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-- --
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-- S Y S T E M . T A S K I N G . P R O T E C T E D _ O B J E C T S --
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-- S p e c --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.15 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (c) 1991,1992,1993,1994, FSU, All Rights Reserved --
-- --
-- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the --
-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any --
-- later version. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be use- --
-- ful, but but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
-- eral Library Public License for more details. You should have received --
-- a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with GNARL; see --
-- file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 --
-- Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. --
-- --
with System.Compiler_Exceptions;
-- Used for, Exception_ID
package System.Tasking.Protected_Objects is
-- This interface is described in the document
-- Gnu Ada Runtime Library Interface (GNARLI).
pragma Elaborate_Body (System.Tasking.Protected_Objects);
procedure Initialize_Protection
(Object : access Protection;
Ceiling_Priority : Integer;
Compiler_Info : System.Address;
Entry_Bodies : access Protected_Entry_Body_Array);
-- Initialize the Object parameter so that it can be used by the runtime
-- to keep track of the runtime state of a protected object.
procedure Lock (Object : access Protection);
-- Lock a protected object for write access. Upon return, the caller
-- owns the lock to this object, and no other call to Lock or
-- Lock_Read_Only with the same argument will return until the
-- corresponding call to Unlock has been made by the caller.
procedure Lock_Read_Only (Object : access Protection);
-- Lock a protected object for read access. Upon return, the caller
-- owns the lock for read access, and no other calls to Lock
-- with the same argument will return until the corresponding call
-- to Unlock has been made by the caller. Other cals to Lock_Read_Only
-- may (but need not) return before the call to Unlock, and the
-- corresponding callers will also own the lock for read access.
procedure Unlock (Object : access Protection);
-- Relinquish ownership of the lock for the object represented by
-- the Object parameter. If this ownership was for write access, or
-- if it was for read access where there are no other read access
-- locks outstanding, one (or more, in the case of Lock_Read_Only)
-- of the tasks waiting on this lock (if any) will be given the
-- lock and allowed to return from the Lock or Lock_Read_Only call.
procedure Protected_Entry_Call
(Object : access Protection;
E : Protected_Entry_Index;
Uninterpreted_Data : System.Address;
Mode : Call_Modes;
Block : out Communication_Block);
-- Make a protected entry call to the specified object.
-- Pend a protected entry call on the protected object represented
-- by Object. A pended call is not queued; it may be executed immediately
-- or queued, depending on the state of the entry barrier.
-- E---The index representing the entry to be called.
-- Uninterpreted_Data---This will be returned by Next_Entry_Call
-- when this call is serviced. It can be used by the compiler
-- to pass information between the caller and the server, in particular
-- entry parameters.
-- Mode---The kind of call to be pended.
-- Block---Information passed between one runtime call and another
-- by the compiler.
procedure Service_Entries (Object : access Protection);
-- Service all entry queues of the specified object, executing the
-- corresponding bodies of any queued entry calls that are waiting
-- on True barriers. This is used when the state of a protected
-- object may have changed, in particular after the execution of
-- the statement sequence of a protected procedure.
-- Note that servicing an entry may change the value of one or more
-- barriers, so this this routine keeps checking barriers until all of
-- them are closed.
-- This must be called with abortion deferred and with the corresponding
-- object locked.
pragma Inline (Service_Entries);
-- !!! To try to be fairer to the callback interface.
procedure Cancel_Protected_Entry_Call (Block : in out Communication_Block);
-- Attempt to cancel the most recent protected entry call. If the call is
-- not queued abortably, wait until it is or until it has completed.
-- If the call is actually cancelled, the called object will be
-- locked on return from this call. Get_Cancelled (Block) can be
-- used to determine if the cancellation took place; there
-- may be entries needing service in this case.
-- Block passes information between this and other runtime calls.
procedure Complete_Entry_Body (Object : access Protection);
-- Called from within an entry body procedure, indicates that the
-- corresponding entry call has been serviced.
procedure Exceptional_Complete_Entry_Body
(Object : access Protection;
Ex : System.Compiler_Exceptions.Exception_ID);
-- Perform all of the functions of Complete_Entry_Body. In addition,
-- report in Ex the exception whose propagation terminated the entry
-- body to the runtime system.
function Enqueued (Block : Communication_Block) return Boolean;
-- Returns True if the Protected_Entry_Call which returned the
-- specified Block object was queued; False otherwise.
function Cancelled (Block : Communication_Block) return Boolean;
-- Returns True if the Protected_Entry_Call which returned the
-- specified Block object was cancelled, False otherwise.
procedure Requeue_Protected_Entry
(Object : access Protection;
New_Object : access Protection;
E : Protected_Entry_Index;
With_Abort : Boolean);
-- If Object = New_Object, queue the protected entry call on Object
-- currently being serviced on the queue corresponding to the entry
-- represented by E.
-- If Object /= New_Object, transfer the call to New_Object.E,
-- executing or queuing it as appropriate.
-- With_Abort---True if the call is to be queued abortably, false
-- otherwise.
procedure Requeue_Task_To_Protected_Entry
(New_Object : access Protection;
E : Protected_Entry_Index;
With_Abort : Boolean);
-- Transfer task entry call currently being serviced to entry E
-- on New_Object.
-- With_Abort---True if the call is to be queued abortably, false
-- otherwise.
function Protected_Count
(Object : Protection;
E : Protected_Entry_Index)
return Natural;
-- Return the number of entry calls to E on Object.
end System.Tasking.Protected_Objects;