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-- --
-- --
-- S E M . C H 8 --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.276 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (c) 1992,1993,1994,1995 NYU, All Rights Reserved --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. --
-- --
with Treepr; use Treepr;
with Atree; use Atree;
with Debug; use Debug;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Elists; use Elists;
with Errout; use Errout;
with Expander; use Expander;
with Features; use Features;
with Freeze; use Freeze;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Nmake; use Nmake;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Output; use Output;
with Rtsfind; use Rtsfind;
with Sem; use Sem;
with Sem_Attr; use Sem_Attr;
with Sem_Ch2; use Sem_Ch2;
with Sem_Ch3; use Sem_Ch3;
with Sem_Ch4; use Sem_Ch4;
with Sem_Ch5; use Sem_Ch5;
with Sem_Ch6; use Sem_Ch6;
with Sem_Ch8; use Sem_Ch8;
with Sem_Dist; use Sem_Dist;
with Sem_Res; use Sem_Res;
with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
with Sem_Type; use Sem_Type;
with Stand; use Stand;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Sinfo.CN; use Sinfo.CN;
with Snames; use Snames;
with Table;
with Tbuild; use Tbuild;
with Uintp; use Uintp;
package body Sem_Ch8 is
-- Visibility and Name Resolution --
-- This package handles name resolution and the collection of
-- interpretations for overloaded names, prior to overload resolution.
-- Name resolution is the process that establishes a mapping between source
-- identifiers and the entities they denote at each point in the program.
-- Each entity is represented by a defining occurrence. Each identifier
-- that denotes an entity points to the corresponding defining occurrence.
-- This is the entity of the applied occurrence. Each occurrence holds
-- an index into the names table, where source identifiers are stored.
-- Each entry in the names table for an identifier or designator uses the
-- Info pointer to hold a link to the currently visible entity that has
-- this name (see subprograms Get_Name_Entity_Id and Set_Name_Entity_Id
-- in package Sem_Util). The visibility is initialized at the beginning of
-- semantic processing to make entities in package Standard immediately
-- visible. The visibility table is used in a more subtle way when
-- compiling subunits (see below).
-- Entities that have the same name (i.e. homonyms) are chained. In the
-- case of overloaded entities, this chain holds all the possible meanings
-- of a given identifier. The process of overload resolution uses type
-- information to select from this chain the unique meaning of a given
-- identifier.
-- Entities are also chained in their scope, through the Next_Entity link.
-- As a consequence, the name space is organized as a sparse matrix, where
-- each row corresponds to a scope, and each column to a source identifier.
-- Open scopes, that is to say scopes currently being compiled, have their
-- corresponding rows of entities in order, innermost scope first.
-- The scopes of packages that are mentioned in context clauses appear in
-- no particular order, interspersed among open scopes. This is because
-- in the course of analyzing the context of a compilation, a package
-- declaration is first an open scope, and subsequently an element of the
-- context. If subunits or child units are present, a parent unit may
-- appear under various guises at various times in the compilation.
-- When the compilation of the innermost scope is complete, the entities
-- defined therein are no longer visible. If the scope is not a package
-- declaration, these entities are never visible subsequently, and can be
-- removed from visibility chains. If the scope is a package declaration,
-- its visible declarations may still be accessible. Therefore the entities
-- defined in such a scope are left on the visibility chains, and only
-- their visibility (immediately visibility or potential use-visibility)
-- is affected.
-- The ordering of homonyms on their chain does not necessarily follow
-- the order of their corresponding scopes on the scope stack. For
-- example, if package P and the enclosing scope both contain entities
-- named E, then when compiling the package body the chain for E will
-- hold the global entity first, and the local one (corresponding to
-- the current inner scope) next. As a result, name resolution routines
-- do not assume any relative ordering of the homonym chains, either
-- for scope nesting or to order of appearance of context clauses.
-- When compiling a child unit, entities in the parent scope are always
-- immediately visible. When compiling the body of a child unit, private
-- entities in the parent must also be made immediately visible. There
-- are separate routines to make the visible and private declarations
-- visible at various times (see package Sem_Ch7).
-- +--------+ +-----+
-- | In use |-------->| EU1 |-------------------------->
-- +--------+ +-----+
-- | |
-- +--------+ +-----+ +-----+
-- | Stand. |---------------->| ES1 |--------------->| ES2 |--->
-- +--------+ +-----+ +-----+
-- | |
-- +---------+ | +-----+
-- | with'ed |------------------------------>| EW2 |--->
-- +---------+ | +-----+
-- | |
-- +--------+ +-----+ +-----+
-- | Scope2 |---------------->| E12 |--------------->| E22 |--->
-- +--------+ +-----+ +-----+
-- | |
-- +--------+ +-----+ +-----+
-- | Scope1 |---------------->| E11 |--------------->| E12 |--->
-- +--------+ +-----+ +-----+
-- ^ | |
-- | | |
-- | +---------+ | |
-- | | with'ed |----------------------------------------->
-- | +---------+ | |
-- | | |
-- Scope stack | |
-- (innermost first) | |
-- +----------------------------+
-- Names table => | Id1 | | | | Id2 |
-- +----------------------------+
-- Name resolution must deal with several syntactic forms: simple names,
-- qualified names, indexed names, and various forms of calls.
-- Each identifier points to an entry in the names table. The resolution
-- of a simple name consists in traversing the homonym chain, starting
-- from the names table. If an entry is immediately visible, it is the one
-- designated by the identifier. If only potemtially use-visible entities
-- are on the chain, we must verify that they do not hide each other. If
-- the entity we find is overloadable, we collect all other overloadable
-- entities on the chain as long as they are not hidden.
-- To resolve expanded names, we must find the entity at the intersection
-- of the entity chain for the scope (the prefix) and the homonym chain
-- for the selector. In general, homonym chains will be much shorter than
-- entity chains, so it is preferable to start from the names table as
-- well. If the entity found is overloadable, we must collect all other
-- interpretations that are defined in the scope denoted by the prefix.
-- For records, protected types, and tasks, their local entities are
-- removed from visibility chains on exit from the corresponding scope.
-- From the outside, these entities are always accessed by selected
-- notation, and the entity chain for the record type, protected type,
-- etc. is traversed sequentially in order to find the designated entity.
-- The discriminants of a type and the operations of a protected type or
-- task are unchained on exit from the first view of the type, (such as
-- a private or incomplete type declaration, or a protected type speci-
-- fication) and rechained when compiling the second view.
-- In the case of operators, we do not make operators on derived types
-- explicit. As a result, the notation P."+" may denote either a user-
-- defined function with name "+", or else an implicit declaration of the
-- operator "+" in package P. The resolution of expanded names always
-- tries to resolve an operator name as such an implicitly defined entity,
-- in addition to looking for explicit declarations.
-- All forms of names that denote entities (simple names, expanded names,
-- character literals in some cases) have a Entity attribute, which
-- identifies the entity denoted by the name.
-- The Scope Stack --
-- The Scope stack keeps track of the scopes currently been compiled.
-- Every entity that contains declarations (including records) is placed
-- on the scope stack while it is being processed, and removed at the end.
-- Whenever a non-package scope is exited, the entities defined therein
-- are removed from the visibility table, so that entities in outer scopes
-- become visible (see previous description). On entry to Sem, the scope
-- stack only contains the package Standard. As usual, subunits complicate
-- this picture ever so slightly.
-- The Rtsfind mechanism can force a call to Semantics while another
-- compilation is in progress. The unit retrieved by Rtsfind must be
-- compiled in its own context, and has no access to the visibility of
-- the unit currently being compiled. The procedures Save_Scope_Stack and
-- Restore_Scope_Stack make entities in current open scopes invisible
-- before compiling the retrieved unit, and restore the compilation
-- environment afterwards.
-- Compiling subunits --
-- Subunits must be compiled in the environment of the corresponding
-- stub, that is to say with the same visibility into the parent (and its
-- context) that is available at the point of the stub declaration, but
-- with the additional visibility provided by the context clause of the
-- subunit itself. As a result, compilation of a subunit forces compilation
-- of the parent (see description in lib-). At the point of the stub
-- declaration, Analyze is called recursively to compile the proper body
-- of the subunit, but without reinitializing the names table, nor the
-- scope stack (i.e. standard is not pushed on the stack). In this fashion
-- the context of the subunit is added to the context of the parent, and
-- the subunit is compiled in the correct environment. Note that in the
-- course of processing the context of a subunit, Standard will appear
-- twice on the scope stack: once for the parent of the subunit, and
-- once for the unit in the context clause being compiled. However, the
-- two sets of entities are not linked by homonym chains, so that the
-- compilation of any context unit happens in a fresh visibility
-- environment.
-- Processing of USE Clauses --
-- Every defining occurrence has a flag indicating if it is potentially use
-- visible. Resolution of simple names examines this flag. The processing
-- of use clauses consists in setting this flag on all visible entities
-- defined in the corresponding package. On exit from the scope of the use
-- clause, the corresponding flag must be reset. However, a package may
-- appear in several nested use clauses (pathological but legal, alas!)
-- which forces us to use a slightly more involved scheme:
-- a) The defining occurrence for a package holds a flag -In_Use- to
-- indicate that it is currently in the scope of a use clause. If a
-- redundant use clause is encountered, then the corresponding occurence
-- of the package name is flagged -Redundant_Use-.
-- b) On exit from a scope, the use clauses in its declarative part are
-- scanned. The visibility flag is reset in all entities declared in
-- package named in a use clause, as long as the package is not flagged
-- as being in a redundant use clause (in which case the outer use
-- clause is still in effect, and the direct visibility of its entities
-- must be retained).
-- Note that entities are not removed from their homonym chains on exit
-- from the package specification. A subsequent use clause does not need
-- to rechain the visible entities, but only to establish their direct
-- visibility.
-- Handling private declarations --
-- The principle that each entity has a single defining occurrence clashes
-- with the presence of two separate definitions for private types: the
-- first is the private type declaration, and second is the full type
-- declaration. It is important that all references to the type point to
-- the same defining occurence, namely the first one. To enforce the two
-- separate views of the entity, the corresponding information is swapped
-- between the two declarations. Outside of the package, the defining
-- occurence only contains the private declaration information, while in
-- the private part and the body of the package the defining occurrence
-- contains the full declaration. To simplify the swap, the defining
-- occurrence that currently holds the private declaration points to the
-- full declaration. During semantic processing the defining occurence
-- also points to a list of private dependents, that is to say access
-- types or composite types whose designated types or component types are
-- subtypes or derived types of the private type in question. After the
-- full declaration has been seen, the private dependents are updated to
-- indicate that they have full definitions.
-- Handling of Undefined Messages --
-- In normal mode, only the first use of an undefined identifier generates
-- a message. The table Urefs is used to record error messages that have
-- been issued so that second and subsequent ones do not generate further
-- messages. However, the second reference causes text to be added to the
-- original undefined message noting "(more references follow)". The
-- full error list option (-gnatf) forces messages to be generated for
-- every reference and disconnects the use of this table.
type Uref_Entry is record
Node : Node_Id;
-- Node for identifier for which original message was posted. The
-- Chars field of this identifier is used to detect later references
-- to the same identifier.
Err : Error_Msg_Id;
-- Records error message Id of original undefined message. Reset to
-- No_Error_Msg after the second occurrence, where it is used to add
-- text to the original message as described above.
ND_Vis : Boolean;
-- Set if the message is not directly visible rather than undefined
end record;
package Urefs is new Table (
Table_Component_Type => Uref_Entry,
Table_Index_Type => Nat,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 10,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Urefs");
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Analyze_Generic_Renaming
(N : Node_Id;
K : Entity_Kind);
-- Common processing for all three kinds of generic renaming declarations.
-- Enter new name and indicate that it renames the generic unit.
procedure Analyze_Renamed_Dereference (N : Node_Id; New_S : Entity_Id);
-- Renamed entity is given by an explicit dereference. Prefix must be a
-- conformant access_to_subprogram type.
procedure Analyze_Renamed_Entry (N : Node_Id; New_S : Entity_Id);
-- If the renamed entity in a subprogram renaming is an entry or protected
-- subprogram, build a body for the new entity whose only statement is a
-- call to the renamed entity.
procedure Analyze_Renamed_Family_Member (N : Node_Id; New_S : Entity_Id);
-- Used when the renamed entity is an indexed component. The prefix must
-- denote an entry family.
procedure Attribute_Renaming (N : Node_Id);
-- Analyze renaming of attribute as function. The renaming declaration
-- is rewritten as a function body that returns the attribute reference
-- applied to the formals of the function.
procedure Build_Renamed_Body
(N : Node_Id;
Old_S : Entity_Id;
New_S : Entity_Id);
-- Rewrite renaming declaration as a subprogram body, whose single
-- statement is a call to Old_S. Old_S may be a function, a procedure,
-- or an entry of a concurrent object.
procedure Chain_Use_Clause (N : Node_Id);
-- Chain use clause onto list of uses clauses headed by First_Use_Clause
-- in the top scope table entry.
procedure End_Use_Clauses;
-- Invoked on scope exit, to undo the effect of local use clauses.
function Find_Renamed_Entity
(N : Node_Id;
Nam : Node_Id;
New_S : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id;
-- Find the renamed entity that corresponds to the given parameter profile
-- in a subprogram renaming declaration. The renamed entity may be an
-- operator, a subprogram, an entry, or a protected operation.
procedure Inherit_Renamed_Profile (New_S : Entity_Id; Old_S : Entity_Id);
-- A subprogram defined by a renaming declaration inherits the parameter
-- profile of the renamed entity. The subtypes given in the subprogram
-- specification are discarded and replaced with those of the renamed
-- subprogram, which are then used to recheck the default values.
procedure Use_One_Package (P : Entity_Id);
-- Make visible entities declarated in package P potentially use-visible
-- in the current context.
procedure Write_Info;
-- Write debugging information on entities declared in current scope
-- Analyze_Exception_Renaming --
-- The language only allows a single identifier, but the tree holds
-- an identifier list. The parser has already issued an error message
-- if there is more than one element in the list.
procedure Analyze_Exception_Renaming (N : Node_Id) is
Id : constant Node_Id := Defining_Identifier (N);
Nam : constant Node_Id := Name (N);
Enter_Name (Id);
Set_Ekind (Id, E_Exception);
Set_Etype (Id, Standard_Exception_Type);
Analyze (Nam);
-- Entities declared in Pure unit should be set Is_Pure
-- Since 'Partition_Id cannot be applied to such an entity
Set_Is_Pure (Id, Is_Pure (Current_Scope));
if Ekind (Entity (Nam)) /= E_Exception then
Error_Msg_N ("invalid exception name in renaming", Nam);
if Present (Renamed_Object (Entity (Nam))) then
Set_Renamed_Object (Id, Renamed_Object (Entity (Nam)));
Set_Renamed_Object (Id, Entity (Nam));
end if;
end if;
end Analyze_Exception_Renaming;
-- Analyze_Generic_Function_Renaming --
procedure Analyze_Generic_Function_Renaming (N : Node_Id) is
Analyze_Generic_Renaming (N, E_Generic_Function);
end Analyze_Generic_Function_Renaming;
-- Analyze_Generic_Package_Renaming --
procedure Analyze_Generic_Package_Renaming (N : Node_Id) is
-- Apply the Text_IO Kludge here, since we may be renaming
-- one of the subpackages of Text_IO, then join common routine.
Text_IO_Kludge (Name (N));
Analyze_Generic_Renaming (N, E_Generic_Package);
end Analyze_Generic_Package_Renaming;
-- Analyze_Generic_Procedure_Renaming --
procedure Analyze_Generic_Procedure_Renaming (N : Node_Id) is
Analyze_Generic_Renaming (N, E_Generic_Procedure);
end Analyze_Generic_Procedure_Renaming;
-- Analyze_Generic_Renaming --
procedure Analyze_Generic_Renaming
(N : Node_Id;
K : Entity_Kind)
New_P : Entity_Id := Defining_Unit_Simple_Name (N);
Old_P : Entity_Id;
Validate_RCI_Nested_Generic_Declaration (N);
-- Entities declared in Pure unit should be set Is_Pure
-- Since 'Partition_Id cannot be applied to such an entity
if Current_Scope /= Standard_Standard then
Set_Is_Pure (New_P, Is_Pure (Current_Scope));
end if;
Analyze (Name (N));
Old_P := Entity (Name (N));
Enter_Name (New_P);
Set_Ekind (New_P, K);
if Etype (Old_P) = Any_Type then
elsif Ekind (Old_P) /= K then
Error_Msg_N ("invalid generic unit name", Name (N));
if Present (Renamed_Object (Old_P)) then
Set_Renamed_Object (New_P, Renamed_Object (Old_P));
Set_Renamed_Object (New_P, Old_P);
end if;
Set_Has_Completion (New_P);
end if;
end Analyze_Generic_Renaming;
-- Analyze_Object_Renaming --
procedure Analyze_Object_Renaming (N : Node_Id) is
Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N);
Nam : constant Node_Id := Name (N);
S : constant Entity_Id := Subtype_Mark (N);
T : Entity_Id;
T2 : Entity_Id;
-- Entities declared in Pure unit should be set Is_Pure
-- Since 'Partition_Id cannot be applied to such an entity
Set_Is_Pure (Id, Is_Pure (Current_Scope));
Enter_Name (Id);
Analyze (Nam);
T2 := Etype (Nam);
Find_Type (S);
T := Entity (S);
Resolve (Nam, T);
Set_Ekind (Id, E_Variable);
if T = Any_Type or else Etype (Nam) = Any_Type then
elsif not Is_Constrained (T) then
-- The constraints are inherited from the renamed object, they
-- are not affected by the given subtype mark.
Set_Etype (Id, T2);
Set_Etype (Id, T);
end if;
if not Is_Variable (Nam) then
Set_Ekind (Id, E_Constant);
end if;
Set_Renamed_Object (Id, Nam);
end Analyze_Object_Renaming;
-- Analyze_Package_Renaming --
procedure Analyze_Package_Renaming (N : Node_Id) is
New_P : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Unit_Simple_Name (N);
Old_P : Entity_Id;
-- Apply Text_IO kludge here, since we may be renaming one of
-- the children of Text_IO
Text_IO_Kludge (Name (N));
-- Entities declared in Pure unit should be set Is_Pure
-- Since 'Partition_Id cannot be applied to such an entity
if Current_Scope /= Standard_Standard then
Set_Is_Pure (New_P, Is_Pure (Current_Scope));
end if;
Analyze (Name (N));
Old_P := Entity (Name (N));
if Etype (Old_P) = Any_Type then
elsif Ekind (Old_P) /= E_Package
and then not (Ekind (Old_P) = E_Generic_Package
and then In_Open_Scopes (Old_P))
Error_Msg_N ("expect package name in renaming", Name (N));
-- Entities in the old package are accessible through the
-- renaming entity. The simplest implementation is to have
-- both packages share the entity list.
Enter_Name (New_P);
Set_Ekind (New_P, E_Package);
Set_Etype (New_P, Standard_Void_Type);
if Present (Renamed_Object (Old_P)) then
Set_Renamed_Object (New_P, Renamed_Object (Old_P));
Set_Renamed_Object (New_P, Old_P);
end if;
Set_Has_Completion (New_P);
Set_First_Entity (New_P, First_Entity (Old_P));
Set_Last_Entity (New_P, Last_Entity (Old_P));
Set_First_Private_Entity (New_P, First_Private_Entity (Old_P));
-- If this is the renaming declaration of a package instantiation
-- within itself, it is the declaration that ends the list of actuals
-- for the instantiation. At this point, the subtypes that rename
-- the actuals are flagged as generic, to avoid spurious ambiguities
-- if the actuals for two distinct formals happen to coincide.
-- Resolution is identical to what is was in the original generic.
-- On exit from the generic instance, these are turned into regular
-- subtypes again, so they are compatible with types in their class.
if Nkind (Parent (Old_P)) = N_Package_Specification
and then Present (Generic_Parent (Parent (Old_P)))
and then Old_P = Current_Scope
and then Chars (New_P) = Chars (Generic_Parent (Parent (Old_P)))
E : Entity_Id := First_Entity (Old_P);
while Present (E)
and then E /= New_P
if Is_Type (E)
and then Nkind (Parent (E)) = N_Subtype_Declaration
-- Set_Ekind (E, Ekind (Base_Type (E)));
Set_Is_Generic_Actual_Type (E);
end if;
E := Next_Entity (E);
end loop;
end if;
end if;
end Analyze_Package_Renaming;
-- Analyze_Subprogram_Renaming --
procedure Analyze_Subprogram_Renaming (N : Node_Id) is
Nam : Node_Id := Name (N);
Spec : constant Node_Id := Specification (N);
New_S : Entity_Id;
Old_S : Entity_Id;
Prev : Entity_Id;
In_Instance : Boolean := False;
-- We must test for the attribute renaming case before the Analyze
-- call because otherwise Sem_Attr will complain that the attribute
-- is missing an argument when it is analyzed.
if Nkind (Nam) = N_Attribute_Reference then
Attribute_Renaming (N);
end if;
-- Check whether this declaration corresponds to the instantiation
-- of a formal subprogram. This is indicated by the presence of a
-- Corresponding_Spec that is the formal subprogram declaration.
-- If this is an instantiation, the corresponding actual is frozen
-- and error messages can be made more precise.
if Present (Corresponding_Spec (N)) then
In_Instance := True;
Set_Corresponding_Spec (N, Empty);
end if;
-- The renaming defines a new overloaded entity, which is analyzed
-- like a subprogram declaration.
New_S := Analyze_Spec (Spec);
-- Entities declared in Pure unit should be set Is_Pure
-- Since 'Partition_Id cannot be applied to such an entity
if Current_Scope /= Standard_Standard then
Set_Is_Pure (New_S, Is_Pure (Current_Scope));
end if;
Prev := Find_Corresponding_Spec (N);
if Present (Prev) then
-- Renaming_As_Body. Renaming declaration is the completion of
-- the declaration of Prev.
Note_Feature (Subprogram_Bodies_By_Renaming, Sloc (N));
Check_Type_Conformant (New_S, Prev);
if Ada_83 and then Comes_From_Source (N) then
Error_Msg_N ("(Ada 83) renaming cannot serve as a body", N);
end if;
New_S := Prev;
end if;
Set_Has_Completion (New_S);
Analyze (Nam);
if Etype (Nam) = Any_Type then
elsif Nkind (Nam) = N_Selected_Component then
-- Renamed entity is an entry or protected subprogram.
Analyze_Renamed_Entry (N, New_S);
elsif Nkind (Nam) = N_Explicit_Dereference then
-- Renamed entity is designated by access_to_subprogram expression.
-- Must build body to encapsulate call, as in the entry case.
Analyze_Renamed_Dereference (N, New_S);
elsif Nkind (Nam) = N_Indexed_Component then
Analyze_Renamed_Family_Member (N, New_S);
elsif (not Is_Entity_Name (Nam)
and then Nkind (Nam) /= N_Operator_Symbol)
or else not Is_Overloadable (Entity (Nam))
Error_Msg_N ("expect valid subprogram name in renaming", N);
end if;
-- Most common case: subprogram renames subprogram.
if No (Prev) then
New_Overloaded_Entity (New_S);
end if;
-- Find the renamed entity that matches the given specification.
Old_S := Find_Renamed_Entity (N, Name (N), New_S);
if Old_S /= Any_Id then
if Ekind (Old_S) /= E_Operator then
Check_Mode_Conformant (New_S, Old_S);
end if;
if Present (Prev) then
Build_Renamed_Body (N, Old_S, New_S);
Check_Subtype_Conformant (Old_S, New_S);
-- The parameter profile of the new entity is that of the renamed
-- entity: the subtypes given in the specification are irrelevant.
Inherit_Renamed_Profile (New_S, Old_S);
if Present (Alias (Old_S)) then
Set_Alias (New_S, Alias (Old_S));
Set_Alias (New_S, Old_S);
end if;
if Old_S = New_S then
Error_Msg_N ("subprogram cannot rename itself", N);
end if;
end if;
Set_Is_Intrinsic_Subprogram (New_S,
Is_Intrinsic_Subprogram (Old_S));
Set_Convention (New_S, Convention (Old_S));
if In_Instance then
Freeze_Before (N, Old_S);
end if;
("No visible subprogram matches this specification", Spec);
end if;
end Analyze_Subprogram_Renaming;
-- Analyze_Renamed_Dereference --
procedure Analyze_Renamed_Dereference (N : Node_Id; New_S : Entity_Id) is
Nam : constant Node_Id := Name (N);
P : constant Node_Id := Prefix (Nam);
Typ : Entity_Id;
I : Interp_Index;
It : Interp;
if not Is_Overloaded (P) then
if Ekind (Etype (Nam)) /= E_Subprogram_Type
or else not Type_Conformant (Etype (Nam), New_S) then
Error_Msg_N ("designated type does not match specification", P);
Resolve (P, Etype (P));
Build_Renamed_Body (N, Etype (Nam), New_S);
end if;
Typ := Any_Type;
Get_First_Interp (Nam, I, It);
while Present (It.Nam) loop
if Ekind (It.Nam) = E_Subprogram_Type
and then Type_Conformant (It.Nam, New_S) then
if Typ /= Any_Id then
Error_Msg_N ("ambiguous renaming", P);
Typ := It.Nam;
end if;
end if;
Get_Next_Interp (I, It);
end loop;
if Typ = Any_Type then
Error_Msg_N ("designated type does not match specification", P);
Resolve (N, Typ);
Build_Renamed_Body (N, Typ, New_S);
end if;
end if;
end Analyze_Renamed_Dereference;
-- Analyze_Renamed_Entry --
procedure Analyze_Renamed_Entry (N : Node_Id; New_S : Entity_Id) is
Nam : Node_Id := Name (N);
Sel : Node_Id := Selector_Name (Nam);
Old_S : Entity_Id;
if Entity (Sel) = Any_Id then
-- Selector is undefined on prefix. Error emitted already.
Set_Has_Completion (New_S);
end if;
-- Otherwise, find renamed entity, and build body of New_S as a call
-- to it.
Old_S := Find_Renamed_Entity (N, Selector_Name (Nam), New_S);
if Old_S /= Any_Id then
Build_Renamed_Body (N, Old_S, New_S);
Error_Msg_N (" no subprogram or entry matches specification", N);
end if;
end Analyze_Renamed_Entry;
-- Analyze_Renamed_Family_Member --
procedure Analyze_Renamed_Family_Member (N : Node_Id; New_S : Entity_Id) is
Nam : Node_Id := Name (N);
P : Node_Id := Prefix (Nam);
Old_S : Entity_Id;
if (Is_Entity_Name (P) and then Ekind (Entity (P)) = E_Entry_Family)
or else (Nkind (P) = N_Selected_Component
and then
Ekind (Entity (Selector_Name (P))) = E_Entry_Family)
if Is_Entity_Name (P) then
Old_S := Entity (P);
Old_S := Entity (Selector_Name (P));
end if;
if not Entity_Matches_Spec (Old_S, New_S) then
Error_Msg_N ("entry family does not match specification", N);
Build_Renamed_Body (N, Old_S, New_S);
end if;
Error_Msg_N ("no entry family matches specification", N);
end if;
end Analyze_Renamed_Family_Member;
-- Analyze_Use_Package --
-- Resolve the package names in the use clause, and make all the visible
-- entities defined in the package potentially use-visible. If the package
-- is already in use from a previous use clause, its visible entities are
-- already use-visible. In that case, mark the occurrence as a redundant
-- use. If the package is an open scope, i.e. if the use clause occurs
-- within the package itself, ignore it.
procedure Analyze_Use_Package (N : Node_Id) is
Pack_Name : Node_Id;
Pack : Entity_Id;
-- Chain clause to list of use clauses in current scope.
if Nkind (Parent (N)) /= N_Compilation_Unit then
Chain_Use_Clause (N);
end if;
-- Loop through package names to identify referenced packages
Pack_Name := First (Names (N));
while Present (Pack_Name) loop
Analyze (Pack_Name);
Pack_Name := Next (Pack_Name);
end loop;
-- Loop through package names to mark all entities as potentially
-- use visible.
Pack_Name := First (Names (N));
while Present (Pack_Name) loop
if Is_Entity_Name (Pack_Name) then
Pack := Entity (Pack_Name);
if Ekind (Pack) /= E_Package
and then Etype (Pack) /= Any_Type
Error_Msg_N ("& is not a usable package", Pack_Name);
if In_Open_Scopes (Pack) then
elsif Present (Renamed_Object (Pack))
and then In_Use (Renamed_Object (Pack))
Set_Redundant_Use (Pack_Name, True);
elsif not In_Use (Pack)
or else Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Compilation_Unit
Use_One_Package (Pack);
Set_Redundant_Use (Pack_Name, True);
end if;
end if;
end if;
Pack_Name := Next (Pack_Name);
end loop;
end Analyze_Use_Package;
-- Analyze_Use_Type --
procedure Analyze_Use_Type (N : Node_Id) is
Id : Entity_Id;
Op_List : Elist_Id;
Elmt : Elmt_Id;
-- Chain clause to list of use clauses in current scope.
if Nkind (Parent (N)) /= N_Compilation_Unit then
Chain_Use_Clause (N);
end if;
Id := First (Subtype_Marks (N));
while Present (Id) loop
Find_Type (Id);
if Entity (Id) /= Any_Type then
-- Save current visibility status of type, before setting.
Set_Redundant_Use (Id, Is_Potentially_Use_Visible (Entity (Id)));
Set_Is_Potentially_Use_Visible (Entity (Id));
-- If the base type is anonymous this indicates that the entity
-- is really a first named subtype and we need to make the
-- base type of the entity "use type" visible as well. Otherwise,
-- operators which are defined on the type, and which the user
-- wanted to make directly visible by means of this use clause,
-- would in fact not become visible.
if not Comes_From_Source (Base_Type (Entity (Id))) then
Set_Is_Potentially_Use_Visible (Base_Type (Entity (Id)));
end if;
if not Redundant_Use (Id) then
Set_In_Use (Entity (Id));
Op_List := Collect_Primitive_Operations (Entity (Id));
Elmt := First_Elmt (Op_List);
while Present (Elmt) loop
if Nkind (Node (Elmt)) = N_Defining_Operator_Symbol then
Set_Is_Potentially_Use_Visible (Node (Elmt));
end if;
Elmt := Next_Elmt (Elmt);
end loop;
end if;
end if;
Id := Next (Id);
end loop;
end Analyze_Use_Type;
-- Attribute_Renaming --
procedure Attribute_Renaming (N : Node_Id) is
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
Nam : constant Node_Id := Name (N);
Spec : constant Node_Id := Specification (N);
New_S : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Unit_Name (Spec);
Attr_Node : Node_Id;
Body_Node : Node_Id;
Expr_List : List_Id;
Formal : Entity_Id;
Param_Spec : Node_Id;
Param_Spec := First (Parameter_Specifications (Spec));
if No (Param_Spec) then
Error_Msg_N ("function renaming an attribute must have formals", N);
Find_Type (Parameter_Type (Param_Spec));
-- The profile of the new entity denotes the base type (s) of the
-- types given in the specification.
Rewrite_Substitute_Tree (Parameter_Type (Param_Spec),
(Base_Type (Entity (Parameter_Type (Param_Spec))), Loc));
Expr_List := New_List (
Make_Identifier (Loc,
Chars => Chars (Defining_Identifier (Param_Spec))));
end if;
Param_Spec := Next (Param_Spec);
if Present (Param_Spec) then
Find_Type (Parameter_Type (Param_Spec));
Rewrite_Substitute_Tree (Parameter_Type (Param_Spec),
(Base_Type (Entity (Parameter_Type (Param_Spec))), Loc));
Append_To (Expr_List,
Make_Identifier (Loc,
Chars => Chars (Defining_Identifier (Param_Spec))));
if Present (Next (Param_Spec)) then
Error_Msg_N ("too many formals for attribute", N);
end if;
-- Other mismatches in the number of parameters are detected
-- in the subsequent analysis of the attribute reference.
end if;
Attr_Node :=
Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
Prefix => Prefix (Nam),
Attribute_Name => Attribute_Name (Nam),
Expressions => Expr_List);
Body_Node :=
Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc,
Specification => Spec,
Declarations => New_List,
Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc,
Statements => New_List (
Make_Return_Statement (Loc,
Expression => Attr_Node))));
Rewrite_Substitute_Tree (N, Body_Node);
Analyze (N);
Set_Etype (New_S, Base_Type (Etype (New_S)));
end Attribute_Renaming;
-- Build_Renamed_Body --
-- Rewrite renaming declaration as a subprogram body, whose single
-- statement is a call to Old_S, or to the name in N whose entity
-- or subprogram type is Old_S.
procedure Build_Renamed_Body
(N : Node_Id;
Old_S : Entity_Id;
New_S : Entity_Id)
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
Spec : constant Node_Id := New_Copy (Specification (N));
Actuals : List_Id := New_List;
Call_Node : Node_Id;
Call_Name : Node_Id;
Body_Node : Node_Id;
Formal : Entity_Id;
-- Reset completion flag, so this body is seen as the
-- proper completion.
Set_Has_Completion (New_S, False);
Formal := First_Formal (New_S);
while Present (Formal) loop
Append (New_Reference_To (Formal, Loc), Actuals);
Formal := Next_Formal (Formal);
end loop;
-- If the renamed entity is an entry or a protected operation, the
-- prefix of the name is the enclosing object of the entry. This prefix
-- is part of the full name of the renamed entity in the call.
if Is_Entity_Name (Name (N))
or else Nkind (Name (N)) = N_Operator_Symbol
Call_Name := New_Reference_To (Old_S, Loc);
elsif Nkind (Name (N)) = N_Selected_Component then
Call_Name := Make_Selected_Component (Loc,
Prefix => Prefix (Name (N)),
Selector_Name => New_Reference_To (Old_S, Loc));
elsif Nkind (Name (N)) = N_Indexed_Component then
Call_Name := New_Copy (Name (N));
elsif Nkind (Name (N)) = N_Explicit_Dereference then
Call_Name := New_Copy (Name (N));
end if;
-- If the renamed entity is a function, the generated body contains a
-- return statement. Otherwise, build a procedure call. If the entity is
-- an entry, subsequent analysis of the call will transform it into the
-- proper entry or protected operation call.
if Ekind (Old_S) = E_Function
or else (Ekind (Old_S) = E_Subprogram_Type
and then Etype (Old_S) /= Standard_Void_Type)
Call_Node := Make_Return_Statement (Loc,
Expression =>
Make_Function_Call (Loc,
Name => Call_Name,
Parameter_Associations => Actuals));
Call_Node := Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
Name => Call_Name,
Parameter_Associations => Actuals);
end if;
Set_Defining_Unit_Name (Spec,
Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, Chars => Chars (New_S)));
Body_Node := Make_Subprogram_Body (Loc,
Specification => Spec,
Declarations => New_List,
Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc,
Statements => New_List (Call_Node)));
Analyze (Body_Node);
Rewrite_Substitute_Tree (N, Body_Node);
end Build_Renamed_Body;
-- Chain_Use_Clause --
procedure Chain_Use_Clause (N : Node_Id) is
Set_Next_Use_Clause (N,
Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).First_Use_Clause);
Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).First_Use_Clause := N;
end Chain_Use_Clause;
-- End_Scope --
procedure End_Scope is
Id : Entity_Id;
Prev : Entity_Id;
Outer : Entity_Id;
Id := First_Entity (Current_Scope);
while Present (Id) loop
-- An entity in the current scope is not necessarily the first one
-- on its homonym chain. Find its predecessor if any,
-- If it is an internal entity, it will not be in the visibility
-- chain altogether, and there is nothing to unchain.
if Id /= Current_Entity (Id) then
Prev := Current_Entity (Id);
while Present (Prev)
and then Present (Homonym (Prev))
and then Homonym (Prev) /= Id
Prev := Homonym (Prev);
end loop;
-- Skip to end of loop if Id is not in the visibility chain
if No (Prev) or else Homonym (Prev) /= Id then
goto Next_Ent;
end if;
Prev := Empty;
end if;
Outer := Homonym (Id);
Set_Is_Immediately_Visible (Id, False);
while Present (Outer) and then Scope (Outer) = Current_Scope loop
Outer := Homonym (Outer);
end loop;
if No (Prev) then
Set_Name_Entity_Id (Chars (Id), Outer);
Set_Homonym (Prev, Outer);
end if;
Id := Next_Entity (Id);
end loop;
-- If the scope generated freeze nodes, place them before the
-- current declaration and analyze them. Type declarations and
-- the bodies of initialization procedures can generate such nodes.
-- We follow the parent chain until we reach a list node, which is
-- the enclosing list of declarations.
if Present
(Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).Pending_Freeze_Nodes)
Decl : Node_Id := Parent (Current_Scope);
L : List_Id := Scope_Stack.Table
while not (Is_List_Member (Decl)) loop
Decl := Parent (Decl);
end loop;
Insert_List_Before_And_Analyze (Decl, L);
end if;
end End_Scope;
-- End_Use_Clauses --
procedure End_Use_Clauses is
U : Node_Id := Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).First_Use_Clause;
while Present (U) loop
if Nkind (U) = N_Use_Package_Clause then
End_Use_Package (U);
End_Use_Type (U);
end if;
U := Next_Use_Clause (U);
end loop;
end End_Use_Clauses;
-- End_Use_Package --
procedure End_Use_Package (N : Node_Id) is
Pack_Name : Node_Id;
Pack : Entity_Id;
Id : Entity_Id;
Pack_Name := First (Names (N));
while Present (Pack_Name) loop
Pack := Entity (Pack_Name);
if Ekind (Pack) = E_Package then
if In_Open_Scopes (Pack) then
elsif not Redundant_Use (Pack_Name) then
Set_In_Use (Pack, False);
Id := First_Entity (Pack);
while Present (Id) loop
Set_Is_Potentially_Use_Visible (Id, False);
Id := Next_Entity (Id);
end loop;
if Present (Renamed_Object (Pack)) then
Set_In_Use (Renamed_Object (Pack), False);
end if;
Set_Redundant_Use (Pack_Name, False);
end if;
end if;
Pack_Name := Next (Pack_Name);
end loop;
end End_Use_Package;
-- End_Use_Type --
procedure End_Use_Type (N : Node_Id) is
Id : Entity_Id;
Op_List : Elist_Id;
Elmt : Elmt_Id;
Id := First (Subtype_Marks (N));
while Present (Id) loop
if Entity (Id) /= Any_Type then
-- Reset visibility status.
(Entity (Id), Redundant_Use (Id));
(Base_Type (Entity (Id)), Redundant_Use (Id));
end if;
if not Redundant_Use (Id) then
Set_In_Use (Entity (Id), False);
Op_List := Collect_Primitive_Operations (Entity (Id));
Elmt := First_Elmt (Op_List);
while Present (Elmt) loop
if Nkind (Node (Elmt)) = N_Defining_Operator_Symbol then
Set_Is_Potentially_Use_Visible (Node (Elmt), False);
end if;
Elmt := Next_Elmt (Elmt);
end loop;
end if;
Id := Next (Id);
end loop;
end End_Use_Type;
-- Find_Direct_Name --
procedure Find_Direct_Name (N : Node_Id) is
E : Entity_Id;
E2 : Entity_Id;
Msg : Boolean;
Homonyms : Entity_Id;
-- Saves start of homonym chain
Multiple_Overloadable_Entities : Boolean := False;
-- This flag is set only if there are multiple overloadable entities
-- that match (used at the end of processing to determine whether it
-- is necessary to collect overloaded interpretations).
-- ??? not used for this purpose yet, pending resolving some open
-- issues with how Collect_Interps operates.
procedure ND_Vis_Messages;
-- Called if there are no directly visible entries for N, but there
-- is at least one non-directly visible, or hidden declaration. This
-- procedure outputs an appropriate set of error messages.
procedure Undefined (ND_Vis : Boolean);
-- This function is called if the current node has no corresponding
-- visible entity or entities. The value set in Msg indicates whether
-- an error message was generated (multiple error messages for the
-- same variable are generally suppressed, see body for details).
-- Msg is True if an error message was generated, False if not. This
-- value is used by the caller to determine whether or not to output
-- additional messages where appropriate. The parameter is set False
-- to get the message "X is undefined", and True to get the message
-- "X is not directly visible".
procedure ND_Vis_Messages is
Ent : Entity_Id;
Undefined (ND_Vis => True);
if Msg then
-- First loop does hidden declarations
Ent := Homonyms;
while Present (Ent) loop
if Is_Potentially_Use_Visible (Ent) then
Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Ent);
Error_Msg_N ("hidden declaration#!", N);
end if;
Ent := Homonym (Ent);
end loop;
-- Second loop does non-directly visible declarations
Ent := Homonyms;
while Present (Ent) loop
if not Is_Potentially_Use_Visible (Ent) then
Error_Msg_Sloc := Sloc (Ent);
Error_Msg_N ("non-visible declaration#!", N);
end if;
Ent := Homonym (Ent);
end loop;
end if;
end ND_Vis_Messages;
procedure Undefined (ND_Vis : Boolean) is
Set_Entity (N, Any_Id);
Set_Etype (N, Any_Type);
-- We use the table Urefs to keep track of entities for which we
-- have issued errors for undefined references. Multiple errors
-- for a single name are normally suppressed, however we modify
-- the error message to alert the programmer to this effect.
for J in Urefs.First .. Urefs.Last loop
if Chars (N) = Chars (Urefs.Table (J).Node) then
if Urefs.Table (J).Err /= No_Error_Msg then
Error_Msg_Node_1 := Urefs.Table (J).Node;
if Urefs.Table (J).ND_Vis then
Change_Error_Text (Urefs.Table (J).Err,
"& is not directly visible (more references follow)");
Change_Error_Text (Urefs.Table (J).Err,
"& is undefined (more references follow)");
end if;
Urefs.Table (J).Err := No_Error_Msg;
end if;
-- Although we will set Msg False, and thus suppress the
-- message, we also set Error_Posted True, to avoid any
-- cascaded messages resulting from the undefined reference.
Msg := False;
Set_Error_Posted (N, True);
end if;
end loop;
-- If entry not found, this is first undefined occurrence
if ND_Vis then
Error_Msg_N ("& is not directly visible!", N);
Error_Msg_N ("& is undefined!", N);
-- A very bizarre special check, if the undefined identifier
-- is put or put_line, then add a special error message (since
-- this is a very common error for beginners to make).
if Chars (N) = Name_Put or else Chars (N) = Name_Put_Line then
Error_Msg_N ("possible missing with of 'Text_'I'O!", N);
end if;
end if;
-- Make entry in undefined references table unless the full
-- errors switch is set, in which case by refraining from
-- generating the table entry, we guarantee that we get an
-- error message for every undefined reference.
if not All_Errors_Mode then
Urefs.Table (Urefs.Last).Node := N;
Urefs.Table (Urefs.Last).Err := Get_Msg_Id;
Urefs.Table (Urefs.Last).ND_Vis := ND_Vis;
end if;
Msg := True;
end Undefined;
-- Start of processing for Find_Direct_Name
-- If the entity pointer is already set, this is an internal node, or
-- a node that is analyzed more than once, after a tree modification.
-- In such a case there is no resolution to perform, just set the type.
if Present (Entity (N)) then
if Is_Type (Entity (N)) then
Set_Etype (N, Entity (N));
Set_Etype (N, Etype (Entity (N)));
end if;
end if;
-- Here if Entity pointer was not set, we need full visibility analysis
-- First we generate debugging output if the debug E flag is set.
if Debug_Flag_E then
Write_Str ("Looking for ");
Write_Name (Chars (N));
end if;
Homonyms := Current_Entity (N);
-- If no entries on homonym chain, then we have a simple undefined
-- reference, with no additional explanation required!
if No (Homonyms) then
Undefined (ND_Vis => False);
-- Otherwise search homonym chain for matching entry
E := Homonyms;
if Is_Immediately_Visible (E) then
goto Immediately_Visible_Entity;
elsif Is_Potentially_Use_Visible (E) then
goto Potentially_Use_Visible_Entity;
E := Homonym (E);
exit when No (E);
end if;
end loop;
-- We fall through the loop if there are entries on the homonynm
-- chain, but none of them is currently visible.
end if;
-- Processing for a potentially use visible entry found. We must search
-- the rest of the homonym chain for two reasons. First, if there is a
-- directly visible entry, then none of the potentially use-visible
-- entities are directly visible (RM 8.4(10)). Second, we need to check
-- for the case of multiple potentially use-visible entries hiding one
-- another and as a result being non-directly visible (RM 8.4(11)).
<<Potentially_Use_Visible_Entity>> declare
Only_One_Visible : Boolean := True;
All_Overloadable : Boolean := Is_Overloadable (E);
E2 := Homonym (E);
while Present (E2) loop
if Is_Immediately_Visible (E2) then
E := E2;
goto Immediately_Visible_Entity;
elsif Is_Potentially_Use_Visible (E2) then
Only_One_Visible := False;
All_Overloadable := All_Overloadable and Is_Overloadable (E2);
end if;
E2 := Homonym (E2);
end loop;
-- On falling through this loop, we have checked that there are no
-- immediately visible entities. Only_One_Visible is set if exactly
-- one potentially use visible entity exists. All_Overloadable is
-- set if all the potentially use visible entities are overloadable.
-- The condition for legality is that either there is one potentially
-- use visible entity, or if there is more than one, then all of them
-- are overloadable.
if Only_One_Visible or All_Overloadable then
goto Found;
-- If there is more than one potentially use-visible entity and at
-- least one of them non-overloadable, we have an error (RM 8.4(11).
-- Note that E points to the first such entity on the homonym list.
end if;
-- Come here with E set to the first immediately visible entity on
-- the homonym chain. This is the one we want unless there is another
-- immediately visible entity further on in the chain for a more
-- inner scope (RM 8.3(8)).
<<Immediately_Visible_Entity>> declare
Level : Int;
Scop : Entity_Id;
-- Find scope level of initial entity
Level := Scope_Stack.Last;
Scop := Scope_Stack.Table (Level).Entity;
exit when Scop = Scope (E) or else Scop = Standard_Standard;
Level := Level - 1;
end loop;
-- Now search remainder of homonym chain for more inner entry
E2 := Homonym (E);
while Present (E2) loop
if Is_Immediately_Visible (E2) then
for J in Level + 1 .. Scope_Stack.Last loop
if Scope_Stack.Table (J).Entity = Scope (E2) then
Level := J;
E := E2;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
E2 := Homonym (E2);
end loop;
-- At the end of that loop, E is the innermost immediately
-- visible entity, so we are all set.
-- Come here with entity found, and stored in E
<<Found>> begin
Set_Entity (N, E);
if Is_Type (E) then
Set_Etype (N, E);
Set_Etype (N, Get_Full_View (Etype (E)));
end if;
if Debug_Flag_E then
Write_Str (" found ");
Write_Entity_Info (E, " ");
end if;
-- If the Ekind of the entity is Void, it means that all homopnyms
-- are hidden from all visibility (RM 8.3(5,14-20)). However, this
-- test is skipped if the current scope is a record and the name is
-- a pragma argument expression (case of Atomic and Volatile pragmas
-- and possibly other similar pragmas added later, which are allowed
-- to reference components in the current record).
if Ekind (E) = E_Void
and then
(not Is_Record_Type (Current_Scope)
or else Nkind (Parent (N)) /= N_Pragma_Argument_Association)
Error_Msg_N ("premature usage of&!", N);
-- If the entity is overloadable, collect all interpretations
-- of the name for subsequent overload resolution. We optimize
-- a bit here to do this only if we have an overloadable entity
-- that is not on its own on the homonym chain.
elsif Is_Overloadable (E)
and then (Present (Homonym (E)) or else Current_Entity (N) /= E)
Collect_Interps (N);
-- Case of non-overloadable entity, set the entity providing that
-- we do not have the case of a discriminant reference within a
-- default expression. Such references are replaced with the
-- corresponding discriminal, which is the formal corresponding to
-- to the discriminant in the initialization procedure.
-- As with other expansion transformations, this replacement must
-- not be done if the expander is inactive, as in the compilation
-- of a generic unit.
if not In_Default_Expression
or else Ekind (E) /= E_Discriminant
or else not Expander_Active
Set_Entity_With_Style_Check (N, E);
Set_Entity (N, Discriminal (E));
end if;
end if;
end Find_Direct_Name;
-- Find_Expanded_Name --
-- This routine searches the homonym chain of the entity until it finds
-- an entity declared in the scope denoted by the prefix. If the entity
-- is private, it may nevertheless be immediately visible, if we are in
-- the scope of its declaration.
procedure Find_Expanded_Name (N : Node_Id) is
Selector : constant Node_Id := Selector_Name (N);
P_Name : Entity_Id;
Id : Entity_Id;
P_Name := Entity (Prefix (N));
-- If the prefix is a renamed package, look for the entity
-- in the original package.
if Ekind (P_Name) = E_Package
and then Present (Renamed_Object (P_Name))
P_Name := Renamed_Object (P_Name);
Set_Entity (Prefix (N), P_Name);
end if;
Id := Current_Entity (Selector);
while Present (Id) loop
exit when Scope (Id) = P_Name
and then (not Is_Private (Id) or else Is_Immediately_Visible (Id));
Id := Homonym (Id);
end loop;
if No (Id) or else Chars (Id) /= Chars (Selector) then
if (Nkind (Selector) = N_Operator_Symbol
and then Has_Implicit_Operator (N))
-- There is an implicit instance of the predefined operator in the
-- given scope. Find the predefined operator in scope Standard.
Id := Current_Entity (Selector);
while Present (Id) and then Scope (Id) /= Standard_Standard loop
Id := Homonym (Id);
end loop;
elsif Nkind (Selector) = N_Character_Literal then
-- If there is not literal defined in the scope denoted by the
-- prefix, the literal may belong to (a type derived from)
-- Standard_Character, for which we have no explicit literals.
-- We replace the node with the literal itself, and mark the
-- scope, for use in subsequent resolution. ???
Rewrite_Substitute_Tree (N, Selector);
Analyze (N);
Error_Msg_Node_2 := P_Name;
Error_Msg_NE ("& not declared in&", N, Selector);
Id := Any_Id;
end if;
end if;
Change_Selected_Component_To_Expanded_Name (N);
Set_Entity_With_Style_Check (N, Id);
if Is_Type (Id) then
Set_Etype (N, Id);
Set_Etype (N, Get_Full_View (Etype (Id)));
end if;
if Is_Overloadable (Id)
and then Present (Homonym (Id))
H : Entity_Id := Homonym (Id);
while Present (H) loop
if Scope (H) = Scope (Id) then
Collect_Interps (N);
end if;
H := Homonym (H);
end loop;
end if;
if (Nkind (Selector_Name (N)) = N_Operator_Symbol
and then Has_Implicit_Operator (N)
and then Scope (Id) /= Standard_Standard)
-- In addition to user-defined operators in the given scope,
-- there is also an implicit instance of the predefined
-- operator. Find the predefined operator in scope
-- Standard, and add it as well to the interpretations.
-- Procedure Add_One_Interp will determine which hides which.
Id := Current_Entity (Selector);
while Present (Id)
and then Scope (Id) /= Standard_Standard
Id := Homonym (Id);
end loop;
Add_One_Interp (N, Id, Etype (Id));
end if;
end Find_Expanded_Name;
-- Find_Selected_Component --
procedure Find_Selected_Component (N : Node_Id) is
P : Node_Id := Prefix (N);
P_Name : Entity_Id;
-- Entity denoted by prefix
P_Type : Entity_Id;
-- and its type
Nam : Node_Id;
Analyze (P);
if Nkind (P) = N_Error then
-- If the selector already has an entity, the node has been
-- constructed in the course of expansion, and is known to be
-- valid. Do not verify that it is defined for the type (it may
-- be a private component used in the expansion of record equality).
elsif Present (Entity (Selector_Name (N))) then
if No (Etype (N))
or else Etype (N) = Any_Type
Set_Etype (Selector_Name (N), Etype (Entity (Selector_Name (N))));
Set_Etype (N, Etype (Entity (Selector_Name (N))));
-- If this is the name of an entry or protected operation, and
-- the prefix is an access type, insert an explicit dereference,
-- so that entry calls are treated uniformly.
if Is_Access_Type (Etype (P))
and then Is_Concurrent_Type (Designated_Type (Etype (P)))
New_P : Node_Id :=
Make_Explicit_Dereference (Sloc (P),
Prefix => New_Copy (P));
Rewrite_Substitute_Tree (P, New_P);
Set_Etype (P, Designated_Type (Etype (Prefix (P))));
end if;
end if;
elsif Is_Entity_Name (P) then
P_Name := Entity (P);
P_Type := Etype (P);
if Debug_Flag_E then
Write_Str ("Found prefix type to be ");
Write_Entity_Info (P_Type, " "); Write_Eol;
end if;
if Is_Appropriate_For_Record (P_Type) then
-- Selected component of record. Type checking will validate
-- name of selector.
Analyze_Selected_Component (N);
elsif Is_Appropriate_For_Entry_Prefix (P_Type)
and then not In_Open_Scopes (P_Name)
-- Call to protected operation or entry. Type checking is
-- needed on the prefix.
Analyze_Selected_Component (N);
elsif In_Open_Scopes (P_Name)
and then (Ekind (P_Name) /= E_Void
and then not Is_Overloadable (P_Name))
-- Prefix denotes an enclosing loop, block, or task, i.e. an
-- enclosing construct that is not a subprogram or accept.
Find_Expanded_Name (N);
elsif Ekind (P_Name) = E_Package then
Find_Expanded_Name (N);
elsif Is_Overloadable (P_Name) then
if Is_Overloaded (P) then
-- The prefix must resolve to a unique enclosing construct.
Found : Boolean := False;
I : Interp_Index;
It : Interp;
Get_First_Interp (P, I, It);
while Present (It.Nam) loop
if In_Open_Scopes (It.Nam) then
if Found then
Error_Msg_N (
"prefix must be unique enclosing scope", N);
Set_Entity (N, Any_Id);
Set_Etype (N, Any_Type);
Found := True;
P_Name := It.Nam;
end if;
end if;
Get_Next_Interp (I, It);
end loop;
end if;
if In_Open_Scopes (P_Name) then
Set_Entity (P, P_Name);
Set_Is_Overloaded (P, False);
Find_Expanded_Name (N);
-- If no interpretation as an expanded name is possible, it
-- must be a selected component of a record returned by a
-- function call. Reformat prefix as a function call, the
-- rest is done by type resolution.
Nam := New_Copy (P);
Save_Interps (P, Nam);
Rewrite_Substitute_Tree (P,
Make_Function_Call (Sloc (P), Name => Nam));
Analyze_Call (P);
Analyze_Selected_Component (N);
end if;
-- Remaining cases generate various error messages
-- Format node as expanded name, to avoid cascaded errors
Change_Node (N, N_Expanded_Name);
Set_Prefix (N, P);
Set_Entity (N, Any_Id);
Set_Etype (N, Any_Type);
-- Set_Selector_Name (N, Empty); ????
-- Issue error message, but avoid this if error issued already
if P_Name = Any_Id then
elsif Ekind (P_Name) = E_Void then
Error_Msg_N ("premature usage of&", P);
Error_Msg_N (
"invalid prefix in selected component&", P);
end if;
end if;
-- If prefix is not the name of an entity, it must be an expression,
-- whose type is appropriate for a record. This is determined by
-- type resolution.
Analyze_Selected_Component (N);
end if;
end Find_Selected_Component;
-- Find_Type --
procedure Find_Type (N : Node_Id) is
C : Entity_Id;
T : Entity_Id;
T_Name : Entity_Id;
if Nkind (N) = N_Attribute_Reference then
-- Class attribute. This is only valid in Ada 95 mode, but we don't
-- do a check, since the tagged type referenced could only exist if
-- we were in 95 mode when it was declared (or, if we were in Ada
-- 83 mode, then an error message would already have been issued).
if Attribute_Name (N) = Name_Class then
Find_Type (Prefix (N));
T := Base_Type (Entity (Prefix (N)));
if not Is_Tagged_Type (T) then
if Ekind (T) = E_Incomplete_Type then
-- It is legal to denote the class type of an incomplete
-- type. The full type will have to be tagged, of course.
Set_Is_Tagged_Type (T);
Make_Class_Wide_Type (T);
Set_Entity (N, Class_Wide_Type (T));
Set_Etype (N, Class_Wide_Type (T));
("tagged type required, found}", Prefix (N), T);
Set_Entity (N, Any_Type);
end if;
C := Class_Wide_Type (T);
Set_Entity_With_Style_Check (N, C);
Set_Etype (N, C);
end if;
-- Base attribute, allowed in Ada 95 mode only
elsif Attribute_Name (N) = Name_Base then
Note_Feature (Base_Attribute_In_Subtype_Mark, Sloc (N));
if Ada_83 and then Comes_From_Source (N) then
("(Ada 83) Base attribute not allowed in subtype mark", N);
Find_Type (Prefix (N));
T := Base_Type (Entity (Prefix (N)));
Set_Entity (N, T);
Set_Etype (N, T);
-- Rewrite attribute reference with type itself (see similar
-- processing in Analyze_Attribute, case Base)
Rewrite_Substitute_Tree (N,
New_Reference_To (Entity (N), Sloc (N)));
Set_Etype (N, T);
end if;
-- All other attributes are invalid in a subtype mark
Error_Msg_N ("invalid attribute in subtype mark", N);
end if;
Analyze (N);
if Is_Entity_Name (N) then
T_Name := Entity (N);
Error_Msg_N ("subtype mark required in this context", N);
Set_Etype (N, Any_Type);
end if;
if T_Name = Any_Id or else Etype (N) = Any_Type then
-- Undefined id. Make it into a valid type
Set_Entity (N, Any_Type);
elsif not Is_Type (T_Name)
and then T_Name /= Standard_Void_Type
Error_Msg_N ("subtype mark required in this context", N);
Set_Entity (N, Any_Type);
T_Name := Get_Full_View (T_Name);
if In_Open_Scopes (T_Name) then
if Ekind (Base_Type (T_Name)) = E_Task_Type then
Error_Msg_N ("task type cannot be used as type mark " &
"within its own body", N);
Error_Msg_N ("type declaration cannot refer to itself", N);
end if;
Set_Etype (N, Any_Type);
Set_Entity (N, Any_Type);
end if;
Set_Entity (N, T_Name);
Set_Etype (N, T_Name);
end if;
end if;
end Find_Type;
-- Get_Full_View --
function Get_Full_View (T_Name : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
if (Ekind (T_Name) = E_Incomplete_Type
and then Present (Full_View (T_Name)))
return Full_View (T_Name);
elsif Is_Class_Wide_Type (T_Name)
and then Ekind (Root_Type (T_Name)) = E_Incomplete_Type
and then Present (Full_View (Root_Type (T_Name)))
return Class_Wide_Type (Full_View (Root_Type (T_Name)));
return T_Name;
end if;
end Get_Full_View;
-- Has_Implicit_Operator --
function Has_Implicit_Operator (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
Op_Id : constant Name_Id := Chars (Selector_Name (N));
P : constant Entity_Id := Entity (Prefix (N));
Id : Entity_Id;
Id := First_Entity (P);
-- Boolean operators: implicit declaration exists if scope contains
-- declaration for derived boolean type, or for array of boolean type.
if Op_Id = Name_Op_And
or else Op_Id = Name_Op_Not
or else Op_Id = Name_Op_Or
or else Op_Id = Name_Op_Xor
while Present (Id) loop
if Valid_Boolean_Arg (Id) then
return true;
end if;
Id := Next_Entity (Id);
end loop;
-- Equality: look for any non-limited type.
elsif Op_Id = Name_Op_Eq
or else Op_Id = Name_Op_Ne
while Present (Id) loop
if Is_Type (Id) and not Is_Limited_Type (Id) then
return true;
end if;
Id := Next_Entity (Id);
end loop;
-- Comparison operators: scalar type, or array of scalar.
elsif Op_Id = Name_Op_Lt
or else Op_Id = Name_Op_Le
or else Op_Id = Name_Op_Gt
or else Op_Id = Name_Op_Ge
while Present (Id) loop
if Is_Scalar_Type (Id)
or else (Is_Array_Type (Id)
and then Is_Scalar_Type (Component_Type (Id)))
return true;
end if;
Id := Next_Entity (Id);
end loop;
-- Arithmetic operators: any numeric type
elsif Op_Id = Name_Op_Abs
or else Op_Id = Name_Op_Add
or else Op_Id = Name_Op_Mod
or else Op_Id = Name_Op_Rem
or else Op_Id = Name_Op_Subtract
or else Op_Id = Name_Op_Multiply
or else Op_Id = Name_Op_Divide
or else Op_Id = Name_Op_Expon
while Present (Id) loop
if Is_Numeric_Type (Id) then
return True;
end if;
Id := Next_Entity (Id);
end loop;
-- Concatenation: any one-dimensional array type
elsif Op_Id = Name_Op_Concat then
while Present (Id) loop
if Is_Array_Type (Id) and then Number_Dimensions (Id) = 1 then
return true;
end if;
Id := Next_Entity (Id);
end loop;
return False;
end if;
return False;
end Has_Implicit_Operator;
-- Inherit_Renamed_Profile --
procedure Inherit_Renamed_Profile (New_S : Entity_Id; Old_S : Entity_Id) is
New_F : Entity_Id;
Old_F : Entity_Id;
if Ekind (Old_S) = E_Operator then
New_F := First_Formal (New_S);
while Present (New_F) loop
Set_Etype (New_F, Base_Type (Etype (New_F)));
New_F := Next_Formal (New_F);
end loop;
Set_Etype (New_S, Base_Type (Etype (New_S)));
New_F := First_Formal (New_S);
Old_F := First_Formal (Old_S);
while Present (New_F) loop
Set_Etype (New_F, Etype (Old_F));
New_F := Next_Formal (New_F);
Old_F := Next_Formal (Old_F);
end loop;
end if;
end Inherit_Renamed_Profile;
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize is
end Initialize;
-- In_Open_Scopes --
function In_Open_Scopes (S : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
-- Since there are several scope stacks maintained by Scope_Stack each
-- delineated by Standard (see comments by definition of Scope_Stack)
-- it is necessary to end the search when Standard is reached.
for J in reverse 0 .. Scope_Stack.Last loop
if Scope_Stack.Table (J).Entity = S then
return True;
end if;
exit when Scope_Stack.Table (J).Entity = Standard_Standard;
end loop;
return False;
end In_Open_Scopes;
-- Is_Appropriate_For_Entry_Prefix --
function Is_Appropriate_For_Entry_Prefix (T : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
P_Type : Entity_Id := T;
if Is_Access_Type (P_Type) then
P_Type := Designated_Type (P_Type);
end if;
return Is_Task_Type (P_Type) or else Is_Protected_Type (P_Type);
end Is_Appropriate_For_Entry_Prefix;
-- Is_Appropriate_For_Record --
function Is_Appropriate_For_Record
(T : Entity_Id)
return Boolean
function Has_Components (T1 : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-- Determine if given type has components (i.e. is either a record
-- type or a type that has discriminants).
function Has_Components (T1 : Entity_Id) return Boolean is
return Is_Record_Type (T1)
or else (Is_Private_Type (T1) and then Has_Discriminants (T1))
or else (Is_Task_Type (T1) and then Has_Discriminants (T1));
end Has_Components;
-- Start of processing for Is_Appropriate_For_Record
Present (T)
and then (Has_Components (T)
or else (Is_Access_Type (T)
and then
Has_Components (Designated_Type (T))));
end Is_Appropriate_For_Record;
-- Find_Renamed_Entity --
function Find_Renamed_Entity
(N : Node_Id;
Nam : Node_Id;
New_S : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id
I : Interp_Index;
I1 : Interp_Index;
It : Interp;
It1 : Interp;
Old_S : Entity_Id;
Old_S := Any_Id;
if not Is_Overloaded (Nam) then
if Entity_Matches_Spec (Entity (Nam), New_S) then
Old_S := Entity (Nam);
end if;
Get_First_Interp (Nam, I, It);
while Present (It.Nam) loop
if Entity_Matches_Spec (It.Nam, New_S) then
if Old_S /= Any_Id then
It1 := Disambiguate (Nam, I1, I, Etype (Old_S));
if It1 = No_Interp then
Error_Msg_N ("ambiguous renaming", N);
return Old_S;
Old_S := It1.Nam;
end if;
I1 := I;
Old_S := It.Nam;
end if;
end if;
Get_Next_Interp (I, It);
end loop;
Set_Entity (Nam, Old_S);
Set_Is_Overloaded (Nam, False);
end if;
return Old_S;
end Find_Renamed_Entity;
-- New_Scope --
procedure New_Scope (S : Entity_Id) is
E : Entity_Id;
if Ekind (S) = E_Void then
elsif not Is_Type (S)
or else Is_Concurrent_Type (S)
if S = Standard_Standard then
Set_Scope_Depth (S, Uint_0);
elsif not Is_Record_Type (Current_Scope) then
if Ekind (S) = E_Loop then
Set_Scope_Depth (S, Scope_Depth (Current_Scope));
Set_Scope_Depth (S, Scope_Depth (Current_Scope) + 1);
end if;
end if;
end if;
Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).Entity := S;
Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).Save_Scope_Suppress :=
Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).Save_Entity_Suppress :=
Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).Is_Transient := False;
Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).Node_To_Be_Wrapped := Empty;
Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).Pending_Freeze_Nodes := No_List;
Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).Actions_To_Be_Wrapped := No_List;
Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).First_Use_Clause := Empty;
if Debug_Flag_W then
Write_Str ("--> new scope: ");
Write_Name (Chars (Current_Scope));
Write_Int (Int (Current_Scope));
end if;
-- Copy from Scope (S) the categorization flags to S, this is not
-- done in case Scope (S) is Standard_Standard since propagation
-- is from library unit entity inwards.
if S /= Standard_Standard
and then Scope (S) /= Standard_Standard
and then not Is_Child_Unit (S)
E := Scope (S);
if Nkind (E) not in N_Entity then
end if;
Set_Is_Pure (S, Is_Pure (E));
Set_Is_Preelaborated (S, Is_Preelaborated (E));
Set_Is_Remote_Call_Interface (S, Is_Remote_Call_Interface (E));
Set_Is_Remote_Types (S, Is_Remote_Types (E));
Set_Is_Shared_Passive (S, Is_Shared_Passive (E));
end if;
end New_Scope;
-- Pop_Scope --
procedure Pop_Scope is
E : Entity_Id;
if Debug_Flag_E then
end if;
Scope_Suppress :=
Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).Save_Scope_Suppress;
while Entity_Suppress.Last >
Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).Save_Entity_Suppress
E := Entity_Suppress.Table (Entity_Suppress.Last).Entity;
case Entity_Suppress.Table (Entity_Suppress.Last).Check is
when Access_Check =>
Set_Suppress_Access_Checks (E, False);
when Accessibility_Check =>
Set_Suppress_Accessibility_Checks (E, False);
when Discriminant_Check =>
Set_Suppress_Discriminant_Checks (E, False);
when Division_Check =>
Set_Suppress_Division_Checks (E, False);
when Elaboration_Check =>
Set_Suppress_Elaboration_Checks (E, False);
when Index_Check =>
Set_Suppress_Index_Checks (E, False);
when Length_Check =>
Set_Suppress_Length_Checks (E, False);
when Overflow_Check =>
Set_Suppress_Overflow_Checks (E, False);
when Range_Check =>
Set_Suppress_Range_Checks (E, False);
when Storage_Check =>
Set_Suppress_Storage_Checks (E, False);
when Tag_Check =>
Set_Suppress_Tag_Checks (E, False);
-- All_Checks should not appear here (since it is entered as a
-- series of its separate checks). Bomb if it is encountered
when All_Checks =>
pragma Assert (False); null;
end case;
end loop;
if Debug_Flag_W then
Write_Str ("--> exiting scope: ");
Write_Name (Chars (Current_Scope));
end if;
-- If the actions to be wrapped are still there they will get lost
-- causing incomplete code to be generated. It is better to abort in
-- this case.
pragma Assert (
Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last).Actions_To_Be_Wrapped = No_List);
end Pop_Scope;
-- Restore_Scope_Stack --
procedure Restore_Scope_Stack is
E : Entity_Id;
S : Entity_Id;
-- Restore visibility of previous scope stack, if any.
for J in reverse 0 .. Scope_Stack.Last loop
exit when Scope_Stack.Table (J).Entity = Standard_Standard
or else No (Scope_Stack.Table (J).Entity);
S := Scope_Stack.Table (J).Entity;
Set_Is_Immediately_Visible (S, True);
E := First_Entity (S);
while Present (E) loop
Set_Is_Immediately_Visible (E, True);
E := Next_Entity (E);
end loop;
end loop;
end Restore_Scope_Stack;
-- Save_Scope_Stack --
procedure Save_Scope_Stack is
E : Entity_Id;
S : Entity_Id;
SS_Last : constant Int := Scope_Stack.Last;
if SS_Last >= Scope_Stack.First
and then Scope_Stack.Table (SS_Last).Entity /= Standard_Standard
-- If the call is from within a compilation unit, as when
-- called from Rtsfind, make current entries in scope stack
-- invisible while we analyze the new unit.
for J in reverse 0 .. SS_Last loop
exit when Scope_Stack.Table (J).Entity = Standard_Standard
or else No (Scope_Stack.Table (J).Entity);
S := Scope_Stack.Table (J).Entity;
Set_Is_Immediately_Visible (S, False);
E := First_Entity (S);
while Present (E) loop
Set_Is_Immediately_Visible (E, False);
E := Next_Entity (E);
end loop;
end loop;
end if;
end Save_Scope_Stack;
-- Set_Use --
procedure Set_Use (L : List_Id) is
Decl : Node_Id;
Pack_Name : Node_Id;
Pack : Entity_Id;
Id : Entity_Id;
if Present (L) then
Decl := First (L);
while Present (Decl) loop
if Nkind (Decl) = N_Use_Package_Clause then
Chain_Use_Clause (Decl);
Pack_Name := First (Names (Decl));
while Present (Pack_Name) loop
Pack := Entity (Pack_Name);
if Ekind (Pack) = E_Package then
if In_Open_Scopes (Pack) then
elsif not In_Use (Pack) then
Use_One_Package (Pack);
Set_Redundant_Use (Pack_Name, True);
end if;
end if;
Pack_Name := Next (Pack_Name);
end loop;
elsif Nkind (Decl) = N_Use_Type_Clause then
Chain_Use_Clause (Decl);
Id := First (Subtype_Marks (Decl));
while Present (Id) loop
if Entity (Id) /= Any_Type then
Set_Is_Potentially_Use_Visible (Entity (Id), True);
-- If Id is a first-named subtype, indicate that
-- anonymous parent is also potentially use visible,
-- so that operators become accessible.
if not Comes_From_Source (Base_Type (Entity (Id))) then
(Base_Type (Entity (Id)));
end if;
end if;
Id := Next (Id);
end loop;
end if;
Decl := Next (Decl);
end loop;
end if;
end Set_Use;
-- Use_One_Package --
procedure Use_One_Package (P : Entity_Id) is
Id : Entity_Id;
Prev : Entity_Id;
Set_In_Use (P);
-- If unit is a package renaming, indicate that the renamed
-- package is also in use (the flags on both entities must
-- remain consistent, and a subsequent use of either of them
-- should be recognized as redundant).
if Present (Renamed_Object (P)) then
Set_In_Use (Renamed_Object (P));
end if;
-- Loop through entities in one package making them potentially
-- use-visible.
Id := First_Entity (P);
while Present (Id)
and then Id /= First_Private_Entity (P)
Prev := Current_Entity (Id);
while Present (Prev) loop
if Is_Immediately_Visible (Prev)
and then (not Is_Overloadable (Prev)
or else not Is_Overloadable (Id)
or else (Type_Conformant (Id, Prev)))
-- Potentially use-visible entity remains hidden
goto Next_Usable_Entity;
end if;
Prev := Homonym (Prev);
end loop;
-- On exit, we know entity is not hidden, unless it is private.
if not Is_Private (Id) then
Set_Is_Potentially_Use_Visible (Id);
end if;
Id := Next_Entity (Id);
end loop;
-- Child units are also made use-visible by a use clause, but they
-- may appear after all visible declarations in the parent entity list.
while Present (Id) loop
if Is_Child_Unit (Id) then
Set_Is_Potentially_Use_Visible (Id);
end if;
Id := Next_Entity (Id);
end loop;
end Use_One_Package;
-- Write_Info --
procedure Write_Info is
Id : Entity_Id := First_Entity (Current_Scope);
-- No point in dumping standard entities
if Current_Scope = Standard_Standard then
end if;
Write_Str ("========================================================");
Write_Str (" Defined Entities in ");
Write_Name (Chars (Current_Scope));
Write_Str ("========================================================");
if No (Id) then
Write_Str ("-- none --");
while Present (Id) loop
Write_Entity_Info (Id, " ");
Id := Next_Entity (Id);
end loop;
end if;
if Scope (Current_Scope) = Standard_Standard then
-- Print information on the current unit itself
Write_Entity_Info (Current_Scope, " ");
end if;
end Write_Info;
end Sem_Ch8;