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C/C++ Source or Header
412 lines
* This program is Copyright (C) 1986-1996 by Jonathan Payne. JOVE is *
* provided to you without charge, and with no warranty. You may give *
* away copies of JOVE, including sources, provided that this notice is *
* included in all the files. *
/* jove.h header file to be included by EVERYONE */
#include <setjmp.h>
#ifndef TUNED
# include "tune.h"
#include <string.h>
#ifndef MAC
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <types.h>
# include <time.h> /* for time_t */
/* proto: macro to allow us to prototype any function declaration
* without upsetting old compilers.
# define proto(x) x
/* on these systems, a prototype cannot be used for a pointer to function */
# define ptrproto(x) ()
# else
# define ptrproto(x) x
# endif
# define proto(x) ()
# define ptrproto(x) ()
/* There are two ways to handle functions with a variable number of args.
* The old portable way uses varargs.h. The way sanctioned by ANSI X3J11
* uses stdarg.h.
#define STDARGS 1
#ifdef STDARGS
# include <stdarg.h>
# define va_init(ap, parmN) { va_start((ap), (parmN)); }
# include <varargs.h>
# define va_init(ap, parmN) { va_start((ap)); }
/* ANSI Goodies and their substitutes
* const: readonly type qualifier
* volatile: type qualifier indicating one of two kinds of magic.
* 1. This object may be modified by an event unknown to the implementation
* (eg. asynchronous signal or memory-mapped I/O device).
* 2. This automatic variable might be modified between a setjmp()
* and a longjmp(), and we wish it to have the correct value after
* the longjmp(). This second meaning is an X3J11 abomination.
* So far, only the second meaning is used.
* UnivPtr: universal pointer type
* UnivConstPtr: universal pointer to const
typedef void *UnivPtr;
typedef const void *UnivConstPtr;
#else /* !REALSTDC */
# ifndef const
# define const /* Only in ANSI C. Pity */
# endif
# ifndef volatile
# define volatile
# endif
typedef char *UnivPtr;
typedef const char *UnivConstPtr;
#endif /* !REALSTDC */
/* According to the ANSI standard for C, any library routine may
* be defined as a macro with parameters. In order to prevent
* the expansion of this macro in a declaration of the routine,
* ANSI suggests parenthesizing the identifier. This is a reasonable
* and legal approach, even for K&R C.
* A bug in the MIPS compiler used on MIPS, IRIS, and probably other
* MIPS R[23]000 based systems, causes the compiler to reject
* these declarations (at least at the current time, 1989 August).
* To avoid this bug, we conditionally define and use UNMACRO.
#ifdef MIPS_CC_BUG
# define UNMACRO(proc) proc
# define UNMACRO(proc) (proc)
/* Since we don't use stdio.h, we may have to define NULL and EOF */
#ifndef NULL
# define NULL 0
#ifndef EOF
#define EOF (-1)
#define private static
typedef int bool;
#define NO 0
#define YES 1
#define elemsof(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*(a))) /* number of array elements */
/* Safe-where-possible signal handling.
* SIGHANDLERTYPE: the type of a pointer to a signal handler
* setsighandler: the best way to establish a signal handler
* resetsighandler: the best way to re-establish a signal handler
typedef SIGRESTYPE (*SIGHANDLERTYPE) ptrproto((int));
extern SIGHANDLERTYPE setsighandler proto((int, SIGHANDLERTYPE));
# define resetsighandler(signo, handler) /* nothing */
#else /* !POSIX_SIGS */
# ifdef USE_SIGSET
# define setsighandler(signo, handler) sigset((signo), (handler))
# define resetsighandler(signo, handler) /* nothing */
# else /* !USE_SIGSET */
/* BSD_SIGS or default: use signal() */
# define setsighandler(signo, handler) signal((signo), (handler))
# endif /* !USE_SIGSET */
#endif /* !POSIX_SIGS */
#ifndef resetsighandler
/* On some systems, the signal handler is left established,
* but this is not the case with original UNIX signals.
* This code adjusts to the system at hand, at fairly low cost.
* This code is even used for BSD_SIGS, even though it should not
* be needed: it compensates for mis-configuration.
* Note: this routine will only work if every execution of a particular
* call is for the same handler. Furthermore, all executions should
* be due to the handler being invoked by a signal. These restrictions
* ensure that the setting of the static variable indicates whether
* signal handlers need to be re-established.
# define resetsighandler(signo, handler) { \
static SIGHANDLERTYPE reset_handler = NULL; \
if (reset_handler != (handler)) \
reset_handler = setsighandler((signo), (handler)); \
/* Principles of character representation in JOVE:
* - Only legal characters (excluding NUL) may be stored in the buffer.
* - Only legal characters will be found in the input stream, as
* delivered by getch and kbd_getch (the meta-key feature
* may cause invalid characters to be read, but they will be
* confined within kbd_getch).
* - Bad characters from a file should be discarded. Perhaps a message
* should be generated. NUL should be considered one of these bad
* characters. [The elimination of these characters is the duty of
* callers of jgetc.]
* - The type of a string (ignoring const or volatile) should be "char *".
* This is the standard type specified by the ANSI/ISO C standard.
* As such, it is the type expected by the standard library.
* - In general, it is reasonable to use a plain char type
* to represent an individual character, avoiding the expense and
* fuss of widening.
* + The character must be known not to be an EOF.
* + The character must only be used in ways in which sign extension
* is known to not cause problems:
* * The value is coerced into a char type (the most common example
* is assignment to a char; another is the search character in a
* call to strchr). Of course, EOF must not appear in these
* contexts.
* * The value is used for equality or inequality comparison where
* all operands are subject to identical char widening. A
* special case of this is 7-bit ASCII char literals:
* they can be safely compared for equality or inequality with
* chars widened explicitly or implicitly.
* - ZXchar is the type for a character that has been widened without
* sign extension. It can represent EOF distinctly from characters.
* The ZXC and ZXRC functions should be used to do the widening.
* - DAPchar is the type that results from the "default argument promotions"
* applied to the char type. Since most of our function definitions are
* in the old style, formals declared in these definitions to be of type
* char should be declared to be of type DAPchar in any prototype (this is
* an arcane ANSI C rule). The widening involved might be sign-extension
* or it might not, but we don't care because it will be immediately
* narrowed. A C implementation can legally make the type "unsigned int",
* but this is highly unlikely. By extension, a value of this type may be
* used anywhere a char is needed.
* The following functions widen char type to an int, without sign
* extension. There are two kinds:
* ZXC(c): zero-extend an internal char. It is presumed that
* the character is clean, but we may have to prevent sign extension.
* ZXRC(c): zero-extend a external (raw) char. The purpose is to prevent
* sign extension, even if the char is invalid.
typedef int ZXchar; /* type for expanded char (possibly EOF) */
#ifndef DAPchar
# define DAPchar int /* DefaultArgPromotion(char) */
#ifndef UCHAR_ROOF
# define UCHAR_ROOF 256 /* better be true! */
#if NCHARS == 128
# ifndef ZXC
# define ZXC(c) (c) /* identity op -- sign bit must be off */
# endif
# ifndef ZXC
# define ZXC(c) ((ZXchar) (unsigned char) (c))
# endif
# else
/* ??? */
# endif
#ifndef ZXRC
# define ZXRC(c) ((ZXchar) (unsigned char) (c))
/* Pervasive exports of other modules */
/* disp.c */
extern volatile bool UpdModLine; /* Does the mode line need to be updated? */
/* term.c: universal termcap-like declarations */
#define MAXCOLS 256 /* maximum number of columns */
extern int
SG, /* number of magic cookies left by SO and SE */
LI, /* number of lines */
ILI, /* number of internal lines (LI - 1) */
CO; /* number of columns (CO <= MAXCOLS) */
extern bool
TABS; /* terminal supports tabs */
/* typedef pervasive structure definitions */
typedef struct window Window; /* wind.h */
typedef struct position Bufpos; /* buf.h */
typedef struct mark Mark; /* buf.h (not mark.h!) */
typedef struct buffer Buffer; /* buf.h */
#ifdef FAR_LINES
typedef struct line _far *LinePtr; /* buf.h */
typedef struct line *LinePtr; /* buf.h */
typedef struct FileStruct File; /* fp.h */
#include "buf.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "dataobj.h"
#include "keymaps.h"
#include "argcount.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "externs.h"
#define FORWARD 1
#define BACKWARD (-1)
/* jove.c exports: */
/* paths */
extern char
ShareDir[FILESIZE], /* path of machine-independent library */
TmpDir[FILESIZE]; /* VAR: directory/device to store tmp files */
extern char
Shell[FILESIZE], /* VAR: shell to use */
ShFlags[16]; /* VAR: flags to shell */
/* setjmp/longjmp args for DoKeys() mainjmp */
#define JMP_ERROR 1
#define JMP_COMPLAIN 2 /* do the error without a getDOT */
#define JMP_QUIT 3 /* leave this level of recursion */
extern jmp_buf mainjmp;
extern char NullStr[];
extern ZXchar
peekchar, /* holds pushed-back getch output */
LastKeyStruck; /* used by SelfInsert and friends */
extern int
RecDepth, /* recursion depth (used by disp.c for modeline) */
SlowCmd; /* depth of nesting of slow commands */
extern bool
TOabort, /* flag set by Typeout() */
stickymsg, /* the last message should stick around */
InputPending, /* is there input waiting to be processed? */
#ifdef UNIX
extern bool
InSlowRead; /* Can we do a redisplay in a signal handler? */
extern char *Inputp;
# define PreEmptOutput() (ResizePending || (SlowCmd == 0 && charp()))
# define CheapPreEmptOutput() (ResizePending || (SlowCmd == 0 && InputPending))
# define PreEmptOutput() (SlowCmd == 0 && charp())
# define CheapPreEmptOutput() (SlowCmd == 0 && InputPending)
extern void jcloseall proto((void));
finish proto((int code)), /* doesn't return at all! */
win_reshape proto((int /*junk*/));
extern bool
charp proto((void));
extern ZXchar
getch proto((void)),
kbd_getch proto((void)),
waitchar proto((void)),
ask_ks proto((void));
extern void
cmd_sync proto((void)),
add_stroke proto((ZXchar)),
error proto((const char *, ...)),
complain proto((const char *, ...)),
raw_complain proto((const char *, ...)),
confirm proto((const char *, ...)),
SitFor proto((int delay)),
pp_key_strokes proto((char *buffer, size_t size)),
tty_adjust proto ((void)),
Ungetc proto((ZXchar c)),
kbd_ungetch proto((ZXchar c));
/* Commands: */
extern void
PauseJove proto((void)),
Push proto((void)),
Recur proto((void)),
ShowVersion proto((void));
/* Variables: */
extern bool MetaKey; /* VAR: this terminal has a meta key */
extern bool TimeDisplayed; /* is time actually displayed in modeline? */
#ifdef UNIX
extern int UpdFreq; /* VAR: how often to update modeline */
extern void SetClockAlarm proto((bool unset));