Geek Gadgets 1
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1,439 lines
-- --
-- --
-- O S I N T --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.127 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (c) 1992,1993,1994,1995 NYU, All Rights Reserved --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. --
-- --
with Namet; use Namet;
with Output; use Output;
with Switch; use Switch;
with Opt; use Opt;
with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
with Sdefault; use Sdefault;
with Table;
with Tree_IO; use Tree_IO;
with Unchecked_Conversion;
package body Osint is
-- Local Subprograms --
function OS_Time_To_GNAT_Time (T : OS_Time) return Time_Stamp_Type;
-- Convert OS format time to GNAT format time stamp
procedure Create_File_And_Check
(Fdesc : out File_Descriptor;
Fmode : Mode);
-- Create file whose name (NUL terminated) is in Name_Buffer (with the
-- length in Name_Len), and place the resulting descriptor in Fdesc.
-- Issue message and exit with fatal error if file cannot be created.
-- The Fmode parameter is set to either Text or Binary (see description
-- of GNAT.OS_Lib.Create_File).
procedure Write_With_Check (A : Address; N : Integer);
-- Writes N bytes from buffer starting at address A to file whose FD
-- is stored in Output_FD, and whose file name is stored as a Name_Id
-- in Output_File_Name. A check is made for disk full, and if this is
-- detected, the file being written is deleted, and a fatal error is
-- signalled.
function Normalize_Directory_Name (Directory : String) return String_Ptr;
-- Verify and normalize a directory name. If directory name is invalid,
-- this will return an empty string. Otherwise it will insure a trailing
-- slash and make other normalizations.
function Src_Locate_File
(Dir_Index : Natural;
File_Name : String)
return Name_Id;
-- See if the file whose name is File_Name exists in the directory
-- Src_Search_Directories indexed by Dir_Index. Returns the Name_Id
-- of he full file name if file found, or No_Name if not found.
function Lib_Locate_File
(Dir_Index : Natural;
File_Name : String)
return Name_Id;
-- Same as above for library files except that the Dir_Index is an
-- index in Lib_Searc_Directories.
function Find_Source_File (N : File_Name_Type) return Name_Id;
-- Find a source file following the directory search order rules unless
-- N is the name of the file just read with Next_Main_Source, in which
-- case just look in the Primary_Directory. Returns Name_Id of the full
-- file name if found, No_Name if file not found.
-- Command Line Access --
-- Direct interface to command line parameters. (We don't want to use
-- the predefined command line package because it defines functions
-- returning string)
function Arg_Count return Natural;
pragma Import (C, Arg_Count, "arg_count");
-- Get number of arguments (note: optional globbing may be enabled)
procedure Fill_Arg (A : System.Address; Arg_Num : Integer);
pragma Import (C, Fill_Arg, "fill_arg");
-- Store one argument
function Len_Arg (Arg_Num : Integer) return Integer;
pragma Import (C, Len_Arg, "len_arg");
-- Get length of argument
-- Other Local Declarations --
Argument_Count : constant Integer := Arg_Count - 1;
-- Number of arguments (excluding program name)
File_Names : array (Int range 1 .. Int (Argument_Count)) of String_Ptr;
-- As arguments are scanned in Initialize, filenames are stored
-- in this array. The string does not contain a terminating NUL.
Number_File_Names : Int := 0;
-- The total number of filenames found on command line and placed in
-- File_Names.
Current_File_Name_Index : Int := 0;
-- The index in File_Names of the last file opened by Next_Main_Source
-- or Next_Main_Lib_File. The value 0 indicates that no files have been
-- opened yet.
In_Binder : Boolean := False;
In_Compiler : Boolean := False;
In_Make : Boolean := False;
-- Exactly one of these flags is set True to indicate which program
-- is bound and executing with Osint, which is used by all these programs.
Source_Time_Stamp : Time_Stamp_Type;
-- Time stamp for current source file
Output_FD : File_Descriptor;
-- The file descriptor for the current library info, tree or binder output
Output_File_Name : Name_Id;
-- Name_Id for name of open file whose FD is in Output_FD, the name
-- stored does not include the trailing NUL character.
EOL : constant Character := Ascii.LF;
-- End of line character
Output_Filename : String_Ptr := null;
-- The name after the -o option
Save_Main_File_Name : File_Name_Type;
-- Used to save a simple file name between calls to Next_Main_Source and
-- Read_Source_File. If the file name argument to Read_Source_File is
-- No_File, that indicates that the file whose name was returned by the
-- last call to Next_Main_Source (and stored here) is to be read.
Src_Save_Full_File_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- Set to full name of source file read by the most recent call to
-- Read_Source_File (result returned by Full_Source_Name).
Lib_Save_Full_File_Name : Name_Id := No_Name;
-- Set to full name of library information file read by the
-- most recent call to Read_Library_Info (result returned by
-- Full_Library_Info_Name).
Primary_Directory : Natural := 0;
-- This is index in the tables created below for the first directory to
-- search in for source or library information files. For the compiler
-- (looking for sources) it is the directory containing the main unit.
-- For the binder (looking for library information files) it is the
-- current working directory.
package Src_Search_Directories is new Table (
Table_Component_Type => String_Ptr,
Table_Index_Type => Natural,
Table_Low_Bound => Primary_Directory,
Table_Initial => 12,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Osint.Src_Search_Directories");
-- Table of names of directories in which to search for source (Compiler)
-- files. This table is filled in the order in which the directories are
-- to be searched, and then used in that order.
package Lib_Search_Directories is new Table (
Table_Component_Type => String_Ptr,
Table_Index_Type => Natural,
Table_Low_Bound => Primary_Directory,
Table_Initial => 12,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Osint.Lib_Search_Directories");
-- Table of names of directories in which to search for library (Binder)
-- files. This table is filled in the order in which the directories are
-- to be searched and then used in that order. The reason for having two
-- distinct tables is that we need them both in gnatmake.
-- Close_Binder_Output --
procedure Close_Binder_Output is
pragma Assert (In_Binder);
Close (Output_FD);
end Close_Binder_Output;
-- Close_Stub_Output --
procedure Close_Stub_Output is
pragma Assert (In_Compiler);
Close (Output_FD);
end Close_Stub_Output;
-- Close_Output_Library_Info --
procedure Close_Output_Library_Info is
pragma Assert (In_Compiler);
Close (Output_FD);
end Close_Output_Library_Info;
-- Close_Xref_Output --
procedure Close_Xref_Output is
pragma Assert (In_Compiler);
Close (Output_FD);
end Close_Xref_Output;
-- Create_Binder_Output --
procedure Create_Binder_Output is
File_Name : String_Ptr;
Findex1 : Natural;
Findex2 : Natural;
Flength : Natural;
pragma Assert (In_Binder);
if (Output_Filename_Present) then
if Output_Filename /= null then
Name_Buffer (Output_Filename'Range) := Output_Filename.all;
Name_Buffer (Output_Filename'Last + 1) := Ascii.NUL;
Name_Len := Output_Filename'Last;
Write_Str ("Output filename missing after -o");
Exit_Program (E_Fatal);
end if;
File_Name := File_Names (Current_File_Name_Index);
Findex1 := File_Name'First;
-- The ali file might be specified by a full path name. However,
-- the binder generated file should always be created in the
-- current directory, so the path might need to be stripped away.
-- In addition to the default directory_separator allow the '/' to
-- act as separator since this is allowed in MS-DOS and OS2 ports.
for J in reverse File_Name'Range loop
if File_Name (J) = Directory_Separator
or else File_Name (J) = '/'
Findex1 := J + 1;
end if;
end loop;
Findex2 := Findex1;
while File_Name (Findex2) /= '.' loop
Findex2 := Findex2 + 1;
end loop;
Name_Buffer (1 .. 2) := "b_";
Flength := Findex2 - Findex1;
Name_Buffer (3 .. Flength + 2) := File_Name (Findex1 .. Findex2 - 1);
Name_Buffer (Flength + 3) := '.';
Name_Buffer (Flength + 4) := 'c';
Name_Buffer (Flength + 5) := Ascii.NUL;
Name_Len := Flength + 4;
end if;
Create_File_And_Check (Output_FD, Text);
end Create_Binder_Output;
-- Create_File_And_Check --
procedure Create_File_And_Check
(Fdesc : out File_Descriptor;
Fmode : Mode)
Output_File_Name := Name_Enter;
Fdesc := Create_File (Name_Buffer'Address, Fmode);
if Fdesc = Invalid_FD then
Write_Str ("Cannot create: ");
Write_Str (Name_Buffer);
Exit_Program (E_Fatal);
end if;
end Create_File_And_Check;
-- Create_Output_Library_Info --
procedure Create_Output_Library_Info is
-- ??? Needs to be coordinated with -o option
Dot_Index : Natural;
pragma Assert (In_Compiler);
Get_Name_String (Save_Main_File_Name);
Dot_Index := 0;
for J in reverse 1 .. Name_Len loop
if Name_Buffer (J) = '.' then
Dot_Index := J;
end if;
end loop;
-- Should be impossible to not have an extension
if Dot_Index = 0 then
pragma Assert (False);
end if;
Name_Buffer (Dot_Index + 1 .. Dot_Index + 3) := "ali";
Name_Buffer (Dot_Index + 4) := Ascii.NUL;
Name_Len := Dot_Index + 3;
Create_File_And_Check (Output_FD, Text);
end Create_Output_Library_Info;
-- Create_Req_Output --
procedure Create_Req_Output is
pragma Assert (In_Compiler);
Create_File_And_Check (Output_FD, Text);
end Create_Req_Output;
-- Create_Stub_Output --
procedure Create_Stub_Output is
FD : File_Descriptor;
pragma Assert (In_Compiler);
Create_File_And_Check (FD, Text);
Set_Output_FD (FD);
end Create_Stub_Output;
-- Create_Xref_Output --
procedure Create_Xref_Output (Global_Xref_File : Boolean) is
pragma Assert (In_Compiler);
-- For now, always use X.ref, since cannot reference Lib ???
if not Global_Xref_File then
Get_Name_String (Save_Main_File_Name);
Name_Buffer (Name_Len - 2 .. Name_Len - 1) := "xr";
Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1) := Ascii.NUL;
Name_Buffer (1 .. 5) := "X.ref";
Name_Buffer (6) := Ascii.NUL;
Name_Len := 5;
end if;
Create_File_And_Check (Output_FD, Text);
end Create_Xref_Output;
-- Current_Source_File_Stamp --
function Current_Source_File_Stamp return Time_Stamp_Type is
return Source_Time_Stamp;
end Current_Source_File_Stamp;
-- Exit_Program --
procedure Exit_Program (Exit_Code : Exit_Code_Type) is
case Exit_Code is
when E_Success => OS_Exit (0);
when E_Warnings => OS_Exit (0);
when E_Errors => OS_Exit (1);
when E_Fatal => OS_Exit (2);
when E_Abort => OS_Abort;
end case;
end Exit_Program;
-- Find_Source_File --
function Find_Source_File (N : File_Name_Type) return Name_Id is
Is_Main_Unit : constant Boolean := (N = Save_Main_File_Name);
File_Located : Name_Id;
-- The first place to look is in the directory of the main
-- unit. If the file is the main unit and it is not found
-- in the directory specified for it, it is an error.
Get_Name_String (N);
File_Located :=
Src_Locate_File (Primary_Directory, Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
if File_Located = No_Name then
if Is_Main_Unit then
-- An error. Main unit was not found in its specified directory
Get_Name_String (N);
Write_Str ("Cannot find: ");
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Exit_Program (E_Fatal);
-- This is not the main unit, so look for it in the other
-- places on the search path.
for Dir_Index in
Primary_Directory + 1 .. Src_Search_Directories.Last
File_Located :=
Src_Locate_File (Dir_Index, Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
exit when File_Located /= No_Name;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
return File_Located;
end Find_Source_File;
-- Full_Library_Info_Name --
function Full_Library_Info_Name return Name_Id is
return Lib_Save_Full_File_Name;
end Full_Library_Info_Name;
-- Full_Object_File_Name --
function Full_Object_File_Name return Name_Id is
J : Positive;
ALI_Suffix : constant String_Ptr := new String'("ali");
Object_Suffix : String (1 .. 10);
-- 10 should be sufficient till this code gets cleaned up ???
procedure Get_Object_Suffix (str : Address);
pragma Import (C, Get_Object_Suffix, "Get_Object_Suffix");
-- The filename suffixes for ALI and object files
-- ??? Should do with interfaces or something nicer
Get_Name_String (Full_Library_Info_Name);
Name_Len := Name_Len - ALI_Suffix'Length;
Get_Object_Suffix (Object_Suffix'Address);
J := Object_Suffix'First;
while Object_Suffix (J) /= ASCII.Nul loop
Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := Object_Suffix (J);
J := J + 1;
end loop;
return Name_Enter;
end Full_Object_File_Name;
-- Full_Source_Name --
function Full_Source_Name (N : File_Name_Type := No_File) return Name_Id is
if N = No_File then
return Src_Save_Full_File_Name;
return Find_Source_File (N);
end if;
end Full_Source_Name;
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize (P : Program_Type) is
Already_Seen : Boolean := False;
Search_Path_Value : String_Access;
Next_Arg : Positive;
function Get_Default_Identifier_Character_Set return Character;
pragma Import (C, Get_Default_Identifier_Character_Set,
-- Function to determine the default identifier character set,
-- which is system dependent. See Opt package spec for a list of
-- the possible character codes and their interpretations.
function Get_Maximum_File_Name_Length return Int;
pragma Import (C, Get_Maximum_File_Name_Length,
-- Function to get maximum file name length for system
Program := P;
case Program is
when Binder => In_Binder := True;
when Compiler => In_Compiler := True;
when Make => In_Make := True;
end case;
-- Needed only for gnatmake
Identifier_Character_Set :=
Maximum_File_Name_Length := Get_Maximum_File_Name_Length;
-- Following should be removed by having above function return
-- Integer'Last as indication of no maximum instead of -1 ???
if Maximum_File_Name_Length = -1 then
Maximum_File_Name_Length := Int'Last;
end if;
Suppress_Options.Access_Checks := False;
Suppress_Options.Accessibility_Checks := False;
Suppress_Options.Discriminant_Checks := False;
Suppress_Options.Division_Checks := False;
Suppress_Options.Index_Checks := False;
Suppress_Options.Length_Checks := False;
Suppress_Options.Overflow_Checks := False;
Suppress_Options.Range_Checks := False;
Suppress_Options.Division_Checks := False;
Suppress_Options.Length_Checks := False;
Suppress_Options.Range_Checks := False;
Suppress_Options.Storage_Checks := False;
Suppress_Options.Tag_Checks := False;
-- Set software overflow check flag. For now all targets require the
-- use of software overflow checks. Later on, this will have to be
-- specialized to the backend target. Also, if software overflow
-- checking mode is set, then the default for suppressing overflow
-- checks is True, since the software approach is expensive.
Software_Overflow_Checking := True;
Suppress_Options.Overflow_Checks := True;
-- Similarly, the default is elaboration checks off
Suppress_Options.Elaboration_Checks := True;
-- Reserve the first slot in the search paths table. For the compiler
-- this is the directory of the main source file and is filled in by
-- each call to Next_Main_Source. For the binder, this is always empty
-- so the current working directory is searched first.
Src_Search_Directories.Set_Last (Primary_Directory);
Src_Search_Directories.Table (Primary_Directory) := new String'("");
-- Overriden in Next_Main_Source if Next_Main_Source is ever called
Lib_Search_Directories.Set_Last (Primary_Directory);
Lib_Search_Directories.Table (Primary_Directory) := new String'("");
-- Loop through command line arguments, storing them for later access
Scan_Args : declare
In_Gcc_Args : Boolean := False;
In_Binder_Args : Boolean := False;
In_Linker_Args : Boolean := False;
-- These three flags are used to indicate if we are scanning gcc,
-- gnatbind, or gnatbl options within the gnatmake command line.
Compiler_Opts : constant String_Ptr := new String'("-cargs");
Binder_Opts : constant String_Ptr := new String'("-bargs");
Linker_Opts : constant String_Ptr := new String'("-largs");
-- Needed in gnatmake to search for the gcc, gnatbind and gnatbl
-- options put on the gnatmake command line
Next_Arg := 1;
exit when Next_Arg > Argument_Count;
Next_Argv : String (1 .. Len_Arg (Next_Arg));
Fill_Arg (Next_Argv'Address, Next_Arg);
if Next_Argv'Length /= 0
and then (Next_Argv (1) = Switch_Character
or else Next_Argv (1) = '-')
-- If we are processing a switch of the form "-Idirname"
-- add "dirname" to the source and library search paths.
if Next_Argv'Length >= 2 and then Next_Argv (2) = 'I' then
(Src_Search_Directories.Last) :=
(Next_Argv (3 .. Next_Argv'Length));
(Lib_Search_Directories.Last) :=
(Next_Argv (3 .. Next_Argv'Length));
-- When executing "gnatmake", add the -I switch
-- to both the compiler and binder switches.
if Program = Make then
Gcc_Switches.Table (Gcc_Switches.Last) :=
new String'(Next_Argv);
Binder_Switches.Table (Binder_Switches.Last) :=
new String'(Next_Argv);
end if;
-- Processing of gnatmake -[cbl]args arguments.
elsif Program = Make and then
Next_Argv = Compiler_Opts.all
In_Gcc_Args := True;
In_Binder_Args := False;
In_Linker_Args := False;
elsif Program = Make and then
Next_Argv = Binder_Opts.all
In_Gcc_Args := False;
In_Binder_Args := True;
In_Linker_Args := False;
elsif Program = Make and then
Next_Argv = Linker_Opts.all
In_Gcc_Args := False;
In_Binder_Args := False;
In_Linker_Args := True;
elsif Program = Make and then In_Gcc_Args then
Gcc_Switches.Table (Gcc_Switches.Last) :=
new String'(Next_Argv);
elsif Program = Make and then In_Binder_Args then
Binder_Switches.Table (Binder_Switches.Last) :=
new String'(Next_Argv);
elsif Program = Make and then In_Linker_Args then
Linker_Switches.Table (Linker_Switches.Last) :=
new String'(Next_Argv);
-- All other options are single character and are handled
-- by Scan_Switches.
Scan_Switches (Next_Argv);
end if;
-- Not a switch, so must be a filename (if non-empty)
elsif Program = Make and then
Next_Argv'Length /= 0 and then In_Gcc_Args
Gcc_Switches.Table (Gcc_Switches.Last) :=
new String'(Next_Argv);
elsif Program = Make and then
Next_Argv'Length /= 0 and then In_Binder_Args
Binder_Switches.Table (Binder_Switches.Last) :=
new String'(Next_Argv);
elsif Program = Make and then
Next_Argv'Length /= 0 and then In_Linker_Args
Linker_Switches.Table (Linker_Switches.Last) :=
new String'(Next_Argv);
elsif Next_Argv'Length /= 0 then
if Output_Filename_Present and not Already_Seen then
Already_Seen := True;
Output_Filename := new String'(Next_Argv);
Number_File_Names := Number_File_Names + 1;
File_Names (Number_File_Names) := new String'(Next_Argv);
end if;
end if;
Next_Arg := Next_Arg + 1;
end loop;
end Scan_Args;
-- After the locations specified on the command line, the next places
-- to look for files are the directories specified by the appropriate
-- environment variable. Get this value, extract the directory names
-- and store in the table.
for Additional_Source_Dir in False .. True loop
if Additional_Source_Dir then
Search_Path_Value := Getenv ("ADA_INCLUDE_PATH");
Search_Path_Value := Getenv ("ADA_OBJECTS_PATH");
end if;
if Search_Path_Value'Length > 0 then
Lower_Bound : Positive := 1;
Upper_Bound : Positive;
while Lower_Bound <= Search_Path_Value'Last
and then
Search_Path_Value.all (Lower_Bound) = Path_Separator
Lower_Bound := Lower_Bound + 1;
end loop;
exit when Lower_Bound > Search_Path_Value'Last;
Upper_Bound := Lower_Bound;
while Upper_Bound <= Search_Path_Value'Last
and then
Search_Path_Value.all (Upper_Bound) /= Path_Separator
Upper_Bound := Upper_Bound + 1;
end loop;
if Additional_Source_Dir then
(Src_Search_Directories.Last) :=
(Lower_Bound .. Upper_Bound - 1));
(Lib_Search_Directories.Last) :=
(Lower_Bound .. Upper_Bound - 1));
end if;
Lower_Bound := Upper_Bound + 1;
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
-- The last place to look are the defaults.
Src_Search_Directories.Table (Src_Search_Directories.Last) :=
Lib_Search_Directories.Table (Lib_Search_Directories.Last) :=
end Initialize;
-- Lib_File_Name --
function Lib_File_Name
(Source_File : File_Name_Type)
return File_Name_Type
Fptr : Natural;
-- Pointer to location to set extension in place
Get_Name_String (Source_File);
Fptr := Name_Len + 1;
for J in reverse 1 .. Name_Len loop
if Name_Buffer (J) = '.' then
Fptr := J;
end if;
end loop;
Name_Buffer (Fptr .. Fptr + 3) := ".ali";
Name_Buffer (Fptr + 4) := Ascii.NUL;
Name_Len := Fptr + 3;
return Name_Find;
end Lib_File_Name;
-- Lib_Locate_File --
function Lib_Locate_File
(Dir_Index : Natural;
File_Name : String)
return Name_Id
Dir_Name_Length : Natural :=
Lib_Search_Directories.Table (Dir_Index)'Length;
Full_Name : String (1 .. Dir_Name_Length + File_Name'Length);
Full_Name (1 .. Dir_Name_Length) :=
Lib_Search_Directories.Table (Dir_Index).all;
Full_Name (Dir_Name_Length + 1 .. Full_Name'Length) := File_Name;
if not Is_Regular_File (Full_Name) then
return No_Name;
Name_Len := Full_Name'Length;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Full_Name;
return Name_Enter;
end if;
end Lib_Locate_File;
-- More_Lib_Files --
function More_Lib_Files return Boolean is
pragma Assert (In_Binder);
return (Current_File_Name_Index < Number_File_Names);
end More_Lib_Files;
-- More_Source_Files --
function More_Source_Files return Boolean is
pragma Assert (In_Compiler or else In_Make);
return (Current_File_Name_Index < Number_File_Names);
end More_Source_Files;
-- Next_Main_Lib_File --
function Next_Main_Lib_File return File_Name_Type is
File_Name : String_Ptr;
Fptr : Natural;
pragma Assert (In_Binder);
Current_File_Name_Index := Current_File_Name_Index + 1;
-- Fatal error if no more files (should call More_Lib_Files)
pragma Assert (Current_File_Name_Index <= Number_File_Names);
-- Otherwise return name of the file
File_Name := File_Names (Current_File_Name_Index);
Fptr := File_Name'First;
for J in reverse File_Name'Range loop
if File_Name (J) = Directory_Separator then
Fptr := J + 1;
end if;
end loop;
Name_Len := File_Name'Last - Fptr + 1;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := File_Name (Fptr .. File_Name'Last);
return File_Name_Type (Name_Find);
end Next_Main_Lib_File;
-- Next_Main_Source --
function Next_Main_Source return File_Name_Type is
File_Name : String_Ptr;
Fptr : Natural;
pragma Assert (In_Compiler or else In_Make);
Current_File_Name_Index := Current_File_Name_Index + 1;
-- Fatal error if no more files (should call More_Source_Files)
pragma Assert (Current_File_Name_Index <= Number_File_Names);
-- Otherwise return name of the file
File_Name := File_Names (Current_File_Name_Index);
Fptr := File_Name'First;
for J in reverse File_Name'Range loop
if File_Name (J) = Directory_Separator then
if J = File_Name'Last then
Write_Str ("File name missing");
Exit_Program (E_Fatal);
end if;
Fptr := J + 1;
end if;
end loop;
-- Save name of directory in which main unit resides for use in
-- locating other units
Src_Search_Directories.Table (Primary_Directory) :=
new String'(File_Name (File_Name'First .. Fptr - 1));
Name_Len := File_Name'Last - Fptr + 1;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := File_Name (Fptr .. File_Name'Last);
Save_Main_File_Name := File_Name_Type (Name_Find);
return Save_Main_File_Name;
end Next_Main_Source;
-- Normalize_Directory_Name --
function Normalize_Directory_Name (Directory : String) return String_Ptr is
Result : String_Ptr;
-- For now this just insures that the string is terminated with
-- the directory separator character. Add more later?
if Directory (Directory'Last) = Directory_Separator then
Result := new String'(Directory);
Result := new String (1 .. Directory'Length + 1);
Result (1 .. Directory'Length) := Directory;
Result (Directory'Length + 1) := Directory_Separator;
end if;
return Result;
end Normalize_Directory_Name;
-- Number_Of_Files --
function Number_Of_Files return Int is
return Number_File_Names;
end Number_Of_Files;
-- OS_Time_To_GNAT_Time --
function OS_Time_To_GNAT_Time (T : OS_Time) return Time_Stamp_Type is
GNAT_Time : Time_Stamp_Type;
Y : Year_Type;
Mo : Month_Type;
D : Day_Type;
H : Hour_Type;
Mn : Minute_Type;
S : Second_Type;
Z : constant := Character'Pos ('0');
GM_Split (T, Y, Mo, D, H, Mn, S);
GNAT_Time (1) := Character'Val (Z + (Y / 10) mod 10);
GNAT_Time (2) := Character'Val (Z + Y mod 10);
GNAT_Time (3) := Character'Val (Z + Mo / 10);
GNAT_Time (4) := Character'Val (Z + Mo mod 10);
GNAT_Time (5) := Character'Val (Z + D / 10);
GNAT_Time (6) := Character'Val (Z + D mod 10);
GNAT_Time (7) := Character'Val (Z + H / 10);
GNAT_Time (8) := Character'Val (Z + H mod 10);
GNAT_Time (9) := Character'Val (Z + Mn / 10);
GNAT_Time (10) := Character'Val (Z + Mn mod 10);
GNAT_Time (11) := Character'Val (Z + S / 10);
GNAT_Time (12) := Character'Val (Z + S mod 10);
return GNAT_Time;
end OS_Time_To_GNAT_Time;
-- Read_Library_Info --
function Read_Library_Info
(Lib_File : File_Name_Type;
Fatal_Err : Boolean := False)
return Text_Buffer_Ptr
Lib_FD : File_Descriptor;
-- The file descriptor for the current library file. A negative value
-- indicates failure to open the specified source file.
Text : Text_Buffer_Ptr;
-- Allocated text buffer.
File_Located : Name_Id;
if Lib_File = No_File then
Name_Len := File_Names (Current_File_Name_Index)'Length;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) :=
File_Names (Current_File_Name_Index).all;
File_Located :=
Lib_Locate_File (Primary_Directory, Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Get_Name_String (Lib_File);
for Dir_Index in
Lib_Search_Directories.First .. Lib_Search_Directories.Last
File_Located :=
Lib_Locate_File (Dir_Index, Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
exit when File_Located /= No_Name;
end loop;
end if;
Lib_Save_Full_File_Name := File_Located;
if File_Located = No_Name then
if Fatal_Err then
Write_Str ("Cannot find: ");
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Exit_Program (E_Fatal);
return null;
end if;
end if;
Get_Name_String (Lib_Save_Full_File_Name);
Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1) := Ascii.NUL;
-- Open the library FD, note that we open in binary mode, because as
-- documented in the spec, the caller is expected to handle either
-- DOS or Unix mode files, and there is no point in wasting time on
-- text translation when it is not required.
Lib_FD := Open_Read (Name_Buffer'Address, Binary);
if Lib_FD = Invalid_FD then
if Fatal_Err then
Write_Str ("Cannot open: ");
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Exit_Program (E_Fatal);
return null;
end if;
end if;
-- Read data from the file
Len : Integer := Integer (File_Length (Lib_FD));
-- Length of source file text. If it doesn't fit in an integer
-- we're probably stuck anyway (>2 gigs of source seems a lot!)
Lo : Text_Ptr := 0;
-- Low bound for allocated text buffer
Hi : Text_Ptr := Text_Ptr (Len);
-- High bound for allocated text buffer. Note length is Len + 1
-- which allows for extra EOF character at the end of the buffer.
-- Allocate text buffer. Note extra character at end for EOF
Text := new Text_Buffer (Lo .. Hi);
if Read (Lib_FD, Text (Lo)'Address, Len) < Len then
null; -- ??? should do something here
end if;
Text (Hi) := EOF;
-- Read is complete, close file and we are done
Close (Lib_FD);
return Text;
end Read_Library_Info;
-- Read_Source_File --
procedure Read_Source_File
(N : File_Name_Type;
Lo : in Source_Ptr;
Hi : out Source_Ptr;
Src : out Source_Buffer_Ptr)
Source_File_FD : File_Descriptor;
-- The file descriptor for the current source file. A negative value
-- indicates failure to open the specified source file.
Len : Integer;
-- Length of file. Assume no more than 2 gigabytes of source!
Src_Save_Full_File_Name := Find_Source_File (N);
if Src_Save_Full_File_Name = No_Name then
Src := null;
end if;
Get_Name_String (Src_Save_Full_File_Name);
Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1) := Ascii.NUL;
-- Open the source FD, note that we open in binary mode, because as
-- documented in the spec, the caller is expected to handle either
-- DOS or Unix mode files, and there is no point in wasting time on
-- text translation when it is not required.
Source_File_FD := Open_Read (Name_Buffer'Address, Binary);
if Source_File_FD = Invalid_FD then
Src := null;
end if;
-- Prepare to read data from the file
Len := Integer (File_Length (Source_File_FD));
-- Set Hi so that length is one more than the physical length,
-- allowing for the extra EOF character at the end of the buffer
Hi := Lo + Source_Ptr (Len);
-- Do the actual read operation
subtype Actual_Source_Buffer is Source_Buffer (Lo .. Hi);
-- Physical buffer allocated
type Actual_Source_Ptr is access Actual_Source_Buffer;
-- This is the pointer type for the physical buffer allocated
Actual_Ptr : Actual_Source_Ptr := new Actual_Source_Buffer;
-- And this is the actual physical buffer
-- Allocate source buffer, allowing extra character at end for EOF
if Read (Source_File_FD, Actual_Ptr (Lo)'Address, Len) < Len then
null; -- ??? should do something here
end if;
Actual_Ptr (Hi) := EOF;
-- Now we need to work out the proper virtual origin pointer to
-- return. This is exactly Actual_Ptr (0)'Address, but we have
-- to be careful to suppress checks to compute this address.
pragma Suppress (All_Checks);
function To_Source_Buffer_Ptr is new
Unchecked_Conversion (Address, Source_Buffer_Ptr);
Src := To_Source_Buffer_Ptr (Actual_Ptr (0)'Address);
-- Read is complete, get time stamp and close file and we are done
Source_Time_Stamp :=
OS_Time_To_GNAT_Time (File_Time_Stamp (Source_File_FD));
Close (Source_File_FD);
end Read_Source_File;
-- Source_File_Stamp --
function Source_File_Stamp
(Name : File_Name_Type)
return Time_Stamp_Type
File_Located : Name_Id := Find_Source_File (Name);
if File_Located = No_Name then
return " ";
Get_Name_String (File_Located);
Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1) := Ascii.NUL;
return OS_Time_To_GNAT_Time (File_Time_Stamp (Name_Buffer));
end if;
end Source_File_Stamp;
-- Src_Locate_File --
function Src_Locate_File
(Dir_Index : Natural;
File_Name : String)
return Name_Id
Dir_Name_Length : Natural :=
Src_Search_Directories.Table (Dir_Index)'Length;
Full_Name : String (1 .. Dir_Name_Length + File_Name'Length);
Full_Name (1 .. Dir_Name_Length) :=
Src_Search_Directories.Table (Dir_Index).all;
Full_Name (Dir_Name_Length + 1 .. Full_Name'Length) := File_Name;
if not Is_Regular_File (Full_Name) then
return No_Name;
Name_Len := Full_Name'Length;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Full_Name;
return Name_Enter;
end if;
end Src_Locate_File;
-- Stub_Output_Start --
-- For now does nothing, should process -o switch ???
procedure Stub_Output_Start is
end Stub_Output_Start;
-- Stub_Output_Stop --
-- For now does nothing, should process -o switch ???
procedure Stub_Output_Stop is
end Stub_Output_Stop;
-- Tree_Create --
procedure Tree_Create is
Dot_Index : Natural;
pragma Assert (In_Compiler);
Get_Name_String (Save_Main_File_Name);
Dot_Index := 0;
for J in reverse 1 .. Name_Len loop
if Name_Buffer (J) = '.' then
Dot_Index := J;
end if;
end loop;
-- Should be impossible to not have an extension
if Dot_Index = 0 then
pragma Assert (False);
end if;
-- Change *.ads to *.ats and *.adb to *.atb
Name_Buffer (Dot_Index + 2) := 't';
Name_Buffer (Dot_Index + 4) := Ascii.NUL;
Name_Len := Dot_Index + 3;
Create_File_And_Check (Output_FD, Binary);
Tree_Write_Initialize (Output_FD);
end Tree_Create;
-- Tree_Close --
procedure Tree_Close is
pragma Assert (In_Compiler);
Close (Output_FD);
end Tree_Close;
-- Write_Binder_Info --
procedure Write_Binder_Info (Info : String) is
pragma Assert (In_Binder);
Write_With_Check (Info'Address, Info'Length);
Write_With_Check (EOL'Address, 1);
end Write_Binder_Info;
-- Write_Library_Info --
procedure Write_Library_Info (Info : String) is
pragma Assert (In_Compiler);
Write_With_Check (Info'Address, Info'Length);
Write_With_Check (EOL'Address, 1);
end Write_Library_Info;
-- Write_Program_Name --
procedure Write_Program_Name is
Command_Name : String (1 .. Len_Arg (0));
Fill_Arg (Command_Name'Address, 0);
Write_Str (Command_Name);
end Write_Program_Name;
-- Write_With_Check --
procedure Write_With_Check (A : Address; N : Integer) is
Ignore : Boolean;
if N = Write (Output_FD, A, N) then
Write_Str ("error: disk full writing ");
Write_Name_Decoded (Output_File_Name);
Name_Len := Name_Len + 1;
Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := Ascii.Nul;
Delete_File (Name_Buffer'Address, Ignore);
Exit_Program (E_Fatal);
end if;
end Write_With_Check;
-- Write_Xref_Output --
procedure Write_Xref_Info (Info : String; Eol : Boolean := True) is
pragma Assert (In_Compiler);
Write_With_Check (Info'Address, Info'Length);
if Eol then
Write_With_Check (Osint.EOL'Address, 1);
end if;
end Write_Xref_Info;
end Osint;