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703 lines
-- --
-- --
-- S Y S T E M . T A S K I N G . U T I L I T I E S --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.15 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (c) 1991,1992,1993,1994,1995 FSU, All Rights Reserved --
-- --
-- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the --
-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any --
-- later version. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be use- --
-- ful, but but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
-- eral Library Public License for more details. You should have received --
-- a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with GNARL; see --
-- file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 --
-- Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. --
-- --
-- This package provides RTS Internal Declarations.
-- These declarations are not part of the GNARLI
with System.Task_Primitives; use System.Task_Primitives;
with System.Compiler_Exceptions;
-- Used for, Tasking_Error_ID
with System.Tasking.Abortion;
-- Used for, Undefer_Abortion,
-- Abort_To_Level
with System.Tasking.Queuing; use System.Tasking.Queuing;
-- Used for, Queuing.Dequeue_Head
with System.Tasking.Entry_Calls;
-- Used for, Lock_Server
-- Unlock_Server
-- Dequeue_Call
with System.Tasking.Initialization;
-- Used for, Remove_From_All_Tasks_List
-- All_Tasks_L
-- All_Tasks_List
package body System.Tasking.Utilities is
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Make_Passive
(T : Task_ID);
-- Record that task T is passive.
procedure Close_Entries (Target : Task_ID);
-- Close entries, purge entry queues (called by Task_Stages.Complete)
-- T.Stage must be Completing before this is called.
-- Vulnerable_Complete_Activation --
-- WARNING : Only call this procedure with abortion deferred.
-- That's why the name has "Vulnerable" in it.
procedure Vulnerable_Complete_Activation
(T : Task_ID;
Completed : Boolean)
Activator : Task_ID;
Error : Boolean;
Activator := T.Activator;
if Activator /= Null_Task then
-- Should only be null for the environment task.
-- Decrement the count of tasks to be activated by the
-- activator and wake it up so it can check to see if
-- all tasks have been activated. Note that the locks
-- of the activator and created task are locked here.
-- This is necessary because C.Stage and
-- T.Activation_Count have to be synchronized. This is
-- also done in Activate_Tasks and Init_Abortion. So
-- long as the activator lock is always locked first,
-- this cannot lead to deadlock.
Write_Lock (Activator.L, Error);
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
if T.Stage = Can_Activate then
T.Stage := Active;
Activator.Activation_Count := Activator.Activation_Count - 1;
Cond_Signal (Activator.Cond);
if Completed then
Activator.Exception_To_Raise :=
end if;
end if;
Unlock (T.L);
Unlock (Activator.L);
end if;
end Vulnerable_Complete_Activation;
-- PO related routines
-- Check_Exception --
procedure Check_Exception is
T : Task_ID := Self;
Ex : System.Compiler_Exceptions.Exception_ID := T.Exception_To_Raise;
T.Exception_To_Raise := System.Compiler_Exceptions.Null_Exception;
System.Compiler_Exceptions.Raise_Exception (Ex);
end Check_Exception;
-- Rendezvous related routines
-- Close_Entries --
procedure Close_Entries (Target : Task_ID) is
T : Task_ID := Target;
Temp_Call : Entry_Call_Link;
Null_Call : Entry_Call_Link := null;
Temp_Caller : Task_ID;
Temp_Called_Task : Task_ID;
TAS_Result : Boolean;
Error : Boolean;
-- Purging pending callers that are in the middle of rendezvous
Temp_Call := T.Call;
while Temp_Call /= null loop
Temp_Call.Exception_To_Raise := Compiler_Exceptions.Tasking_Error_ID;
Temp_Caller := Temp_Call.Self;
-- All forms of accept make sure that the acceptor is not
-- begin completed before accepting further calls, so that we
-- can be sure that no further calls are made after the the
-- current calls are purged.
Write_Lock (Temp_Caller.L, Error);
Temp_Call.Done := True;
Unlock (Temp_Caller.L);
-- Cancel the call.
Abort_To_Level (Temp_Caller, Temp_Call.Level - 1);
Temp_Call := Temp_Call.Acceptor_Prev_Call;
end loop;
-- Purging entry queues
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
for J in 1 .. T.Entry_Num loop
Dequeue_Head (T.Entry_Queues (J), Temp_Call);
while Temp_Call /= Null_Call loop
Temp_Caller := Temp_Call.Self;
Temp_Call.Exception_To_Raise :=
Abort_To_Level (Temp_Caller, Temp_Call.Level - 1);
Dequeue_Head (T.Entry_Queues (J), Temp_Call);
end loop;
end loop;
Unlock (T.L);
-- If T is calling an entry, an immediate attempt must be made
-- to cancel the call. This can only occur if T is being aborted,
-- and abortion itself amounts to an immediate attempt to cancel
-- the call. T will cancel the call (if possible) when awakened by
-- the abortion. There is no way for the application code to tell
-- whether this happened immediately; all that matters is that
-- the call not succeed if it is queued abortably at this point.
-- ??? The above is nonsense. Another task can tell by checking
-- 'Count of the called entries.
end Close_Entries;
-- Complete_On_Sync_Point --
procedure Complete_on_Sync_Point (T : Task_ID) is
Target : Task_ID := T;
Call : Entry_Call_Link;
Error : Boolean;
No_Server : Boolean;
Write_Lock (Target.L, Error);
-- If the target is waiting to accept an entry call, complete it.
if Target.Accepting /= Not_Accepting then
Unlock (Target.L);
Complete (T);
Unlock (Target.L);
end if;
-- Abort all pending entry calls in LIFO order until a non-abortable
-- one is found.
for Level in reverse
ATC_Level_Index'First .. Target.ATC_Nesting_Level
Call := Target.Entry_Calls (Level)'Access;
System.Tasking.Entry_Calls.Lock_Server (Call, No_Server);
if not No_Server then
if Call.Abortable then
System.Tasking.Entry_Calls.Dequeue_Call (Call);
System.Tasking.Entry_Calls.Unlock_And_Update_Server (Call);
System.Tasking.Entry_Calls.Unlock_Server (Call);
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end Complete_on_Sync_Point;
-- Reset_Priority --
procedure Reset_Priority
(Acceptor_Prev_Priority : Rendezvous_Priority;
Acceptor : Task_ID)
Acceptor_ATCB : Task_ID := Acceptor;
if Acceptor_Prev_Priority /= Priority_Not_Boosted then
Acceptor_ATCB.Current_Priority := Acceptor_Prev_Priority;
(Acceptor_ATCB.LL_TCB'Access, Acceptor_ATCB.Current_Priority);
end if;
end Reset_Priority;
-- Terminate_Alternative --
-- WARNING : Only call this procedure with abortion deferred. This
-- procedure needs to have abortion deferred while it has the current
-- task's lock locked. Since it is called from two procedures which
-- also need abortion deferred, it is left controlled on entry to
-- this procedure.
procedure Terminate_Alternative is
T : Task_ID := Self;
Taken : Boolean;
Error : Boolean;
Make_Passive (T);
-- Note that abortion is deferred here (see WARNING above)
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
T.Terminate_Alternative := true;
while T.Accepting /= Not_Accepting
and then T.Stage /= Complete
and then T.Pending_ATC_Level >= T.ATC_Nesting_Level
Cond_Wait (T.Cond, T.L);
end loop;
if T.Stage = Complete then
Unlock (T.L);
if T.Pending_ATC_Level < T.ATC_Nesting_Level then
pragma Assert
(Runtime_Assert_Shutdown ("Continuing after being aborted!"));
end if;
Abort_To_Level (T, 0);
pragma Assert
(Runtime_Assert_Shutdown ("Continuing after being aborted!"));
end if;
T.Terminate_Alternative := false;
Unlock (T.L);
end Terminate_Alternative;
-- Complete --
procedure Complete (Target : Task_ID) is
T : Task_ID := Target;
Caller : Task_ID := Self;
Task1 : Task_ID;
Task2 : Task_ID;
Error : Boolean;
Make_Passive (T);
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
if T.Stage < Completing then
T.Stage := Completing;
T.Accepting := Not_Accepting;
T.Awaited_Dependent_Count := 0;
Unlock (T.L);
Close_Entries (T);
T.Stage := Complete;
-- Wake up all the pending calls on Aborter_Link list
Task1 := T.Aborter_Link;
T.Aborter_Link := Null_Task;
while (Task1 /= Null_Task) loop
Task2 := Task1;
Task1 := Task1.Aborter_Link;
Task2.Aborter_Link := Null_Task;
Cond_Signal (Task2.Cond);
end loop;
-- Some other task is completing this task. So just wait until
-- the completion is done. A list of such waiting tasks is
-- maintained by Aborter_Link in ATCB.
while T.Stage < Complete loop
if T.Aborter_Link /= Null_Task then
Caller.Aborter_Link := T.Aborter_Link;
end if;
T.Aborter_Link := Caller;
Cond_Wait (Caller.Cond, T.L);
end loop;
Unlock (T.L);
end if;
end Complete;
-- Task_Stage related routines
-- Make_Independent --
procedure Make_Independent is
T : Task_ID := Self;
P : Task_ID;
Result : Boolean;
Error : Boolean;
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
P := T.Parent;
Unlock (T.L);
Write_Lock (P.L, Error);
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
T.Master_of_Task := Master_ID (0);
if P.Awake_Count > 1 then
P.Awake_Count := P.Awake_Count - 1;
end if;
Unlock (T.L);
Unlock (P.L);
System.Tasking.Initialization.Remove_From_All_Tasks_List (T, Result);
pragma Assert (
Result or else Runtime_Assert_Shutdown (
"Failed to delete an entry from All_Tasks_List"));
end Make_Independent;
-- Task Abortion related routines
-- Abort_To_Level --
procedure Abort_To_Level
(Target : Task_ID;
L : ATC_Level)
T : Task_ID := Target;
Error : Boolean;
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
-- If the task is suspended on a condition variable, it will
-- be in an abort-deferred region, and will not be awakened
-- by abortion. Such an abort deferral is just to protect
-- the low-level operations, and not to enforce Ada semantics.
-- Wake the task up and let it decide if it wants to
-- complete the aborted construct immediately. This is done
-- unconditionally, since a Cond_Signal is not persistent, and
-- is needed even if the task has been aborted before.
Cond_Signal (T.Cond);
if T.Pending_ATC_Level > L then
T.Pending_ATC_Level := L;
T.Pending_Action := True;
if not T.Aborting then
T.Aborting := True;
-- If this task is aborting itself, it should unlock itself
-- before calling abort, as it is unlikely to have the
-- opportunity to do so afterwords. On the other hand, if
-- another task is being aborted, we want to make sure it is
-- not terminated, since there is no need to abort a terminated
-- task, and it may be illegal if it has stopped executing.
-- In this case, the Abort_Task must take place under the
-- protection of the mutex, so we know that Stage/=Terminated.
if Target = Self then
Unlock (T.L);
Abort_Task (T.LL_TCB'Access);
elsif T.Stage /= Terminated then
Abort_Task (T.LL_TCB'Access);
end if;
end if;
end if;
Unlock (T.L);
end Abort_To_Level;
-- Abort_Handler --
procedure Abort_Handler
(Context : Task_Primitives.Pre_Call_State)
T : Task_ID := Self;
if T.Deferral_Level = 0
and then T.Pending_ATC_Level < T.ATC_Nesting_Level
-- ??? This is implementation dependent. Some implementations
-- might not allow an exception to be propagated out of a
-- handler, and others might leave the signal or interrupt
-- that invoked this handler masked after the exceptional
-- return to the application code.
-- GNAT exceptions are originally implemented using
-- setjmp()/longjmp(). On most UNIX systems, this will
-- allow transfer out of a signal handler, which is
-- usually the only mechanism available for implementing
-- asynchronous handlers of this kind. However, some
-- systems do not restore the signal mask, leaving the
-- abortion signal masked.
-- Possible solutions:
-- 1. Change the PC saved in the system-dependent Context
-- parameter to point to code that raises the exception.
-- Normal return from this handler will then raise
-- the exception after the mask and other system state has
-- been restored.
-- 2. Use siglongjmp()/sigsetjmp() to implement exceptions.
-- 3. Unmask the signal in the Abortion exception handler
-- (in the RTS).
raise Standard'Abort_Signal;
end if;
end Abort_Handler;
-- Abort_Dependents --
-- Process abortion of child tasks.
-- Abortion should be dererred when calling this routine.
-- No mutexes should be locked when calling this routine.
procedure Abort_Dependents (Abortee : Task_ID) is
Temp_T : Task_ID;
Temp_P : Task_ID;
Old_Pending_ATC_Level : ATC_Level_Base;
TAS_Result : Boolean;
A : Task_ID := Abortee;
Error : Boolean;
Write_Lock (System.Tasking.Initialization.All_Tasks_L, Error);
Temp_T := System.Tasking.Initialization.All_Tasks_List;
while Temp_T /= Null_Task loop
Temp_P := Temp_T.Parent;
while Temp_P /= Null_Task loop
exit when Temp_P = A;
Temp_P := Temp_P.Parent;
end loop;
if Temp_P = A then
Temp_T.Accepting := Not_Accepting;
-- Send cancel signal.
Complete_on_Sync_Point (Temp_T);
Abort_To_Level (Temp_T, 0);
end if;
Temp_T := Temp_T.All_Tasks_Link;
end loop;
Unlock (System.Tasking.Initialization.All_Tasks_L);
end Abort_Dependents;
-- Make_Passive --
-- If T is the last dependent of some master in task P to become passive,
-- then release P. A special case of this is when T has no dependents
-- and is completed. In this case, T itself should be released.
-- If the parent is made passive, this is repeated recursively, with C
-- being the previous parent and P being the next parent up.
-- Note that we have to hold the locks of both P and C (locked in that
-- order) so that the Awake_Count of C and the Awaited_Dependent_Count of
-- P will be synchronized. Otherwise, an attempt by P to terminate can
-- preempt this routine after C's Awake_Count has been decremented to zero
-- but before C has checked the Awaited_Dependent_Count of P. P would not
-- count C in its Awaited_Dependent_Count since it is not awake, but it
-- might count other awake dependents. When C gained control again, it
-- would decrement P's Awaited_Dependent_Count to indicate that it is
-- passive, even though it was never counted as active. This would cause
-- P to wake up before all of its dependents are passive.
-- Note : Any task with an interrupt entry should never become passive.
-- Support for this feature needs to be added here.
procedure Make_Passive (T : Task_ID) is
P : Task_ID;
-- Task whose Awaited_Dependent_Count may be decremented.
C : Task_ID;
-- Task whose awake-count gets decremented.
H : Task_ID;
-- Highest task that is ready to terminate dependents.
Taken : Boolean;
Activator : Task_ID;
Error : Boolean;
Utilities.Vulnerable_Complete_Activation (T, Completed => False);
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
if T.Stage >= Passive then
Unlock (T.L);
T.Stage := Passive;
Unlock (T.L);
end if;
H := Null_Task;
P := T.Parent;
C := T;
while C /= Null_Task loop
if P /= Null_Task then
Write_Lock (P.L, Error);
Write_Lock (C.L, Error);
C.Awake_Count := C.Awake_Count - 1;
if C.Awake_Count /= 0 then
-- C is not passive; we cannot make anything above this point
-- passive.
Unlock (C.L);
Unlock (P.L);
end if;
if P.Awaited_Dependent_Count /= 0 then
-- We have hit a non-task master; we will not be able to make
-- anything above this point passive.
P.Awake_Count := P.Awake_Count - 1;
if C.Master_of_Task = P.Master_Within then
P.Awaited_Dependent_Count := P.Awaited_Dependent_Count - 1;
if P.Awaited_Dependent_Count = 0 then
H := P;
end if;
end if;
Unlock (C.L);
Unlock (P.L);
end if;
if C.Stage = Complete then
-- C is both passive (Awake_Count = 0) and complete; wake it
-- up to await termination of its dependents. It will not be
-- complete if it is waiting on a terminate alternative. Such
-- a task is not ready to wait for its dependents to terminate,
-- though one of its ancestors may be.
H := C;
end if;
Unlock (C.L);
Unlock (P.L);
C := P;
P := C.Parent;
Write_Lock (C.L, Error);
C.Awake_Count := C.Awake_Count - 1;
if C.Awake_Count /= 0 then
-- C is not passive; we cannot make anything above
-- this point passive.
Unlock (C.L);
end if;
if C.Stage = Complete then
-- C is both passive (Awake_Count = 0) and complete; wake it
-- up to await termination of its dependents. It will not be
-- complete if it is waiting on a terminate alternative. Such
-- a task is not ready to wait for its dependents to terminate,
-- though one of its ancestors may be.
H := C;
end if;
Unlock (C.L);
C := P;
end if;
end loop;
if H /= Null_Task then
Cond_Signal (H.Cond);
end if;
end Make_Passive;
-- Runtime_Assert_Shutdown --
function Runtime_Assert_Shutdown (Msg : in String) return boolean is
LL_Assert (false, Msg);
-- This call should never return
return false;
end Runtime_Assert_Shutdown;
end System.Tasking.Utilities;