Game Fest 1993
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Text File
308 lines
Please select the item you would like help with:
1. General editing
2. Cursor movement
3. Directory
4. Load file
5. Save file
6. Mark a block
7. Find
8. New page
9. Redisplay
10. Print
11. Quit
12. Color of screen
13. Typewriter
14. Options (margins, headings, lines per page)
ESC Return to Function Menu
{ M A R K
The Mark command has three options. Each requires that the
cursor be positioned at the start of the text you wish to handle
prior to exercising the command (ALT & B keys). Then use the
Down arrow key to highlight the portion of text you wish to
1. The "Copy" option makes a copy of (but does not delete)
the marked (highlighted) area and stores it on the disk. You
can give the block a filename if you plan to use the text in a
later editing session, or just press the ENTER key to make it
a temporary file. You can use the "Load" command (ALT & L
keys) to recall the block. If you gave the block a name, use
that name to reference it. If you did not give it a name (you
just pressed the ENTER key when you saved the block), just
press the ENTER key to load it.
2. The "Delete" option deletes the marked (highlighted) area.
3. The "Move" option deletes the Marked material from the
original document. As with the "Copy" option, you can give the
block a name, or press the ENTER key to make the block a tempo-
rary file on your disk. Move your cursor to the spot where you
want the block to go and use the Load command to retrieve the
block from your disk.
{ C O L O R
If you have a color monitor and a color card in your
computer you can change the color of the text that appears on the
screen and the color of the border that is around the screen.
Find the file called COLOR.EXE on the disk. Type in the
word "color" to start the program. You will be asked what you
want to change and will be shown the available colors.
You may have a monochrome (not a color) monitor, but find
the images are indistinct because you have a color circuit board
in your computer. To make these images more clear, boot the DOS
disk and, after you get the "A>" prompt, put in the FreeWord disk
and type the following: "copy no-color.fil color.fil". Press the
ENTER key. Now at the "A>" prompt, type the word "FW".
NOTE: This option will work only if you have a color card on
your system.
{ C U R S O R M O V E M E N T
Move around in your document by using the following keys:
UP - Move to the line above the current line
DOWN - Move to the line below the current line
LEFT - Move one character to the left
RIGHT - Move one character to the right
END - Move to the end of the current line
CTRL-RIGHT - Move to the start of the next word
CTRL-LEFT - Move to the end of the previous word
PGUP - Move to the start of the page
PGDN - Move to the start of the next page
HOME-UP - Move to the top of the screen
HOME-DOWN - Move to the bottom of the screen
HOME-LEFT - Move to the start of the current line
HOME-RIGHT - Move to the end of the current line
HOME-HOME-UP - Move to the start of the document
HOME-HOME-DOWN - Move to the end of the document
{ D I R E C T O R Y
The directory lists all filenames on a disk. To obtain a
directory, simultaneously press the ALT and the D keys. Next,
enter the drive letter and a colon, e.g., type "b:" if you want
a directory of the disk in drive B. You then type "*.*" to list
all filenames on the disk or "*.ltr" to list only those file-
names that have "ltr" as their extensions.
The directory will display the current date and time, free
space (in bytes) left on your disk, and free memory left in the
computer. It will also list the filenames, number of bytes each
file occupies, and the date and time they were created or last
You can move the cursor around on the screen using UP, DOWN,
LEFT, and the RIGHT arrow keys, as well as the HOME, END, PGUP,
and PGDN.
Two options are available - load and delete. First move the
cursor so that the desired filename is highlighted. (NOTE: Be
sure it is a word processing file.) To load, press the "1"
key; to delete, press the "2" key. Delete is used to remove old
files from the disk to make room for new ones.
If you press the F2 key while at the Main Menu, you will see
the FreeWord directory, and will be able to select another book,
or document from a book.
{ F I N D
The "Find" command (ALT & F keys) is used to find a
particular word or words in your text. There are three options.
1. The "Forward" option allows you to search from your
present location towards the end of the document. Type "1", the
word you seek, and the ENTER key. The program will go to the
word and highlight it.
2. The "Reverse" option allows you to search from your
present location toward the beginning of the document. Type
"2", the word you seek, and the ENTER key. The program will
locate and highlight the word.
3. The "Find and Replace" option moves only in the forward
direction. (If you need to search the entire document, press the
HOME key twice and the Up arrow to get to the beginning of the
document.) This option gives you a choice: "With confirm
(Y/N)?" "Y" (Yes) to this choice means you must stop at each
"Find" word and confirm that it is to be replaced with the
"Replace" word. "N" (No) means the program will automatically
change every case. The program will ask you to specify a word
to find and another to replace.
{ G E N E R A L E D I T I N G
ESC KEY - Return to main menu from submenu
BACKSPACE - Delete text to left of cursor
DEL KEY - Delete character at the cursor's location
CTRL & END - Delete from cursor to end of line
ENTER KEY - New line
INS KEY - Used to toggle back and forth from insert to
replace mode.
TAB KEY - Double-arrow key used to move cursor five
spaces to the right.
INSERTING - Move cursor using arrow keys to position in
text where you want to insert. Check to see
that you are in insert mode. Start typing.
Press ALT & R to redisplay (reformat) text.
REPLACING - Move cursor using arrow keys to position in
text where you want to replace. Check to see
that you are in the replace mode. Start
typing. Press ALT & R to redisplay (reformat)
HYPHENATION - When warning sounds, move LEFT and RIGHT ARROW
keys to move to appropriate place for hyphen;
then press ESC.
FREE MEMORY - Number of bytes (characters) left in memory is
displayed on the bottom line of main menu.
{ L O A D
The Load command (ALT & L keys) will find a file on your
disk (either program disk or data disk) and load it into the
computer's memory.
If you have two disk drives, be sure to use the drive letter
and a colon before the filename. If you are loading the file
from the FreeWord disk in drive A (left-hand drive), for instance,
you would specify "a:demo". If you are loading the file WATSON
from your data disk in drive B, you would specify "B:WATSON".
If you have only one disk drive, there is no need to specify
the drive letter and colon before the filename. If a file is
not found, you are given the option to cancel the request or
enter a different filename.
The load command is used as part of the "Copy" or "Move"
option during the "Block" command (see Block submenu).
When you are beginning a word processing session, you can
load a file at the same time you load FreeWord. If you want
to load WATSON, for example, at the "A>" prompt type
{ N E W P A G E
GuideWare automatically pages the document as you work
on it. However, if you wish to start a new page, you may use
the "New Page" (ALT & N keys) command to indicate the place
in the document where the new page is to begin.
Move the cursor to the place in the text where you wish to
start a new page and press the ALT and N keys. A dashed line
will appear on your screen display to indicate where the page
will end when you print. The dashed line will not appear on the
printed document.
To delete a new page location that you entered using this
feature you will need to do the following: (1) Locate the cursor
at the first position of the first line for the page following the
dashed line. (2) Press the backspace key to remove the new page.
{ P R I N T
The Print command (ALT & P keys) has four options:
1. The "Full Text" option prints out the entire document.
2. The "Page" options prints out only the page on which
the cursor is currently on.
3. The "Change" option produces a Print Options submenu.
By pressing different keys you can change text from justified right
margins (evened up) to unjustified; specify the number of copies
you want to print out (from one to nine); choose among four
places for positioning of the page numbers or choose not to have
page numbers displayed; specify line spacing as single - or
double - space; and indicate which page number you wish to start
with. If no changes in print options are specified, FreeWord will
print your document single-spaced, right-justified, no page
numbers, only one copy (these are FreeWord's default values).
4. The "Cancel" option will cancel a Print command already
FreeWord will do "background printing" - that is, allow you
to print a document while simultaneously writing or editing another
(or the same) document.
{ Q U I T
If you are working on a document when you select this option
you will be asked whether you want to save the current document
before you quit. Prompts will ask you to specify a filename if
you opt to save the document. You can press the ESC key if you
decide you do not want to quit and would like to return to the
present document.
You will also be asked whether you want to work on another
document. Answer Yes if you want to load another document and work
on it, or if you want to start working on something new. The current
document will be removed from the computer's memory (but will still
remain on the disk if you saved it).
{ R E D I S P L A Y
The Redisplay command (ALT & R keys) reformats text and
allows you to see on the screen the form of your document as it
will look when printed (except that it will print with justifica-
tion - even right margin-, unless you specify otherwise in your
print format). This option is useful after you have been
deleting and inserting words in a previously written paragraph.
Only the part of the screen that is to the right and below
the cursor will be reformatted. The part to the left and above
the cursor will remain as is. Thus, if you have made several
changes in a paragraph, you may wish to return the cursor to
the first line of that document before giving the Redisplay
This command will affect lines only as they appear on your
screen. All text is reformatted before printing, so it is
unnecessary to reformat your entire document before printing.
{ S A V E
You will first be asked for the filename for the document
you want to save. If that document already exists, you will be
asked if you want to replace it. If you enter Yes, the newer
version will replace the older version. If you respond with a No,
you will be asked for another name for which to label the new file.
You can save your document as often as you like. FreeWord
will remember where you were when you selected this option and will
return you to that point as soon as the document is saved.
{ T Y P E W R I T E R
The "Typewriter" option has two major uses. First, you
can use it to send special print characters to your printer. This
will change how your printer prints, if supported by your printer.
You will need to check with your printer manual to see the numeric
values of the special codes since most printers handle this feature
a bit differently.
The second use is as a typewriter. You can type a line of
text, edit that line, and then send it directly to the printer. You
might want to do this to print envelopes, for example. Press the
ENTER key when you have entered the line and are ready for it to
print. Press the ESC key when you are ready to return to the main
{ O P T I O N S (M A R G I N S)
The Options command can be used to change the left and right
margins of a document, to add column headings or to change the number
of lines per page of a document.
You can select the Options command be holding down the ALT key
and pressing the letter O. Next, you can select to change the margins,
the column headings, or lines per page.
If you want to change the margins, select option 1. You will then
be presented with a menu that will allow you to choose to change the
left margin or the right margin. If you choose to change the left
margin (by typing a "1"), the cursor will be moved to the current value
of the left margin. Enter the numeric value of the left margin, and
press the ENTER key. You will be cursor will be moved to the value of
the right margin. Change that value if you like, or press the ENTER key
to leave the value as is. The margins must range between 1 and 80, and
the document must have a width of at least 20 characters.
Select option 2 if you want to add column headings. This headings
will not appear when printing - there are just to assist you when
entering text in the word processor.
Option 3 will allow you to change the lines per page for the current
document. This can only be set once per document.