
Action : DT_Access_Action;
Args : List_Id)
return Node_Id
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (First (Args));
Action_Name : Entity_Id;
pragma Assert (List_Length (Args) = Action_Nb_Arg (Action));
if Is_CPP_Class (Root_Type (Typ)) then
Action_Name := RTE (CPP_Actions (Action));
Action_Name := RTE (Ada_Actions (Action));
end if;
if Action_Is_Proc (Action) then
Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
Name => New_Reference_To (Action_Name, Loc),
Parameter_Associations => Args);
Make_Function_Call (Loc,
Name => New_Reference_To (Action_Name, Loc),
Parameter_Associations => Args);
end if;
end Make_DT_Access_Action;
-- Set_All_DT_Position --
procedure Set_All_DT_Position (Typ : Entity_Id) is
First_Prim : constant Elmt_Id := First_Elmt (Primitive_Operations (Typ));
Nb_Prim : Int;
Prim : Entity_Id;
The_Tag : constant Entity_Id := Tag_Component (Typ);
Prim_Elmt : Elmt_Id;
-- C++ Case, check that pragma CPP_Class, CPP_Virtual and CPP_Vtable
-- give a coherent set of information
if Is_CPP_Class (Typ) then
-- Compute the number of primitive operations in the main Vtable
Prim_Elmt := First_Prim;
Nb_Prim := 0;
while Present (Prim_Elmt) loop
Prim := Node (Prim_Elmt);
if Present (Alias (Prim)) then
Set_DTC_Entity (Prim, DTC_Entity (Alias (Prim)));
end if;
if No (DTC_Entity (Prim)) then
("is a primitive operation of&, pragma CPP_Virtual required",
Prim, Typ);
elsif DTC_Entity (Prim) = The_Tag then
Nb_Prim := Nb_Prim + 1;
if DT_Position (Prim) = No_Uint then
Set_DT_Position (Prim, UI_From_Int (Nb_Prim));
end if;
end if;
Prim_Elmt := Next_Elmt (Prim_Elmt);
end loop;
-- Check that the declared size of the Vtable is bigger or equal
-- than the number of primitive operations (if bigger it means that
-- some of the c++ virtual functions were not imported, that is
-- allowed)
if DT_Entry_Count (The_Tag) = No_Uint then
Set_DT_Entry_Count (The_Tag, UI_From_Int (Nb_Prim));
elsif UI_To_Int (DT_Entry_Count (The_Tag)) < Nb_Prim then
Error_Msg_N ("not enough room in the Vtable for all virtual"
& " functions", The_Tag);
end if;
-- Check that Positions are not duplicate nor outside the range of
-- the Vtable
Size : constant Int := UI_To_Int (DT_Entry_Count (The_Tag));
Pos : Int;
Prim_Pos_Table : array (1 .. Size) of Entity_Id
:= (others => Empty);
Prim_Elmt := First_Prim;
while Present (Prim_Elmt) loop
Prim := Node (Prim_Elmt);
if DTC_Entity (Prim) = The_Tag then
Pos := UI_To_Int (DT_Position (Prim));
if Pos not in Prim_Pos_Table'Range then
("position not in range of virtual table", Prim);
elsif Present (Prim_Pos_Table (Pos)) then
Error_Msg_NE ("cannot be at the same position in the"
& " vtable than&", Prim, Prim_Pos_Table (Pos));
Prim_Pos_Table (Pos) := Prim;
end if;
end if;
Prim_Elmt := Next_Elmt (Prim_Elmt);
end loop;
-- For regular Ada tagged types, just set the DT_Position for each
-- primitive operation.
Nb_Prim := 0;
Prim_Elmt := First_Prim;
while Present (Prim_Elmt) loop
Nb_Prim := Nb_Prim + 1;
Prim := Node (Prim_Elmt);
Set_DTC_Entity (Prim, The_Tag);
Set_DT_Position (Prim, UI_From_Int (Nb_Prim));
Prim_Elmt := Next_Elmt (Prim_Elmt);
end loop;
Set_DT_Entry_Count (The_Tag, UI_From_Int (Nb_Prim));
end if;
end Set_All_DT_Position;
-- Make_DT --
function Make_DT (Typ : Entity_Id) return List_Id is
Result : constant List_Id := New_List;
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Typ);
Tname : constant Name_Id := Chars (Typ);
Name_DT : constant Name_Id := New_External_Name (Tname, 'T');
Name_DT_Ptr : constant Name_Id := New_External_Name (Tname, 'P');
Name_ATT : constant Name_Id := New_External_Name (Tname, 'B');
DT : constant Node_Id := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_DT);
DT_Ptr : constant Node_Id := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_DT_Ptr);
ATT : constant Node_Id := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_ATT);
I_Depth : Int;
Generalized_Tag : Entity_Id;
if Is_CPP_Class (Root_Type (Typ)) then
Generalized_Tag := RTE (RE_Vtable_Ptr);
Generalized_Tag := RTE (RE_Tag);
end if;
-- Create the Dispatch_Table object as an array of storage element
-- DT : Storage_Array (1 .. DT_Size (nb_prim));
Append_To (Result,
Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
Defining_Identifier => DT,
Aliased_Present => True,
Object_Definition =>
Make_Subtype_Indication (Loc,
Subtype_Mark => New_Reference_To (RTE (RE_Storage_Array), Loc),
Constraint => Make_Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint (Loc,
Constraints => New_List (
Make_Range (Loc,
Low_Bound => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Uint_1),
High_Bound =>
Make_DT_Access_Action (Typ,
Action => DT_Size,
Args => New_List (
Make_Integer_Literal (Loc,
DT_Entry_Count (Tag_Component (Typ)))))))))));
-- Create the pointer to the dispatch table
-- DT_Ptr : Tag := Tag!(DT'Address); Ada case
-- or
-- DT_Ptr : Vtable_Ptr := Vtable_Ptr!(DT'Address); CPP case
Append_To (Result,
Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
Defining_Identifier => DT_Ptr,
Constant_Present => True,
Object_Definition => New_Reference_To (Generalized_Tag, Loc),
Expression =>
Make_Unchecked_Type_Conversion (Loc,
Subtype_Mark => New_Reference_To (Generalized_Tag, Loc),
Expression =>
Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
Prefix => New_Reference_To (DT, Loc),
Attribute_Name => Name_Address))));
-- Set Access_Disp_Table field to be the dispatch table pointer
Set_Access_Disp_Table (Typ, DT_Ptr);
-- Count ancestors to compute the inheritance depth. For private
-- extensions, always go to the full view in order to compute the real
-- inheritance depth.
Parent_Type : Entity_Id := Typ;
P : Entity_Id;
I_Depth := 0;
P := Etype (Parent_Type);
if Is_Private_Type (P) then
P := Full_View (Base_Type (P));
end if;
exit when P = Parent_Type;
I_Depth := I_Depth + 1;
Parent_Type := P;
end loop;
-- Generate Ancestor tags Table:
-- ATT : aliased Address_Array (0 .. I_Depth);
Append_To (Result,
Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
Defining_Identifier => ATT,
Aliased_Present => True,
Object_Definition =>
Make_Subtype_Indication (Loc,
Subtype_Mark => New_Reference_To (RTE (RE_Address_Array), Loc),
Constraint => Make_Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint (Loc,
Constraints => New_List (
Make_Range (Loc,
Low_Bound => Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Uint_0),
High_Bound =>
Make_Integer_Literal (Loc,
UI_From_Int (Int (I_Depth)))))))));
-- Put the Address of the Ancestor Table in the Dispatch Table
Append_To (Result,
Make_DT_Access_Action (Typ,
Action => Set_Ancestor_Tags,
Args => New_List (
New_Reference_To (DT_Ptr, Loc), -- DTptr
Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, -- Value
Prefix => New_Reference_To (ATT, Loc),
Attribute_Name => Name_Address))));
-- For a root type set the Inheritance_Depth and fill the Ancestor Table
-- Direct Ada descendant of a CPP_Class are considered
if Typ = Etype (Typ)
or else (Is_CPP_Class (Etype (Typ)) and then not Is_CPP_Class (Typ))
-- Set_Inheritance_Depth (DT_ptr, Idepth)
Append_To (Result,
Make_DT_Access_Action (Typ,
Action => Set_Inheritance_Depth,
Args => New_List (
New_Reference_To (DT_Ptr, Loc), -- DTptr
Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, UI_From_Int (I_Depth))))); -- Value
-- ATT (0) := Address!(DT_Ptr);
Append_To (Result,
Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
Name =>
Make_Indexed_Component (Loc,
Prefix => New_Reference_To (ATT, Loc),
Expressions => New_List (Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, Uint_0))),
Expression =>
Make_Unchecked_Type_Conversion (Loc,
Subtype_Mark => New_Reference_To (RTE (RE_Address), Loc),
Expression => New_Reference_To (DT_Ptr, Loc))));
-- For a derived type, that is not a direct CPP_Class, call Inherit_DT:
-- Inherit_DT (Parent_Typ'Tag, DT_Ptr, Parent_Typ'DT_Entry_Count);
elsif not Is_CPP_Class (Typ) then
Append_To (Result,
Make_DT_Access_Action (Typ,
Action => Inherit_DT,
Args => New_List (
New_Reference_To -- Old_DTptr
(Access_Disp_Table (Etype (Typ)), Loc),
New_Reference_To (DT_Ptr, Loc), -- New_DTptr
Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, -- Entry_Count
DT_Entry_Count (Tag_Component (Etype (Typ)))))));
end if;
return Result;
end Make_DT;
-- Fill_DT --
function Fill_DT_Entry
(Loc : Source_Ptr;
Prim : Entity_Id)
return Node_Id
Typ : constant Entity_Id := Scope (DTC_Entity (Prim));
DT_Ptr : constant Entity_Id := Access_Disp_Table (Typ);
Make_DT_Access_Action (Typ,
Action => Set_Prim_Op_Address,
Args => New_List (
New_Reference_To (DT_Ptr, Loc), -- DTptr
Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, DT_Position (Prim)), -- Position
Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc, -- Value
Prefix => New_Reference_To (Prim, Loc),
Attribute_Name => Name_Address)));
end Fill_DT_Entry;
-- Expand_Dispatch_Call --
procedure Expand_Dispatch_Call (Call_Node : Node_Id) is
Call_Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (Call_Node);
Ctrl_Arg : constant Node_Id := Controlling_Argument (Call_Node);
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Call_Node);
Param_List : constant List_Id := Parameter_Associations (Call_Node);
Subp : constant Entity_Id := Entity (Name (Call_Node));
CW_Typ : Entity_Id;
Itype_Node : Node_Id;
New_Call : Node_Id;
New_Call_Name : Node_Id;
New_Params : List_Id := No_List;
Param : Node_Id;
Res_Typ : Entity_Id;
Subp_Ptr_Typ : Entity_Id;
Subp_Typ : Entity_Id;
Typ : Entity_Id;
function New_Value (From : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
-- From is the original Expression. New_Value is equivalent to
-- Duplicate_Subexpr with an explicit dereference when From is an
-- access parameter
function New_Value (From : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
Res : constant Node_Id := Duplicate_Subexpr (From);
if Is_Access_Type (Etype (From)) then
return Make_Explicit_Dereference (Sloc (From), Res);
return Res;
end if;
end New_Value;
-- Expand_Dispatch is called directly from the semantics, so we need
-- a check to see whether expansion is active before proceeding
if not Expander_Active then
end if;
-- Definition of the ClassWide Type and the Tagged type
if Is_Access_Type (Etype (Ctrl_Arg)) then
CW_Typ := Designated_Type (Etype (Ctrl_Arg));
CW_Typ := Etype (Ctrl_Arg);
end if;
Typ := Root_Type (CW_Typ);
if Is_CPP_Class (Root_Type (Typ)) then
-- Create a new parameter list with the displaced 'this'
New_Params := New_List;
Param := First_Actual (Call_Node);
while Present (Param) loop
-- We assume that dispatching through the main dispatch table
-- (referenced by Tag_Component) doesn't require a displacement
-- so the expansion below is only done when dispatching on
-- another vtable pointer, in which case the first argument
-- is expanded into :
-- typ!(Displaced_This (Address!(Param)))
if Param = Ctrl_Arg
and then DTC_Entity (Subp) /= Tag_Component (Typ)
Append_To (New_Params,
Make_Unchecked_Type_Conversion (Loc,
Subtype_Mark => New_Reference_To (Etype (Param), Loc),
Expression =>
Make_Function_Call (Loc,
Name => New_Reference_To (RTE (RE_Displaced_This), Loc),
Parameter_Associations => New_List (
-- Current_This
Make_Unchecked_Type_Conversion (Loc,
Subtype_Mark =>
New_Reference_To (RTE (RE_Address), Loc),
Expression => Relocate_Node (Param)),
-- Vptr
Make_Selected_Component (Loc,
Prefix => Duplicate_Subexpr (Ctrl_Arg),
Selector_Name =>
New_Reference_To (DTC_Entity (Subp), Loc)),
-- Position
Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, DT_Position (Subp))))));
Append_To (New_Params, Relocate_Node (Param));
end if;
Param := Next_Actual (Param);
end loop;
elsif Present (Param_List) then
-- Generate the Tag checks when appropriate
New_Params := New_List;
Param := First_Actual (Call_Node);
while Present (Param) loop
-- No tag check with itself
if Param = Ctrl_Arg then
Append_To (New_Params, Relocate_Node (Param));
-- No tag check for parameter whose type is neither tagged nor
-- access to tagged (for access parameters)
elsif No (Find_Controlling_Arg (Param)) then
Append_To (New_Params, Relocate_Node (Param));
-- No tag check for function dispatching on result it the
-- Tag given by the context is this one
elsif Find_Controlling_Arg (Param) = Ctrl_Arg then
Append_To (New_Params, Relocate_Node (Param));
-- "=" is the only dispatching operation allowed to get
-- operands with incompatible tags (it just returns false)
elsif Chars (Subp) = Name_Op_Eq then
Append_To (New_Params, Relocate_Node (Param));
-- No check in presence of suppress flags
elsif Tag_Checks_Suppressed (Etype (Param))
or else (Is_Access_Type (Etype (Param))
and then Tag_Checks_Suppressed
(Designated_Type (Etype (Param))))
Append_To (New_Params, Relocate_Node (Param));
-- Optimization: no tag checks if the parameters are identical
elsif Is_Entity_Name (Param)
and then Is_Entity_Name (Ctrl_Arg)
and then Entity (Param) = Entity (Ctrl_Arg)
Append_To (New_Params, Relocate_Node (Param));
-- Now we need to generate the Tag check
-- Generate code for tag equality check
-- Perhaps should have Checks.Apply_Tag_Equality_Check???
Insert_Action (Ctrl_Arg,
Make_If_Statement (Loc,
Condition =>
Make_Op_Ne (Loc,
Left_Opnd =>
Make_Selected_Component (Loc,
Prefix => New_Value (Ctrl_Arg),
Selector_Name =>
New_Reference_To (Tag_Component (Typ), Loc)),
Right_Opnd =>
Make_Selected_Component (Loc,
Prefix =>
Make_Unchecked_Type_Conversion (Loc,
Subtype_Mark => New_Occurrence_Of (Typ, Loc),
Expression => New_Value (Param)),
Selector_Name =>
New_Reference_To (Tag_Component (Typ), Loc))),
Then_Statements =>
New_List (New_Constraint_Error (Loc))));
Append_To (New_Params, Relocate_Node (Param));
end if;
Param := Next_Actual (Param);
end loop;
end if;
-- Generate the appropriate Subprogram pointer type
if Etype (Subp) = Typ then
Res_Typ := CW_Typ;
Res_Typ := Etype (Subp);
end if;
Itype_Node := Make_Implicit_Types (Loc);
Insert_Action (Ctrl_Arg, Itype_Node);
Subp_Typ := New_Itype (E_Subprogram_Type, Itype_Node);
Subp_Ptr_Typ := New_Itype (E_Access_Subprogram_Type, Itype_Node);
Set_Etype (Subp_Typ, Res_Typ);
-- Create a new list of parameters which is a copy of the old formal
-- list including the creation of a new set of matching entities.
Old_Formal : Entity_Id := First_Formal (Subp);
New_Formal : Entity_Id;
if Present (Old_Formal) then
New_Formal := New_Copy (Old_Formal);
Set_First_Entity (Subp_Typ, New_Formal);
Param := First_Actual (Call_Node);
-- Change all the controlling argument types to be class-wide
-- to avoid a recursion in dispatching
if Is_Controlling_Actual (Param) then
Set_Etype (New_Formal, Etype (Param));
end if;
Old_Formal := Next_Formal (Old_Formal);
exit when No (Old_Formal);
Set_Next_Entity (New_Formal, New_Copy (Old_Formal));
New_Formal := Next_Entity (New_Formal);
Param := Next_Actual (Param);
end loop;
end if;
Set_Etype (Subp_Ptr_Typ, Subp_Ptr_Typ);
Set_Directly_Designated_Type (Subp_Ptr_Typ, Subp_Typ);
-- Generate:
-- Subp_Ptr_Typ!(Get_Prim_Op_Address (Ctrl._Tag, pos));
New_Call_Name :=
Make_Unchecked_Type_Conversion (Loc,
Subtype_Mark => New_Reference_To (Subp_Ptr_Typ, Loc),
Expression =>
Make_DT_Access_Action (Typ,
Action => Get_Prim_Op_Address,
Args => New_List (
-- Vptr
Make_Selected_Component (Loc,
Prefix => Duplicate_Subexpr (Ctrl_Arg),
Selector_Name => New_Reference_To (DTC_Entity (Subp), Loc)),
-- Position
Make_Integer_Literal (Loc, DT_Position (Subp)))));
if Nkind (Call_Node) = N_Function_Call then
New_Call :=
Make_Function_Call (Loc,
Name => New_Call_Name,
Parameter_Associations => New_Params);
New_Call :=
Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
Name => New_Call_Name,
Parameter_Associations => New_Params);
end if;
Rewrite_Substitute_Tree (Call_Node, New_Call);
Analyze (Call_Node);
Resolve (Call_Node, Call_Typ);
end Expand_Dispatch_Call;
-- Set_Default_Constructor --
procedure Set_Default_Constructor (Typ : Entity_Id) is
Loc : Source_Ptr;
Init : Entity_Id;
Param : Entity_Id;
Decl : Node_Id;
E : Entity_Id;
-- Look for the default constructor entity
-- For now only the default constructor has the flag Is_Constructor.
E := Next_Entity (Typ);
while Present (E)
and then (Ekind (E) /= E_Function or else not Is_Constructor (E))
E := Next_Entity (E);
end loop;
-- Create the init procedure
if Present (E) then
Loc := Sloc (E);
Init := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_uInit_Proc);
Param := Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Name_X);
Decl :=
Make_Subprogram_Declaration (Loc,
Make_Procedure_Specification (Loc,
Defining_Unit_Name => Init,
Parameter_Specifications => New_List (
Make_Parameter_Specification (Loc,
Defining_Identifier => Param,
Parameter_Type =>
Make_Access_Definition (Loc,
Subtype_Mark => New_Reference_To (Typ, Loc))))));
Set_Init_Proc (Typ, Init);
Set_Is_Imported (Init);
Set_Interface_Name (Init, Interface_Name (E));
Set_Convention (Init, Convention_C);
Set_Is_Public (Init);
Set_Has_Completion (Init);
end if;
end Set_Default_Constructor;
end Exp_Disp;