Games Tips & Tricks
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The entrance to Dune opens up to a new world with words and ideas of its
own. For the benefit of the player, some of these new words are listed
here, with pronunciations:
Vocabulary Guide
Fremen ('freh-men) : The native Dune population.
Sietch (seech) : Hidden caves in the desert sands where Fremen live.
Mau'Dib (mwah-'deeb) : The deliverer prophesied to rescue the Fremen.
Atreides (a-'tray-dees) : The House of Atreides, sent to Dune to mine spice.
Ornithopter (or-knee-thop-ter) : An aircraft which travels safely above the
desert floor {looks like a cross between a bird and a helicopter}.
Krysknives (cris-knives) : Knives made from one tooth of the great sandworms.
Weirding Module ('Weird-ding 'Mod-yule) : A weapon using sound waves
Hints and Help For DUNE
Before seeking further help with Dune, players may wish to consult the
cast of characters within the game. In many situations they will often
provide missing information and suggestions.
The history book may also be of help, it records all important discoveries
within the game. To access the history book feature, select the book
located above the day counter icon on the main screen.
For Technical Assistance with problems running or installing the software,
call the Virgin Games Technical Support Team at (714) 833-1999.
I. General Playing Hints
Quick Functions: Load/Save/Quit/Pause
Many important functions in Dune have shortcuts. The quickest way to Pause
is simply to press the letter "P" on the computer keyboard. Likewise, to
exit the program quickly without saving, press "Control-C", that is, press
the letter "C" while holding down the control key.
Rather than going to the Palace mirror to save and load games, you can
look at the Dune map, then select the global view -- there you will be
able to load and save games.
Learning To Fly
Taking the ornithopter out for a spin can be a piece of cake, so long as
you know how to operate it. The standard approach is to choose "Take An
Ornithopter" from the main menu. You are then placed in the cockpit of
the ornithopter where you choose the destination point by selecting it
with the pointer on the ornithopter screen, this screen shows a map of
the local area. To scroll the map to see the surrounding areas, move the
pointer to the side of the map closest to the point you wish to see.
To set a direction and not a destination, move the pointer across the grid
lines, until the appropriate direction is displayed on the orni screen. As
an added option you may select any point in the desert, and the orni will
head off in that direction. However, such directions will be vague and may
require using the steering options to the right of the ornithopter menu.
There is a short cut to taking an orni when travelling from one place to
another. This method is especially useful when travelling from one sietch
to another. While looking at the Dune map, select the sietch or other
location that you wish to travel to and the option "Go There In An Orni"
will appear on the Dune Map menu. Simply select this option. Immediately
you will be in flight, from which you can select the option "Skip To
Destination". See "Quick Tips For Finding Sietchs" later on for more
information on the "Skip To Destination" option.
Summary of Troop Status
Usually you would have to start a dialog with the Fremen by selecting
individual troops and reading through report after report. However, by
clicking the right mouse button while the mouse pointer is over one of
your troops, you will get an instant troop summary. This feature is only
available with the mouse interface.
Quick Tips For Finding Sietchs
More sietchs means more resources, so the real tip here is to find as
many of these sand caves, or sietchs, as possible.
Usually the Fremen will tell you of other locations which may be useful
to you. However, you can take advantage of the ornithopter to spot many
more. If you fly from the starting point to the destination point without
skipping (that is, if you do not select "skip to destination"), you and
your co-pilot may discover sietchs along the way.
This means there is a trade-off when you choose "skip to destination".
You will be brought to the destination instantly saving you time in
completing the game, but it will actually take the same amount of time
within the game, and you will forfeit any sietchs you might have otherwise
discovered. In short, a little patience goes a long way.
Another way to find sietchs is to observe the patchwork on the spice
density map. Doing so may reveal empty areas where a sietch might exist.
How To Tell Which Sietchs Have Been Explored
Throughout the game, sietchs will be located and explored. It may become
confusing over time to tell which sietchs have been explored and which
have simply been placed on the Dune map.
You can find out which sietchs have been explored and which remain
unexplored by clicking on a sietch. If you have already visited the
sietch, a summary will be provided informing you of its contents. But
if you have never explored the sietch, only the name will appear, a
signal that you may want to explore this sietch at some point to discover
its possible resources.
How To Equip The Fremen
There are a couple of different ways to provide necessary tools for the
Fremen to use in their occupation. The most direct approach is to find a
troop at a sietch which contains equipment. Then you can select the "Modify
Equipment" option from the Dune Map menu and take the equipment from the
sietch inventory and place it directly into the troop's inventory.
However, once the option becomes available, you should change the troop
occupation to "Go Search For Equipment". Once this is done the troop will
go off to search the surrounding area for villages and sietchs (in that
order) which contain the necessary equipment.
Once found, the Fremen will return to their sietch, and to their original
occupation. Of course, before sending the Fremen out from their sietch to
look for equipment, the player is advised to first check the sietch itself
for any available equipment, as this can save time and money.
The Fremen will search for equipment in the order of its worth: for example,
Fremen specializiing in military matters will look for krysknives, laser
guns, weirding modules, then atomics in that order. Because of this, a
troop will not search for laser guns unless they already possess krysknives.
If there is no appropriate equipment in immediate range you have two choices.
You can either move the Fremen into an area where you believe the equipment
lies, or you can purchase the equipment from a smuggler at a village (when
available and stocked).
How To Provide Top Military Training For The Fremen
Once a Fremen troop has had its occupation changed to military, it will
immediately begin training. Over time, the troop will become ready for
espionage and then for battle.
However, since Gurney is an expert in military training, it makes sense to
use his talents to prepare the troops in the use of weapons. with his helps
they will learn faster. Dedicate a sietch for training purposes and bring
Gurney there. In this "classroom" you will be able to train up to seven
troops at a time.
Because adding novice troops to a "classroom" of skilled troops will slow
down the training for the skilled troops, the player is advised to train
troops in "classes" of the same ability. Once a "class" of troops has been
trained to expert status, you can move Gurney to a new sietch to train a
new "class" of troops.
The best location to train troops is Stilgar's native area - the Ergsun
territory. The Harkonnen weak spot, this area is the best place to launch
a series of attacks against the Harkonnen fortresses.
How To Find Harkonnen Fortresses
Out their, behind enemy lines lies an unkown number of Harkonnen fortresses.
Since you can't attack something you can not see, it will be necessary to
send a troop out to "discover" the Harkonnen fortresses, how many troops
are stationed there and what kind of troops and weapons the Fremen will
face. The "Espionage" option from the occupation selection menu handles
this very nicely.
One word of caution -- experience. You wouldn't send a boy out to do a
man's work; make sure the troop you send is expert in military matters.
Even then, you will want to take them back out after the information has
been gathered and the fortress discovered. Leaving infiltrated Fremen
behind enemy lines for any lengthy period is a sure recipe for immediate
II. Solutions to specific goals within Dune.
Putting the Fremen To Work For You
Once a Fremen troop has joined your cause, you will be able to give orders
to select the troop's occupation. Once set, the troop will begin working,
if possible. And in time the Fremen will become better and better at their
selected occupation.
The level of ability will rise in the following order: on-trial, novice,
average, efficient, skilled, and finally, expert. As might be expected,
expert troops are quicker and better than on-trial troops.
Why Some Fremen Won't Work For You.
If you meet new Fremen who won't work for you, it could be that you have
not gained their trust. You may need to ask later, once you have gained
charisma and word has spread of your importance. Or, you may need to bring
someone with you whom the Fremen already trust and respect.
Under some conditions the Fremen may not be in a position to work, even
though you have ordered them and they are willing to do so. For example,
if a troop has been ordered to mine spice, they may not be able to because
the area has not been prospected. It will be necessary to send the
prospection troop to the area before the troop to be put to work. As an
alternative, in this situation you could move a troop to a location where
they can be put to work.
If existing Fremen stop working, it could be for a couple reasons. Conflict
may have arisen between Fremen from the North and Fremen from the South.
Because the cultures of the two Fremen groups are so different, it is wise
to keep them separate.
If the motivation of the Fremen falls to zero percent, then the Fremen
have lost all hope in their cause and in Mua'Dib. To prevent this from
happening, be sure to contact the troop chiefs regularly for a little
morale boost. You will find that Ecology also does a lot for the morale
of the Fremen.
Why can't I explore some Sietchs?
If a Fremen chief prevents you from entering further into a sietch, there's
probably a good reason for it, despite what he may tell you. It could be
that he does not yet trust you enough to allow you to see more of the
Fremen world.
However, it might be worth your trouble to try again later when you have
built up respect and charisma among the Fremen. Although not entirely
necessary, you may wish to note these sietch locations for later reference.
Doing so will save time when you are ready to explore again.
To Find The Prospection Troop:
Logically, since some areas have already been prospected, there must be
a troop of Fremen who can perform this task. Perhaps if you asked the
Fremen in the prospected areas, they may remember how the area was
prospected or who prospected it. On the other hand, since the Fremen
who are working for you would have mentioned if they knew how to prospect,
it may make sense to ask the troop that is not yet working for you . . .
Once you have found the prospection troop, you will never have to look for
them again. The selection "Find Prospectors" will be added to the map menu.
While viewing the Dune map you may then click on the "Find Prospectors"
selection and the map will automatically move to the current location of
the spice prospectors.
How To Make The Best Use Of The Prospection Troop
This troop is priceless and will be the key to meeting the Emporer's demand
for spice. The troop will inform you when they have finished their current
prospection tour. Do not forget to keep these guys moving!
To make the most of the prospection troop, equip them with an ornithopter
as soon as possible. In this way, you will cut their travel time down
considerably on all subsequent prospection tours. The best way to equip
the prospectors is to find a sietch which already contains an orni, then
send the prospectors there and modify their equipment to include the orni.
Do NOT make the mistake of giving them your orni, you will need it until
you learn to travel by other means.
What Good is Harah to Paul?
She may not be the apple of your eye, and she may whine from time to time,
but she is after all a Fremen and may provide insight and encouragement.
She may provide valuable information about Fremen people, places, and
Where To Find The Fremen Leader
Harah knows of a great Fremen, but can't remember his name? Well, no one
ever said she had the gift of memory. Perhaps if she had the name she
might remember where to find him. One of the Fremen troop chiefs might
know the name of this great leader.
How Will I Know When I'm Ready To Drink The Water Of Life?
The Water of Life holds some incredible properties, but also a severe
risk. There may be a tendancy to attempt to drink it once things are
running smoothly. This tendancy should be avoided!
Since Jessica knows about such things, you would probably want to talk
to her before drinking it at all! Trust Jessica, when the time is right,
she will explain what the Water of Life is, and what it can do to you
and for you. Once she explains it, you should have all confidence that
you may now drink the Water Of Life.
Where To Find A Village
The Fremen don't live in villages, but that doesn't mean they haven't
heard of them. Ask the Fremen people you know, specifically, er . . .
Harah. There may be more than one village -- the Fremen chiefs may be
able to direct you to them when you have gained more of their trust.
What Did Harah Mean By "The Village In The Fish's Mouth"?
Ask Stilgar, maybe it's a Fremen thing. If you really can't find the
Fish's Mouth, the best bet is to watch the planet rotate in the Dune
Globe view.
So Harah Won't Follow You Anymore . . .
Take it easy. Harah is the type that can't handle action. It's not her
fault -- she gets easily bored. There's other fish in the sea. Of course,
you haven't seen any other women on the entire planet, but that could
change . . .
Why Won't Chani Go With Me?
You might have suspected that Chani was making eyes at you, but she's no
fool, she's not about to run away with you on a whim. Practice a little
patience, maybe you should both go for a walk in the desert. When you've
won her heart, she will follow you to the ends of the planet.
How To Win Chani's Heart
Chani is more than beautiful, she's a romantic soul. Perhaps the right
mood could bring out her deep feelings for you. Didn't she say she liked
to look out over the desert at sunset? Hmmm . . .
If The Fremen Troops Refuse To Perform Espionage
If one troop in the area has already gone out to search for enemy
fortresses in the immediate area, the Fremen will not endanger
themselves by adding to their number.
Also, if all Harkonnen fortresses in the region have already been
discovered, the Fremen will not waste your time performing espionage.
A better idea would be to move the troop to an unexplored area. This
works as a solution to the one-troop-per-region problem above as well.
To spot regions under Harkonnen control, go to the Dune Map and click on
the Globe, then choose the "See Results" option, the globe will display
areas under control of the Harkonnens as well as the Atreides. You can
then zoom in on a Harkonnen area and send your troops to the nearest
sietch. From this point, you should be able to send troops out on
espionage missions.
How To Win Battles Against The Harkonnen
When the Fremen troops have been trained to expert status, and have
discovered enemy fortresses through the use of espionage, the battles
may commence.
There are two rules for battle which remained constant throughout the
ages: 1) It never hurts to outnumber the enemy two-to-one, and 2)
saving the game before commencing a big battle is a good thing. Of
course, if you can ever outnumber the enemy four-to-one, that's not
such a bad thing to do either.
Why Do I have To Wait For The Fremen To Convert A Fortress?
It's a Fremen thing. It is good for troop morale to reclaim Fremen
areas which were taken away through Harkonnen brutality and cruelty.
They've waited a long time for such things, so it wouldn't be out of
line to ask you to wait for a little while. After converting the
fortress into a sietch, they may even rest a bit. It's only fair --
they earned it.
However, the player can get around this natural bottleneck by preparing
two or three teams of armed forces to carry out asynchronous attacks.
Each team should consist of enough troops to overtake the intended target.
Why doesn't Stilgar Appreciate the Greenhouse?
Stilgar didn't grow up on a lush planet, it probably seems foreign to
him. Besides, some guys just aren't impressed by such things. On the other
hand, Chani might have some appreciation for the greenhouse. As a matter of
fact, it is a really good idea to make sure that Chani has a look at the
I Can't Seem To Start The Ecology Phase . . .
Ecology is the secret weapon that only Liet Kynes can make use of. In
order to get to Liet Kynes, you will need to meet up with Chani Kynes,
and you will need to find Stilgar if you ever hope to meet up with Chani.
Once Chani visits the greenhouse, she may put it all together for you.
Ecology will drive the Harkonnens out of nearby areas, and will work as a
morale boost for the Fremen who see its incredible effects.
I Drank The Water Of Life, But It Didn't Work!
If you drink the Water of Life and live, it worked. However, you may
not notice any increased ability, because you are simply no aware of
your new capabilities. Talk to Jessica -- once again, she'll set you
straight on what has taken place.
How can I get a Harkonnen Troop Chief To Talk?
You may need the aid of one or two people to hold him while he gets
cuffed. Once he realizes his predicament, he may wish to offer some
information in exchange for his life.
How do I know when I have taken over all the Harkonnen Fortresses?
Stilgar will be the one to talk to to find out if there are any
Harkonnen Fortresses left. After taking over a Harkonnen Fortress,
talk to Stilgar and he will tell you that there are no more Harkonnen
Fortress left on Dune if you have conquered them all.
Why won't my troops attack the Harkonnen Palace?
The Palace is very well defended and needs a Special plan of attack.
Talk to Thufir and he will want to go to a sietch next to the
Harkonnen Place. He will tell you that he wants to stay for a bit
(even Military Experts need time to draw up a plan of attack). The
next time you talk to Thufir he will tell you that you will need
10.000 total Fremen, armed with atomics, split into the 3 surrounding
sietchs before you will be able to attack the palace. After you have
enough men around the palace, talk to Stilgar to commence the final attack.