Geek Gadgets 1
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281 lines
# PD Bourne/Korn Shell
# $Id: Makefile,v 1.6 93/05/08 15:59:56 sjg Exp $
#### Start of system configuration section. ####
VPATH = @srcdir@
srcdir = @srcdir@
# Common prefix for machine-independent installed files.
prefix = /ade
# Common prefix for machine-dependent installed files.
exec_prefix = $(prefix)
# Directory to install executables in.
bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin
# Directory to install libraries in.
libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib
# Directory to install the Info files in.
infodir = $(prefix)/info
# Directory to install the man page in.
mandir = $(prefix)/man/man$(manext)
# Number to put on the man page filename.
manext = 1
# Program to install executables.
# Program to install data like man pages.
# Generic install program.
CC = @CC@
CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ -resident
LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ -resident
# AmigaOS hack. Symbolic links are available, but the actual link
# name needs to be AmigaOS format (device:path1/path2/...). When
# ixemul.library makes them in this format, this can be enabled.
#LN_S = @LN_S@
LN_S = cp
#### End of system configuration section. ####
# "-I." is needed to find config.h in the build directory.
$(CC) -c -I. -I$(srcdir) $(DEFS) $(CFLAGS) $< $(OUTPUT_OPTION)
SHELL = /bin/sh
MAKE = make
CHMOD = chmod
HDRS = sh.h table.h expand.h lex.h tree.h tty.h trace.h
SRCS1 = version.c main.c misc.c trap.c alloc.c io.c \
syn.c lex.c edit.c emacs.c vi.c history.c tree.c
SRCS2 = exec.c jobs.c \
c_sh.c c_ksh.c c_test.c getopts.c do_ulimit.c \
var.c table.c eval.c expr.c mail.c sigact.c trace.c
SRCS = Makefile $(HDRS) $(SRCS1) $(SRCS2)
OBJS = version.o main.o misc.o \
syn.o lex.o edit.o emacs.o vi.o tree.o \
exec.o jobs.o trap.o \
c_sh.o c_ksh.o c_test.o \
do_ulimit.o getopts.o expr.o history.o \
var.o table.o alloc.o io.o eval.o mail.o sigact.o trace.o $(XOBJS)
ksh: $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LDLIBS)
rm -f *.o *.out core
clobber: clean
rm -f ksh
($(SHELL) ../std/mklinks ../std/h stdh.h)
makedepend $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS1) $(SRCS2)
install: ksh
$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -c ksh $(bindir)/ksh
$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -c ksh $(bindir)/sh
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -S -o $@ $<
asms: $(OBJS:.o=.s)
# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.
# If this runs make out of memory, delete /usr/include lines.
alloc.o: alloc.c
alloc.o: config.h
alloc.o: sh.h
alloc.o: stdh.h
alloc.o: trace.h
c_ksh.o: c_ksh.c
c_ksh.o: config.h
c_ksh.o: sh.h
c_ksh.o: stdh.h
c_ksh.o: table.h
c_ksh.o: trace.h
c_sh.o: c_sh.c
c_sh.o: config.h
c_sh.o: lex.h
c_sh.o: sh.h
c_sh.o: stdh.h
c_sh.o: table.h
c_sh.o: trace.h
c_sh.o: tree.h
c_test.o: c_test.c
c_test.o: config.h
c_test.o: sh.h
c_test.o: stdh.h
c_test.o: trace.h
edit.o: config.h
edit.o: edit.c
edit.o: edit.h
edit.o: lex.h
edit.o: sh.h
edit.o: stdh.h
edit.o: trace.h
edit.o: tty.h
emacs.o: config.h
emacs.o: edit.h
emacs.o: emacs.c
emacs.o: expand.h
emacs.o: lex.h
emacs.o: sh.h
emacs.o: stdh.h
emacs.o: table.h
emacs.o: trace.h
emacs.o: tree.h
eval.o: config.h
eval.o: eval.c
eval.o: expand.h
eval.o: lex.h
eval.o: sh.h
eval.o: stdh.h
eval.o: table.h
eval.o: trace.h
eval.o: tree.h
exec.o: config.h
exec.o: exec.c
exec.o: lex.h
exec.o: sh.h
exec.o: stdh.h
exec.o: table.h
exec.o: trace.h
exec.o: tree.h
expr.o: config.h
expr.o: expr.c
expr.o: sh.h
expr.o: stdh.h
expr.o: table.h
expr.o: trace.h
getopts.o: config.h
getopts.o: getopts.c
getopts.o: sh.h
getopts.o: stdh.h
getopts.o: table.h
getopts.o: trace.h
history.o: config.h
history.o: history.c
history.o: lex.h
history.o: sh.h
history.o: stdh.h
history.o: trace.h
io.o: config.h
io.o: io.c
io.o: sh.h
io.o: stdh.h
io.o: trace.h
jobs.o: config.h
jobs.o: jobs.c
jobs.o: sh.h
jobs.o: stdh.h
jobs.o: trace.h
jobs.o: tree.h
lex.o: config.h
lex.o: expand.h
lex.o: lex.c
lex.o: lex.h
lex.o: sh.h
lex.o: stdh.h
lex.o: table.h
lex.o: trace.h
lex.o: tree.h
mail.o: config.h
mail.o: mail.c
mail.o: sh.h
mail.o: stdh.h
mail.o: table.h
mail.o: trace.h
main.o: config.h
main.o: lex.h
main.o: main.c
main.o: sh.h
main.o: stdh.h
main.o: table.h
main.o: trace.h
main.o: tree.h
memmove.o: memmove.c
memmove.o: stdh.h
misc.o: config.h
misc.o: expand.h
misc.o: misc.c
misc.o: sh.h
misc.o: stdh.h
misc.o: trace.h
strstr.o: stdh.h
strstr.o: strstr.c
syn.o: config.h
syn.o: expand.h
syn.o: lex.h
syn.o: sh.h
syn.o: stdh.h
syn.o: syn.c
syn.o: table.h
syn.o: trace.h
syn.o: tree.h
sigact.o: sigact.h sigact.c
table.o: config.h
table.o: sh.h
table.o: stdh.h
table.o: table.c
table.o: table.h
table.o: trace.h
times.o: times.c
trace.o: trace.c
trap.o: config.h
trap.o: sh.h
trap.o: stdh.h
trap.o: trace.h
trap.o: trap.c
tree.o: config.h
tree.o: sh.h
tree.o: stdh.h
tree.o: trace.h
tree.o: tree.c
tree.o: tree.h
do_ulimit.o: config.h
do_ulimit.o: sh.h
do_ulimit.o: stdh.h
do_ulimit.o: trace.h
do_ulimit.o: do_ulimit.c
var.o: config.h
var.o: expand.h
var.o: sh.h
var.o: stdh.h
var.o: table.h
var.o: trace.h
var.o: var.c
version.o: config.h
version.o: sh.h
version.o: stdh.h
version.o: trace.h
version.o: version.c
vi.o: config.h
vi.o: edit.h
vi.o: expand.h
vi.o: lex.h
vi.o: sh.h
vi.o: stdh.h
vi.o: table.h
vi.o: trace.h
vi.o: tree.h
vi.o: vi.c
# WARNING: Put nothing here or make depend will gobble it up!