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@String{pub-KLUWER = "Kluwer Academic Publishers Group"}
@String{pub-KLUWER:adr = "Dordrecht, The Netherlands"}
@String{series-NATO-ASI-C = "NATO ASI series C: Mathematical and
physical sciences"}
= "Recent Advances in {F}ourier Analysis and its Applications:
Proceedings of the {NATO} {A}dvanced {S}tudy {I}nstitute"}
= "Probabilistic and Stochastic Methods in Analysis, with Applications:
Proceedings of the {NATO} {A}dvanced {S}tudy {I}nstitute"}
%% =====================================================================
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "N.K. Art{\'e}miadis",
title = "Results on the Absolutely Convergent Series of
Functions and of Distributions",
pages = "311--316",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "John J. Benedetto",
title = "Uncertainty Principle Inequalities and Spectrum
pages = "143--182",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "George Benke",
title = "On the Maximum Modulus for a Certain Class of
Unimodular Trignometric Polynomials",
pages = "83--100",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "G{\"o}ran Bj{\"o}rck",
title = "Functions of Modulus 1 on ${Z}_n$ Whose {F}ourier
Transforms Have Constant Modulus, and ``Cyclic
pages = "131--140",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Ron C. Blei",
title = "Combinatorial Dimension and Measurements of
pages = "631--642",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Roy C. Brown",
title = "Fourier Analysis in Reflector Antenna Synthesis",
pages = "367--376",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "C. Carton-Lebrun and H.P. Heinig",
title = "Weighted Extensions of Restriction Theorems for the
{F}ourier Transform",
pages = "579--596",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "J.G. Clunie",
title = "Successive Derivatives of Analytic Functions",
pages = "623--630",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "A.L. Cullen",
title = "Second-harmonic Effects in {S}chottky-{B}arrier
pages = "499--506",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "M.M. Dodson",
title = "Diophantine Inequalities and Sampling Rates for
Multiband Signals",
pages = "483--498",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Ward R. Evans",
title = "The {W}iener-{P}lancherel Theorem on ${R}^n$",
pages = "613--622",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Hans G. Feichtinger",
title = "Coherent Frames and Irregular Sampling",
pages = "427--440",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Karlheinz Gr{\"o}chenig",
title = "A New Approach to Irregular Sampling of Band-Limited
pages = "251--260",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "A. Turan G{\"u}rkanli",
title = "Comparison of Spectras in some Functional Spaces",
pages = "643--652",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Herbert Hauptman",
title = "A Minimal Principle in the Direct Methods of {X}-ray
pages = "3--16",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "W.K. Hayman",
title = "Atomic Decompositions",
pages = "597--612",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Christopher Heil and David Walnut",
title = "Gabor and Wavelet Expansions",
pages = "441--454",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Adrianus T. de Hoop and Sytze M. de Vries",
title = "Combined {L}aplace and {F}ourier Transformations in
the Theory of Transient Wave Propagation in Layered
pages = "387--426",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Yingbo Hua and Tapan K. Sarkar and Fengdo Hu",
title = "The Generalized Pencil-of-Function Method for
Extracting Poles from Transient Responses",
pages = "183--200",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Ketill Ingolfsson",
title = "Harmonic Analysis of the Semi-Classical Limit",
pages = "29--40",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "A. Jakimovski",
title = "Spline Interpolation of Data of Power Growth",
pages = "73--75",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "C. Karanikas",
title = "On a Class of {R}iesz Products on Metrizable Groups",
pages = "653--660",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "D.N. Kennedy and P.A. Filipek and V.S. Caviness",
title = "Fourier Shape Analysis of Anatomic Structures",
pages = "17--28",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "K. Van't Klooster",
title = "On the Application of {F}ourier Transformation in
Antenna Measurements",
pages = "221--236",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "M. Kovalyov and M. Legare",
title = "Fourier Transform in non-{E}u{\-}clid{\-}ean Space and
its Applications to Physics",
pages = "41--58",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "J.H. G. Lahr",
title = "High-resolution Spectral Analysis Using Recurrence
pages = "463--482",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "W.R. Madych",
title = "Translation Invariant Multiscale Analysis",
pages = "455--462",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Donald J. Newman and Andr{\'e} Giroux",
title = "Properties on the Unit Circle of Polynomials with
Unimodular Coefficients",
pages = "79--82",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Athanasios Papoulis",
title = "Bispectra and System Identification",
pages = "377--386",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Saila Ponnapalli and Tapan K. Sarkar and Ercument
title = "Application of Conjugate Gradient Method and {FFT} to
Electromagnetics and Signal Processing Problems",
pages = "201--220",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Richard Roy",
title = "Invariance Techniques in Spectral Estimation and
Signal Processing",
pages = "317--366",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Walter Schempp",
title = "Holographic Image Coding and Neurocomputer
pages = "507--559",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "M.R. Schroeder",
title = "Number Theory and {F}ourier Analysis Applications in
Physics, Acoustics and Computer Science",
pages = "101--130",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "K. Seitz",
title = "Groupoids and {F}ourier Approximations",
pages = "661--668",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "H.S. Shapiro",
title = "A Weighted ${L}^1$ Estimate for the {L}aplace
pages = "563--578",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Anton G. Tijhuis",
title = "Fourier Methods Application in the Numerical Solution
of Electromagnetic Time-Domain Scattering Problems",
pages = "273--310",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Richard Tolimieri and Myoung An",
title = "Computations in {X}-ray Crystallography",
pages = "237--250",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "{\"O}nder T{\"u}z{\"u}nalp",
title = "Auto-Cross Correlation Functions of the Even and Odd
Parts of {F}ourier Series",
pages = "261--272",
crossref = "Byrnes:FAA-89",
author = "Mazhar {\"U}nsal",
title = "Complex Finite {F}ourier Transform Techniques Applied
to Thermal Energy Storage Problems",
pages = "59--72",
%% =====================================================================
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "John J. Benedetto",
title = "Stationary frames and spectral estimation",
pages = "117--163",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "A. Bisbas and C. Karanikas",
title = "On the entropy of certain stochastic measures",
pages = "663--668",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Ron C. Blei",
title = "A basic view of stochastic integration",
pages = "649--662",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Gavin Brown",
title = "Normal numbers and dynamical systems",
pages = "207--216",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Carlos Cabrelli and Ursula Molter",
title = "Density of fuzzy attractors: {A} step towards the
solution of the inverse problem for fractals and other
pages = "163--173",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "P. Cannarsa and G. Da Prato",
title = "Second order {H}amilton-{J}acobi equations in infinite
dimensions and stochastic optimal control problems",
pages = "617--630",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Ulu{\u{g}} {\c C}apar",
title = "Empirical characteristic functional analysis and
inference in sequence spaces",
pages = "517--534",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Alfred S. Carasso",
title = "Infinite divisibility and the identification of
singular waveforms",
pages = "273--286",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "I-Shang Chou and Keh-Shin Lii",
title = "Spectral analysis of random fields with random
pages = "343--368",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "George Christakos",
title = "Certain results on spatiotemporal random fields and
their applications in environmental research",
pages = "287--322",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Jean-Pierre Gabardo",
title = "Extension of radial positive-definite distributions in
{$R^n$} and maximum entropy",
pages = "543--554",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Karlheinz Gr{\"o}chenig",
title = "Sharp results on irregular sampling of bandlimited
pages = "323--336",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Christopher Heil",
title = "Methods of solving dilation equations",
pages = "15--46",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "William Heller",
title = "Complex analysis and frames in sampling theory",
pages = "101--116",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Christian Houdr{\'e}",
title = "Some recent results on the sampling theorem",
pages = "337--342",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "St{\'e}phane Jaffard",
title = "Wavelets and analysis of partial differential
pages = "3--15",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Jean-Pierre Kahane",
title = "Some continuations of the work of {P}aley and
{Z}ygmund on random trigonometric series",
pages = "481--516",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Gopinath Kallianpur",
title = "Nuclear space-valued stochastic differential equations
with applications",
pages = "631--648",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Benjamin Kedem and Silvia Lopes",
title = "Fixed points in mixed spectrum analysis",
pages = "573--592",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Daniel Keenan",
title = "Random surface geometries with applications to image
pages = "469--478",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "T.W. K{\"o}rner",
title = "Monte Carlo periodograms",
pages = "593--604",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Stamatis Koumandos",
title = "A class of equivalent measures",
pages = "605--614",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "W.R. Madych",
title = "Multiresolution analyses, tiles, and scaling
pages = "233--244",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "St{\'e}phane Mallat and Wen Liang Hwang",
title = "Characterization of singularities",
pages = "47--100",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "D. Nandagopal",
title = "Application of probabilistic and self-organising
neural networks in pattern recognition: a tutorial
pages = "369--382",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Donald J. Newman",
title = "Is probability a part of mathematical truth?",
pages = "535--542",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Athanasios Papoulis",
title = "Innovations and entropy rate with applications in
factorization, spectral estimation, and prediction",
pages = "247--262",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Jacques Peyri{\`e}re",
title = "Multifractal measures",
pages = "175--186",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Mauro Piccioni and Massimo Regoli",
title = "The geometry of attractors for a class of iterated
function systems",
pages = "669--686",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "B. Saffari",
title = "The phase behaviour of ultraflat unimodular
pages = "555--572",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "T.K. Sarkar and R.S. Adve",
title = "Generation of accurate broadband information from
narrowband data using the {C}auchy method",
pages = "263--272",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Walter Schempp",
title = "Quantum holography and neurocomputer architectures",
pages = "383--468",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "Bruce W. Suter and Matthew Kabrisky and Steven K.
Rogers and Erik J. Fretheim and Dennis W. Ruck and
Michael Mueller",
title = "Linear and non-linear decomposition of images using
{G}abor wavelets",
pages = "217--233",
crossref = "Byrnes:PSM-91",
author = "David Walnut",
title = "Applications of {G}abor and wavelet expansions to the
{R}adon transform",
pages = "187--206",
%% =====================================================================
%% The following entries are cross-referenced by preceding entries.
%% BibTeX requires that they follow all references to them, so we put
%% them at the end of the .bib file.
%% =====================================================================
editor = "J.S. Byrnes and Jennifer L. Byrnes",
booktitle = proc-Byrnes:FAA-89,
title = proc-Byrnes:FAA-89,
address = "Il Ciocco Resort, Tuscany, Italy",
volume = "315",
series = series-NATO-ASI-C,
publisher = pub-kluwer # ", " # pub-kluwer:adr,
year = "1990",
ISBN = "0-7923-0875-1",
editor = "J.S. Byrnes and Jennifer L. Byrnes and Karl Berry and
Kathryn A. Hargreaves",
title = proc-Byrnes:PSM-91,
booktitle = proc-Byrnes:PSM-91,
address = "Il Ciocco Resort, Tuscany, Italy",
volume = "372",
series = series-NATO-ASI-C,
publisher = pub-kluwer # ", " # pub-kluwer:adr,
year = "1992",
ISBN = "0-7923-1804-8",