Game Fest 1994
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798 lines
Golf Tournament Scorekeeper calculates gross and net scores
with a choice of handicap systems for up to 200 golfers.
Leader board results can be displayed to screen or printer
with up to 10 separate flights. Team play is supported
including Best Ball scoring.
Golf Tournament Scorekeeper can utilize established
handicaps or provide a handicap for the unhandicapped
using the Callaway system.
Golf Tournament Scorekeeper reduces the time spent
calculating final standings from hours to minutes.
Fast and accurate results are delivered to the golfers
ensuring a more successful tournament.
Tournament organizers will give the impression of being
orderly and efficient and will have more time to socialize
with friends and business associates.
Getting Started........................3
General Overview - Quick Tour..........5
File Menu..............................7
Edit Menu..............................8
Reports Menu..........................10
Callaway Handicap System..............11
Frequently Asked Questions............12
Definition of Shareware...............12
License and Warranty..................13
Files List............................15
page 2
Before doing anything else, we recommend that you make a
backup copy of the distribution disk. There are several
methods to make a backup copy of a diskette. We'll give
instructions here for using the DISKCOPY command at the
DOS prompt.
To make a back-up using DISKCOPY:
1. At the DOS prompt, type DISKCOPY A: A:
2. Follow the instructions DISKCOPY gives you. The
'Source Diskette' is your Golf Tournament Scorekeeper
diskette which you place in drive A:. The 'Target
Diskette' should be a blank diskette.
3. When the DISKCOPY program finishes, the 'Target
Diskette' will be a duplicate of the distribution
4. Place the original Golf Tournament Scorekeeper disk
in a safe place. Use the back-up copy instead.
Running Golf Tournament Scorekeeper from your floppy disk.
1. Place the floppy disk into your disk drive.
2. Log onto the floppy disk by typing A: [enter].
3. Type GOLFTS [enter].
Installing Golf Tournament Scorekeeper on your hard disk.
1. Place the floppy disk into your disk drive.
2. Log onto the floppy disk by typing A: [enter].
3. Type INSTALL [enter].
After the program files are copied to your hard disk you
can run the program as follows:
1. C: [enter].
2. CD C:\GOLFTS [enter].
3. GOLFTS [enter].
page 3
Commands are items on menus or buttons that you choose
to tell Golf Tournament Scorekeeper what you want to do.
You can choose commands with either the mouse or the
keyboard. Both methods give the same results.
To choose a menu command
Using the mouse
1. Click the menu name.
GOLFTS opens the menu.
2. Click the command name.
Using the keyboard
1. Press the ALT key
GOLFTS activates the menu bar and displays one highlighted
letter in each menu name.
2. Press the highlighted letter in the name of the menu
you want to open.
The menu drops down and you see the command names.
3. Press the highlighted letter in the name of the
command you want to choose.
If a command does not apply to what you are doing, the
command name won't have a highlighted letter and you
won't be able to use it.
To close a menu
Using the mouse
Before choosing a command, click anywhere outside the
Using the keyboard
Press [ESC]
| Cancel |
After you input any required information, or select the
desired options, you choose a button to carry out the
Using the mouse
Click the button you want.
Using the keyboard
Hold down the ALT key and press the highlighted letter of
the button you want.
page 4
(*) Check
( ) Cash
A mark beside an option means that is the selected option
in the box. You can have only one selected at a time.
Using the mouse
Click the option you want.
Using the keyboard
Hold down the ALT key and press the highlighted letter of
the option that you want.
[X] Underline
[ ] Italic
A check box can be either on or off. An X in the box means
that the option is turned on. A blank means that the
option is turned off.
Using the mouse
Click the option you want to change.
Using the keyboard
Hold down the ALT key and press the highlighted letter of
the option you want.
The selected item in a list box is indicated by a
highlight. If there are more items than you can see at one
time, you can scroll to see the rest.
Using the mouse
Click the name you want to select. If there are more names
than fit in the box, click the down scroll arrow to see all
available names.
Using the keyboard
To select the next name in the list that begins with a
particular letter, press the letter you want.
When a selection is made, use the option buttons to carry
out the desired action on the selected name.
Online help is available by selecting the Help menu. [Alt-H]
Context sensitive help may also be available using [F1]
page 5
Move to the directory in which GOLFTS is installed.
e.g. C: [enter]
CD C:\GOLFTS [enter]
Type GOLFTS [enter].
Hold down the Alt key to access the menu and select 'File'.
Select 'Create New File' from the file menu.
Tournament Name
The tournament name is for reference only and appears on
leader board printouts.
A tournament can have up to 10 flights for which you provide
a description. Flights are used to separate golfers into
competitive groups. The reports menu will only show flights
for which a description has been entered.
Enter descriptions such as Mens, Ladies, Seniors, etc.
Team Play
Select this option with [Alt-T] if your tournament will
involve teams and the team totals need to be calculated.
This will add "Teams" to the REPORT menu.
Press [ESC] to exit from the tournament options screen.
This screen is for inputting each golfers information.
The team number, handicap and flight are all optional and
may be left blank if your tournament does not utilize
Next Golfer [Alt-N] will save the golfer's information and
blank out the form for entry of the next golfer.
Done [Alt-D] will save the golfer's information and return
to the main menu.
Press [ESC] to exit the golfer screen.
page 6
Press Alt to activate the menu bar and select File.
Select Open Existing File
Type DEMO.GLF and press [enter]
Answer No [Alt-N] if you are prompted to save the current
The file will load from the disk and display a list of
Use the arrow keys to highlight a golfer.
Select the Edit command [Alt-E].
In this screen you may view or edit the golfer information.
Press [ESC] to exit from the golfer screen.
Press [ESC] to exit from the golfer list.
Press Alt to activate the menu bar and select REPORTS.
Select one of the reports from the Report menu.
The reports can be printed after being selected by pressing
Press [ESC] to exit from the report.
Press Alt to activate the main menu and select File.
Select Exit from the File menu.
A file must be saved to disk or it will be lost when you exit
the program.
Answer No [Alt-N] to the request to save DEMO.GLF.
page 7
When you start a new tournament, you create a new file that can
later be saved to disk.
Each file is given a unique which enables you to retain
information on several tournaments.
To create a new golf tournament file:
1. Hold down the Alt key to access the menu and select File.
2. Select Create New File from the file menu.
The Open Existing File command retrieves a golf tournament that
has already been saved to disk.
To open an existing file:
1. Hold down the Alt key to access the menu and select File.
2. Select Open Existing File from the file menu.
3. In the File Name box, type in the name of the file that you
want to open, including the three character extension .GLF.
4. If you don't know the file name, do one or more of the
-In the Drive Box, select a new drive.
-In the Directories Box, select a new directory.
-In the Files List, select the desired file.
5. Choose the OK button.
Note: Use the [TAB] key to move among the list boxes.
This command saves the tournament and allows you to specify
the file name and location.
To save the file to disk:
1. Hold down the Alt key to access the menu and select File.
2. Select Save from the file menu.
3. Select a new drive in the Drive Box (if desired)
4. Select a new directory in the Directory Box (if desired)
5. Type a new DOS file name (if desired) and press [enter]
Note: Golf Tournament Scorekeeper gives all saved files an
extension of .GLF
page 8
This command exits the program.
To exit the program:
1. Hold down the Alt key to access the menu and select File.
2. Select Exit from the file menu.
Tournament Name
The tournament name is for reference only and appears on the
leader board printouts.
A tournament can have up to 10 flights for which you provide
a description. Flights are used to separate golfers into
competitive groups. The reports menu will only show flights
for which a description has been entered.
If your tournament only has one flight you do not have to
enter any flight descriptions.
Team Play
Select this option if your tournament will involve
teams. This will add "Teams" to the REPORT menu.
The scores of all golfers with the same team number are
added together or used in a 'Best Ball' calculation.
If your tournament uses a Texas Scramble format where
the teams scores are already calculated on the scorecard,
you do not need to select Team Play.
To select the Team Play option:
Hold down the Alt key and press T.
To edit or browse existing course handicap information:
1. Hold down the Alt key to activate the menu and select Edit.
2. Select Course from the edit menu.
Hole Handicap
The hole handicap is required to calculate golfers' scores
net of handicaps. It is only used in the 'Teams-Best Ball'
calculation and may be left blank if you won't be using that
feature. The hole handicap information will be found on the
course scorecard.
page 9
The new golfers screen appears each time a new tournament file
is created. You can also add new golfers at any time as follows:
1. Hold down the Alt key to activate the menu and select Edit.
2. Select Add New Golfers from the edit menu.
Enter the golfer's established handicap or,
Leave it blank if you are not using handicaps or,
Enter 999 and the computer will generate a handicap based on
the gross score for 18 holes using the Callaway system.
The Callaway system cannot be used for rounds of less than 18
holes or in a 'Teams - Best Ball' calculation.
Entering a team number is optional. The scores of all golfers
with the same team number are added together or used in a best
ball calculation.
Flights are optional and may be input if your tournament
utilizes them. Flights organize golfers into competitive
groups. Enter a number in this box that corresponds to the
flight description that you supply in the Tournament Options
NOTE: A flight cannot be accessed in the reports menu
unless you enter description for that flight in the
Tournament Options screen. In other words, if you enter a
4 in the flight box for a golfer, you must enter a
description in the Tournament Options screen for flight #4.
A golfers total score may be input in the box for hole 1
for convenience unless you use one of the following
features: The Callaway handicap system. (handicap of 999)
The 'Teams-Best Ball' calculation.
When the Callaway handicap system is used, a golfer
should not score more than twice the par of that hole.
Next Golfer (Alt-N) will save the golfer's information and blank
out the form for entry of the next golfer.
Done (Alt-D) will save the golfer's information and exit the
golfers' screen.
You can edit the golfer information at any time with the
exception of the golfer's name. To change the name you must
delete that golfer and add a new golfer.
page 10
Use this command to edit existing golfer information or to
delete golfer. When this command is chosen, the golfer list
box appears.
Golfer List Box
Use the arrow keys to highlight a golfer name and choose the
desired command button.
To edit golfer information:
Hold down the Alt key and press E.
To delete a golfer from the tournament:
Hold down the Alt key and press D.
To return to the main menu:
Hold down the Alt key and press C.
Press [Esc].
Selecting Edit will display the golfer's score sheet screen
where you may view or edit the golfer information.
Choose reports to display the leader board standings.
To choose a report:
1. Hold down the Alt key and select Reports.
2. Select the desired report.
The reports available in the reports menu varies with the number
of flight descriptions entered and the setting of the Team Play
option in the Tournament Options screen.
The following reports may be available.
Low Net -- Flights 1 to 10
Low Gross -- Flights 1 to 10
Teams -- Low Gross
Teams -- Low Net
Teams -- Best Ball
To print a report that has been selected:
Hold down the Alt key and press P.
Generally you can print the report through the default LPT1.
However, you can select an alternative port if required.
The report can also be printed to disk as a file that can be
viewed or printed later.
page 11
Under the Callaway system, a player's handicap is determined
after each round by deducting from his gross score for 18
holes the scores of the worst individual holes during the
first 16 holes. The table below shows the number of "worst
hole" scores he may deduct and the adjustment to be made,
based on his gross score. For instance, if the gross score
for 18 holes is 96, the table indicates that the 3 worst
holes from the first 16 should be deducted. Thus if these
are a 9, an 8 and a 7, his handicap would be 24. This is
adjusted from the numbers at the bottom of the table. A
gross score of 96 indicates an adjustment of -2 to the
handicap, so the final handicap figure is 22. A 96 minus the
22 handicap gives a final score of 74.
------ S C O R E ------ ---------- H A N D I C A P --------
.. .. 70 71 72 scratch No handicap or adjustment
73 74 75 .. .. 1/2 Worst Hole and adjustment
76 77 78 79 80 1 Worst Hole and adjustment
81 82 83 84 85 1 1/2 Worst Holes and adjustment
86 87 88 89 90 2 Worst Holes and adjustment
91 92 93 94 95 2 1/2 Worst Holes and adjustment
96 97 98 99 100 3 Worst Holes and adjustment
101 102 103 104 105 3 1/2 Worst Holes and adjustment
106 107 108 109 110 4 Worst Holes and adjustment
111 112 113 114 115 4 1/2 Worst Holes and adjustment
116 117 118 119 120 5 Worst Holes and adjustment
121 122 123 124 125 5 1/2 Worst Holes and adjustment
126 127 128 129 130 6 Worst Holes and adjustment
-2 -1 0 +1 +2 Add to or deduct from handicap
NOTES >> 1. No hole may be scored at more than twice it's par.
2. Half strokes count as a whole.
3. The 17th and 18th holes are never deducted.
4. In case of ties, lowest gross takes preference.
page 12
Q1.What do I do if the golfers do not have an established
A1.Enter a handicap of 999 for the golfer and the computer
will generate a handicap based on the golfer's gross
score using the Callaway handicap system.
Q2.Do I always have to enter a score for every hole for each
golfer or is there an easier way?
A2.In many cases you can enter the golfer's total score in
the box for hole #1. There are two exceptions.
If the golfer's handicap is being generated by the computer
then the scores must be entered individually. This is
because the Callaway handicap system deducts a number of
the golfer's worst hole scores.
Also, If the 'Teams-Best Ball' calculation is used, the
scores must be entered individually. This calculation
determines the team's lowest score on each hole.
Q3.I added a golfer to the tournament but he does not show
up in any of the leader board reports. Why?
A3.Check the flight number that was entered for that golfer.
Go to the Tournament Options screen and make sure you have
entered a description for that flight. Flights without a
description do not show up on the reports menu.
Q4.Will the Callaway handicap work if only 9 holes are played?
A4.No. That system was designed for 18 holes only.
An alternative is to have the golfers provide their own
handicap. The organizer selects a secret score between
30 and 40 and the golfer that is closest, net of handicap,
Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software
before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue
using it, you are expected to register.
Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial
software, and the copyright holder retains all rights.
Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like
commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable
quality. (In both cases, there are good programs and bad
ones!) The main difference is in the method of distribution.
The author specifically grants the right to copy and
distribute the software.
page 13
Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software.
You should find software that suits your needs and
pocketbook, whether it's commercial or Shareware. The
Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you
can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low,
prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back
guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for
Users of Golf Tournament Scorekeeper must accept this
disclaimer of warranty: "Golf Tournament Scorekeeper is
supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties,
expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the
warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose.
The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or
consequential, which may result from the use of Golf
Tournament Scorekeeper."
Golf Tournament Scorekeeper is a "shareware program" and is
provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free
to share it with your friends, but please do not give it away
altered or as part of another system. The essence of "user-
supported" software is to provide personal computer users
with quality software without high prices, and yet to provide
incentive for programmers to continue to develop new
products. If you find this program useful and find that you
are using Golf Tournament Scorekeeper and continue to use
Golf Tournament Scorekeeper after a reasonable trial period,
you must make a registration payment of $25.00 to Home Alone
Software. The $25.00 registration fee will license one copy
for use on any one computer at any one time. You must treat
this software just like a book. An example is that this
software may be used by any number of people and may be
freely moved from one computer location to another, so long
as there is no possibility of it being used at one location
while it's being used at another. Just as a book cannot be
read by two different persons at the same time.
Anyone distributing Golf Tournament Scorekeeper for any kind
of remuneration should contact Home Alone Software so that the
distributor can be kept up-to-date with the latest version of
Golf Tournament Scorekeeper.
You are encouraged to pass a copy of Golf Tournament
Scorekeeper along to your friends for evaluation. Please
encourage them to register their copy if they find that they
can use it. All registered users will receive a copy of the
latest version of the Golf Tournament Scorekeeper program.
page 14
The easiest way to register is to access the REGISTER command
in the HELP menu while running the program. You will be
prompted for the required information and an invoice can be
printed out.
The registration fee of $25.00 provides you with the following
additional benefits:
Documentation: A User's Manual will be provided for each
registered user.
Timeliness: You will receive the most recent edition of
the program.
Support: Free support for 90 days is included with your
Incentives: A tournament scheduling utility that prints a
teeoff schedule and individual information sheets.
Valuable information about updates and special
The opening and closing reminder screens will not appear in
the registered version.
If you are registering by mail and paying by cheque or money
order, you can send your registration directly to the author.
Make cheque payable to: Home Alone Software
9630 100 Street
Edmonton, AB T5K 0T6
If you wish to order by phone, or pay by Visa or Mastercard
you can contact my registration service.
Make the payment payable to: Westworld Computer Services
3755 Avocado Blvd. Suite 304
La Mesa, CA 91941-7301
Westworld can be contacted by:
Compuserve 70574,450
America On-line WESTWORLD
Prodigy JSPB88A
By calling
(800) 995-1605 (24 hour voice mail)
(619) 685-7291 (overseas-24 hour voice mail)
(619) 558-7850 FAX
page 15
NOTE: The author cannot be reached at any of the sources
listed for Westworld Computer Services as they are used
only to accept registrations. See the information
below on support.
The author may be contacted with any questions, comments or
requests by mail at:
9630 100 Street
Edmonton, AB T5K 0T6
Or by E-Mail at:
GEnie EMail - B.Lane4
Compuserve EMail - 75240,243
Or by phone (evenings only) at:
(403) 425-6943
I have an answering machine but I cannot return long
distance calls.
____|__ | (R)
--| | |---------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
------| | |-----------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
This program is produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that
the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable
to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member
by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help.
The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem
with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support
for member products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at
545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 or send a
CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman
70007,3536. The OMB may be contacted by FAX by sending to
the ASP FAX number: (616) 788-2765. In communication with
the OMB please include a telephone number and/or FAX if
-GOLFTS.EXE Main program file
-DEMO.GLF Sample data
-GOLFTS.DOC Program documentation
-INSTALL.COM Installation program
-START.COM Brief program description
-REGISTER.DOC Registration information
-VENDOR.DOC Vendor and sysop information
-FILE_ID.DIZ Brief program description