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%%% BibTeX-file{
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%%% timestamp = "Thu Jan 13 17:16:54 EST 1994"
%%% filename = "byrnes.bib",
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%%% Plymouth, MA 02360
%%% USA",
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%%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
%%% keywords = "bibliography",
%%% supported = "yes",
%%% docstring = "This file is a bibliography of entries used
%%% for Jim Byrnes' proposals. It's a real mess.
%%% The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%% checksum as the first value, followed by
%%% the equivalent of the standard UNIX wc
%%% (word count) utility output of lines,
%%% words, and characters. This is produced by
%%% Robert Solovay's checksum utility.",
%%% }
% These should ideally be replaced (or augment) the definitions in journal.bib.
@String{ams-contemp-math = "AMS Contemp. Math." }
@String{cr-acadsci = "C.R. Acad. Sci." }
@String{ieee-aerospace = "IEEE Trans. Aerospace Electronic
Systems" }
@String{ieee-antenna = "IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation" }
@String{ieee-assp = "IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech,
Signal Processing" }
@String{ieee-elect = "IEEE Trans. Audio Electroacoustics" }
@String{jfuncanalysis = "J. Functional Analysis" }
@String{jieee = "J. of IEEE" }
@String{michigan-math = "Michigan Mathematical Journal" }
@String{phillips-research = "Phillips J. of Research" }
@String{proc-ieee = "Proc. IEEE" }
@String{qjmath = "Quarterly J. of Math." }
@String{siam-review = "SIAM Review" }
@String{eng-mat = "Eng. Mat." }
@String{atmos-sci = "Journal of Atmospheric Science" }
author = "J.E. Hudson",
title = "Adaptive Array Principles",
publisher = "Peter Peregrinus Ltd.",
address = "New York",
year = "1981",
author = "B. Widrow and others",
title = "Adaptive Antenna Systems",
journal = "Proc. IEEE",
volume = "55",
number = "12",
year = "1967",
pages = "2143--2159",
author = "Robert A. Monzingo and Thomas W. Miller",
title = "Adaptive Beamforming",
publisher = "Wiley",
address = "New York",
year = "1980",
author = "Eli Brookner and James M. Howell",
title = "Adaptive-Adaptive Array Processing",
journal = "IEEE Proc.",
volume = "74",
year = "1986",
pages = "602--604",
author = "John E. Angus and Larry E. James",
title = "Combined hardware/software reliability models",
booktitle = "Proc. Ann. Reliability and Maintainability Symp.",
pages = "176--181",
year = "1982",
author = "L.R. Rabiner and R.E. Crochiere",
title = "On the Design of All-Pass Signals with Peak Amplitude
journal = "Bell System Tech. J.",
volume = "55",
year = "1976",
author = "M. Vl{\u c}ek and R. Unbehauen",
title = "Analytic Solutions for Design of {IIR} Equiripple
journal = ieee-assp,
volume = "37",
number = "10",
pages = "1518--1531",
year = "1989",
author = "Edmund K. Miller and Dennis M. Goodman",
title = "A Pole-zero Modeling Approach to Linear Array
Synthesis 1. The Unconstrained Solution",
journal = "Radio Science",
volume = "18",
number = "1",
pages = "57--69",
year = "1983",
author = "F. Takens",
title = "On the Numerical Determination of the Dimension of an
booktitle = "Dynamical Systems and Bifurcations",
publisher = "Groningen",
year = "1984",
author = "J.S. Byrnes and Robert C. Angell",
title = "The dependency model: {A} tool for calculating system
effectiveness ",
journal = "IEEE Transaction on Reliability",
volume = "R-34",
number = "1",
pages = "17--24",
month = apr,
year = "1985",
author = "J. Benedetto and C. Heil and D. Walnut",
title = "Remarks on the Proof of the {B}alian-{L}ow Theorem",
series = "Springer Lecture Notes",
publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
note = "To appear",
author = "R.L. Streit and A.H. Nuttall",
title = "A General {C}hebyshev Complex Function Approximation
Procedure and an Application to Beamforming",
journal = "J. Acoust. Soc. Amer.",
volume = "72",
number = "1",
year = "1982",
pages = "181--190",
author = "Ian F. Blake and Jon W. Mark",
title = "A Note on Complex Sequences with Low Correlations",
journal = "IEEE. Trans. Inf. Th.",
volume = "28",
year = "1982",
pages = "814--816",
author = "R.S. Varga",
title = "Scientific Computation on Some Mathematical
booktitle = "Approximation Theory {V}",
editor = "C.H. Chin and L.L. Shumaker and J.D. Ward",
publisher = "Academic Press",
year = "1986",
author = "Stephen Boyd",
title = "Multitone Signals with Low Crest Factor",
journal = "IEEE Trans. Cir. \& Systems",
volume = "33",
year = "1986",
pages = "1018--1022",
author = "C.J. Dales and L.N. Harries",
title = "Approach to software reliability prediction",
booktitle = "Proc. Ann. Reliability and Maintainability Symp.",
pages = "191--198",
year = "1982",
author = "S. Smale",
title = "Diffeomorphisms with Many Periodic Points",
booktitle = "Differential and Combinatorial Topology",
publisher = "Princeton University Press",
year = "1963",
editor = "S.S. Cairns",
pages = "63--80",
author = "Y. Hua and T.K. Sarkar",
title = "A Discussion of {E}-pulse Method and {P}rony's Method
for Radar Target Resonance Retrieval from Scattered
journal = ieee-antenna,
volume = "37",
number = "7",
pages = "944--946",
year = "1989",
author = "J.B. Rosser",
title = "Theory and Application of $e^{iz^2}\int
note = "Part I",
publisher = "Mapleton House",
year = "1948",
title = "Approximation Methods for Electronics Filter Design",
author = "R.W. Daniels",
publisher = "McGraw-Hill",
address = "New York",
year = "1974",
author = "E. Beller",
title = "Polynomial Extremal Problems in ${L}^p$",
journal = "Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.",
volume = "30",
year = "1971",
pages = "249--259",
author = "M. Van Blaricum and R. Mittra",
title = "A Technique for Extracting the Poles and Residues of
a System Directly from Its Transient Response",
journal = ieee-antenna,
volume = "23",
pages = "777--781",
year = "1975",
author = "E.J. Rothwell and K.M. Chen and D.P. Nyquist",
title = "Extraction of the Natural Frequencies of a Radar
Target from a Measured Response Using {E}-Pulse
journal = ieee-antenna,
volume = "35",
number = "6",
pages = "715--720",
year = "1987",
author = "H.S. Shapiro",
title = "Extremal Problems for Polynomials and Power Series",
type = "Sc.{M}. thesis",
school = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology",
year = "1957",
author = "E. Beller and D.J. Newman",
title = "An $l_1$ Extremal Problem for Polynomials",
journal = "Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.",
volume = "29",
year = "1971",
pages = "474--481",
author = "W. Rudin",
title = "Some Theorems on {F}ourier Coefficients",
journal = "Proc. Amer. Math. Soc",
volume = "10",
year = "1959",
pages = "855--859",
author = "Jean-Pierre Kahane",
title = "Sur les Polynomes a Coefficients Unimodulaires",
journal = "Bull. London Math. Soc.",
volume = "12",
year = "1980",
pages = "321--342",
author = "G.L. James",
title = "An Approximation to the {F}resnel Integral",
journal = proc-ieee,
volume = "67",
pages = "677--678",
year = "1979",
author = "J.D. Farmer and J. Sidorowich",
title = "Exploiting chaos to predict the future and reduce
institution = "Los Alamos National Laboratory",
address = "Los Alamos, New Mexico",
year = "1988",
number = "LA-UR-88-901",
author = "J. Benedetto",
title = "{G}abor Representations and Wavelets",
journal = ams-contemp-math,
volume = "91",
year = "1989",
pages = "9--27",
author = "A. Kolmogorov",
title = "Grundbergriffe der wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung",
journal = eng-mat,
year = "1933",
volume = "2",
number = "3",
author = "Gavin Brown",
title = "Harmonic Synthesis-Theoretical Bounds",
booktitle = "Fourier Techniques and Applications",
publisher = "Plenum",
year = "1985",
author = "Muhammad Taher Abuelma'atti",
title = "An Improved Approximation to the {F}resnel Integral",
journal = ieee-antenna,
volume = "37",
number = "6",
pages = "946--947",
year = "1989",
author = "R. Balian",
title = "Un Principe {D}'Incertitude Fort en Th{\'e}orie du Signal
ou en {M\'e}canique Quantique",
journal = cr-acadsci,
note = "Paris",
volume = "292",
year = "1981",
pages = "1357--1362",
author = "D.J. Newman and J.S. Byrnes",
title = "The ${L}^4$ Norm of a Polynomial with Coefficients
journal = "Amer. Math. Monthly",
volume = "97",
number = "1",
year = "1990",
pages = "42--45",
author = "W.H. Levison",
title = "The optimal control model for the human operator:
Theory, validation, and application",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Flight Testing to
Identify Pilot Workload and Pilot Dynamics",
address = "Edwards Air Force Base",
month = jan,
year = "1982",
author = "A.H. Levis",
title = "Information processing and decision making
organizations: {A} mathematical description",
number = "1-23-84",
institution = "MIT, Industrial Liaison Program",
month = oct,
year = "1983",
author = "M.R. Schroeder",
title = "Synthesis of Low Peak Factor Signals and Binary
Sequences with Low Autocorrelation",
journal = "IEEE Trans. Inf. Th.",
volume = "16",
year = "1970",
pages = "85--89",
author = "E. Beller and D.J. Newman",
title = "An Extremal Problem for the Geometric Mean of
journal = "Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.",
volume = "39",
year = "1973",
pages = "313--317",
author = "J.E. Littlewood",
title = "On the Mean Values of Certain Trigonometric
Polynomials, {II}",
journal = "Illinois J. Math",
volume = "6",
year = "1962",
pages = "1--39",
author = "J.S. Byrnes",
title = "The Minimax Optimization of an Antenna Array
Employing Restricted Coefficients",
journal = "Scientia",
volume = "1",
year = "1988",
pages = "25--28",
author = "E. Beller and D.J. Newman",
title = "The Minimum Modulus of Polynomials",
journal = "Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.",
volume = "45",
year = "1974",
pages = "463--465",
author = "J.C. Clunie",
title = "The Minimum Modulus of a Polynomial on the Unit
journal = qjmath,
publisher = "Oxford",
volume = "10",
year = "1959",
pages = "95--98",
author = "Daniel J. Murphy",
title = "Combat control system effectiveness methodology",
institution = "Militi, Inc.",
month = aug,
year = "1984",
author = "J.S. Byrnes",
title = "${L}^2$ Approximation with Trigonometric $n$-nomials",
journal = "J. of Approx. Th.",
volume = "9",
year = "1973",
pages = "373--379",
author = "E.N. Lorenz",
title = "Deterministic nonperiodic flow",
journal = atmos-sci,
year = "1963",
volume = "20",
pages = "130--141",
author = "J.S. Byrnes and D.J. Newman",
title = "Null Steering Employing Polynomials with Restricted
journal = "IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation",
volume = "36",
number = "2",
year = "1988",
pages = "301--303",
author = "M.R. Schroeder",
title = "Number Theory in Science and Communication",
edition = "Second",
publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
address = "Berlin",
year = "1985",
% kbmath (13 July 92)
author = "J.E. Littlewood",
title = "On Polynomials $\sum \pm 1 z^m, \sum e^{{\alpha_m}i}
z^m,\enskip z = e^{i\theta}$",
journal = "J. Lon. Math. Soc.",
volume = "41",
year = "1966",
pages = "367--376",
author = "C.K. Chui and P.W. Smith and L.Y. Su",
title = "A Minimization Problem Related to Pad{\'e} Synthesis of
Recursive Digital Filters",
booktitle = "Pad{\'e} and Rational Approximation",
editor = "E.B. Saff and R.S. Varga",
publisher = "Academic Press",
address = "New York",
year = "1977",
author = "David C. Farden and Richard M. Davis",
title = "Orthogonal Weight Perturbation Algorithms in
Partially Adaptive Arrays",
journal = "IEEE Trans. Antennas \& Propagation",
volume = "AP-33",
number = "1",
year = "1985",
pages = "56--63",
author = "Gavin Brown and D.C. Wilson",
title = "A Class of Positive Trigonometric Sums {II}",
journal = "Math. Ann.",
volume = "285",
year = "1989",
pages = "57--74",
author = "Hans Steyskal",
title = "Synthesis of Antenna Patterns with Prescribed Nulls",
journal = "IEEE Trans. Ant. \& Prop.",
volume = "30",
year = "1982",
pages = "273--279",
author = "J.S. Byrnes",
title = "Quadrature Mirror Filters, Low Crest Factor Arrays,
Functions Achieving Optimal Uncertainty Principle Bounds,
and Complete Orthonormal Sequences --- a Unified Approach",
journal = "Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis",
note = "To appear",
author = "Gavin Brown and W. Moran",
title = "The $z$-transform Applied to Radar",
journal = "Radarcon",
note = "To appear",
title = "Ramanujan's Notebooks",
author = "Bruce C. Berndt",
publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
year = "1989",
author = "E. Slutsky",
title = "The Summation of Random Causes as the Source of
Cyclic Processes",
journal = "Problems of Economic Conditions",
year = "1927",
volume = "3",
number = "1",
author = "A.A. Gonchar and E.A. Rakhmanov",
title = "Distribution and the rate of rational approximation
of analytic functions",
journal = "USSR-Sb62",
volume = "2",
pages = "305--348",
year = "1939",
author = "D.J. Newman",
title = "Rational Approximation to $|x|$",
journal = michigan-math,
volume = "11",
pages = "11--14",
year = "1964",
author = "V.K. Jain and T.K. Sarkar and D.D. Weiner",
title = "Rational Modeling by the Pencil-of-Function Method",
journal = ieee-assp,
volume = "31",
pages = "564--573",
year = "1983",
author = "L.J. Griffiths",
title = "A Simple Adaptive Algorithm for Real-Time Processing
in Antenna Arrays",
journal = "Proc. IEEE",
volume = "57",
year = "1969",
pages = "1696--1704",
author = "F. Brophy and A.C. Salazar",
title = "Consideration of the Pad{\'e} Approximant Technique in
the Synthesis of Recursive Digital Filters",
journal = ieee-elect,
volume = "21",
pages = "500--505",
year = "1973",
author = "A.J. Perni",
title = "Target Identification by Natural Resonant Estimation",
journal = ieee-aerospace,
volume = "11",
number = "2",
pages = "147--154",
year = "1975",
author = "H. Poincar{\'e}",
title = "Science et Methode",
publisher = "Biblioteque Scientifique",
year = "1908",
author = "C.A. Baird and G.G. Rassweiler",
title = "Adaptive Sidelobe Nulling Using Digitally Controlled
journal = "IEEE Trans. Antennas \& Propagation",
volume = "AP-24",
number = "5",
year = "1976",
pages = "638--649",
author = "David J. Simkins",
title = "Software performance modeling and management",
journal = "IEEE Transactions on Reliability",
volume = "R-32",
number = "3",
pages = "293--398",
month = aug,
year = "1983",
author = "Gavin Brown",
title = "Continuous Singular Measures with Small
{F}ourier-{S}tieltjes Transforms",
journal = "Advances in Math.",
volume = "37",
number = "1",
year = "1980",
pages = "27--60",
author = "T.K. Sarkar and others",
title = "Suboptimal Approximation\slash Identification of
Transient Waveform from Electromagnetic Systems by
Pencil-of-Functions Method",
journal = ieee-antenna,
volume = "28",
number = "6",
pages = "928--932",
year = "1980",
author = "J.S. Byrnes",
title = "The Sup Norm of a Polynomial with Perturbed
journal = "J. of Approximation Theory",
volume = "34",
number = "3",
year = "1982",
pages = "247--248",
author = "J. Tsitsiklis and M. Athans",
title = "On the complexity of distributed decision problems",
number = "3-31-84",
institution = "MIT, Industrial Liaison Program",
month = oct,
year = "1984",
author = "Naohisa Goto and David K. Cheng",
title = "Phase-Shifter Thinning and Sidelobe Reduction for
Large Phased Arrays",
journal = "IEEE Trans. Antennas \& Propagation",
volume = "AP-24",
number = "2",
year = "1976",
pages = "139--143",
author = "Frank A. Tillman and Ching-Lai Hwang and Way Kwo",
title = "System effectiveness models: an annotated
journal = "IEEE Transactions on Reliability",
volume = "R-29",
pages = "295--304",
month = oct,
year = "1980",
author = "D. Teichroew and E.A. Hershey III and Y. Yamamoto",
title = "{PSL/PLA}: {A} computer aided technique for structured
documentation and analysis of information processing
institution = "ISDOS Project, University of Michigan",
month = jan,
year = "1979",
author = "S. Shankar Narayan and others",
title = "Transform Domain {LMS} Algorithm",
journal = "IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing",
volume = "31",
number = "3",
year = "1983",
pages = "609--615",
author = "E.M. Kennaugh and D.L. Moffat",
title = "Transient and Impulse Response Approximations",
journal = proc-ieee,
volume = "53",
pages = "893--901",
year = "1965",
author = "J. Bourgain",
title = "A Remark on the Uncertainty Principle for
{H}ilbertian Basis",
journal = jfuncanalysis,
volume = "79",
year = "1988",
pages = "136--143",
author = "William S. Burdic",
title = "Underwater Acoustic System Analysis",
publisher = "Prentice-Hall",
address = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ",
year = "1984",
author = "K.G. Beauchamp",
title = "Applications of Walsh and Related Functions",
publisher = "Academic Press",
address = "London",
year = "1984",
author = "J.S. Byrnes",
title = "Instant Walsh Functions",
journal = "SIAM Review",
volume = "12",
year = "1970",
pages = "131",
author = "J.L. Walsh",
title = "A Closed Set of Normal Orthogonal Functions",
journal = "Amer. J. Math",
volume = "45",
year = "1923",
pages = "5--24",
author = "T. Claasen and W. Mecklenbrauker",
title = "The {W}igner Distribution---a Tool for Time-Frequency
Signal Analysis, {I}--{III}",
journal = phillips-research,
volume = "35",
year = "1980",
pages = "217--250, 276--300, 372--389",
author = "I. Daubechies and S. Jafford and J.-L. Journ{\'e}",
title = "A Simple {W}ilson Orthonormal Basis with Exponential
note = "To appear",