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/ GameMakers Select 1 / GAMEMAKERS_SELECT_1.iso / bmp / ’˜�ìŒ�•\Ž¦3.bmp (.png) < prev    next >
Bitmap Image  |  1998-04-17  |  481KB  |  800x600  |  8-bit (211 colors)
Labels: ball | bannister | compact disk | crt screen | desk | fountain | house | lamp | monitor | table | videocassette recorder | windowpane
OCR: 1995 1996 1997 Nintendo Cr eatures inc. /GAME FREAK inc 1995 1997 N intendo T T 1997 N intendo PART II 3 U % 3 01989 1998 Nintendo ZERO 1998 Nintendo. 01998 Nintendo, /Rare Game by Rare NBA/ 7 IL The NBA and individual NBA member team identificat ions used on or in this product are trademarks and copyr ighted des igns, and, or other forms of intel lectual proper ty. that are the exclus ve property of NBA Properti es Inc. and the respect ve NBA member teams and may not be used in whole or in part, ,without the prior writton consent of NBA Propert ies, Inc. 997 NBA Propert ies, Inc. AlL r ights reserved 1997 Nintendo. 8 @1998 Nintendo Lamar trademark of Lamar Snowboards inc 1 1 1995 1996 1997 Nintendo, 995 1996, 1997 Creatures inc./ 1995 1996 1997 GAME FREAK inc. /01997 Ambrella (Mar igul) + ...