Games Tips & Tricks
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File List
256 lines
Moves Only
The following list, convenient for printing, contains only the
various Moves for each 'bot, including Special, Scrap, & Destruction
Moves as well as the timing for the Destructions. Also included is
the "How to get to Fire & Ice" section for the 'bots whose sequences
are known. You can print this file for reference while playing the
Jaguar Leap = D-DF-F+P
Shadow Jaguar Leap = B-DB-D-DF-F+P
Concussion Cannon = D-DB-B+P
Overhead Throw = (jump), D+P - when near opponent
Scrap Move = D,D,U+P
Destruction Move = D,U+K
Timing: Time it so that you
press U+K right after the Jaguar
lifts your opponent overhead.
How to get to Fire & Ice = D,D,U+K,(rep)
Timing: Do it when the Jaguar
jumps during his Destruction.
You have to do it REAL fast.
Shadow Punch = D-DB-B+P
Shadow Kick = D-DB-B+K
Shadow Dive = (jump),D-DF-F+P
Shadow Grab = D,D+P
Scrap Move = B,F-UF-U-UB-B+P
Destruction Move = D,D,D+P
Timing: Do it quickly right after
the sixth hit of the Scrap. If
you have problems getting it to
work, keep hitting D+P right
after the fifth hit of the Scrap.
How to get to Fire & Ice = D,D,D+P,(rep)
Timing: Do it right after the
giant Shadow destroys your
opponent and starts to fade away.
If you can't get it to work, try
pressing D+P over & over after
the big Shadow destroys your
Speed Kick = D-DF-F+K
Shadow Speed Kick = B-DB-D-DF-F+K
Spike Charge = F,F+P
Off-the-Wall Attack = (jump against wall),DF+K
Scrap Move = B,B,F+P
Destruction Move = U,D+P
Timing: Do it right after your
opponent has been "spiked".
How to Get to Fire & Ice = U,U,D+P
Timing: Do the combination right
after your opponent goes through
the floor. If you have problems,
do the move over & over as soon
as you've done the Destruction
Super Thrust = F,F+P
Shadow Thrust = F,F,F+P
Jet Swoop = (jump),D+K
Fire Spin = D,P <-- Down,release,THEN Punch
Scrap Move Part #1 = F,F,D,D+P
Part #2 = U+P(hold)
Timing: Press U+P very quickly
right after the third hit of the
Scrap. It's hard to get it right
every time, but it can be done.
Destruction Move = D+P(hold)
Timing: Press D+P very quickly
right after the seventh hit of
the Scrap. Once again, it's hard
to get it every time, but with
practice, you'll be able to get
it most of the time.
Lightning Ball = D-DB-B+P
Electric Shards = D-DF-F+P
Rolling Thunder = F,F+P
Shadow Rolling Thunder = D-DF-F,F+P
Scrap Move = D,F+P
Destruction Move = U-UF-F-DF-D+P
Timing: Do it anytime while
the Electra is "volting" your
How to get to Fire & Ice = U-UF-F-DF-D+P
Timing: Do it right after your
opponent blows up, QUICKLY. If
you have problems, do it over &
over while the lightning is
Rising Blade = D-DF-F+P
Shadow Rising Blade = B-DB-D-DF-F+P
Head Stomp = (jump),D+K <--While over opponent
.--Forward Razor Spin = D-DF-F+K
:--Backward Razor Spin = D-DB-B+K
`->NOTE: You can control movement of the Katana's Razor Spin move
in the air, once it starts spinning, by pressing Left or
Right. Also, if you bounce off your opponent doing the
Spin, and then go against a wall before you land, you'll
go into another Spin.
Scrap Move = F-DF-D-DB-B+P
Destruction Move = B-DB-D-DF-F+P
Timing: Wait until after the
Katana slashes your opponent,
and then quickly do the move.
You only have a short time to
do it, so go FAST.
.- How to get to Fire & Ice = B-DB-D-DF-F+K
| Timing: Do the move right after
`-->Contributed the Katana slashes and destroys
by Henry Bent your opponent's 'bot. If you just
HenryB3068@aol.com can't get it to work, keep doing
the sequence over & over after
you do the Destruction move.
Flying Hands = D-DB-B+P
Head-Butt = D-DF-F+P
Shadow Head Butt = B-DB-D-DF-F+P
Flip Kick = D,D+K
Shadow Flip Kick = Unknown at this time
Scrap Move = D,F+P
Destruction Move = D,U,U+P
Timing: Do it at any time while
the Shredder is shredding your
Charge Punch = B,B+P
Shadow Charge Punch = D-DB-B,B+P
Slow Chain Spin = D,K
Fast Chain Spin = D,P
Spinning Throw Grab = F,F+K <-- Must be near opponent;
can be done in air.
Scrap Part #1 = F,F,F+P
Part #2 = F,B,F,B+P
Timing: Time it so that you hit
the B+P right after the Flail
slams your opponent against the
Destruction = F-DF-D-DB-B+P,(rep)
Timing: I don't know the precise
timing, but I do it over and over
during the second wall slam; I
still miss it sometimes, though.
Wing Charge = F,F+P
Diving Claw Grab = (jump),D+K <- When nearly over
your opponent
NOTE: You can control the left/
right direction of the Grab by
pressing left or right while the
the Gargoyle is diving.
Flying Talon = D-DF-F+P
Shadow Flying Talon (?) = Unknown
NOTE: You can perform another attack, such as a Jump Punch
or Diving Claw, after the Flying Talon has reached its Apex.
Scrap Move = B-DB-D-DF-F+P
Destruction Move = D,U,D+P
Timing: Time it so that you hit
D+P right after the Gargoyle
lands on your opponent. If you
have problems, simply keep doing
the sequence U,D+P over and over
after the Gargoyle flys off the
top of the screen.
How to get to Fire & Ice = D,D,D+P
Timing: Do the sequence right
after the Gargoyle destroys your
opponent and fly off the top of
the screen. If you have problems
getting it to work right, just
keep pressing D+P over & over
after the Gargoyle flys off the
top of the screen.
Stasis Activator = D-DB-B+P
Slow Stasis Activator = F-DF-D-DB-B+P
Matter Phasing = D-DB-B+K <- Can be done in air
Teleport = D,P <- Down,release,THEN Punch
* NOTE: You can control the move-
ment of the Teleport by pressing
left or right while the Chronos
is "phasing" out. Pressing left
will port you to the far left of
the screen, while pressing right
will port you to the far right.
If you press in no direction, you
end up directly behind your
Scrap Move = D,F+P
Destruction Move = F,B+P
Timing: Time it so that you
press B+P right before the
Chronos's arm goes inside your
opponent. It's real hard to do
it exact with the speed all the
way up, so if you have problems
just keep pressing F,B+P over &
over during the Scrap.
Missile = D-DF-F+P
Air-Missile = (jump),D-DF-F+P
Mini-Grenade = D-DB-B+P
Earthquake Slam = D,D+P
Chest Slam = (jump),D+P <- When over opponent
Scrap Move = D-DB-B,F+P
Destruction Move = D,D,D+P
Timing: Time it so that you hit
D+P right after the fifth hit of
the Scrap. If you have problems,
keep hitting D+P over & over
after the third hit of the Scrap.