Geek Gadgets 1
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Perl Script
649 lines
open(OC, ">opcode.h") || die "Can't create opcode.h: $!\n";
select OC;
# Read data.
while (<DATA>) {
next unless $_;
next if /^#/;
($key, $desc, $check, $flags, $args) = split(/\t+/, $_, 5);
warn qq[Description "$desc" duplicates $seen{$desc}\n] if $seen{$desc};
die qq[Opcode "$key" duplicates $seen{$key}\n] if $seen{$key};
$seen{$desc} = qq[description of opcode "$key"];
$seen{$key} = qq[opcode "$key"];
push(@ops, $key);
$desc{$key} = $desc;
$check{$key} = $check;
$flags{$key} = $flags;
$args{$key} = $args;
# Emit defines.
$i = 0;
print <<"END";
#define pp_i_preinc pp_preinc
#define pp_i_predec pp_predec
#define pp_i_postinc pp_postinc
#define pp_i_postdec pp_postdec
typedef enum {
for (@ops) {
print "\t", &tab(3,"OP_\U$_,"), "/* ", $i++, " */\n";
print "\t", &tab(3,"OP_max"), "\n";
print "} opcode;\n";
print "\n#define MAXO ", scalar @ops, "\n\n";
# Emit op names and descriptions.
print <<END;
#ifndef DOINIT
EXT char *op_name[];
EXT char *op_name[] = {
for (@ops) {
print qq(\t"$_",\n);
print <<END;
print <<END;
#ifndef DOINIT
EXT char *op_desc[];
EXT char *op_desc[] = {
for (@ops) {
print qq(\t"$desc{$_}",\n);
print <<END;
# Emit function declarations.
for (sort keys %ckname) {
print "OP *\t", &tab(3,$_),"_((OP* op));\n";
print "\n";
for (@ops) {
print "OP *\t", &tab(3, "pp_\L$_"), "_((void));\n";
# Emit ppcode switch array.
print <<END;
#ifndef DOINIT
EXT OP * (*ppaddr[])();
EXT OP * (*ppaddr[])() = {
for (@ops) {
print "\tpp_\L$_,\n";
print <<END;
# Emit check routines.
print <<END;
#ifndef DOINIT
EXT OP * (*check[])();
EXT OP * (*check[])() = {
for (@ops) {
print "\t", &tab(3, "$check{$_},"), "/* \L$_ */\n";
print <<END;
# Emit allowed argument types.
print <<END;
#ifndef DOINIT
EXT U32 opargs[];
EXT U32 opargs[] = {
%argnum = (
S, 1, # scalar
L, 2, # list
A, 3, # array value
H, 4, # hash value
C, 5, # code value
F, 6, # file value
R, 7, # scalar reference
for (@ops) {
$argsum = 0;
$flags = $flags{$_};
$argsum |= 1 if $flags =~ /m/; # needs stack mark
$argsum |= 2 if $flags =~ /f/; # fold constants
$argsum |= 4 if $flags =~ /s/; # always produces scalar
$argsum |= 8 if $flags =~ /t/; # needs target scalar
$argsum |= 16 if $flags =~ /i/; # always produces integer
$argsum |= 32 if $flags =~ /I/; # has corresponding int op
$argsum |= 64 if $flags =~ /d/; # danger, unknown side effects
$argsum |= 128 if $flags =~ /u/; # defaults to $_
$mul = 256;
for $arg (split(' ',$args{$_})) {
$argnum = ($arg =~ s/\?//) ? 8 : 0;
$argnum += $argnum{$arg};
$argsum += $argnum * $mul;
$mul <<= 4;
$argsum = sprintf("0x%08x", $argsum);
print "\t", &tab(3, "$argsum,"), "/* \L$_ */\n";
print <<END;
sub tab {
local($l, $t) = @_;
$t .= "\t" x ($l - (length($t) + 1) / 8);
# Nothing.
null null operation ck_null 0
stub stub ck_null 0
scalar scalar ck_fun s S
# Pushy stuff.
pushmark pushmark ck_null s
wantarray wantarray ck_null is
const constant item ck_svconst s
gvsv scalar variable ck_null ds
gv glob value ck_null ds
gelem glob elem ck_null d S S
padsv private variable ck_null ds
padav private array ck_null d
padhv private hash ck_null d
padany private something ck_null d
pushre push regexp ck_null 0
# References and stuff.
rv2gv ref-to-glob cast ck_rvconst ds
rv2sv scalar deref ck_rvconst ds
av2arylen array length ck_null is
rv2cv subroutine deref ck_rvconst d
anoncode anonymous subroutine ck_null 0
prototype subroutine prototype ck_null s S
refgen reference constructor ck_spair m L
srefgen scalar ref constructor ck_null fs S
ref reference-type operator ck_fun stu S?
bless bless ck_fun s S S?
# Pushy I/O.
backtick backticks ck_null t
glob glob ck_glob t S S
readline <HANDLE> ck_null t
rcatline append I/O operator ck_null t
# Bindable operators.
regcmaybe regexp comp once ck_fun s S
regcomp regexp compilation ck_null s S
match pattern match ck_match d
subst substitution ck_null dis S
substcont substitution cont ck_null dis
trans character translation ck_null is S
# Lvalue operators.
sassign scalar assignment ck_null s
aassign list assignment ck_null t L L
chop chop ck_spair mts L
schop scalar chop ck_null stu S?
chomp safe chop ck_spair mts L
schomp scalar safe chop ck_null stu S?
defined defined operator ck_rfun isu S?
undef undef operator ck_lfun s S?
study study ck_fun su S?
pos match position ck_lfun stu S?
preinc preincrement ck_lfun dIs S
i_preinc integer preincrement ck_lfun dis S
predec predecrement ck_lfun dIs S
i_predec integer predecrement ck_lfun dis S
postinc postincrement ck_lfun dIst S
i_postinc integer postincrement ck_lfun dist S
postdec postdecrement ck_lfun dIst S
i_postdec integer postdecrement ck_lfun dist S
# Ordinary operators.
pow exponentiation ck_null fst S S
multiply multiplication ck_null Ifst S S
i_multiply integer multiplication ck_null ifst S S
divide division ck_null Ifst S S
i_divide integer division ck_null ifst S S
modulo modulus ck_null Iifst S S
i_modulo integer modulus ck_null ifst S S
repeat repeat ck_repeat mt L S
add addition ck_null Ifst S S
i_add integer addition ck_null ifst S S
subtract subtraction ck_null Ifst S S
i_subtract integer subtraction ck_null ifst S S
concat concatenation ck_concat fst S S
stringify string ck_fun fst S
left_shift left bitshift ck_null ifst S S
right_shift right bitshift ck_null ifst S S
lt numeric lt ck_null Iifs S S
i_lt integer lt ck_null ifs S S
gt numeric gt ck_null Iifs S S
i_gt integer gt ck_null ifs S S
le numeric le ck_null Iifs S S
i_le integer le ck_null ifs S S
ge numeric ge ck_null Iifs S S
i_ge integer ge ck_null ifs S S
eq numeric eq ck_null Iifs S S
i_eq integer eq ck_null ifs S S
ne numeric ne ck_null Iifs S S
i_ne integer ne ck_null ifs S S
ncmp spaceship operator ck_null Iifst S S
i_ncmp integer spaceship ck_null ifst S S
slt string lt ck_null ifs S S
sgt string gt ck_null ifs S S
sle string le ck_null ifs S S
sge string ge ck_null ifs S S
seq string eq ck_null ifs S S
sne string ne ck_null ifs S S
scmp string comparison ck_null ifst S S
bit_and bitwise and ck_null fst S S
bit_xor bitwise xor ck_null fst S S
bit_or bitwise or ck_null fst S S
negate negate ck_null Ifst S
i_negate integer negate ck_null ifst S
not not ck_null ifs S
complement 1's complement ck_null fst S
# High falutin' math.
atan2 atan2 ck_fun fst S S
sin sin ck_fun fstu S?
cos cos ck_fun fstu S?
rand rand ck_fun st S?
srand srand ck_fun s S?
exp exp ck_fun fstu S?
log log ck_fun fstu S?
sqrt sqrt ck_fun fstu S?
int int ck_fun fstu S?
hex hex ck_fun istu S?
oct oct ck_fun istu S?
abs abs ck_fun fstu S?
# String stuff.
length length ck_lengthconst istu S?
substr substr ck_fun st S S S?
vec vec ck_fun ist S S S
index index ck_index ist S S S?
rindex rindex ck_index ist S S S?
sprintf sprintf ck_fun mst S L
formline formline ck_formline ms S L
ord ord ck_fun ifstu S?
chr chr ck_fun fstu S?
crypt crypt ck_fun fst S S
ucfirst upper case first ck_fun fst S
lcfirst lower case first ck_fun fst S
uc upper case ck_fun fst S
lc lower case ck_fun fst S
quotemeta quote metachars ck_fun fst S
# Arrays.
rv2av array deref ck_rvconst dt
aelemfast known array element ck_null s A S
aelem array element ck_null s A S
aslice array slice ck_null m A L
# Associative arrays.
each each ck_fun t H
values values ck_fun t H
keys keys ck_fun t H
delete delete ck_delete s S
exists exists operator ck_delete is S
rv2hv associative array deref ck_rvconst dt
helem associative array elem ck_null s H S
hslice associative array slice ck_null m H L
# Explosives and implosives.
unpack unpack ck_fun 0 S S
pack pack ck_fun mst S L
split split ck_split t S S S
join join ck_fun mst S L
# List operators.
list list ck_null m L
lslice list slice ck_null 0 H L L
anonlist anonymous list ck_fun ms L
anonhash anonymous hash ck_fun ms L
splice splice ck_fun m A S? S? L
push push ck_fun imst A L
pop pop ck_shift s A
shift shift ck_shift s A
unshift unshift ck_fun imst A L
sort sort ck_sort m C? L
reverse reverse ck_fun mt L
grepstart grep ck_grep dm C L
grepwhile grep iterator ck_null dt
mapstart map ck_grep dm C L
mapwhile map iterator ck_null dt
# Range stuff.
range flipflop ck_null 0 S S
flip range (or flip) ck_null 0 S S
flop range (or flop) ck_null 0
# Control.
and logical and ck_null 0
or logical or ck_null 0
xor logical xor ck_null fs S S
cond_expr conditional expression ck_null d
andassign logical and assignment ck_null s
orassign logical or assignment ck_null s
method method lookup ck_null d
entersub subroutine entry ck_subr dmt L
leavesub subroutine exit ck_null 0
caller caller ck_fun t S?
warn warn ck_fun imst L
die die ck_fun dimst L
reset reset ck_fun is S?
lineseq line sequence ck_null 0
nextstate next statement ck_null s
dbstate debug next statement ck_null s
unstack unstack ck_null s
enter block entry ck_null 0
leave block exit ck_null 0
scope block ck_null 0
enteriter foreach loop entry ck_null d
iter foreach loop iterator ck_null 0
enterloop loop entry ck_null d
leaveloop loop exit ck_null 0
return return ck_null dm L
last last ck_null ds
next next ck_null ds
redo redo ck_null ds
dump dump ck_null ds
goto goto ck_null ds
exit exit ck_fun ds S?
#nswitch numeric switch ck_null d
#cswitch character switch ck_null d
# I/O.
open open ck_fun ist F S?
close close ck_fun is F?
pipe_op pipe ck_fun is F F
fileno fileno ck_fun ist F
umask umask ck_fun ist S?
binmode binmode ck_fun s F
tie tie ck_fun idms R S L
untie untie ck_fun is R
tied tied ck_fun s R
dbmopen dbmopen ck_fun is H S S
dbmclose dbmclose ck_fun is H
sselect select system call ck_select t S S S S
select select ck_select st F?
getc getc ck_eof st F?
read read ck_fun imst F R S S?
enterwrite write ck_fun dis F?
leavewrite write exit ck_null 0
prtf printf ck_listiob ims F? L
print print ck_listiob ims F? L
sysopen sysopen ck_fun s F S S S?
sysread sysread ck_fun imst F R S S?
syswrite syswrite ck_fun imst F S S S?
send send ck_fun imst F S S S?
recv recv ck_fun imst F R S S
eof eof ck_eof is F?
tell tell ck_fun st F?
seek seek ck_fun s F S S
truncate truncate ck_trunc is S S
fcntl fcntl ck_fun st F S S
ioctl ioctl ck_fun st F S S
flock flock ck_fun ist F S
# Sockets.
socket socket ck_fun is F S S S
sockpair socketpair ck_fun is F F S S S
bind bind ck_fun is F S
connect connect ck_fun is F S
listen listen ck_fun is F S
accept accept ck_fun ist F F
shutdown shutdown ck_fun ist F S
gsockopt getsockopt ck_fun is F S S
ssockopt setsockopt ck_fun is F S S S
getsockname getsockname ck_fun is F
getpeername getpeername ck_fun is F
# Stat calls.
lstat lstat ck_ftst u F
stat stat ck_ftst u F
ftrread -R ck_ftst isu F
ftrwrite -W ck_ftst isu F
ftrexec -X ck_ftst isu F
fteread -r ck_ftst isu F
ftewrite -w ck_ftst isu F
fteexec -x ck_ftst isu F
ftis -e ck_ftst isu F
fteowned -O ck_ftst isu F
ftrowned -o ck_ftst isu F
ftzero -z ck_ftst isu F
ftsize -s ck_ftst istu F
ftmtime -M ck_ftst stu F
ftatime -A ck_ftst stu F
ftctime -C ck_ftst stu F
ftsock -S ck_ftst isu F
ftchr -c ck_ftst isu F
ftblk -b ck_ftst isu F
ftfile -f ck_ftst isu F
ftdir -d ck_ftst isu F
ftpipe -p ck_ftst isu F
ftlink -l ck_ftst isu F
ftsuid -u ck_ftst isu F
ftsgid -g ck_ftst isu F
ftsvtx -k ck_ftst isu F
fttty -t ck_ftst is F
fttext -T ck_ftst isu F
ftbinary -B ck_ftst isu F
# File calls.
chdir chdir ck_fun ist S?
chown chown ck_fun imst L
chroot chroot ck_fun istu S?
unlink unlink ck_fun imstu L
chmod chmod ck_fun imst L
utime utime ck_fun imst L
rename rename ck_fun ist S S
link link ck_fun ist S S
symlink symlink ck_fun ist S S
readlink readlink ck_fun stu S?
mkdir mkdir ck_fun ist S S
rmdir rmdir ck_fun istu S?
# Directory calls.
open_dir opendir ck_fun is F S
readdir readdir ck_fun 0 F
telldir telldir ck_fun st F
seekdir seekdir ck_fun s F S
rewinddir rewinddir ck_fun s F
closedir closedir ck_fun is F
# Process control.
fork fork ck_null ist
wait wait ck_null ist
waitpid waitpid ck_fun ist S S
system system ck_exec imst S? L
exec exec ck_exec dimst S? L
kill kill ck_fun dimst L
getppid getppid ck_null ist
getpgrp getpgrp ck_fun ist S?
setpgrp setpgrp ck_fun ist S? S?
getpriority getpriority ck_fun ist S S
setpriority setpriority ck_fun ist S S S
# Time calls.
time time ck_null ist
tms times ck_null 0
localtime localtime ck_fun t S?
gmtime gmtime ck_fun t S?
alarm alarm ck_fun istu S?
sleep sleep ck_fun ist S?
# Shared memory.
shmget shmget ck_fun imst S S S
shmctl shmctl ck_fun imst S S S
shmread shmread ck_fun imst S S S S
shmwrite shmwrite ck_fun imst S S S S
# Message passing.
msgget msgget ck_fun imst S S
msgctl msgctl ck_fun imst S S S
msgsnd msgsnd ck_fun imst S S S
msgrcv msgrcv ck_fun imst S S S S S
# Semaphores.
semget semget ck_fun imst S S S
semctl semctl ck_fun imst S S S S
semop semop ck_fun imst S S
# Eval.
require require ck_require du S?
dofile do 'file' ck_fun d S
entereval eval string ck_eval d S
leaveeval eval exit ck_null 0 S
#evalonce eval constant string ck_null d S
entertry eval block ck_null 0
leavetry eval block exit ck_null 0
# Get system info.
ghbyname gethostbyname ck_fun 0 S
ghbyaddr gethostbyaddr ck_fun 0 S S
ghostent gethostent ck_null 0
gnbyname getnetbyname ck_fun 0 S
gnbyaddr getnetbyaddr ck_fun 0 S S
gnetent getnetent ck_null 0
gpbyname getprotobyname ck_fun 0 S
gpbynumber getprotobynumber ck_fun 0 S
gprotoent getprotoent ck_null 0
gsbyname getservbyname ck_fun 0 S S
gsbyport getservbyport ck_fun 0 S S
gservent getservent ck_null 0
shostent sethostent ck_fun is S
snetent setnetent ck_fun is S
sprotoent setprotoent ck_fun is S
sservent setservent ck_fun is S
ehostent endhostent ck_null is
enetent endnetent ck_null is
eprotoent endprotoent ck_null is
eservent endservent ck_null is
gpwnam getpwnam ck_fun 0 S
gpwuid getpwuid ck_fun 0 S
gpwent getpwent ck_null 0
spwent setpwent ck_null is
epwent endpwent ck_null is
ggrnam getgrnam ck_fun 0 S
ggrgid getgrgid ck_fun 0 S
ggrent getgrent ck_null 0
sgrent setgrent ck_null is
egrent endgrent ck_null is
getlogin getlogin ck_null st
# Miscellaneous.
syscall syscall ck_fun imst S L