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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1997-01-01  |  2MB  |  2923x2981
Labels: compact disk | data storage device | circle | cd | dvd | blank media
OCR: Guest Windows 95 - for TEEN Designed for 田 disc S-PeoE8d-AIV STAAd OTA Microsoft" DIGITAL BATA Windows NI" AGES 131 Windows 95 ONTENT RATED BY SRB 9 1997 VIRGIN INTERACTIVE ENTERTAINMENT, INC. and TRILOBYTE, INC. All rights reserved. The 7th Guest is a egistered trademark of Virgin Interactive Entertainment inc. TM= Virgin is a registered trademark of Virgi Enterprises, Lid. Microsoft, Windows, the Numilows togo and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation, DISC 2 TRILOBYTĚ HINTLINE 1:900-288-4744 INTERactive www.vie.com D83094-2