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273 lines
-- --
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-- G N A T . O S _ L I B --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.26 $ --
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-- Copyright (c) 1992,1993,1994,1995 NYU, All Rights Reserved --
-- --
-- The GNAT library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --
-- it under terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by --
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any --
-- later version. The GNAT library is distributed in the hope that it will --
-- be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty --
-- Library General Public License for more details. You should have --
-- received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with --
-- the GNAT library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free --
-- Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. --
-- --
-- This package types and procedures for interfacing to the underlying OS.
-- It is used by the GNAT compiler and by tools associated with the GNAT
-- compiler, and therefore works for the various OS-s to which GNAT has
-- been ported. This package will undoubtedly grow as new services are
-- needed by various tools.
-- This package tends to use fairly low-level Ada in order to not bring
-- in large portions of the RTL. For example, functions return access
-- to string as part of avoiding functions returning unconstrained types;
-- types related to dates are defined here instead of using the types
-- from Calendar, since use of Calendar forces linking in of tasking code.
with System;
package GNAT.OS_Lib is
type String_Access is access String;
-- Time/Date Stuff --
-- The OS's notion of time is represented by the private type OS_Time.
-- This is the type returned by the File_Time_Stamp functions to obtain
-- the file stam of a specified file. Functions and a procedure (modeled
-- after the similar subprograms in package Calendar) are provided for
-- extracting information from a value of this type. Although these are
-- called GM, the intention is not that they provide GMT times in all
-- cases but rather the actual (time-zone independent) time stamp of the
-- file (of course in Unix systems, this *is* in GMT form).
type OS_Time is private;
subtype Year_Type is Integer range 1900 .. 2099;
subtype Month_Type is Integer range 1 .. 12;
subtype Day_Type is Integer range 1 .. 31;
subtype Hour_Type is Integer range 0 .. 23;
subtype Minute_Type is Integer range 0 .. 59;
subtype Second_Type is Integer range 0 .. 59;
function GM_Year (Date : OS_Time) return Year_Type;
function GM_Month (Date : OS_Time) return Month_Type;
function GM_Day (Date : OS_Time) return Day_Type;
function GM_Hour (Date : OS_Time) return Hour_Type;
function GM_Minute (Date : OS_Time) return Minute_Type;
function GM_Second (Date : OS_Time) return Second_Type;
procedure GM_Split
(Date : OS_Time;
Year : out Year_Type;
Month : out Month_Type;
Day : out Day_Type;
Hour : out Hour_Type;
Minute : out Minute_Type;
Second : out Second_Type);
-- File Stuff --
-- These routines give access to the open/creat/close/read/write level
-- of I/O routines in the typical C library (these functions are not
-- part of the ANSI C standard, but are typically available in all
-- systems). See also package Interfaces.C_Streams for access to the
-- stream level routines.
type File_Descriptor is private;
-- Corresponds to the int file handle values used in the C routines,
Standin : constant File_Descriptor;
Standout : constant File_Descriptor;
Standerr : constant File_Descriptor;
-- File descriptors for standard input output files
Invalid_FD : constant File_Descriptor;
-- File descriptor returned when error in opening/creating file;
type Mode is (Binary, Text);
for Mode'Size use Integer'Size;
for Mode use (Binary => 0, Text => 1);
-- Used in all the Open and Create calls to specify if the file is to be
-- opened in binary mode or text mode. In systems like Unix, this has no
-- effect, but in systems capable of text mode translation, the use of
-- Text as the mode parameter causes the system to do CR/LF translation
-- and also to recognize the DOS end of file character on input. The use
-- of Text where appropriate allows programs to take a portable Unix view
-- of DOs-format files and process them appropriately.
function Open_Read
(Name : System.Address;
Fmode : Mode)
return File_Descriptor;
pragma Import (C, Open_Read, "open_read");
-- Open file Name (NUL-terminated) for reading, returning file descriptor
-- File descriptor returned is Invalid_FD if file cannot be opened.
function Create_File
(Name : System.Address;
Fmode : Mode)
return File_Descriptor;
pragma Import (C, Create_File, "open_create");
-- Creates new file with given name (NUL-terminated) for writing, returning
-- file descriptor for subsequent use in Write calls. File descriptor
-- returned is Invalid_FD if file cannot be successfully created.
function Create_New_File
(Name : System.Address;
Fmode : Mode)
return File_Descriptor;
pragma Import (C, Create_New_File, "open_new");
-- Create new file with given name (NUL-terminated) for writing,
-- returning file descriptor for subsequent use in Write calls. This
-- differs from Create_File in that it fails if the file already exists.
-- File descriptor returned is Invalid_FD if the file exists or cannot
-- be created.
Temp_File_Len : constant Integer := 12;
-- Length of name returned by Create_Temp_File call (GNAT-XXXXXX & NUL)
subtype Temp_File_Name is String (1 .. Temp_File_Len);
-- String subtype set by Create_Temp_File
procedure Create_Temp_File
(FD : out File_Descriptor;
Name : out Temp_File_Name);
-- Create and open for writing a temporary file. The name of the
-- file and the File Descriptor are returned. The File Descriptor
-- returned is Invalid_FD in the case of failure. No mode parameter
-- is provided. Since this is a temporary file, there is no point in
-- doing text translation on it.
procedure Close (FD : File_Descriptor);
pragma Import (C, Close, "close");
-- Close file referenced by FD
procedure Delete_File (Name : System.Address; Success : out Boolean);
-- Deletes a file. Name is the address of the NUL-terminated file name
-- Success is set True or False indicating if the delete is successful.
function Read
(FD : File_Descriptor;
A : System.Address;
N : Integer)
return Integer;
pragma Import (C, Read, "read");
-- Read N bytes to address A from file referenced by FD. Returned value
-- is count of bytes actually read, which can be less than N at EOF.
function Write
(FD : File_Descriptor;
A : System.Address;
N : Integer)
return Integer;
pragma Import (C, Write, "write");
-- Write N bytes from address A to file referenced by FD. The returned
-- value is the number of bytes written, which can be less than N if
-- a disk full condition was detected.
function File_Length (FD : File_Descriptor) return Long_Integer;
pragma Import (C, File_Length, "file_length");
-- Get length of file from descriptor
function File_Time_Stamp (Name : String) return OS_Time;
-- Get time stamp of file from name (use for unopened file)
function File_Time_Stamp (FD : File_Descriptor) return OS_Time;
-- Get time stamp of file from descriptor
function Is_Regular_File (Name : String) return Boolean;
-- The named file exists and is a regular file
function Is_Directory (Name : String) return Boolean;
-- The named file exists and is a directory
function Locate_Regular_File
(File_Name : String;
Path : String)
return String_Access;
-- Try to locate a regular file whose name is given by File_Name in the
-- directories listed in Path. If a file is found, its full pathname is
-- returned; otherwise, a null pointer is returned. If the File_Name given
-- is an absolute pathname, then Locate_Regular_File just checks that the
-- file exists and is a regular file. Otherwise, the Path argument is
-- parsed according to OS conventions, and for each directory in the Path
-- a check is made if File_Name is a relative pathname of a regular file
-- from that directory.
-- This is most often used for finding executables.
-- Subprocesses --
type Argument_List is array (Integer range <>) of String_Access;
procedure Spawn
(Program_Name : String;
Args : Argument_List;
Success : out Boolean);
-- The first parameter of function Spawn is the FULL PATHNAME of
-- the executable. The second parameter contains the arguments
-- to be passed to the program (in typical argc/argv form).
-- Miscellaneous --
function Getenv (Name : String) return String_Access;
-- Get the value of the environment variable. Returns the empty
-- string if the environment variable does not exist.
-- doesn't exist
procedure OS_Exit (Status : Integer);
pragma Import (C, OS_Exit, "exit");
-- Exit to OS with given status code (program is terminated)
procedure OS_Abort;
pragma Import (C, OS_Abort, "abort");
-- Exit to OS signalling an abort (traceback or other appropriate
-- diagnostic information should be given if possible, or entry made
-- to the debugger if that is possible).
Directory_Separator : constant Character;
-- The character that is used to separate parts of a pathname.
Path_Separator : constant Character;
-- The character to separate paths in an environment variable value.
Dirsep_Char : Character;
pragma Import (C, Dirsep_Char, "dirsep_char");
Directory_Separator : constant Character := Dirsep_Char;
Pathsep_Char : Character;
pragma Import (C, Pathsep_Char, "pathsep_char");
Path_Separator : constant Character := Pathsep_Char;
type OS_Time is new Long_Integer;
type File_Descriptor is new Integer;
Standin : constant File_Descriptor := 0;
Standout : constant File_Descriptor := 1;
Standerr : constant File_Descriptor := 2;
Invalid_FD : constant File_Descriptor := -1;
end GNAT.OS_Lib;