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Text File
808 lines
%%% BibTeX-file{
%%% author = "Karl Berry",
%%% version = "1.30",
%%% timestamp = "Thu Jan 13 17:16:47 EST 1994"
%%% filename = "journal.bib",
%%% address = "135 Center Hill Rd.
%%% Plymouth, MA 02360
%%% USA",
%%% checksum = "12983 807 2152 19522",
%%% email = "karl at cs.umb.edu (Internet)",
%%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
%%% keywords = "bibliography",
%%% supported = "yes",
%%% docstring =
%%% "This file defines journal abbreviations.
%%% Entries are alphabetical. `j' is removed as part of the journal
%%% name, since every string name starts with `j'. Multiword
%%% identifiers use `-' as a separator.
%%% The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 checksum as the first
%%% value, followed by the equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
%%% count) utility output of lines, words, and characters. This is
%%% produced by Robert Solovay's checksum utility." }
% acad = academy, academic
% adv = advanced
% amer = american
% ams = american mathematical society
% anal = analysis
% appl = application, applied
% arith = arithmetic
% assoc = association
% bull = bulletin
% bus = business
% can = canada
% comb = combinatorial
% comp = computer
% comm = communications
% ed = educational
% env = environment
% graphics = graphics
% ieee = institute of electrical and electronics engineers
% img = image
% j = journal
% law = law
% mag = magazine
% math = mathematics
% nat = national
% phys = physics, physical
% pr = press
% prof = professional
% proc = proceedings, processing
% psych = psychology
% res = research
% rev = review
% sig = signal
% st = street
% stat = statistics
% sys = systems
% tech = technical, technology
% th = theory
% trans = transactions
% vis = vision, visual
@String{j-16th-cent = "The Sixteenth Century Journal"}
@String{j-aarboekje-leiden = "Jaarboekje voor geschiedenis en oudheidkunde van Leiden en omstreken"}
@String{j-abacus = "Abacus"}
@String{j-acm-sigsoft = "ACM Sigsoft"}
@String{j-acoust-soc-amer = "J. Acoustic Soc. Amer."}
@String{j-acta-appl-math = "Acta Applicandae Math."}
@String{j-acta-arith = "Acta Arith."}
@String{j-acta-crystal-a = " Acta Crystal A"}
% aca
@String{j-acta-litt-sci = "Acta Litt. Sci. Szeged"}
@String{j-acta-math = "Acta Math"}
@String{j-acta-math-hung = "Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung."}
@String{j-adv-appl-math = "Adv. Appl. Math"}
@String{j-adv-appl-prob = "Adv. Appl. Prob."}
@String{j-adv-mater = "Adv. Mater."}
@String{j-adv-math = "Adv. Math"}
@String{j-adv-water-rsrc = "Advances in Water Resources"}
@String{j-aiaa = "AIAA Journal"}
@String{j-amer-educator = "Amer. Educator"}
@String{j-amer-math = "Amer. J. Math."}
@String{j-amer-math-monthly = "Amer. Math. Monthly"}
% amm
@String{j-amer-stat-assoc = "J. Amer. Stat. Assoc."}
@String{j-ams = "J. Amer. Math. Soc."}
@String{j-ams-coll-pub = "AMS Coll. Publ."}
@String{j-ams-contemp-math = "AMS Contemp. Math."}
@String{j-anal-math = "J. Anal. Math."}
% jam
@String{j-analyse-math = "J. d'Analyse Math."}
% asm
@String{j-ann-poincare = "Ann. Inst. Henri Poincar{\'e}"}
@String{j-ann-rev-material-sci = "Annual Rev. of Materials Sciences"}
@String{j-ann-rev-physiol = "Annual Rev. Physiol."}
@String{j-ann-rev-neuro = "Annual Rev. Neurosci."}
@String{j-annals-fourier = "Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble)"}
@String{j-annals-math = "Annals of Mathematics"}
@String{j-annals-math-2 = "Annals of Mathematics (2)"}
@String{j-annals-math-stat = "Ann. Math. Stat."}
@String{j-annals-math-studies = "Annals of Mathematics Studies"}
@String{j-annals-prob = "Annals of Probability"}
@String{j-annals-sens = "Ann. Scient. Ec. Norm. Sup."}
@String{j-annals-stat = "Annals of Statistics"}
@String{j-appl-math-opt = "Appl. Math. and Optimization"}
@String{j-appl-optics = "Appl. Optics"}
@String{j-appl-phys = "J. Appl. Physics"}
@String{j-appl-phys-let = "Appl. Phys. Lett."}
@String{j-appl-psych = "J. of Applied Psychology"}
@String{j-appl-stat = "Appl. Stat."}
@String{j-applic-anal = "Applicable Analysis"}
@String{j-approx-th = "J. Approx. Th."}
@String{j-arch-rat-mech-anal = "Arch. Rat. Mech. and Analysis"}
@String{j-arith-teacher = "Arithmetic Teacher"}
@String{j-arkiv-math = "Arkiv f{\"u}r Math."}
@String{j-art-bull = "Art Bulletin"}
@String{j-assp-mag = "\allcaps{ASSP} Magazine"}
@String{j-asymp-stat = "Asymptotic Statistics"}
@String{j-atmos-env = "Atmospheric Environment"}
@String{j-atmos-sci = "J. of Atmospheric Science"}
@String{j-australian-math = "Australian J. Math."}
@String{j-bell-sys-tech = "Bell Sys. Tech. J"}
@String{j-bio-cyb = "Biological Cybernetics"}
@String{j-biomet = "Biometrika"}
@String{j-bol-mat-sao-paulo = "Bol. Soc. Matem. Sa\~{o} Paulo"}
@String{j-boston-globe = "Boston Globe"}
@String{j-boston-phoenix = "Boston Phoenix"}
@String{j-bull-ams = "Bull. AMS"}
@String{j-bull-ams-new = "Bull. (New Series) AMS"}
@String{j-bull-knob = "Bulletin van de Koninklijke Nederlandese Oudheidkundige Bond"}
@String{j-bull-london-ms = "Bull. London Math. Soc."}
@String{j-bull-math-soc-sci-math-roumanie = "Bull. Math. de la Soc. Sci. Math. de la R. S. Roumanie"}
@String{j-bull-soc-math-france = "Bull. Soc. Math. France"}
@String{j-cable-trans = "Cables et Transmissions"}
= "Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics"}
@String{j-can-math = "Canadian J. Math."}
@String{j-can-phys = "Canadian J. Phys."}
@String{j-chemo-intell-lab = "Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory System"}
@String{j-child-math-behavior = "J. Child. Math. Behavior"}
@String{j-colloq-math = "Colloq. Math."}
@String{j-colloq-math-bolyai = "Colloq. Math. Soc. J{\'a}nos Bolyai"}
@String{j-comb-th = "J. Combinatorial Theory"}
@String{j-comb-th-series-a = "J. Combinatorial Theory Series A"}
@String{j-comment-math-helv = "Comment. Math. Helv."}
@String{j-comm-acm = "Comm. ACM"}
@String{j-comm-math-phys = "Comm. Math Phys."}
@String{j-comm-partial-diff-eqns = "Comm. in Partial Differential Equations"}
@String{j-comm-pure-appl-math = "Comm. Pure Appl. Math."}
@String{j-common-cause = "Common Cause Magazine"}
@String{j-comp-class-learn = "Computer Classroom Learning"}
@String{j-comp-graphics = "Computer Graphics"}
@String{j-comp-j = "Computer Journal"}
@String{j-comp-law = "Computer/Law Journal"}
@String{j-comp-math-appl = "Comp. and Maths. with Appls."}
@String{j-comp-vis-graphics-img-proc = "Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing"}
@String{j-comp-op-res = "Computers and Operations Research"}
@String{j-comp-speech-lang = "Computer Speech and Language"}
@String{j-comp-tech-law = "Journal of Computers, Technology and Law"}
@String{j-compos-math = "Compositio Math."}
@String{j-computer = "Computer"}
@String{j-concepts-neuro = "Concepts Neurosci."}
@String{j-control-opt = "SIAM J. Control Optim."}
@String{j-cornell-rev = "Cornell Review"}
@String{j-cpsr = "\allcaps{CPSR} Newsletter"}
@String{j-cr-acadsci-canada = "C.R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada"}
@String{j-cr-acadsci-paris = "C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris"}
@String{j-cr-acadsci-ussr = "C.R. (Doklady) Acad. Sci. U.S.S.R."}
@String{j-cras = "C.R.A.S."}
@String{j-datamation = "Datamation"}
@String{j-deutsch-math-v = "Jber. Deutsch. Math.---Verein"}
@String{j-diff-eq = "J. Diff. Equations"}
@String{j-diff-geom = "J. Diff. Geom."}
@String{j-discrete-math = "Discrete Math"}
@String{j-dokladi-akad-nauk = "Dokladi Akad. Nauk SSSR"}
@String{j-doops = "Doopsgezinde Bijdragen"}
@String{j-duke-math = "Duke Math. J."}
@String{j-edm = "Ergebnisse der Mathematik"}
@String{j-emory-law = "Emory Law Journal"}
@String{j-eng-mat = "Eng. Mat."}
@String{j-enseignement-math-2 = "l'Enseignement Math. (2)"}
@String{j-env-sci-tech = "Envir. Sci. Technol."}
@String{j-ergonomics = "Ergonomics"}
@String{j-fluid-mech = "Journal of Fluid Mech."}
@String{j-func-anal = "J. Functional Analysis"}
@String{j-fund-math = "Fund. Math."}
@String{j-gamm-mit = "GAMM-Mitteilungen"}
@String{j-geom-anal = "J. Geometric Anal."}
@String{j-geophys-res = "J. of Geophysical Research"}
@String{j-geophysics = "Geophysics"}
@String{j-graph-th = "J. Graph Theory"}
@String{j-harpers = "Harper's Magazine"}
@String{j-harvard-bus-rev = "Harvard Business Review"}
@String{j-harvard-ed-rev = "Harvard Educational Review"}
@String{j-harvard-law-rev = "Harvard Law Review"}
@String{j-human-neuro = "Human Neurobiol."}
@String{j-hydraulic-div = "J. Hydraulic Div."}
@String{j-ibm-res-dev = "IBM J. Res. Develop."}
@String{j-idem = "Idem"}
@String{j-ieee = "J. of \allcaps{IEEE}"}
@String{j-ieee-aerospace = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. Aerospace Electronic Systems"}
@String{j-ieee-antenna = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. Antennas Propagation"}
@String{j-ieee-assp = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. \allcaps{ASSP}"}
@String{j-ieee-acoust-speech = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Process."}
@String{j-ieee-bio-med = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. Biomedical Eng."}
@String{j-ieee-circuit-th = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. Circuit Theory"}
@String{j-ieee-circuits-sys = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. Circuits and Systems"}
@String{j-ieee-comm = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. Comm."}
@String{j-ieee-comp = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. Computers" }
@String{j-ieee-ed = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. Education"}
@String{j-ieee-elect = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. Audio Electroacoustics"}
@String{j-ieee-geo-rs = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. Geo. Remote Sensing" }
@String{j-ieee-inf-th = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. Inf. Theory"}
@String{j-ieee-med-imag ="\allcaps{IEEE} Medical Imaging"}
@String{j-ieee-neural-networks = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. Neural Networks"}
@String{j-ieee-pami = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. on Pattern Anal. and Machine Intel."}
@String{j-ieee-quant-elect = "\allcaps{IEEE} J. Quantum Electronics"}
@String{j-ieee-rel = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. Reliability"}
@String{j-ieee-sig-proc = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. Signal Processing"}
@String{j-ieee-smc = "\allcaps{IEEE} Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics"}
@String{j-ieee-spectrum = "\allcaps{IEEE} Spectrum"}
@String{j-illinois-math = "Illinois J. Math"}
% ijm
@String{j-indiana-u-math = "Indiana Univ. Math. J."}
@String{j-inform-contr = "Inform. Contr."}
@String{j-instructor = "The Instructor"}
@String{j-int-eqn-op-th = "Integral Equations and Operator Theory"}
@String{j-int-j-th-phys = "Int. J. Theor. Phys."}
@String{j-int-neural-sys = "Int. J. Neural Syst."}
@String{j-int-management-sys = "Int. J. of Management and Systems"}
@String{j-interfaces = "Interfaces"}
@String{j-israel-math = "Isra{\"e}l J. Math."}
@String{j-izv-akad = "Izv. Akad. Nauk. USSR Ser. Mat."}
@String{j-japan-appl-math = "Japan J. Appl. Math."}
@String{j-jerusalem = "Jerusalem"}
@String{j-jewish-social-studies = "Jewish Social Studies"}
@String{j-jhapltd = "Johns Hopkins \allcaps{APL} Tech. Dig."}
@String{j-jmiv = "JMIV"}
@String{j-josa-comm = "JOSA Communications"}
@String{j-kyber = "Kybernetik"}
@String{j-lect-notes-biomath = "Lecture Notes in Biomathematics"}
@String{j-lect-notes-math = "Lecture Notes in Mathematics"}
@String{j-let-math-phys = "Lett. Math. Phys."}
@String{j-london-math-soc = "J. London Math. Soc."}
@String{j-macquarie-math-rep = "Macquarie Mathematics Report"}
@String{j-math-anal-appl = "J. Math. Anal. Appl."}
@String{j-math-ann = "Math. Ann."}
@String{j-math-appl-anal = "J. Math. Appl. Anal."}
@String{j-math-behavior = "J. Math. Behavior"}
@String{j-math-cluj = "Mathematicae Cluj"}
@String{j-math-comp = "Math. Comp."}
@String{j-math-ctrl-sig-sys = "Math. Control, Signals and Sys."}
@String{j-math-geo = "Mathematical Geology"}
@String{j-math-imag-vis = "J. Math. Imag. Vision"}
@String{j-math-kyoto-u = "Jour. Math. Kyoto Univ."}
@String{j-math-mech = "J. Math. Mech."}
@String{j-math-meth-appl = "Math. Meth. in the Appl. Sci."}
@String{j-math-model = "Math. Modeling"}
@String{j-math-nachr = "Math. Nachr."}
@String{j-math-note = "Mat. Note"}
@String{j-math-phys = "J. Math and Physics"}
@String{j-math-proc-camb = "Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc."}
@String{j-math-pures-appl = "Journal de Math{\'e}matiques Pures et Appliqu{\'e}es"}
@String{j-math-sbornik = "Math. \allcaps{USSR} Sbornik"}
@String{j-math-scan = "Math. Scand."}
@String{j-math-sys-th = "Math. Systems Theory"}
% mst
@String{j-math-zeitschr = "Math. Zeitschr."}
@String{j-mayflower-quarterly = "Mayflower Quarterly"}
@String{j-mem-ams = "Mem. Am. Math Soc."}
@String{j-mem-kyushu = "Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyushu Univ."}
@String{j-metaphilosophy = "Metaphilosophy"}
@String{j-mich-math = "Michigan Math. J."}
@String{j-mod-opt = "J. Mod. Opt."}
@String{j-monat-math = " Monatsh. f{\"u}r Math."}
@String{j-monat-math-physik = "Monatsch. Math. u. Physik"}
@String{j-mother-jones = "Mother Jones"}
@String{j-multivar-anal = "J. Multivariate Analysis"}
@String{j-nanobio = "Nanobiology"}
@String{j-nat-lampoon = "National Lampoon"}
@String{j-nature = "Nature"}
@String{j-nederland-arch = "Nederlandse Archievenblad, Tijdschrift van de Vereniging van Archivarissen in Nederland"}
@String{j-nederland-kunst-jaarboek = "Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek"}
@String{j-neural-comp = "Neural Computation"}
@String{j-neural-networks = "Neural Networks"}
@String{j-neuro = "J. Neurophysiology"}
@String{j-neurosci = "J. Neurosci."}
@String{j-new-england-hist = "New England Historical and Genealogical Register"}
@String{j-nonlinear-anal-th = "Nonlinear Anal., Theory, Methods and Applications"}
@String{j-notes-cras = "Notes au Compte-Rendu de l'Academie Des Sciences"}
@String{j-num-math = "Num. Math"}
@String{j-number-th = "Journal of Number Theory"}
@String{j-ny-times = "New York Times"}
@String{j-october = "October"}
@String{j-opt-comm = "Opt. Commun."}
@String{j-opt-let = "Opt. Lett."}
@String{j-opt-soc-amer-a = "J. Opt. Soc. Amer."}
@String{j-optica-acta = "Optica Acta"}
@String{j-optical-eng = "Optical Eng."}
@String{j-optical-quantum-elect = "Optical and Quantum Electronics"}
@String{j-org-dynamic = "Organizational Dynamic"}
@String{j-oud-holland = "Oud Holland"}
@String{j-pacific-math = "Pacific J. Math."}
@String{j-patt-rec = "Journal of Pattern Recognition"}
@String{j-perception-psychophysics = "Perception \& Psychophysics"}
@String{j-philips-res = "Philips J. of Research"}
@String{j-phonetics = "J. of Phonetics"}
@String{j-phys-let = "Phys. Lett."}
@String{j-phys-rev = "Phys. Rev."}
@String{j-phys-rev-a = "Phys. Rev. A"}
@String{j-phys-rev-let = "Phys. Rev. Lett."}
@String{j-physica = "Physica"}
@String{j-physica-scripta = "Physica Scripta"}
@String{j-physiol = "J. Physiol."}
@String{j-pitman-rnm = "Pitman Research Notes in Math."}
@String{j-pitman-rnm:adr = "Longman Scientific and Technical, Harlow, Essex"}
@String{j-print = "Print"}
@String{j-printing-world = "Printing World"}
@String{j-prob-rel-fields = "Prob. Th. Rel. Fields"}
@String{j-proc-ams = "Proc. Amer. Math. Soc."}
@String{j-proc-cmaanu = "Proc. Centre for Mathematical Analysis of the Australian National University"}
@String{j-proc-cmaanu:adr = "Canberra"}
@String{j-proc-icassp = "Proc. \allcaps{ICASSP}"}
@String{j-proc-ieee = "Proc. \allcaps{IEEE}"}
@String{j-proc-imp-acad-tokyo = "Proc. Imp. Acad. Tokyo"}
@String{j-proc-london-math-soc = "Proc. London Math. Soc."}
@String{j-proc-math = "Proc. J. Math."}
@String{j-proc-nat-acad-sci-usa = "Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA"}
@String{j-proc-phys-soc = "Proc. Phys. Soc."}
@String{j-proc-roy-soc-london = "Proc. Roy. Soc. London B."}
@String{j-proc-symp-pure-math = "Proc. of Symp. Pure Math."}
@String{j-prof-issues = "Journal of Professional Issues"}
@String{j-psych-women = "Psychology of Women Quarterly"}
@String{j-pub-affairs-quart = "Public Affairs Quarterly"}
@String{j-pub-centre = "Publication du Centre Europ{\'e}en d'{\'E}tudes Burgondo-M{\'e}dianes"}
@String{j-pub-mat = "Publicacions Matematiques"}
@String{j-q-math = "Quarterly J. of Math."}
@String{j-q-math-oxford = "Quarterly J. of Math. Oxford"}
@String{j-quaerendo = "Quaerendo, A Quarterly Journal from the Low Countries Devoted to Manuscripts and Printed Books"}
@String{j-radio-sci = "Radio Science"}
@String{j-reine-math = "J. f{\"u}r die Reine u. Angewandte Math."}
@String{j-renaissance-q = "Renaissance Quarterly"}
@String{j-rend-circ-mat = "Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo"}
@String{j-rep-math-phys = "Reports on Math. Physics"}
@String{j-results-math = "Results in Math."}
@String{j-rev-math-iber = "Revista Math. Iberoamericana"}
@String{j-rev-mod-phys = "Rev. Mod. Phys."}
@String{j-rocky-math = "Rocky Mountain J. Math."}
@String{j-royal-london = "Proc. Roy. Soc. London"}
@String{j-rutgers-comp-tech-law = "Rutgers J. of Computer Technology and the Law"}
@String{j-sci-amer = "Scientific American"}
@String{j-science = "Science"}
% sci
@String{j-screen = "Screen"}
@String{j-sex-roles = "Sex Roles"}
@String{j-siam-alg-disc-meth = "\allcaps{SIAM} J. Alg. Disc. Meth."}
@String{j-siam-appl-math = "\allcaps{SIAM} J. of Applied Math."}
@String{j-siam-math = "\allcaps{SIAM} J. Math."}
@String{j-siam-math-anal = "\allcaps{SIAM} J. Math. Anal."}
@String{j-siam-num-anal = "\allcaps{SIAM} Journal of Numerical Analysis"}
@String{j-siam-rev = "\allcaps{SIAM} Review"}
% sr
@String{j-sig-proc = "Signal Processing"}
% sp
@String{j-soc-econ-plan = "Socio-Economic Planning"}
@String{j-soc-ind-math = "J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math."}
@String{j-source = "Source"}
@String{j-source-art = "Source, Notes in the History of Art"}
@String{j-soviet-math = "J. of Soviet Mathematics"}
@String{j-soviet-math-dokl = "Soviet Math. Dokl."}
@String{j-spatial-vis = "Spatial Vision"}
@String{j-stat-phys = "J. Stat. Phys."}
@String{j-stat-soc-b = "J.R. Stat. Soc. B"}
@String{j-stoch-reps = "Stochastics and Stochastic Reports"}
@String{j-stoch-procs = "Stochastic Processes and Their Applications"}
@String{j-stoch-sys-appl = "Stochastic Systems and Appl."}
@String{j-studia-math = "Studia Math."}
@String{j-studia-rose = "Studia Rosenthaliana"}
@String{j-sys-soft = "Journal of System Sofware"}
@String{j-tech-review = "Technology Review"}
@String{j-th-prac-soft-tech = "Theory and Practice"}
@String{j-th-prob-appl = "Theor. Probability Appl."}
@String{j-topology = "Topology"}
@String{j-trans-ams = "Trans. Amer. Math. Soc."}
@String{j-trans-ire = "Trans. \allcaps{IRE}"}
@String{j-trans-ire-inf-th = "Trans. \allcaps{IRE} Inform. Theory"}
@String{j-trudy = "Trudy Matem. Inst. Steklov"}
@String{j-ultra-mic = "Ultramicroscopy"}
@String{j-vis-comm-img-proc = "Vision Comm. and Image Proc."}
@String{j-vis-comm-img-rep = "J. Visual Communication and Image Representation"}
@String{j-vis-res = "Vision Res."}
@String{j-wall-st = "Wall Street Journal"}
@String{j-water-rsrc-res = "Water Resources Research"}
@String{j-whole-earth-rev = "Whole Earth Review"}
@String{j-yale-law-rev = "Yale Law Review"}
@String{j-z-wahr = "Z. f{\"u}r Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie"}